/* ########################################################################### # bonk~ - a Max/MSP external # by miller puckette and ted apel # http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/ # Max/MSP port by barry threw # http://www.barrythrew.com # me@barrythrew.com # San Francisco, CA # (c) 2008 # for Kesumo - http://www.kesumo.com ########################################################################### // bonk~ detects attacks in an audio signal ########################################################################### This software is copyrighted by Miller Puckette and others. The following terms (the "Standard Improved BSD License") apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* dolist: decay and other times in msec */ #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* These pragmas are only used for MSVC, not MinGW or Cygwin <hans@at.or.at> */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable: 4305 4244) #endif #ifdef MSP #include "ext.h" #include "z_dsp.h" #include "math.h" #include "ext_support.h" #include "ext_proto.h" #include "ext_obex.h" typedef double t_floatarg; /* from m_pd.h */ #define flog log #define fexp exp #define fsqrt sqrt #define t_resizebytes(a, b, c) t_resizebytes((char *)(a), (b), (c)) void *bonk_class; #define getbytes t_getbytes #define freebytes t_freebytes #endif /* MSP */ #ifdef PD #include "m_pd.h" static t_class *bonk_class; #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER #include <alloca.h> #endif /* ------------------------ bonk~ ----------------------------- */ #define DEFNPOINTS 256 #define MAXCHANNELS 8 #define MINPOINTS 64 #define DEFPERIOD 128 #define DEFNFILTERS 11 #define DEFHALFTONES 6 #define DEFOVERLAP 1 #define DEFFIRSTBIN 1 #define DEFMINBANDWIDTH 1.5 #define DEFHITHRESH 5 #define DEFLOTHRESH 2.5 #define DEFMASKTIME 4 #define DEFMASKDECAY 0.7 #define DEFDEBOUNCEDECAY 0 #define DEFMINVEL 7 #define DEFATTACKBINS 1 #define MAXATTACKWAIT 4 typedef struct _filterkernel { int k_filterpoints; int k_hoppoints; int k_skippoints; int k_nhops; float k_centerfreq; /* center frequency, bins */ float k_bandwidth; /* bandwidth, bins */ float *k_stuff; } t_filterkernel; typedef struct _filterbank { int b_nfilters; /* number of filters in bank */ int b_npoints; /* input vector size */ float b_halftones; /* filter bandwidth in halftones */ float b_overlap; /* overlap; default 1 for 1/2-power pts */ float b_firstbin; /* freq of first filter in bins, default 1 */ float b_minbandwidth; /* minimum bandwidth, default 1.5 */ t_filterkernel *b_vec; /* filter kernels */ int b_refcount; /* number of bonk~ objects using this */ struct _filterbank *b_next; /* next in linked list */ } t_filterbank; #if 0 /* this is the design for 1.0: */ static t_filterkernel bonk_filterkernels[] = {{256, 2, .01562}, {256, 4, .01562}, {256, 6, .01562}, {180, 6, .02222}, {128, 6, .01803}, {90, 6, .02222}, {64, 6, .02362}, {46, 6, .02773}, {32, 6, .03227}, {22, 6, .03932}, {16, 6, .04489}}; #endif #if 0 /* here's the 1.1 rev: */ static t_filterkernel bonk_filterkernels[] = {{256, 1, .01562, 0}, {256, 3, .01562, 0}, {256, 5, .01562, 0}, {212, 6, .01886, 0}, {150, 6, .01885, 0}, {106, 6, .02179, 0}, {76, 6, .0236, 0}, {54, 6, .02634, 0}, {38, 6, .03047, 0}, {26, 6, .03667, 0}, {18, 6, .04458, 0}}; #define NFILTERS \ ((int)(sizeof(bonk_filterkernels) / sizeof(bonk_filterkernels[0]))) #endif #if 0 /* and 1.2 */ #define NFILTERS 11 static t_filterkernel bonk_filterkernels[NFILTERS]; #endif /* and 1.3 */ #define MAXNFILTERS 50 #define MASKHIST 8 static t_filterbank *bonk_filterbanklist; typedef struct _hist { float h_power; float h_before; float h_outpower; int h_countup; float h_mask[MASKHIST]; } t_hist; typedef struct template { float t_amp[MAXNFILTERS]; } t_template; typedef struct _insig { t_hist g_hist[MAXNFILTERS]; /* history for each filter */ #ifdef PD t_outlet *g_outlet; /* outlet for raw data */ #endif #ifdef MSP void *g_outlet; /* outlet for raw data */ #endif float *g_inbuf; /* buffered input samples */ t_float *g_invec; /* new input samples */ } t_insig; typedef struct _bonk { #ifdef PD t_object x_obj; t_outlet *x_cookedout; t_clock *x_clock; #endif /* PD */ #ifdef MSP t_pxobject x_obj; void *obex; void *x_cookedout; void *x_clock; #endif /* MSP */ /* parameters */ int x_npoints; /* number of points in input buffer */ int x_period; /* number of input samples between analyses */ int x_nfilters; /* number of filters requested */ float x_halftones; /* nominal halftones between filters */ float x_overlap; float x_firstbin; float x_minbandwidth; float x_hithresh; /* threshold for total growth to trigger */ float x_lothresh; /* threshold for total growth to re-arm */ float x_minvel; /* minimum velocity we output */ float x_maskdecay; int x_masktime; int x_useloudness; /* use loudness spectra instead of power */ float x_debouncedecay; float x_debouncevel; double x_learndebounce; /* debounce time (in "learn" mode only) */ int x_attackbins; /* number of bins to wait for attack */ t_filterbank *x_filterbank; t_hist x_hist[MAXNFILTERS]; t_template *x_template; t_insig *x_insig; int x_ninsig; int x_ntemplate; int x_infill; int x_countdown; int x_willattack; int x_attacked; int x_debug; int x_learn; int x_learncount; /* countup for "learn" mode */ int x_spew; /* if true, always generate output! */ int x_maskphase; /* phase, 0 to MASKHIST-1, for mask history */ float x_sr; /* current sample rate in Hz. */ int x_hit; /* next "tick" called because of a hit, not a poll */ } t_bonk; #ifdef MSP static void *bonk_new(t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av); static void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x); static void bonk_doit(t_bonk *x); static t_int *bonk_perform(t_int *w); static void bonk_dsp(t_bonk *x, t_signal **sp); void bonk_assist(t_bonk *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s); static void bonk_free(t_bonk *x); void bonk_setup(void); int main(); static void bonk_thresh(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2); static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f); static void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x); static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s); static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s); void bonk_minvel_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_lothresh_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_hithresh_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_masktime_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_maskdecay_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_debouncedecay_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_debug_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_spew_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_useloudness_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_attackbins_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); void bonk_learn_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av); float qrsqrt(float f); double clock_getsystime(); double clock_gettimesince(double prevsystime); char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2); #endif static void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x); #define HALFWIDTH 0.75 /* half peak bandwidth at half power point in bins */ #define SLIDE 0.25 /* relative slide between filter subwindows */ static t_filterbank *bonk_newfilterbank(int npoints, int nfilters, float halftones, float overlap, float firstbin, float minbandwidth) { int i, j; float cf, bw, h, relspace; t_filterbank *b = (t_filterbank *)getbytes(sizeof(*b)); b->b_npoints = npoints; b->b_nfilters = nfilters; b->b_halftones = halftones; b->b_overlap = overlap; b->b_firstbin = firstbin; b->b_minbandwidth = minbandwidth; b->b_refcount = 0; b->b_next = bonk_filterbanklist; bonk_filterbanklist = b; b->b_vec = (t_filterkernel *)getbytes(nfilters * sizeof(*b->b_vec)); h = exp((log(2.)/12.)*halftones); /* specced interval between filters */ relspace = (h - 1)/(h + 1); /* nominal spacing-per-f for fbank */ if (minbandwidth < 2*HALFWIDTH) minbandwidth = 2*HALFWIDTH; if (firstbin < minbandwidth/(2*HALFWIDTH)) firstbin = minbandwidth/(2*HALFWIDTH); cf = firstbin; bw = cf * relspace * overlap; if (bw < (0.5*minbandwidth)) bw = (0.5*minbandwidth); for (i = 0; i < nfilters; i++) { float *fp, newcf, newbw; float normalizer = 0; int filterpoints, skippoints, hoppoints, nhops; filterpoints = npoints * HALFWIDTH/bw; if (cf > npoints/2) { post("bonk~: only using %d filters (ran past Nyquist)", i+1); break; } if (filterpoints < 4) { post("bonk~: only using %d filters (kernels got too short)", i+1); break; } else if (filterpoints > npoints) filterpoints = npoints; hoppoints = SLIDE * npoints * HALFWIDTH/bw; nhops = 1. + (npoints-filterpoints)/(float)hoppoints; skippoints = 0.5 * (npoints-filterpoints - (nhops-1) * hoppoints); b->b_vec[i].k_stuff = (float *)getbytes(2 * sizeof(float) * filterpoints); b->b_vec[i].k_filterpoints = filterpoints; b->b_vec[i].k_nhops = nhops; b->b_vec[i].k_hoppoints = hoppoints; b->b_vec[i].k_skippoints = skippoints; b->b_vec[i].k_centerfreq = cf; b->b_vec[i].k_bandwidth = bw; for (fp = b->b_vec[i].k_stuff, j = 0; j < filterpoints; j++, fp+= 2) { float phase = j * cf * (2*3.14159/ npoints); float wphase = j * (2*3.14159 / filterpoints); float window = sin(0.5*wphase); fp[0] = window * cos(phase); fp[1] = window * sin(phase); normalizer += window; } normalizer = 1/(normalizer * sqrt(nhops)); for (fp = b->b_vec[i].k_stuff, j = 0; j < filterpoints; j++, fp+= 2) fp[0] *= normalizer, fp[1] *= normalizer; #if 0 post("i %d cf %.2f bw %.2f nhops %d, hop %d, skip %d, npoints %d", i, cf, bw, nhops, hoppoints, skippoints, filterpoints); #endif newcf = (cf + bw/overlap)/(1 - relspace); newbw = newcf * overlap * relspace; if (newbw < 0.5*minbandwidth) { newbw = 0.5*minbandwidth; newcf = cf + minbandwidth / overlap; } cf = newcf; bw = newbw; } for (; i < nfilters; i++) b->b_vec[i].k_stuff = 0, b->b_vec[i].k_filterpoints = 0; return (b); } static void bonk_freefilterbank(t_filterbank *b) { t_filterbank *b2, *b3; int i; if (bonk_filterbanklist == b) bonk_filterbanklist = b->b_next; else for (b2 = bonk_filterbanklist; b3 = b2->b_next; b2 = b3) if (b3 == b) { b2->b_next = b3->b_next; break; } for (i = 0; i < b->b_nfilters; i++) if (b->b_vec[i].k_stuff) freebytes(b->b_vec[i].k_stuff, b->b_vec[i].k_filterpoints * sizeof(float)); freebytes(b, sizeof(*b)); } static void bonk_donew(t_bonk *x, int npoints, int period, int nsig, int nfilters, float halftones, float overlap, float firstbin, float minbandwidth, float samplerate) { int i, j; t_hist *h; float *fp; t_insig *g; t_filterbank *fb; for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig; j < nsig; j++, g++) { for (i = 0, h = g->g_hist; i--; h++) { h->h_power = h->h_before = 0, h->h_countup = 0; for (j = 0; j < MASKHIST; j++) h->h_mask[j] = 0; } /* we ought to check for failure to allocate memory here */ g->g_inbuf = (float *)getbytes(npoints * sizeof(float)); for (i = npoints, fp = g->g_inbuf; i--; fp++) *fp = 0; } if (!period) period = npoints/2; x->x_npoints = npoints; x->x_period = period; x->x_ninsig = nsig; x->x_nfilters = nfilters; x->x_halftones = halftones; x->x_template = (t_template *)getbytes(0); x->x_ntemplate = 0; x->x_infill = 0; x->x_countdown = 0; x->x_willattack = 0; x->x_attacked = 0; x->x_maskphase = 0; x->x_debug = 0; x->x_hithresh = DEFHITHRESH; x->x_lothresh = DEFLOTHRESH; x->x_masktime = DEFMASKTIME; x->x_maskdecay = DEFMASKDECAY; x->x_learn = 0; x->x_learndebounce = clock_getsystime(); x->x_learncount = 0; x->x_debouncedecay = DEFDEBOUNCEDECAY; x->x_minvel = DEFMINVEL; x->x_useloudness = 0; x->x_debouncevel = 0; x->x_attackbins = DEFATTACKBINS; x->x_sr = samplerate; x->x_filterbank = 0; x->x_hit = 0; for (fb = bonk_filterbanklist; fb; fb = fb->b_next) if (fb->b_nfilters == x->x_nfilters && fb->b_halftones == x->x_halftones && fb->b_firstbin == firstbin && fb->b_overlap == overlap && fb->b_npoints == x->x_npoints && fb->b_minbandwidth == minbandwidth) { fb->b_refcount++; x->x_filterbank = fb; break; } if (!x->x_filterbank) x->x_filterbank = bonk_newfilterbank(npoints, nfilters, halftones, overlap, firstbin, minbandwidth), x->x_filterbank->b_refcount++; } static void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x) { t_atom at[MAXNFILTERS], *ap, at2[3]; int i, j, k, n; t_hist *h; float *pp, vel = 0, temperature = 0; float *fp; t_template *tp; int nfit, ninsig = x->x_ninsig, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate, nfilters = x->x_nfilters; t_insig *gp; #ifdef _MSC_VER float powerout[MAXNFILTERS*MAXCHANNELS]; #else float *powerout = alloca(x->x_nfilters * x->x_ninsig * sizeof(*powerout)); #endif for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout, gp = x->x_insig; i--; gp++) { for (j = 0, h = gp->g_hist; j < nfilters; j++, h++, pp++) { float power = h->h_outpower; float intensity = *pp = (power > 0 ? 100. * qrsqrt(qrsqrt(power)) : 0); vel += intensity; temperature += intensity * (float)j; } } if (vel > 0) temperature /= vel; else temperature = 0; vel *= 0.5 / ninsig; /* fudge factor */ if (x->x_hit) { /* if hit nonzero it's a clock callback. if in "learn" mode update the template list; in any event match the hit to known templates. */ if (vel < x->x_debouncevel) { if (x->x_debug) post("bounce cancelled: vel %f debounce %f", vel, x->x_debouncevel); return; } if (vel < x->x_minvel) { if (x->x_debug) post("low velocity cancelled: vel %f, minvel %f", vel, x->x_minvel); return; } x->x_debouncevel = vel; if (x->x_learn) { double lasttime = x->x_learndebounce; double msec = clock_gettimesince(lasttime); if ((!ntemplate) || (msec > 200)) { int countup = x->x_learncount; /* normalize to 100 */ float norm; for (i = nfilters * ninsig, norm = 0, pp = powerout; i--; pp++) norm += *pp * *pp; if (norm < 1.0e-15) norm = 1.0e-15; norm = 100.f * qrsqrt(norm); /* check if this is the first strike for a new template */ if (!countup) { int oldn = ntemplate; x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate = oldn + ninsig; x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, oldn * sizeof(x->x_template[0]), ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0])); for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout; i--; oldn++) for (j = nfilters, fp = x->x_template[oldn].t_amp; j--; pp++, fp++) *fp = *pp * norm; } else { int oldn = ntemplate - ninsig; if (oldn < 0) post("bonk_tick bug"); for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout; i--; oldn++) { for (j = nfilters, fp = x->x_template[oldn].t_amp; j--; pp++, fp++) *fp = (countup * *fp + *pp * norm) /(countup + 1.0f); } } countup++; if (countup == x->x_learn) countup = 0; x->x_learncount = countup; } else return; } x->x_learndebounce = clock_getsystime(); if (ntemplate) { float bestfit = -1e30; int templatecount; nfit = -1; for (i = 0, templatecount = 0, tp = x->x_template; templatecount < ntemplate; i++) { float dotprod = 0; for (k = 0, pp = powerout; k < ninsig && templatecount < ntemplate; k++, tp++, templatecount++) { for (j = nfilters, fp = tp->t_amp; j--; fp++, pp++) { if (*fp < 0 || *pp < 0) post("bonk_tick bug 2"); dotprod += *fp * *pp; } } if (dotprod > bestfit) { bestfit = dotprod; nfit = i; } } if (nfit < 0) post("bonk_tick bug"); } else nfit = 0; } else nfit = -1; /* hit is zero; this is the "bang" method. */ x->x_attacked = 1; if (x->x_debug) post("bonk out: number %d, vel %f, temperature %f", nfit, vel, temperature); SETFLOAT(at2, nfit); SETFLOAT(at2+1, vel); SETFLOAT(at2+2, temperature); outlet_list(x->x_cookedout, 0, 3, at2); for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig + (ninsig-1), pp = powerout + nfilters * (ninsig-1); n < ninsig; n++, gp--, pp -= nfilters) { float *pp2; for (i = 0, ap = at, pp2 = pp; i < nfilters; i++, ap++, pp2++) { ap->a_type = A_FLOAT; ap->a_w.w_float = *pp2; } outlet_list(gp->g_outlet, 0, nfilters, at); } } static void bonk_doit(t_bonk *x) { int i, j, ch, n; t_filterkernel *k; t_hist *h; float growth = 0, *fp1, *fp3, *fp4, hithresh, lothresh; int ninsig = x->x_ninsig, nfilters = x->x_nfilters, maskphase = x->x_maskphase, nextphase, oldmaskphase; t_insig *gp; nextphase = maskphase + 1; if (nextphase >= MASKHIST) nextphase = 0; x->x_maskphase = nextphase; oldmaskphase = nextphase - x->x_attackbins; if (oldmaskphase < 0) oldmaskphase += MASKHIST; if (x->x_useloudness) hithresh = qrsqrt(qrsqrt(x->x_hithresh)), lothresh = qrsqrt(qrsqrt(x->x_lothresh)); else hithresh = x->x_hithresh, lothresh = x->x_lothresh; for (ch = 0, gp = x->x_insig; ch < ninsig; ch++, gp++) { for (i = 0, k = x->x_filterbank->b_vec, h = gp->g_hist; i < nfilters; i++, k++, h++) { float power = 0, maskpow = h->h_mask[maskphase]; float *inbuf= gp->g_inbuf + k->k_skippoints; int countup = h->h_countup; int filterpoints = k->k_filterpoints; /* if the user asked for more filters that fit under the Nyquist frequency, some filters won't actually be filled in so we skip running them. */ if (!filterpoints) { h->h_countup = 0; h->h_mask[nextphase] = 0; h->h_power = 0; continue; } /* run the filter repeatedly, sliding it forward by hoppoints, for nhop times */ for (fp1 = inbuf, n = 0; n < k->k_nhops; fp1 += k->k_hoppoints, n++) { float rsum = 0, isum = 0; for (fp3 = fp1, fp4 = k->k_stuff, j = filterpoints; j--;) { float g = *fp3++; rsum += g * *fp4++; isum += g * *fp4++; } power += rsum * rsum + isum * isum; } if (!x->x_willattack) h->h_before = maskpow; if (power > h->h_mask[oldmaskphase]) { if (x->x_useloudness) growth += qrsqrt(qrsqrt( power/(h->h_mask[oldmaskphase] + 1.0e-15))) - 1.f; else growth += power/(h->h_mask[oldmaskphase] + 1.0e-15) - 1.f; } if (!x->x_willattack && countup >= x->x_masktime) maskpow *= x->x_maskdecay; if (power > maskpow) { maskpow = power; countup = 0; } countup++; h->h_countup = countup; h->h_mask[nextphase] = maskpow; h->h_power = power; } } if (x->x_willattack) { if (x->x_willattack > MAXATTACKWAIT || growth < x->x_lothresh) { /* if haven't yet, and if not in spew mode, report a hit */ if (!x->x_spew && !x->x_attacked) { for (ch = 0, gp = x->x_insig; ch < ninsig; ch++, gp++) for (i = nfilters, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++) h->h_outpower = h->h_mask[nextphase]; x->x_hit = 1; clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0); } } if (growth < x->x_lothresh) x->x_willattack = 0; else x->x_willattack++; } else if (growth > x->x_hithresh) { if (x->x_debug) post("attack: growth = %f", growth); x->x_willattack = 1; x->x_attacked = 0; for (ch = 0, gp = x->x_insig; ch < ninsig; ch++, gp++) for (i = nfilters, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++) h->h_mask[nextphase] = h->h_power, h->h_countup = 0; } /* if in "spew" mode just always output */ if (x->x_spew) { for (ch = 0, gp = x->x_insig; ch < ninsig; ch++, gp++) for (i = nfilters, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++) h->h_outpower = h->h_power; x->x_hit = 0; clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0); } x->x_debouncevel *= x->x_debouncedecay; } static t_int *bonk_perform(t_int *w) { t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)(w[1]); int n = (int)(w[2]); int onset = 0; if (x->x_countdown >= n) x->x_countdown -= n; else { int i, j, ninsig = x->x_ninsig; t_insig *gp; if (x->x_countdown > 0) { n -= x->x_countdown; onset += x->x_countdown; x->x_countdown = 0; } while (n > 0) { int infill = x->x_infill; int m = (n < (x->x_npoints - infill) ? n : (x->x_npoints - infill)); for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++) { float *fp = gp->g_inbuf + infill; t_float *in1 = gp->g_invec + onset; for (j = 0; j < m; j++) *fp++ = *in1++; } infill += m; x->x_infill = infill; if (infill == x->x_npoints) { bonk_doit(x); /* shift or clear the input buffer and update counters */ if (x->x_period > x->x_npoints) x->x_countdown = x->x_period - x->x_npoints; else x->x_countdown = 0; if (x->x_period < x->x_npoints) { int overlap = x->x_npoints - x->x_period; float *fp1, *fp2; for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig; n < ninsig; n++, gp++) for (i = overlap, fp1 = gp->g_inbuf, fp2 = fp1 + x->x_period; i--;) *fp1++ = *fp2++; x->x_infill = overlap; } else x->x_infill = 0; } n -= m; onset += m; } } return (w+3); } static void bonk_dsp(t_bonk *x, t_signal **sp) { int i, n = sp[0]->s_n, ninsig = x->x_ninsig; t_insig *gp; x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr; for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++) gp->g_invec = (*(sp++))->s_vec; dsp_add(bonk_perform, 2, x, n); } static void bonk_thresh(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2) { if (f1 > f2) post("bonk: warning: low threshold greater than hi threshold"); x->x_lothresh = (f1 <= 0 ? 0.0001 : f1); x->x_hithresh = (f2 <= 0 ? 0.0001 : f2); } #ifdef PD static void bonk_mask(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2) { int ticks = f1; if (ticks < 0) ticks = 0; if (f2 < 0) f2 = 0; else if (f2 > 1) f2 = 1; x->x_masktime = ticks; x->x_maskdecay = f2; } static void bonk_debounce(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1) { if (f1 < 0) f1 = 0; else if (f1 > 1) f1 = 1; x->x_debouncedecay = f1; } static void bonk_minvel(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 0) f = 0; x->x_minvel = f; } static void bonk_debug(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_debug = (f != 0); } static void bonk_spew(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_spew = (f != 0); } static void bonk_useloudness(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_useloudness = (f != 0); } static void bonk_attackbins(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 1) f = 1; else if (f > MASKHIST) f = MASKHIST; x->x_attackbins = f; } static void bonk_learn(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f) { int n = f; if (n < 0) n = 0; if (n) { x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]), 0); x->x_ntemplate = 0; } x->x_learn = n; x->x_learncount = 0; } #endif static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f) { int i; post("thresh %f %f", x->x_lothresh, x->x_hithresh); post("mask %d %f", x->x_masktime, x->x_maskdecay); post("attack-frames %d", x->x_attackbins); post("debounce %f", x->x_debouncedecay); post("minvel %f", x->x_minvel); post("spew %d", x->x_spew); post("useloudness %d", x->x_useloudness); #if 0 /* LATER rewrite without hard-coded 11 filters */ if (x->x_ntemplate) { post("templates:"); for (i = 0; i < x->x_ntemplate; i++) post( "%2d %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f", i, x->x_template[i].t_amp[0], x->x_template[i].t_amp[1], x->x_template[i].t_amp[2], x->x_template[i].t_amp[3], x->x_template[i].t_amp[4], x->x_template[i].t_amp[5], x->x_template[i].t_amp[6], x->x_template[i].t_amp[7], x->x_template[i].t_amp[8], x->x_template[i].t_amp[9], x->x_template[i].t_amp[10]); } else post("no templates"); #endif post("number of templates %d", x->x_ntemplate); if (x->x_learn) post("learn mode"); if (f != 0) { int j, ninsig = x->x_ninsig; t_insig *gp; for (j = 0, gp = x->x_insig; j < ninsig; j++, gp++) { t_hist *h; if (ninsig > 1) post("input %d:", j+1); for (i = x->x_nfilters, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++) post("pow %f mask %f before %f count %d", h->h_power, h->h_mask[x->x_maskphase], h->h_before, h->h_countup); } post("filter details (frequencies are in units of %.2f-Hz. bins):", x->x_sr/x->x_npoints); for (j = 0; j < x->x_nfilters; j++) post("%2d cf %.2f bw %.2f nhops %d hop %d skip %d npoints %d", j, x->x_filterbank->b_vec[j].k_centerfreq, x->x_filterbank->b_vec[j].k_bandwidth, x->x_filterbank->b_vec[j].k_nhops, x->x_filterbank->b_vec[j].k_hoppoints, x->x_filterbank->b_vec[j].k_skippoints, x->x_filterbank->b_vec[j].k_filterpoints); } if (x->x_debug) post("debug mode"); } static void bonk_forget(t_bonk *x) { int ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate, newn = ntemplate - x->x_ninsig; if (newn < 0) newn = 0; x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]), newn * sizeof(x->x_template[0])); x->x_ntemplate = newn; x->x_learncount = 0; } static void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x) { int i, ch; t_insig *gp; x->x_hit = 0; for (ch = 0, gp = x->x_insig; ch < x->x_ninsig; ch++, gp++) { t_hist *h; for (i = 0, h = gp->g_hist; i < x->x_nfilters; i++, h++) h->h_outpower = h->h_power; } bonk_tick(x); } static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s) { FILE *fd = fopen(s->s_name, "r"); float vec[MAXNFILTERS]; int i, ntemplate = 0, remaining; float *fp, *fp2; if (!fd) { post("%s: open failed", s->s_name); return; } x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(t_template), 0); while (1) { for (i = x->x_nfilters, fp = vec; i--; fp++) if (fscanf(fd, "%f", fp) < 1) goto nomore; x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, ntemplate * sizeof(t_template), (ntemplate + 1) * sizeof(t_template)); for (i = x->x_nfilters, fp = vec, fp2 = x->x_template[ntemplate].t_amp; i--;) *fp2++ = *fp++; ntemplate++; } nomore: if (remaining = (ntemplate % x->x_ninsig)) { post("bonk_read: %d templates not a multiple of %d; dropping extras"); x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, ntemplate * sizeof(t_template), (ntemplate - remaining) * sizeof(t_template)); ntemplate = ntemplate - remaining; } post("bonk: read %d templates\n", ntemplate); x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate; fclose(fd); } static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s) { FILE *fd = fopen(s->s_name, "w"); int i, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate; t_template *tp = x->x_template; float *fp; if (!fd) { post("%s: couldn't create", s->s_name); return; } for (; ntemplate--; tp++) { for (i = x->x_nfilters, fp = tp->t_amp; i--; fp++) fprintf(fd, "%6.2f ", *fp); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } post("bonk: wrote %d templates\n", x->x_ntemplate); fclose(fd); } static void bonk_free(t_bonk *x) { int i, ninsig = x->x_ninsig; t_insig *gp = x->x_insig; #ifdef MSP dsp_free((t_pxobject *)x); #endif for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++) freebytes(gp->g_inbuf, x->x_npoints * sizeof(float)); clock_free(x->x_clock); if (!--(x->x_filterbank->b_refcount)) bonk_freefilterbank(x->x_filterbank); } /* -------------------------- Pd glue ------------------------- */ #ifdef PD static void *bonk_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)pd_new(bonk_class); int nsig = 1, period = DEFPERIOD, npts = DEFNPOINTS, nfilters = DEFNFILTERS, j; float halftones = DEFHALFTONES, overlap = DEFOVERLAP, firstbin = DEFFIRSTBIN, minbandwidth = DEFMINBANDWIDTH; t_insig *g; if (argc > 0 && argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) { /* old style args for compatibility */ period = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv); nsig = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); } else while (argc > 0) { t_symbol *firstarg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv); if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-npts") && argc > 1) { npts = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-hop") && argc > 1) { period = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-nsigs") && argc > 1) { nsig = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-nfilters") && argc > 1) { nfilters = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-halftones") && argc > 1) { halftones = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-overlap") && argc > 1) { overlap = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-firstbin") && argc > 1) { firstbin = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-minbandwidth") && argc > 1) { minbandwidth = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-spew") && argc > 1) { x->x_spew = (atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv) != 0); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else { pd_error(x, "usage is: bonk [-npts #] [-hop #] [-nsigs #] [-nfilters #] [-halftones #]"); post( "... [-overlap #] [-firstbin #] [-spew #]"); argc = 0; } } x->x_npoints = (npts >= MINPOINTS ? npts : DEFNPOINTS); x->x_period = (period >= 1 ? period : npts/2); x->x_nfilters = (nfilters >= 1 ? nfilters : DEFNFILTERS); if (halftones < 0.01) halftones = DEFHALFTONES; else if (halftones > 12) halftones = 12; if (nsig < 1) nsig = 1; else if (nsig > MAXCHANNELS) nsig = MAXCHANNELS; if (firstbin < 0.5) firstbin = 0.5; if (overlap < 1) overlap = 1; x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)bonk_tick); x->x_insig = (t_insig *)getbytes(nsig * sizeof(*x->x_insig)); for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig; j < nsig; j++, g++) { g->g_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("list")); if (j) inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal); } x->x_cookedout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("list")); bonk_donew(x, npts, period, nsig, nfilters, halftones, overlap, firstbin, minbandwidth, sys_getsr()); return (x); } void bonk_tilde_setup(void) { bonk_class = class_new(gensym("bonk~"), (t_newmethod)bonk_new, (t_method)bonk_free, sizeof(t_bonk), 0, A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addbang(bonk_class, bonk_bang); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_learn, gensym("learn"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_forget, gensym("forget"), 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_thresh, gensym("thresh"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_mask, gensym("mask"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_debounce, gensym("debounce"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_minvel, gensym("minvel"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_print, gensym("print"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_debug, gensym("debug"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_spew, gensym("spew"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_useloudness, gensym("useloudness"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_attackbins, gensym("attack-bins"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_attackbins, gensym("attack-frames"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_read, gensym("read"), A_SYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_write, gensym("write"), A_SYMBOL, 0); post("bonk version 1.3"); } #endif /* -------------------------- MSP glue ------------------------- */ #ifdef MSP int main() { t_class *c; t_object *attr; long attrflags = 0; t_symbol *sym_long = gensym("long"), *sym_float32 = gensym("float32"); c = class_new("bonk~", (method)bonk_new, (method)bonk_free, sizeof(t_bonk), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0); class_obexoffset_set(c, calcoffset(t_bonk, obex)); attr = attr_offset_new("npoints", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_npoints)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("hop", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_period)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("nfilters", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_nfilters)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("halftones", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_halftones)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("overlap", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_overlap)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("firstbin", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_firstbin)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("minbandwidth", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_minbandwidth)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("minvel", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_minvel_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_minvel)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("lothresh", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_lothresh_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_lothresh)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("hithresh", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_hithresh_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_hithresh)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("masktime", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_masktime_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_masktime)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("maskdecay", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_maskdecay_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_maskdecay)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("debouncedecay", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_debouncedecay_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_debouncedecay)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("debug", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_debug_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_debug)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("spew", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_spew_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_spew)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("useloudness", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_useloudness_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_useloudness)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("attackframes", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_attackbins_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_attackbins)); class_addattr(c, attr); attr = attr_offset_new("learn", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)bonk_learn_set, calcoffset(t_bonk, x_learn)); class_addattr(c, attr); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_dsp, "dsp", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_bang, "bang", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_forget, "forget", 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_thresh, "thresh", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_print, "print", A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_read, "read", A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_write, "write", A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)bonk_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout, "dumpout", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_quickref, "quickref", A_CANT, 0); class_dspinit(c); class_register(CLASS_BOX, c); bonk_class = c; post("bonk~ v1.3"); return (0); } static void *bonk_new(t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av) { short j; t_bonk *x; if (x = (t_bonk *)object_alloc(bonk_class)) { t_insig *g; x->x_npoints = DEFNPOINTS; x->x_period = DEFPERIOD; x->x_nfilters = DEFNFILTERS; x->x_halftones = DEFHALFTONES; x->x_firstbin = DEFFIRSTBIN; x->x_minbandwidth = DEFMINBANDWIDTH; x->x_overlap = DEFOVERLAP; x->x_ninsig = 1; x->x_hithresh = DEFHITHRESH; x->x_lothresh = DEFLOTHRESH; x->x_masktime = DEFMASKTIME; x->x_maskdecay = DEFMASKDECAY; x->x_debouncedecay = DEFDEBOUNCEDECAY; x->x_minvel = DEFMINVEL; x->x_attackbins = DEFATTACKBINS; if (!x->x_period) x->x_period = x->x_npoints/2; x->x_template = (t_template *)getbytes(0); x->x_ntemplate = 0; x->x_infill = 0; x->x_countdown = 0; x->x_willattack = 0; x->x_attacked = 0; x->x_maskphase = 0; x->x_debug = 0; x->x_learn = 0; x->x_learndebounce = clock_getsystime(); x->x_learncount = 0; x->x_useloudness = 0; x->x_debouncevel = 0; x->x_sr = sys_getsr(); if (ac) { switch (av[0].a_type) { case A_LONG: x->x_ninsig = av[0].a_w.w_long; break; } } if (x->x_ninsig < 1) x->x_ninsig = 1; if (x->x_ninsig > MAXCHANNELS) x->x_ninsig = MAXCHANNELS; attr_args_process(x, ac, av); x->x_insig = (t_insig *)getbytes(x->x_ninsig * sizeof(*x->x_insig)); dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, x->x_ninsig); object_obex_store(x, gensym("dumpout"), outlet_new(x, NULL)); x->x_cookedout = listout((t_object *)x); for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig + x->x_ninsig-1; j < x->x_ninsig; j++, g--) { g->g_outlet = listout((t_object *)x); } x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (method)bonk_tick); bonk_donew(x, x->x_npoints, x->x_period, x->x_ninsig, x->x_nfilters, x->x_halftones, x->x_overlap, x->x_firstbin, x->x_minbandwidth, sys_getsr()); } return (x); } /* Attribute setters. */ void bonk_minvel_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { float f = atom_getfloat(av); if (f < 0) f = 0; x->x_minvel = f; } } void bonk_lothresh_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { float f = atom_getfloat(av); if (f > x->x_hithresh) post("bonk: warning: low threshold greater than hi threshold"); x->x_lothresh = (f <= 0 ? 0.0001 : f); } } void bonk_hithresh_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { float f = atom_getfloat(av); if (f < x->x_lothresh) post("bonk: warning: low threshold greater than hi threshold"); x->x_hithresh = (f <= 0 ? 0.0001 : f); } } void bonk_masktime_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { int n = atom_getlong(av); x->x_masktime = (n < 0) ? 0 : n; } } void bonk_maskdecay_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { float f = atom_getfloat(av); f = (f < 0) ? 0 : f; f = (f > 1) ? 1 : f; x->x_maskdecay = f; } } void bonk_debouncedecay_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { float f = atom_getfloat(av); f = (f < 0) ? 0 : f; f = (f > 1) ? 1 : f; x->x_debouncedecay = f; } } void bonk_debug_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { int n = atom_getlong(av); x->x_debug = (n != 0); } } void bonk_spew_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { int n = atom_getlong(av); x->x_spew = (n != 0); } } void bonk_useloudness_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { int n = atom_getlong(av); x->x_useloudness = (n != 0); } } void bonk_attackbins_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { int n = atom_getlong(av); n = (n < 1) ? 1 : n; n = (n > MASKHIST) ? MASKHIST : n; x->x_attackbins = n; } } void bonk_learn_set(t_bonk *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) { int n = atom_getlong(av); if (n != 0) { x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]), 0); x->x_ntemplate = 0; } x->x_learn = (n != 0); x->x_learncount = 0; } } /* end attr setters */ void bonk_assist(t_bonk *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s) { } /* get current system time */ double clock_getsystime() { return gettime(); } /* elapsed time in milliseconds since the given system time */ double clock_gettimesince(double prevsystime) { return ((gettime() - prevsystime)); } float qrsqrt(float f) { return 1/sqrt(f); } #endif /* MSP */