# These are strings that are passed from C to Tcl but the msgcat # procedure call '[_ $string]' is on the Tcl side, so that the # automatic parsing done by xgettext doesn't pick them up as strings # to be localized. Therefore we just list them here to make xgettext # happy. # # If these are changed in the src/g_*.c files, then need to be # manually updated here. # these are headers for the tops of the Properties panel puts [_ "-------dimensions(digits)(pix):-------"] puts [_ "--------dimensions(pix)(pix):--------"] puts [_ "----------dimensions(pix):-----------"] puts [_ "--------flash-time(ms)(ms):---------"] puts [_ "-----------output-range:-----------"] puts [_ "------selectable_dimensions(pix):------"] puts [_ "------visible_rectangle(pix)(pix):------"] # these are labels for elements of the Properties panel puts [_ "bottom:"] puts [_ "height:"] puts [_ "hold:"] puts [_ "intrrpt:"] puts [_ "left:"] puts [_ "lin"] puts [_ "log"] puts [_ "log-height:"] puts [_ "max:"] puts [_ "min:"] puts [_ "right:"] puts [_ "size:"] puts [_ "top:"] puts [_ "value:"] puts [_ "width:"]