/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette and Ted Apel. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* * Fiddle is a pitch tracker hardwired to have hop size ("H") equal to * half its window size ("N"). * * This version should compile for Max "0.26," JMAX, Pd, or Max/MSP. * * The "lastanalysis" field holds the shifted FT of the previous H * samples. The buffer contains in effect points 1/2, 3/2, ..., (N-1)/2 * of the DTFT of a real vector of length N, half of whose points are zero, * i.e., only the first H points are used. Put another way, we get the * the odd-numbered points of the FFT of the H points, zero padded to 4*H in * length. The integer points 0, 1, ..., H-1 * are found by interpolating these others, using the fact that the * half-integer points are band-limited (they only have positive frequencies.) * To facilitate the interpolation the "lastanalysis" buffer contains * FILTSIZE extra points (1/2-FILTSIZE, ..., -1/2) at the beginning and * FILTSIZE again at the end ((N+1)/2, ..., FILTSIZE+(N-1)/2). The buffer * therefore has N+4*FILTSIZE floating-point numbers in it. * * after doing this I found out that you can just do a real FFT * of the H new points, zero-padded to contain N points, and using a similar * but simpler interpolation scheme you can still get 2N points of the DTFT * of the N points. Jean Laroche is a big fat hen. * */ /* These pragmas are only used for MSVC, not MinGW or Cygwin <hans@at.or.at> */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable: 4305 4244) #endif /* this #ifdef does nothing, but its there... */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define flog log #define fexp exp #define fsqrt sqrt #else #define flog log #define fexp exp #define fsqrt sqrt #endif char fiddle_version[] = "fiddle version 1.1 TEST4"; #ifdef JMAX #include "fts.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef float t_float; typedef float t_floatarg; typedef fts_symbol_t t_symbol; static void *getbytes(size_t nbytes) { void *ret; if (nbytes < 1) nbytes = 1; ret = (void *)malloc(nbytes); return (ret); } static void *resizebytes(void *old, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) { void *ret; if (newsize < 1) newsize = 1; ret = (void *)realloc((char *)old, newsize); return (ret); } static void freebytes(void *fatso, size_t nbytes) { free(fatso); } #define CLASSNAME "fiddle" #define OUTLETpower 5 #define OUTLETmicropitch1 4 #define OUTLETmicropitch2 3 #define OUTLETmicropitch3 2 #define OUTLETattack 1 #define OUTLETpitch 0 static fts_symbol_t *dsp_symbol = 0; #define error post #endif /* FTS */ #ifdef MAX26 #define t_floatarg double #include "m_extern.h" #include "d_graph.h" #include "d_ugen.h" #endif /* MAX26 */ #ifdef PD #include "m_pd.h" #endif /* PD */ #ifdef MSP #define flog log #define fexp exp #define fsqrt sqrt #endif /* MSP */ #ifdef MSP #define t_floatarg double #include "ext.h" #include "z_dsp.h" #include "fft_mayer.proto.h" #endif /* MSP */ #include <math.h> #define MINBIN 3 #define DEFAMPLO 40 #define DEFAMPHI 50 #define DEFATTACKTIME 100 #define DEFATTACKTHRESH 10 #define DEFVIBTIME 50 #define DEFVIBDEPTH 0.5 #define GLISS 0.7f #define DBFUDGE 30.8f #define MINFREQINBINS 5 /* minimum frequency in bins for reliable output */ #define MAXNPITCH 3 #define MAXHIST 3 /* find N hottest peaks in histogram */ #define MAXPOINTS 8192 #define MINPOINTS 128 #define DEFAULTPOINTS 1024 #define HISTORY 20 #define MAXPEAK 100 /* maximum number of peaks */ #define DEFNPEAK 20 /* default number of peaks */ #define MAXNPEAK (MAXLOWPEAK + MAXSTRONGPEAK) #define MINBW (0.03f) /* consider BW >= 0.03 FFT bins */ #define BINPEROCT 48 /* bins per octave */ #define BPERO_OVER_LOG2 69.24936196f /* BINSPEROCT/log(2) */ #define FACTORTOBINS (float)(4/0.0145453) /* 4 / (pow(2.,1/48.) - 1) */ #define BINGUARD 10 /* extra bins to throw in front */ #define PARTIALDEVIANCE 0.023f /* acceptable partial detuning in % */ #define LOGTODB 4.34294481903f /* 20/log(10) */ #define KNOCKTHRESH 10.f /* don't know how to describe this */ static float sigfiddle_partialonset[] = { 0, 48, 76.0782000346154967102, 96, 111.45254855459339269887, 124.07820003461549671089, 134.75303625876499715823, 144, 152.15640006923099342109, 159.45254855459339269887, 166.05271769459026829915, 172.07820003461549671088, 177.62110647077242370064, 182.75303625876499715892, 187.53074858920888940907, 192, }; #define NPARTIALONSET ((int)(sizeof(sigfiddle_partialonset)/sizeof(float))) static int sigfiddle_intpartialonset[] = { 0, 48, 76, 96, 111, 124, 135, 144, 152, 159, 166, 172, 178, 183, 188, 192, }; /* these coefficients, which come from the "upsamp" subdirectory, are a filter kernel for upsampling by a factor of two, assuming the sound to be upsampled has no energy above half the Nyquist, i.e., that it's already 2x oversampled compared to the theoretically possible sample rate. I got these by trial and error. */ #define FILT1 ((float)(.5 * 1.227054)) #define FILT2 ((float)(.5 * -0.302385)) #define FILT3 ((float)(.5 * 0.095326)) #define FILT4 ((float)(.5 * -0.022748)) #define FILT5 ((float)(.5 * 0.002533)) #define FILTSIZE 5 typedef struct peakout /* a peak for output */ { float po_freq; /* frequency in hz */ float po_amp; /* amplitude */ } t_peakout; typedef struct peak /* a peak for analysis */ { float p_freq; /* frequency in bins */ float p_width; /* peak width in bins */ float p_pow; /* peak power */ float p_loudness; /* 4th root of power */ float *p_fp; /* pointer back to spectrum */ } t_peak; typedef struct histopeak { float h_pitch; /* estimated pitch */ float h_value; /* value of peak */ float h_loud; /* combined strength of found partials */ int h_index; /* index of bin holding peak */ int h_used; /* true if an x_hist entry points here */ } t_histopeak; typedef struct pitchhist /* struct for keeping history by pitch */ { float h_pitch; /* pitch to output */ float h_amps[HISTORY]; /* past amplitudes */ float h_pitches[HISTORY]; /* past pitches */ float h_noted; /* last pitch output */ int h_age; /* number of frames pitch has been there */ t_histopeak *h_wherefrom; /* new histogram peak to incorporate */ void *h_outlet; } t_pitchhist; typedef struct sigfiddle /* instance struct */ { #ifdef JMAX fts_object_t x_h; /* object header */ fts_alarm_t x_clock; /* callback for timeouts */ #endif #ifdef MAX26 t_head x_h; /* header for tilde objects */ t_sig *x_io[IN1+OUT0]; /* number of signal inputs and outputs */ void *x_clock; /* a "clock" object */ #endif #ifdef PD t_object x_ob; /* object header */ t_clock *x_clock; /* callback for timeouts */ #endif #ifdef MSP t_pxobject x_obj; void *x_clock; long x_downsample; /* downsample feature because of MSP's large sig vector sizes */ #endif float *x_inbuf; /* buffer to analyze, npoints/2 elems */ float *x_lastanalysis; /* FT of last buffer (see main comment) */ float *x_spiral; /* 1/4-wave complex exponential */ t_peakout *x_peakbuf; /* spectral peaks for output */ int x_npeakout; /* number of spectral peaks to output */ int x_npeakanal; /* number of spectral peaks to analyze */ int x_phase; /* number of points since last output */ int x_histphase; /* phase into amplitude history vector */ int x_hop; /* period of output, npoints/2 */ float x_sr; /* sample rate */ t_pitchhist x_hist[MAXNPITCH]; /* history of current pitches */ int x_nprint; /* how many periods to print */ int x_npitch; /* number of simultaneous pitches */ float x_dbs[HISTORY]; /* DB history, indexed by "histphase" */ float x_peaked; /* peak since last attack */ int x_dbage; /* number of bins DB has met threshold */ int x_auto; /* true if generating continuous output */ /* parameters */ float x_amplo; float x_amphi; int x_attacktime; int x_attackbins; float x_attackthresh; int x_vibtime; int x_vibbins; float x_vibdepth; float x_npartial; /* outlets & clock */ void *x_envout; int x_attackvalue; void *x_attackout; void *x_noteout; void *x_peakout; } t_sigfiddle; #if CHECKER float fiddle_checker[1024]; #endif #ifdef MSP /* Mac compiler requires prototypes for everything */ int sigfiddle_ilog2(int n); float fiddle_mtof(float f); float fiddle_ftom(float f); void sigfiddle_doit(t_sigfiddle *x); void sigfiddle_debug(t_sigfiddle *x); void sigfiddle_print(t_sigfiddle *x); void sigfiddle_assist(t_sigfiddle *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s); void sigfiddle_amprange(t_sigfiddle *x, double amplo, double amphi); void sigfiddle_reattack(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg attacktime, t_floatarg attackthresh); void sigfiddle_vibrato(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg vibtime, t_floatarg vibdepth); void sigfiddle_npartial(t_sigfiddle *x, double npartial); void sigfiddle_auto(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg f); void sigfiddle_setnpoints(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg f); int sigfiddle_doinit(t_sigfiddle *x, long npoints, long npitch, long npeakanal, long npeakout); static t_int *fiddle_perform(t_int *w); void sigfiddle_dsp(t_sigfiddle *x, t_signal **sp); void sigfiddle_tick(t_sigfiddle *x); void sigfiddle_bang(t_sigfiddle *x); void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x); void *sigfiddle_new(long npoints, long npitch, long npeakanal, long npeakout); void msp_fft(float *buf, long np, long inv); float msp_ffttemp[MAXPOINTS*2]; int errno; #endif int sigfiddle_ilog2(int n) { int ret = -1; while (n) { n >>= 1; ret++; } return (ret); } float fiddle_mtof(float f) { return (8.17579891564 * exp(.0577622650 * f)); } float fiddle_ftom(float f) { return (17.3123405046 * log(.12231220585 * f)); } #define ftom fiddle_ftom #define mtof fiddle_mtof void sigfiddle_doit(t_sigfiddle *x) { #ifdef MSP /* prevents interrupt-level stack overflow crash with Netscape. */ static float spect1[4*MAXPOINTS]; static float spect2[MAXPOINTS + 4*FILTSIZE]; #else float spect1[4*MAXPOINTS]; float spect2[MAXPOINTS + 4*FILTSIZE]; #endif #if CHECKER float checker3[4*MAXPOINTS]; #endif t_peak peaklist[MAXPEAK + 1], *pk1; t_peakout *pk2; t_histopeak histvec[MAXHIST], *hp1; int i, j, k, hop = x->x_hop, n = 2*hop, npeak, npitch, logn = sigfiddle_ilog2(n), newphase, oldphase; float *fp, *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, total_power, total_loudness, total_db; float maxbin = BINPEROCT * (logn-2), *histogram = spect2 + BINGUARD; t_pitchhist *phist; float hzperbin = x->x_sr / (2.0f * n); int npeakout = x->x_npeakout, npeakanal = x->x_npeakanal; int npeaktot = (npeakout > npeakanal ? npeakout : npeakanal); oldphase = x->x_histphase; newphase = x->x_histphase + 1; if (newphase == HISTORY) newphase = 0; x->x_histphase = newphase; /* * multiply the H points by a 1/4-wave complex exponential, * and take FFT of the result. */ for (i = 0, fp1 = x->x_inbuf, fp2 = x->x_spiral, fp3 = spect1; i < hop; i++, fp1++, fp2 += 2, fp3 += 2) fp3[0] = fp1[0] * fp2[0], fp3[1] = fp1[0] * fp2[1]; #ifdef MAX26 fft(spect1, hop, 0); #endif #ifdef PD pd_fft(spect1, hop, 0); #endif #ifdef JMAX fts_cfft_inplc((complex *)spect1, hop); #endif #ifdef MSP msp_fft(spect1,hop,0); #endif /* * now redistribute the points to get in effect the odd-numbered * points of the FFT of the H points, zero padded to 4*H in length. */ for (i = 0, fp1 = spect1, fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE); i < (hop>>1); i++, fp1 += 2, fp2 += 4) fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = fp1[1]; for (i = 0, fp1 = spect1 + n - 2, fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE+2); i < (hop>>1); i++, fp1 -= 2, fp2 += 4) fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = -fp1[1]; for (i = 0, fp1 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE), fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE-2); i<FILTSIZE; i++, fp1+=2, fp2-=2) fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = -fp1[1]; for (i = 0, fp1 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE+n-2), fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE+n); i<FILTSIZE; i++, fp1-=2, fp2+=2) fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = -fp1[1]; #if 0 { fp = spect2 + 2*FILTSIZE; post("x1 re %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f", fp[0], fp[2], fp[4], fp[6], fp[8]); post("x1 im %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f", fp[1], fp[3], fp[5], fp[7], fp[9]); } #endif /* spect2 is now prepared; now combine spect2 and lastanalysis into * spect1. Odd-numbered points of spect1 are the points of "last" * plus (-i, i, -i, ...) times spect1. Even-numbered points are * the interpolated points of "last" plus (1, -1, 1, ...) times the * interpolated points of spect1. * * To interpolate, take FILT1 exp(-pi/4) times * the previous point, FILT2*exp(-3*pi/4) times 3 bins before, * etc, and FILT1 exp(pi/4), FILT2 exp(3pi/4), etc., to weight * the +1, +3, etc., points. * * In this calculation, we take (1, i, -1, -i, 1) times the * -9, -7, ..., -1 points, and (i, -1, -i, 1, i) times the 1, 3,..., 9 * points of the OLD spectrum, alternately adding and subtracting * the new spectrum to the old; then we multiply the whole thing * by exp(-i pi/4). */ for (i = 0, fp1 = spect1, fp2 = x->x_lastanalysis + 2*FILTSIZE, fp3 = spect2 + 2*FILTSIZE; i < (hop>>1); i++) { float re, im; re= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -2] -fp2[ 1] +fp3[ -2] -fp3[ 1]) + FILT2 * ( fp2[ -3] -fp2[ 2] +fp3[ -3] -fp3[ 2]) + FILT3 * (-fp2[ -6] +fp2[ 5] -fp3[ -6] +fp3[ 5]) + FILT4 * (-fp2[ -7] +fp2[ 6] -fp3[ -7] +fp3[ 6]) + FILT5 * ( fp2[-10] -fp2[ 9] +fp3[-10] -fp3[ 9]); im= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -1] +fp2[ 0] +fp3[ -1] +fp3[ 0]) + FILT2 * (-fp2[ -4] -fp2[ 3] -fp3[ -4] -fp3[ 3]) + FILT3 * (-fp2[ -5] -fp2[ 4] -fp3[ -5] -fp3[ 4]) + FILT4 * ( fp2[ -8] +fp2[ 7] +fp3[ -8] +fp3[ 7]) + FILT5 * ( fp2[ -9] +fp2[ 8] +fp3[ -9] +fp3[ 8]); fp1[0] = 0.7071f * (re + im); fp1[1] = 0.7071f * (im - re); fp1[4] = fp2[0] + fp3[1]; fp1[5] = fp2[1] - fp3[0]; fp1 += 8, fp2 += 2, fp3 += 2; re= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -2] -fp2[ 1] -fp3[ -2] +fp3[ 1]) + FILT2 * ( fp2[ -3] -fp2[ 2] -fp3[ -3] +fp3[ 2]) + FILT3 * (-fp2[ -6] +fp2[ 5] +fp3[ -6] -fp3[ 5]) + FILT4 * (-fp2[ -7] +fp2[ 6] +fp3[ -7] -fp3[ 6]) + FILT5 * ( fp2[-10] -fp2[ 9] -fp3[-10] +fp3[ 9]); im= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -1] +fp2[ 0] -fp3[ -1] -fp3[ 0]) + FILT2 * (-fp2[ -4] -fp2[ 3] +fp3[ -4] +fp3[ 3]) + FILT3 * (-fp2[ -5] -fp2[ 4] +fp3[ -5] +fp3[ 4]) + FILT4 * ( fp2[ -8] +fp2[ 7] -fp3[ -8] -fp3[ 7]) + FILT5 * ( fp2[ -9] +fp2[ 8] -fp3[ -9] -fp3[ 8]); fp1[0] = 0.7071f * (re + im); fp1[1] = 0.7071f * (im - re); fp1[4] = fp2[0] - fp3[1]; fp1[5] = fp2[1] + fp3[0]; fp1 += 8, fp2 += 2, fp3 += 2; } #if 0 if (x->x_nprint) { for (i = 0, fp = spect1; i < 16; i++, fp+= 4) post("spect %d %f %f --> %f", i, fp[0], fp[1], sqrt(fp[0] * fp[0] + fp[1] * fp[1])); } #endif /* copy new spectrum out */ for (i = 0, fp1 = spect2, fp2 = x->x_lastanalysis; i < n + 4*FILTSIZE; i++) *fp2++ = *fp1++; for (i = 0; i < MINBIN; i++) spect1[4*i + 2] = spect1[4*i + 3] = 0; /* starting at bin MINBIN, compute hanning windowed power spectrum */ for (i = MINBIN, fp1 = spect1+4*MINBIN, total_power = 0; i < n-2; i++, fp1 += 4) { float re = fp1[0] - 0.5f * (fp1[-8] + fp1[8]); float im = fp1[1] - 0.5f * (fp1[-7] + fp1[9]); fp1[3] = (total_power += (fp1[2] = re * re + im * im)); } if (total_power > 1e-9f) { total_db = (100.f - DBFUDGE) + LOGTODB * log(total_power/n); total_loudness = fsqrt(fsqrt(total_power)); if (total_db < 0) total_db = 0; } else total_db = total_loudness = 0; /* store new db in history vector */ x->x_dbs[newphase] = total_db; if (total_db < x->x_amplo) goto nopow; #if 1 if (x->x_nprint) post("power %f", total_power); #endif #if CHECKER /* verify that our FFT resampling thing is putting out good results */ for (i = 0; i < hop; i++) { checker3[2*i] = fiddle_checker[i]; checker3[2*i + 1] = 0; checker3[n + 2*i] = fiddle_checker[i] = x->x_inbuf[i]; checker3[n + 2*i + 1] = 0; } for (i = 2*n; i < 4*n; i++) checker3[i] = 0; fft(checker3, 2*n, 0); if (x->x_nprint) { for (i = 0, fp = checker3; i < 16; i++, fp += 2) post("spect %d %f %f --> %f", i, fp[0], fp[1], sqrt(fp[0] * fp[0] + fp[1] * fp[1])); } #endif npeak = 0; /* search for peaks */ for (i = MINBIN, fp = spect1+4*MINBIN, pk1 = peaklist; i < n-2 && npeak < npeaktot; i++, fp += 4) { float height = fp[2], h1 = fp[-2], h2 = fp[6]; float totalfreq, pfreq, f1, f2, m, var, stdev; if (height < h1 || height < h2 || h1 < 0.00001f*total_power || h2 < 0.00001f*total_power) continue; /* use an informal phase vocoder to estimate the frequency. Do this for the two adjacent bins too. */ pfreq= ((fp[-8] - fp[8]) * (2.0f * fp[0] - fp[8] - fp[-8]) + (fp[-7] - fp[9]) * (2.0f * fp[1] - fp[9] - fp[-7])) / (2.0f * height); f1= ((fp[-12] - fp[4]) * (2.0f * fp[-4] - fp[4] - fp[-12]) + (fp[-11] - fp[5]) * (2.0f * fp[-3] - fp[5] - fp[-11])) / (2.0f * h1) - 1; f2= ((fp[-4] - fp[12]) * (2.0f * fp[4] - fp[12] - fp[-4]) + (fp[-3] - fp[13]) * (2.0f * fp[5] - fp[13] - fp[-3])) / (2.0f * h2) + 1; /* get sample mean and variance of the three */ m = 0.333333f * (pfreq + f1 + f2); var = 0.5f * ((pfreq-m)*(pfreq-m) + (f1-m)*(f1-m) + (f2-m)*(f2-m)); totalfreq = i + m; if (var * total_power > KNOCKTHRESH * height || var < 1e-30) { #if 0 if (x->x_nprint) post("cancel: %.2f hz, index %.1f, power %.5f, stdev=%.2f", totalfreq * hzperbin, BPERO_OVER_LOG2 * log(totalfreq) - 96, height, sqrt(var)); #endif continue; } stdev = fsqrt(var); if (totalfreq < 4) { if (x->x_nprint) post("oops: was %d, freq %f, m %f, stdev %f h %f", i, totalfreq, m, stdev, height); totalfreq = 4; } pk1->p_width = stdev; pk1->p_pow = height; pk1->p_loudness = fsqrt(fsqrt(height)); pk1->p_fp = fp; pk1->p_freq = totalfreq; npeak++; #if 1 if (x->x_nprint) { post("peak: %.2f hz. index %.1f, power %.5f, stdev=%.2f", pk1->p_freq * hzperbin, BPERO_OVER_LOG2 * log(pk1->p_freq) - 96, height, stdev); } #endif pk1++; } /* prepare the raw peaks for output */ for (i = 0, pk1 = peaklist, pk2 = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeak; i++, pk1++, pk2++) { float loudness = pk1->p_loudness; if (i >= npeakout) break; pk2->po_freq = hzperbin * pk1->p_freq; pk2->po_amp = (2.f / (float)n) * (loudness * loudness); } for (; i < npeakout; i++, pk2++) pk2->po_amp = pk2->po_freq = 0; /* now, working back into spect2, make a sort of "liklihood" * spectrum. Proceeding in 48ths of an octave, from 2 to * n/2 (in bins), the likelihood of each pitch range is contributed * to by every peak in peaklist that's an integer multiple of it * in frequency. */ if (npeak > npeakanal) npeak = npeakanal; /* max # peaks to analyze */ for (i = 0, fp1 = histogram; i < maxbin; i++) *fp1++ = 0; for (i = 0, pk1 = peaklist; i < npeak; i++, pk1++) { float pit = BPERO_OVER_LOG2 * flog(pk1->p_freq) - 96.0f; float binbandwidth = FACTORTOBINS * pk1->p_width/pk1->p_freq; float putbandwidth = (binbandwidth < 2 ? 2 : binbandwidth); float weightbandwidth = (binbandwidth < 1.0f ? 1.0f : binbandwidth); /* float weightamp = 1.0f + 3.0f * pk1->p_pow / pow; */ float weightamp = 4. * pk1->p_loudness / total_loudness; for (j = 0, fp2 = sigfiddle_partialonset; j < NPARTIALONSET; j++, fp2++) { float bin = pit - *fp2; if (bin < maxbin) { float para, pphase, score = 30.0f * weightamp / ((j+x->x_npartial) * weightbandwidth); int firstbin = bin + 0.5f - 0.5f * putbandwidth; int lastbin = bin + 0.5f + 0.5f * putbandwidth; int ibw = lastbin - firstbin; if (firstbin < -BINGUARD) break; para = 1.0f / (putbandwidth * putbandwidth); for (k = 0, fp3 = histogram + firstbin, pphase = firstbin-bin; k <= ibw; k++, fp3++, pphase += 1.0f) { *fp3 += score * (1.0f - para * pphase * pphase); } } } } #if 1 if (x->x_nprint) { for (i = 0; i < 6*5; i++) { float fhz = hzperbin * exp ((8*i + 96) * (1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2)); if (!(i % 6)) post("-- bin %d pitch %f freq %f----", 8*i, ftom(fhz), fhz);; post("%3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d", (int)(histogram[8*i]), (int)(histogram[8*i+1]), (int)(histogram[8*i+2]), (int)(histogram[8*i+3]), (int)(histogram[8*i+4]), (int)(histogram[8*i+5]), (int)(histogram[8*i+6]), (int)(histogram[8*i+7])); } } #endif /* * Next we find up to NPITCH strongest peaks in the histogram. * if a peak is related to a stronger one via an interval in * the sigfiddle_partialonset array, we suppress it. */ for (npitch = 0; npitch < x->x_npitch; npitch++) { int indx; float best; if (npitch) { for (best = 0, indx = -1, j=1; j < maxbin-1; j++) { if (histogram[j] > best && histogram[j] > histogram[j-1] && histogram[j] > histogram[j+1]) { for (k = 0; k < npitch; k++) if (histvec[k].h_index == j) goto peaknogood; for (k = 0; k < NPARTIALONSET; k++) { if (j - sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k] < 0) break; if (histogram[j - sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k]] > histogram[j]) goto peaknogood; } for (k = 0; k < NPARTIALONSET; k++) { if (j + sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k] >= maxbin) break; if (histogram[j + sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k]] > histogram[j]) goto peaknogood; } indx = j; best = histogram[j]; } peaknogood: ; } } else { for (best = 0, indx = -1, j=0; j < maxbin; j++) if (histogram[j] > best) indx = j, best = histogram[j]; } if (indx < 0) break; histvec[npitch].h_value = best; histvec[npitch].h_index = indx; } #if 1 if (x->x_nprint) { for (i = 0; i < npitch; i++) { post("index %d freq %f --> value %f", histvec[i].h_index, exp((1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2) * (histvec[i].h_index + 96)), histvec[i].h_value); post("next %f , prev %f", exp((1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2) * (histvec[i].h_index + 97)), exp((1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2) * (histvec[i].h_index + 95)) ); } } #endif /* for each histogram peak, we now search back through the * FFT peaks. A peak is a pitch if either there are several * harmonics that match it, or else if (a) the fundamental is * present, and (b) the sum of the powers of the contributing peaks * is at least 1/100 of the total power. * * A peak is a contributor if its frequency is within 25 cents of * a partial from 1 to 16. * * Finally, we have to be at least 5 bins in frequency, which * corresponds to 2-1/5 periods fitting in the analysis window. */ for (i = 0; i < npitch; i++) { float cumpow = 0, cumstrength = 0, freqnum = 0, freqden = 0; int npartials = 0, nbelow8 = 0; /* guessed-at frequency in bins */ float putfreq = fexp((1.0f / BPERO_OVER_LOG2) * (histvec[i].h_index + 96.0f)); for (j = 0; j < npeak; j++) { float fpnum = peaklist[j].p_freq/putfreq; int pnum = fpnum + 0.5f; float fipnum = pnum; float deviation; if (pnum > 16 || pnum < 1) continue; deviation = 1.0f - fpnum/fipnum; if (deviation > -PARTIALDEVIANCE && deviation < PARTIALDEVIANCE) { /* * we figure this is a partial since it's within 1/4 of * a halftone of a multiple of the putative frequency. */ float stdev, weight; npartials++; if (pnum < 8) nbelow8++; cumpow += peaklist[j].p_pow; cumstrength += fsqrt(fsqrt(peaklist[j].p_pow)); stdev = (peaklist[j].p_width > MINBW ? peaklist[j].p_width : MINBW); weight = 1.0f / ((stdev*fipnum) * (stdev*fipnum)); freqden += weight; freqnum += weight * peaklist[j].p_freq/fipnum; #if 1 if (x->x_nprint) { post("peak %d partial %d f=%f w=%f", j, pnum, peaklist[j].p_freq/fipnum, weight); } #endif } #if 1 else if (x->x_nprint) post("peak %d partial %d dev %f", j, pnum, deviation); #endif } if ((nbelow8 < 4 || npartials < 7) && cumpow < 0.01f * total_power) histvec[i].h_value = 0; else { float pitchpow = (cumstrength * cumstrength) * (cumstrength * cumstrength); float freqinbins = freqnum/freqden; /* check for minimum output frequency */ if (freqinbins < MINFREQINBINS) histvec[i].h_value = 0; else { /* we passed all tests... save the values we got */ histvec[i].h_pitch = ftom(hzperbin * freqnum/freqden); histvec[i].h_loud = (100.0f -DBFUDGE) + (LOGTODB) * log(pitchpow/n); } } } #if 1 if (x->x_nprint) { for (i = 0; i < npitch; i++) { if (histvec[i].h_value > 0) post("index %d pit %f loud %f", histvec[i].h_index, histvec[i].h_pitch, histvec[i].h_loud); else post("-- cancelled --"); } } #endif /* now try to find continuous pitch tracks that match the new * pitches. First mark each peak unmatched. */ for (i = 0, hp1 = histvec; i < npitch; i++, hp1++) hp1->h_used = 0; /* for each old pitch, try to match a new one to it. */ for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++) { float thispitch = phist->h_pitches[oldphase]; phist->h_pitch = 0; /* no output, thanks */ phist->h_wherefrom = 0; if (thispitch == 0.0f) continue; for (j = 0, hp1 = histvec; j < npitch; j++, hp1++) if ((hp1->h_value > 0) && hp1->h_pitch > thispitch - GLISS && hp1->h_pitch < thispitch + GLISS) { phist->h_wherefrom = hp1; hp1->h_used = 1; } } for (i = 0, hp1 = histvec; i < npitch; i++, hp1++) if ((hp1->h_value > 0) && !hp1->h_used) { for (j = 0, phist = x->x_hist; j < x->x_npitch; j++, phist++) if (!phist->h_wherefrom) { phist->h_wherefrom = hp1; phist->h_age = 0; phist->h_noted = 0; hp1->h_used = 1; goto happy; } break; happy: ; } /* copy the pitch info into the history vector */ for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++) { if (phist->h_wherefrom) { phist->h_amps[newphase] = phist->h_wherefrom->h_loud; phist->h_pitches[newphase] = phist->h_wherefrom->h_pitch; (phist->h_age)++; } else { phist->h_age = 0; phist->h_amps[newphase] = phist->h_pitches[newphase] = 0; } } #if 1 if (x->x_nprint) { post("vibrato %d %f", x->x_vibbins, x->x_vibdepth); for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++) { post("noted %f, age %d", phist->h_noted, phist->h_age); #ifndef I860 post("values %f %f %f %f %f", phist->h_pitches[newphase], phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-1)%HISTORY], phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-2)%HISTORY], phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-3)%HISTORY], phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-4)%HISTORY]); #endif } } #endif /* look for envelope attacks */ x->x_attackvalue = 0; if (x->x_peaked) { if (total_db > x->x_amphi) { int binlook = newphase - x->x_attackbins; if (binlook < 0) binlook += HISTORY; if (total_db > x->x_dbs[binlook] + x->x_attackthresh) { x->x_attackvalue = 1; x->x_peaked = 0; } } } else { int binlook = newphase - x->x_attackbins; if (binlook < 0) binlook += HISTORY; if (x->x_dbs[binlook] > x->x_amphi && x->x_dbs[binlook] > total_db) x->x_peaked = 1; } /* for each current frequency track, test for a new note using a * stability criterion. Later perhaps we should also do as in * pitch~ and check for unstable notes a posteriori when * there's a new attack with no note found since the last onset; * but what's an attack &/or onset when we're polyphonic? */ for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++) { /* * if we've found a pitch but we've now strayed from it turn * it off. */ if (phist->h_noted) { if (phist->h_pitches[newphase] > phist->h_noted + x->x_vibdepth || phist->h_pitches[newphase] < phist->h_noted - x->x_vibdepth) phist->h_noted = 0; } else { if (phist->h_wherefrom && phist->h_age >= x->x_vibbins) { float centroid = 0; int not = 0; for (j = 0, k = newphase; j < x->x_vibbins; j++) { centroid += phist->h_pitches[k]; k--; if (k < 0) k = HISTORY-1; } centroid /= x->x_vibbins; for (j = 0, k = newphase; j < x->x_vibbins; j++) { /* calculate deviation from norm */ float dev = centroid - phist->h_pitches[k]; k--; if (k < 0) k = HISTORY-1; if (dev > x->x_vibdepth || -dev > x->x_vibdepth) not = 1; } if (!not) { phist->h_pitch = phist->h_noted = centroid; } } } } return; nopow: for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++) { x->x_hist[i].h_pitch = x->x_hist[i].h_noted = x->x_hist[i].h_pitches[newphase] = x->x_hist[i].h_amps[newphase] = 0; x->x_hist[i].h_age = 0; } x->x_peaked = 1; x->x_dbage = 0; } void sigfiddle_debug(t_sigfiddle *x) { x->x_nprint = 1; } void sigfiddle_print(t_sigfiddle *x) { post("npoints %d,", 2 * x->x_hop); post("amp-range %f %f,", x->x_amplo, x->x_amphi); post("reattack %d %f,", x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh); post("vibrato %d %f", x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth); post("npartial %f", x->x_npartial); post("auto %d", x->x_auto); } void sigfiddle_amprange(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg amplo, t_floatarg amphi) { if (amplo < 0) amplo = 0; if (amphi < amplo) amphi = amplo + 1; x->x_amplo = amplo; x->x_amphi = amphi; } void sigfiddle_reattack(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg attacktime, t_floatarg attackthresh) { if (attacktime < 0) attacktime = 0; if (attackthresh <= 0) attackthresh = 1000; x->x_attacktime = attacktime; x->x_attackthresh = attackthresh; x->x_attackbins = (x->x_sr * 0.001 * attacktime) / x->x_hop; if (x->x_attackbins >= HISTORY) x->x_attackbins = HISTORY - 1; } void sigfiddle_vibrato(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg vibtime, t_floatarg vibdepth) { if (vibtime < 0) vibtime = 0; if (vibdepth <= 0) vibdepth = 1000; x->x_vibtime = vibtime; x->x_vibdepth = vibdepth; x->x_vibbins = (x->x_sr * 0.001 * vibtime) / x->x_hop; if (x->x_vibbins >= HISTORY) x->x_vibbins = HISTORY - 1; if (x->x_vibbins < 1) x->x_vibbins = 1; } void sigfiddle_npartial(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg npartial) { if (npartial < 0.1) npartial = 0.1; x->x_npartial = npartial; } void sigfiddle_auto(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_auto = (f != 0); } static void sigfiddle_freebird(t_sigfiddle *x) { if (x->x_inbuf) { freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop); x->x_inbuf = 0; } if (x->x_lastanalysis) { freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis, sizeof(float) * (2 * x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE)); x->x_lastanalysis = 0; } if (x->x_spiral) { freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2 * x->x_hop); x->x_spiral = 0; } x->x_hop = 0; } int sigfiddle_setnpoints(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg fnpoints) { int i, npoints = fnpoints; sigfiddle_freebird(x); if (npoints < MINPOINTS || npoints > MAXPOINTS) { error("fiddle~: npoints out of range; using %d", npoints = DEFAULTPOINTS); } if (npoints != (1 << sigfiddle_ilog2(npoints))) { error("fiddle~: npoints not a power of 2; using %d", npoints = (1 << sigfiddle_ilog2(npoints))); } x->x_hop = npoints >> 1; if (!(x->x_inbuf = (float *)getbytes(sizeof(float) * x->x_hop))) goto fail; if (!(x->x_lastanalysis = (float *)getbytes( sizeof(float) * (2 * x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE)))) goto fail; if (!(x->x_spiral = (float *)getbytes(sizeof(float) * 2 * x->x_hop))) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < x->x_hop; i++) x->x_inbuf[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < npoints + 4 * FILTSIZE; i++) x->x_lastanalysis[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < x->x_hop; i++) x->x_spiral[2*i] = cos((3.14159*i)/(npoints)), x->x_spiral[2*i+1] = -sin((3.14159*i)/(npoints)); x->x_phase = 0; return (1); fail: sigfiddle_freebird(x); return (0); } int sigfiddle_doinit(t_sigfiddle *x, long npoints, long npitch, long npeakanal, long npeakout) { float *buf1, *buf2, *buf3; t_peakout *buf4; int i; if (!npeakanal && !npeakout) npeakanal = DEFNPEAK, npeakout = 0; if (!npeakanal < 0) npeakanal = 0; else if (npeakanal > MAXPEAK) npeakanal = MAXPEAK; if (!npeakout < 0) npeakout = 0; else if (npeakout > MAXPEAK) npeakout = MAXPEAK; if (npitch <= 0) npitch = 0; else if (npitch > MAXNPITCH) npitch = MAXNPITCH; if (npeakanal && !npitch) npitch = 1; if (!npoints) npoints = DEFAULTPOINTS; if (!sigfiddle_setnpoints(x, npoints)) { error("fiddle~: out of memory"); return (0); } if (!(buf4 = (t_peakout *)getbytes(sizeof(*buf4) * npeakout))) { sigfiddle_freebird(x); error("fiddle~: out of memory"); return (0); } for (i = 0; i < npeakout; i++) buf4[i].po_freq = buf4[i].po_amp = 0; x->x_peakbuf = buf4; x->x_npeakout = npeakout; x->x_npeakanal = npeakanal; x->x_phase = 0; x->x_histphase = 0; x->x_sr = 44100; /* this and the next are filled in later */ for (i = 0; i < MAXNPITCH; i++) { int j; x->x_hist[i].h_pitch = x->x_hist[i].h_noted = 0; x->x_hist[i].h_age = 0; x->x_hist[i].h_wherefrom = 0; x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = 0; for (j = 0; j < HISTORY; j++) x->x_hist[i].h_amps[j] = x->x_hist[i].h_pitches[j] = 0; } x->x_nprint = 0; x->x_npitch = npitch; for (i = 0; i < HISTORY; i++) x->x_dbs[i] = 0; x->x_dbage = 0; x->x_peaked = 0; x->x_auto = 1; x->x_amplo = DEFAMPLO; x->x_amphi = DEFAMPHI; x->x_attacktime = DEFATTACKTIME; x->x_attackbins = 1; /* real value calculated afterward */ x->x_attackthresh = DEFATTACKTHRESH; x->x_vibtime = DEFVIBTIME; x->x_vibbins = 1; /* real value calculated afterward */ x->x_vibdepth = DEFVIBDEPTH; x->x_npartial = 7; x->x_attackvalue = 0; return (1); } /* formalities for JMAX */ #ifdef JMAX void sigfiddle_debug13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; sigfiddle_debug(x); } void sigfiddle_print13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; sigfiddle_print(x); } void sigfiddle_amprange13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; float lo = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0); float hi = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 1, 0); sigfiddle_amprange(x, lo, hi); } void sigfiddle_reattack13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; long msec = fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0); float db = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 1, 0); sigfiddle_reattack(x, msec, db); } void sigfiddle_vibrato13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; long msec = fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0); float halftones = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 1, 0); sigfiddle_vibrato(x, msec, halftones); } void sigfiddle_npartial13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; float npartial = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0); sigfiddle_npartial(x, npartial); } void ftl_sigfiddle(fts_word_t *a) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)fts_word_get_long(a); float *in = (float *)fts_word_get_long(a + 1); long n_tick = fts_word_get_long(a + 2); int count; float *fp, *fp2; for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase; count < n_tick; count++) *fp++ = *in++; if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop) { sigfiddle_doit(x); x->x_phase = 0; fts_alarm_set_delay(&x->x_clock, 0L); /* output bang */ fts_alarm_arm(&x->x_clock); if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--; } else x->x_phase += n_tick; } void sigfiddle_put(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t *s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; fts_dsp_descr_t *dsp = (fts_dsp_descr_t *)fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 0, 0); fts_atom_t a[3]; x->x_sr = fts_dsp_get_input_srate(dsp, 0); sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh); sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth); fts_set_long(a, (long)x); fts_set_symbol(a+1, fts_dsp_get_input_name(dsp, 0)); fts_set_long(a+2, fts_dsp_get_input_size(dsp, 0)); dsp_add_funcall(dsp_symbol, 3, a); } void sigfiddle_tick(fts_alarm_t *alarm, void *p) { fts_object_t *o = (fts_object_t *)p; t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)p; int i; t_pitchhist *ph; fts_outlet_float(o, OUTLETpower, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) { fts_atom_t at[2]; fts_set_float(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]); fts_set_float(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]); fts_outlet_list(o, OUTLETmicropitch3 - i, 2, at); } if (x->x_attackvalue) fts_outlet_bang(o, OUTLETattack); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) if (ph->h_pitch) fts_outlet_float(o, OUTLETpitch, ph->h_pitch); } static void sigfiddle_delete(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t *s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; fts_free(x->x_inbuf); fts_free(x->x_lastanalysis); fts_free(x->x_spiral); dsp_list_remove(o); } static void sigfiddle_init(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t *s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o; float *buf1, *buf2, *buf3; int i, hop; long npoints = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 1, 0); long npitch = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 2, 0); long npeakanal = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 3, 0); long npeakout = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 4, 0); if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch, npeakanal, npeakout)) { post("fiddle~: initialization failed"); return; } hop = npoints>>1; if (fts_fft_declaresize(hop) != fts_Success) post("fiddle~: bad FFT size"); fts_alarm_init(&(x->x_clock), 0, sigfiddle_tick, x); dsp_list_insert(o); } static fts_status_t sigfiddle_instantiate(fts_class_t *cl, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at) { int i; fts_type_t a[5]; fts_class_init(cl, sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 1, 6, 0); /* 1 inlet + 6 outlets */ /* the system methods */ a[0] = fts_Symbol; a[1] = fts_Long | fts_OptArg; a[2] = fts_Long | fts_OptArg; fts_method_define(cl, fts_SystemInlet, fts_s_init, sigfiddle_init, 3, a); fts_method_define(cl, fts_SystemInlet, fts_s_delete, sigfiddle_delete, 0, a); a[0] = fts_Object; fts_method_define(cl, fts_SystemInlet, fts_s_put, sigfiddle_put, 1, a); /* class' own methods */ fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("print"), sigfiddle_print13, 0, a); fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("debug"), sigfiddle_debug13, 0, a); fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("amp-range"), sigfiddle_amprange13, 0, a); fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("reattack"), sigfiddle_reattack13, 0, a); fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("vibrato"), sigfiddle_vibrato13, 0, a); fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("npartial"), sigfiddle_npartial13, 0, a); /* classes signal inlets */ dsp_sig_inlet(cl, 0); /* declare signal input #0 */ /* classes outlets */ a[0] = fts_Float; fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETpitch, fts_s_float, 1, a); /* declare outlet #0 */ fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETattack, fts_s_bang, 0, a); /* declare outlet #1 */ a[0] = fts_VarArgs; fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETmicropitch1, fts_s_list, 1, a); /* declare outlet #2 */ fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETmicropitch2, fts_s_list, 1, a); /* declare outlet #3 */ fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETmicropitch3, fts_s_list, 1, a); /* declare outlet #4 */ a[0] = fts_Float; fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETpower, fts_s_float, 1, a); /* declare outlet #5 */ dsp_symbol = fts_new_symbol("fiddle"); dsp_declare_function(dsp_symbol, ftl_sigfiddle); /* DSP properties */ fts_class_put_prop(cl, fts_s_dsp_is_sink, fts_true); return(fts_Success); } void fiddle_config(void) { sys_log(fiddle_version); fts_metaclass_create(fts_new_symbol(CLASSNAME), sigfiddle_instantiate, fts_always_equiv); } fts_module_t fiddle_module = {"fiddle", "sonic meat fiddle", fiddle_config, 0}; #endif /* JMAX */ #ifdef PD static t_int *fiddle_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]); t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)(w[2]); int n = (int)(w[3]); int count; float *fp; if (!x->x_hop) goto nono; for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase; count < n; count++) *fp++ = *in++; if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop) { sigfiddle_doit(x); x->x_phase = 0; if (x->x_auto) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0L); if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--; } else x->x_phase += n; nono: return (w+4); } void sigfiddle_dsp(t_sigfiddle *x, t_signal **sp) { x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr; sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh); sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth); dsp_add(fiddle_perform, 3, sp[0]->s_vec, x, sp[0]->s_n); } /* This is the callback function for the clock, but also acts as the "bang" method; you can leave "auto" on to get this called automatically (the default) or turn auto off and bang it yourself. */ void sigfiddle_bang(t_sigfiddle *x) { int i; t_pitchhist *ph; if (x->x_npeakout) { int npeakout = x->x_npeakout; t_peakout *po; for (i = 0, po = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeakout; i++, po++) { t_atom at[3]; SETFLOAT(at, i+1); SETFLOAT(at+1, po->po_freq); SETFLOAT(at+2, po->po_amp); outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at); } } outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) { t_atom at[2]; SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]); SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]); outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, 0, 2, at); } if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch); } void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x) /* cleanup on free */ { if (x->x_inbuf) { freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop); freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis, sizeof(float) * (2*x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE)); freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2*x->x_hop); freebytes(x->x_peakbuf, sizeof(*x->x_peakbuf) * x->x_npeakout); clock_free(x->x_clock); } } static t_class *sigfiddle_class; void *sigfiddle_new(t_floatarg npoints, t_floatarg npitch, t_floatarg fnpeakanal, t_floatarg fnpeakout) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)pd_new(sigfiddle_class); int i; int npeakanal = fnpeakanal, npeakout = fnpeakout; if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch, npeakanal, npeakout)) { x->x_inbuf = 0; /* prevent the free routine from cleaning up */ pd_free(&x->x_ob.ob_pd); return (0); } x->x_noteout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float")); x->x_attackout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("bang")); for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++) x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("list")); x->x_envout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float")); if (x->x_npeakout) x->x_peakout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("list")); else x->x_peakout = 0; x->x_clock = clock_new(&x->x_ob.ob_pd, (t_method)sigfiddle_bang); return (x); } void fiddle_tilde_setup(void) { sigfiddle_class = class_new(gensym("fiddle~"), (t_newmethod)sigfiddle_new, (t_method)sigfiddle_ff, sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_debug, gensym("debug"), 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_setnpoints, gensym("npoints"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_amprange, gensym("amp-range"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_reattack, gensym("reattack"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_vibrato, gensym("vibrato"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_npartial, gensym("npartial"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_auto, gensym("auto"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_print, gensym("print"), 0); class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0); class_addbang(sigfiddle_class, sigfiddle_bang); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)sigfiddle_new, gensym("fiddle"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); post(fiddle_version); } void fiddle_setup(void) { fiddle_tilde_setup(); } #endif /* PD */ #ifdef MAX26 void cu_fiddle(float *in1, t_sigfiddle *x, int n) { int count; float *fp, *fp2; for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase; count < n; count++) *fp++ = *in1++; if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop) { sigfiddle_doit(x); x->x_phase = 0; if (x->x_auto) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0L); if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--; } else x->x_phase += n; } void sigfiddle_put(t_sigfiddle *x, long whether) { if (whether) { u_stdout(x); x->x_sr = x->x_io[0]->s_sr; sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh); sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth); dspchain_addc(cu_fiddle, 3, x->x_io[0]->s_shit, x, x->x_io[0]->s_n); } } void sigfiddle_tick(t_sigfiddle *x) /* callback function for the clock */ { int i; t_pitchhist *ph; outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) { t_atom at[2]; SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]); SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]); outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, NIL, 2, at); } if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch); } void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x) /* cleanup on free */ { if (x->x_inbuf) { freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop); freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis, sizeof(float) * (2*x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE)); freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2*x->x_hop); clock_free(x->x_clock); u_clean(x); } } t_externclass *sigfiddle_class; void *sigfiddle_new(long npoints, long npitch, long npeakanal, long npeakout) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)obj_new(&sigfiddle_class, 0); int i; if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch, npeakanal, npeakout)) { x->x_inbuf = 0; /* prevent the free routine from cleaning up */ obj_free(x); return (0); } u_setup(x, IN1, OUT0); x->x_envout = outlet_new(x, gensym("float")); for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++) x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = outlet_new(x, gensym("list")); x->x_attackout = outlet_new(x, gensym("bang")); x->x_noteout = outlet_new(x, gensym("float")); x->x_clock = clock_new(x, sigfiddle_tick); return (x); } void fiddle_setup() { c_extern(&sigfiddle_class, sigfiddle_new, sigfiddle_ff, gensym("fiddle"), sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 0, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, 0); c_addmess(sigfiddle_put, gensym("put"), A_CANT, 0); c_addmess(sigfiddle_debug, gensym("debug"), 0); c_addmess(sigfiddle_amprange, gensym("amp-range"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); c_addmess(sigfiddle_reattack, gensym("reattack"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); c_addmess(sigfiddle_vibrato, gensym("vibrato"), A_LONG, A_FLOAT, 0); c_addmess(sigfiddle_npartial, gensym("npartial"), A_FLOAT, 0); c_addmess(sigfiddle_print, gensym("print"), 0); u_inletmethod(0); /* one signal input */ #ifdef MAX post(fiddle_version); #endif } #endif /* MAX26 */ /************* Beginning of MSP Code ******************************/ #ifdef MSP static t_int *fiddle_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]); t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)(w[2]); int n = (int)(w[3]); int count,inc = x->x_downsample; float *fp; if (x->x_obj.z_disabled) goto skip; for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase; count < n; count+=inc) { *fp++ = *in; in += inc; } if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop) { sigfiddle_doit(x); x->x_phase = 0; if (x->x_auto) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0L); if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--; } else x->x_phase += n; skip: return (w+4); } void sigfiddle_dsp(t_sigfiddle *x, t_signal **sp) { if (sp[0]->s_n > x->x_hop) { x->x_downsample = sp[0]->s_n / x->x_hop; post("* warning: fiddle~: will downsample input by %ld",x->x_downsample); x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr / x->x_downsample; } else { x->x_downsample = 1; x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr; } sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh); sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth); dsp_add(fiddle_perform, 3, sp[0]->s_vec, x, sp[0]->s_n); } void sigfiddle_tick(t_sigfiddle *x) /* callback function for the clock MSP*/ { int i; t_pitchhist *ph; if (x->x_npeakout) { int npeakout = x->x_npeakout; t_peakout *po; for (i = 0, po = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeakout; i++, po++) { t_atom at[3]; SETINT(at, i+1); SETFLOAT(at+1, po->po_freq); SETFLOAT(at+2, po->po_amp); outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at); } } outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) { t_atom at[2]; SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]); SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]); outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, 0, 2, at); } if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch); } void sigfiddle_bang(t_sigfiddle *x) { int i; t_pitchhist *ph; if (x->x_npeakout) { int npeakout = x->x_npeakout; t_peakout *po; for (i = 0, po = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeakout; i++, po++) { t_atom at[3]; SETLONG(at, i+1); SETFLOAT(at+1, po->po_freq); SETFLOAT(at+2, po->po_amp); outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at); } } outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) { t_atom at[2]; SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]); SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]); outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, 0, 2, at); } if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout); for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch); } void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x) /* cleanup on free MSP */ { if (x->x_inbuf) { t_freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop); t_freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis, sizeof(float) * (2*x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE)); t_freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2*x->x_hop); t_freebytes(x->x_peakbuf, sizeof(*x->x_peakbuf) * x->x_npeakout); } dsp_free((t_pxobject *)x); } void *sigfiddle_class; void *sigfiddle_new(long npoints, long npitch, long npeakanal, long npeakout) { t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)newobject(sigfiddle_class); int i; if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch, npeakanal, npeakout)) { x->x_inbuf = 0; /* prevent the free routine from cleaning up */ return (0); } dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,1); x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (method)sigfiddle_tick); if (x->x_npeakout) x->x_peakout = listout((t_object *)x); else x->x_peakout = 0; x->x_envout = floatout((t_object *)x); for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++) x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = listout((t_object *)x); x->x_attackout = bangout((t_object *)x); x->x_noteout = floatout((t_object *)x); return (x); } void main() { setup(&sigfiddle_class, sigfiddle_new, (method)sigfiddle_ff, (short)sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 0L, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_dsp, "dsp", A_CANT, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_debug, "debug", 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_setnpoints, "npoints", A_FLOAT, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_amprange, "amp-range", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_reattack, "reattack", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_vibrato, "vibrato", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_npartial, "npartial", A_FLOAT, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_auto, "auto", A_FLOAT, 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_print, "print", 0); addmess((method)sigfiddle_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0); addbang((method)sigfiddle_bang); dsp_initclass(); rescopy('STR#',3748); post(fiddle_version); } void sigfiddle_assist(t_sigfiddle *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s) { assist_string(3748,m,a,1,2,s); } void msp_fft(float *buf, long np, long inv) { float *src,*real,*rp,*imag,*ip; long i; /* // because this fft algorithm uses separate real and imaginary // buffers // we must split the real and imaginary parts into two buffers, // then do the opposite on output // a more ambitious person would either do an in-place conversion // or rewrite the fft algorithm */ real = rp = msp_ffttemp; imag = ip = real + MAXPOINTS; src = buf; for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { *rp++ = *src++; *ip++ = *src++; } if (inv) ifft(np,real,imag); else fft(np,real,imag); rp = real; ip = imag; src = buf; for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { *src++ = *rp++; *src++ = *ip++; } } #endif /* MSP */