STATUS: MME, DirectSound and ASIO versions are more-or-less working. See FIXMEs @todos and the proposals matrix at for further status. The following tests might run if you're lucky: tests/pa_devs.c tests/patest_sine.c tests/pa_fuzz.c tests/patest1.c The PaUtil support code is finished enough for other implementations to be ported. No changes are expected to be made to the definition of the PaUtil functions. Note that it's not yet 100% clear how the current support functions will interact with blocking read/write streams. BUILD INSTRUCTIONS to build tests/patest_sine.c you will need to compile and link the following files (MME) pa_common\pa_process.c pa_common\pa_skeleton.c pa_common\pa_stream.c pa_common\pa_trace.c pa_common\pa_byteswappers.c pa_common\pa_converters.c pa_common\pa_cpuload.c pa_common\pa_dither.c pa_common\pa_front.c pa_common\pa_allocation.h pa_win\pa_win_util.c pa_win\pa_win_hostapis.c pa_win_wmme\pa_win_wmme.c see below for a description of these files. FILES: portaudio.h public api header file pa_front.c implements the interface defined in portaudio.h. manages multiple host apis. validates function parameters before calling through to host apis. tracks open streams and closes them at Pa_Terminate(). pa_util.h declares utility functions for use my implementations. including utility functions which must be implemented separately for each platform. pa_hostapi.h hostapi representation structure used to interface between pa_front.c and implementations pa_stream.c/h stream interface and representation structures and helper functions used to interface between pa_front.c and implementations pa_cpuload.c/h source and header for cpu load calculation facility pa_trace.c/h source and header for debug trace log facility pa_byteswappers.c/h byte swapping facility pa_converters.c/h sample buffer conversion facility pa_dither.c/h dither noise generator pa_process.c/h callback buffer processing facility including interleave and block adaption pa_allocation.c/h allocation context for tracking groups of allocations pa_skeleton.c an skeleton implementation showing how the common code can be used. pa_win_util.c Win32 implementation of platform specific PaUtil functions (memory allocation, usec clock, Pa_Sleep().) The file will be used with all Win32 host APIs. pa_win_hostapis.c contains the paHostApiInitializers array and an implementation of Pa_GetDefaultHostApi() for win32 builds. pa_win_wmme.c Win32 host api implementation for the windows multimedia extensions audio API. pa_win_wmme.h public header file containing interfaces to mme-specific functions and the deviceInfo data structure. CODING GUIDELINES: naming conventions: #defines begin with PA_ #defines local to a file end with _ global utility variables begin with paUtil global utility types begin with PaUtil (including function types) global utility functions begin with PaUtil_ static variables end with _ static constants begin with const and end with _ static funtions have no special prefix/suffix In general, implementations should declare all of their members static, except for their initializer which should be exported. All exported names should be preceeded by Pa<MN>_ where MN is the module name, for example the windows mme initializer should be named PaWinWmme_Initialize(). Every host api should define an initializer which returns an error code and a PaHostApiInterface*. The initializer should only return an error other than paNoError if it encounters an unexpected and fatal error (memory allocation error for example). In general, there may be conditions under which it returns a NULL interface pointer and also returns paNoError. For example, if the ASIO implementation detects that ASIO is not installed, it should return a NULL interface, and paNoError. Platform-specific shared functions should begin with Pa<PN>_ where PN is the platform name. eg. PaWin_ for windows, PaUnix_ for unix. The above two conventions should also be followed whenever it is necessary to share functions accross multiple source files. Two utilities for debug messages are provided. The PA_DEBUG macro defined in pa_implementation.h provides a simple way to print debug messages to stderr. Due to real-time performance issues, PA_DEBUG may not be suitable for use within the portaudio processing callback, or in other threads. In such cases the event tracing facility provided in pa_trace.h may be more appropriate. If PA_LOG_API_CALLS is defined, all calls to the public PortAudio API will be logged to stderr along with parameter and return values. TODO: (this list is totally out of date) finish coding converter functions in pa_converters.c (anyone?) implement block adaption in pa_process.c (phil?) fix all current tests to work with new code. this should mostly involve changing PortAudioStream to PaStream, and GetDefaultDeviceID to GetDefaultDevice etc. write some new tests to exercise the multi-api functions write (doxygen) documentation for pa_trace (phil?) remove unused typeids from PaHostAPITypeID create a global configuration file which documents which PA_ defines can be used for configuration need a coding standard for comment formatting migrate directx (phil) migrate asio (ross?, stephane?) see top of pa_win_wmme.c for MME todo items (ross) write style guide document (ross) DESIGN ISSUES: (this list is totally out of date) consider removing Pa_ConvertHostApiDeviceIndexToGlobalDeviceIndex() from the API switch to new latency parameter mechanism now (?) question: if input or outputDriverInfo structures are passed for a different hostApi from the one being called, do we return an error or just ignore them? (i think return error) consider renaming PortAudioCallback to PaStreamCallback consider renaming PaError, PaResult ASSORTED DISORGANISED NOTES: NOTE: pa_lib.c performs the following validations for Pa_OpenStream() which we do not currently do: - checks the device info to make sure that the device supports the requested sample rate, it may also change the sample rate to the "closest available" sample rate if it is within a particular error margin rationale for breaking up internalPortAudioStream: each implementation has its own requirements and behavior, and should be able to choose the best way to operate without being limited by the constraints imposed by a common infrastructure. in other words the implementations should be able to pick and choose services from the common infrastructure. currently identified services include: - cpu load tracking - buffering and conversion service (same code works for input and output) - should support buffer multiplexing (non-integer length input and output buffers) - in-place conversion where possible (only for callback, read/write always copies) - should manage allocation of temporary buffers if necessary - instrumentation (should be able to be disabled): callback count, framesProcessed - common data: magic, streamInterface, callback, userdata - conversion functions: - should handle temp buffer allocation - dithering (random number state per-stream) - buffer size mismatches - with new buffer slip rules, temp buffers may always be needed - we should aim for in-place conversion wherever possible - does phil's code support in-place conversion? (yes) - dicuss relationship between user and host buffer sizes - completely independent.. individual implementations may constrain host buffer sizes if necessary - discuss device capabilities: - i'd like to be able to request certain information: - channel count for example