/* * $Id: PlaybackNode.cc,v 2003-05-09 16:03:53 ggeiger Exp $ * PortAudio Portable Real-Time Audio Library * Latest Version at: http://www.portaudio.com * BeOS Media Kit Implementation by Joshua Haberman * * Copyright (c) 2001 Joshua Haberman <joshua@haberman.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * --- * * Significant portions of this file are based on sample code from Be. The * Be Sample Code Licence follows: * * Copyright 1991-1999, Be Incorporated. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <be/media/BufferGroup.h> #include <be/media/Buffer.h> #include <be/media/TimeSource.h> #include "PlaybackNode.h" #define PRINT(x) { printf x; fflush(stdout); } #ifdef DEBUG #define DBUG(x) PRINT(x) #else #define DBUG(x) #endif PaPlaybackNode::PaPlaybackNode(uint32 channels, float frame_rate, uint32 frames_per_buffer, PortAudioCallback* callback, void *user_data) : BMediaNode("PortAudio input node"), BBufferProducer(B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO), BMediaEventLooper(), mAborted(false), mRunning(false), mBufferGroup(NULL), mDownstreamLatency(0), mStartTime(0), mCallback(callback), mUserData(user_data), mFramesPerBuffer(frames_per_buffer) { DBUG(("Constructor called.\n")); mPreferredFormat.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count = channels; mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate = frame_rate; mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.byte_order = (B_HOST_IS_BENDIAN) ? B_MEDIA_BIG_ENDIAN : B_MEDIA_LITTLE_ENDIAN; mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.buffer_size = media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.buffer_size; mOutput.destination = media_destination::null; mOutput.format = mPreferredFormat; /* The amount of time it takes for this node to produce a buffer when * asked. Essentially, it is how long the user's callback takes to run. * We set this to be the length of the sound data each buffer of the * requested size can hold. */ //mInternalLatency = (bigtime_t)(1000000 * frames_per_buffer / frame_rate); /* ACK! it seems that the mixer (at least on my machine) demands that IT * specify the buffer size, so for now I'll just make a generic guess here */ mInternalLatency = 1000000 / 20; } PaPlaybackNode::~PaPlaybackNode() { DBUG(("Destructor called.\n")); Quit(); /* Stop the BMediaEventLooper thread */ } /************************* * * Local methods * */ bool PaPlaybackNode::IsRunning() { return mRunning; } PaTimestamp PaPlaybackNode::GetStreamTime() { BTimeSource *timeSource = TimeSource(); PaTimestamp time = (timeSource->Now() - mStartTime) * mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate / 1000000; return time; } void PaPlaybackNode::SetSampleFormat(PaSampleFormat inFormat, PaSampleFormat outFormat) { uint32 beOutFormat; switch(outFormat) { case paFloat32: beOutFormat = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_FLOAT; mOutputSampleWidth = 4; break; case paInt16: beOutFormat = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_SHORT; mOutputSampleWidth = 2; break; case paInt32: beOutFormat = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_INT; mOutputSampleWidth = 4; break; case paInt8: beOutFormat = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_CHAR; mOutputSampleWidth = 1; break; case paUInt8: beOutFormat = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_UCHAR; mOutputSampleWidth = 1; break; case paInt24: case paPackedInt24: case paCustomFormat: DBUG(("Unsupported output format: %x\n", outFormat)); break; default: DBUG(("Unknown output format: %x\n", outFormat)); } mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.format = beOutFormat; mFramesPerBuffer * mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count * mOutputSampleWidth; } BBuffer *PaPlaybackNode::FillNextBuffer(bigtime_t time) { /* Get a buffer from the buffer group */ BBuffer *buf = mBufferGroup->RequestBuffer( mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size, BufferDuration()); unsigned long frames = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size / mOutputSampleWidth / mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count; bigtime_t start_time; int ret; if( !buf ) { DBUG(("Unable to allocate a buffer\n")); return NULL; } start_time = mStartTime + (bigtime_t)((double)mSamplesSent / (double)mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate / (double)mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count * 1000000.0); /* Now call the user callback to get the data */ ret = mCallback(NULL, /* Input buffer */ buf->Data(), /* Output buffer */ frames, /* Frames per buffer */ mSamplesSent / mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count, /* timestamp */ mUserData); if( ret ) mAborted = true; media_header *hdr = buf->Header(); hdr->type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; hdr->size_used = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size; hdr->time_source = TimeSource()->ID(); hdr->start_time = start_time; return buf; } /************************* * * BMediaNode methods * */ BMediaAddOn *PaPlaybackNode::AddOn( int32 * ) const { DBUG(("AddOn() called.\n")); return NULL; /* we don't provide service to outside applications */ } status_t PaPlaybackNode::HandleMessage( int32 message, const void *data, size_t size ) { DBUG(("HandleMessage() called.\n")); return B_ERROR; /* we don't define any custom messages */ } /************************* * * BMediaEventLooper methods * */ void PaPlaybackNode::NodeRegistered() { DBUG(("NodeRegistered() called.\n")); /* Start the BMediaEventLooper thread */ SetPriority(B_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY); Run(); /* set up as much information about our output as we can */ mOutput.source.port = ControlPort(); mOutput.source.id = 0; mOutput.node = Node(); ::strcpy(mOutput.name, "PortAudio Playback"); } void PaPlaybackNode::HandleEvent( const media_timed_event *event, bigtime_t lateness, bool realTimeEvent ) { // DBUG(("HandleEvent() called.\n")); status_t err; switch(event->type) { case BTimedEventQueue::B_START: DBUG((" Handling a B_START event\n")); if( RunState() != B_STARTED ) { mStartTime = event->event_time + EventLatency(); mSamplesSent = 0; mAborted = false; mRunning = true; media_timed_event firstEvent( mStartTime, BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER ); EventQueue()->AddEvent( firstEvent ); } break; case BTimedEventQueue::B_STOP: DBUG((" Handling a B_STOP event\n")); mRunning = false; EventQueue()->FlushEvents( 0, BTimedEventQueue::B_ALWAYS, true, BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER ); break; case BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER: //DBUG((" Handling a B_HANDLE_BUFFER event\n")); /* make sure we're started and connected */ if( RunState() != BMediaEventLooper::B_STARTED || mOutput.destination == media_destination::null ) break; BBuffer *buffer = FillNextBuffer(event->event_time); /* make sure we weren't aborted while this routine was running. * this can happen in one of two ways: either the callback returned * nonzero (in which case mAborted is set in FillNextBuffer() ) or * the client called AbortStream */ if( mAborted ) { if( buffer ) buffer->Recycle(); Stop(0, true); break; } if( buffer ) { err = SendBuffer(buffer, mOutput.destination); if( err != B_OK ) buffer->Recycle(); } mSamplesSent += mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size / mOutputSampleWidth; /* Now schedule the next buffer event, so we can send another * buffer when this one runs out. We calculate when it should * happen by calculating when the data we just sent will finish * playing. * * NOTE, however, that the event will actually get generated * earlier than we specify, to account for the latency it will * take to produce the buffer. It uses the latency value we * specified in SetEventLatency() to determine just how early * to generate it. */ /* totalPerformanceTime includes the time represented by the buffer * we just sent */ bigtime_t totalPerformanceTime = (bigtime_t)((double)mSamplesSent / (double)mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count / (double)mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate * 1000000.0); bigtime_t nextEventTime = mStartTime + totalPerformanceTime; media_timed_event nextBufferEvent(nextEventTime, BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER); EventQueue()->AddEvent(nextBufferEvent); break; } } /************************* * * BBufferProducer methods * */ status_t PaPlaybackNode::FormatSuggestionRequested( media_type type, int32 /*quality*/, media_format* format ) { /* the caller wants to know this node's preferred format and provides * a suggestion, asking if we support it */ DBUG(("FormatSuggestionRequested() called.\n")); if(!format) return B_BAD_VALUE; *format = mPreferredFormat; /* we only support raw audio (a wildcard is okay too) */ if ( type == B_MEDIA_UNKNOWN_TYPE || type == B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO ) return B_OK; else return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; } status_t PaPlaybackNode::FormatProposal( const media_source& output, media_format* format ) { /* This is similar to FormatSuggestionRequested(), but it is actually part * of the negotiation process. We're given the opportunity to specify any * properties that are wildcards (ie. properties that the other node doesn't * care one way or another about) */ DBUG(("FormatProposal() called.\n")); /* Make sure this proposal really applies to our output */ if( output != mOutput.source ) return B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE; /* We return two things: whether we support the proposed format, and our own * preferred format */ *format = mPreferredFormat; if( format->type == B_MEDIA_UNKNOWN_TYPE || format->type == B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO ) return B_OK; else return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; } status_t PaPlaybackNode::FormatChangeRequested( const media_source& source, const media_destination& destination, media_format* io_format, int32* ) { /* we refuse to change formats, supporting only 1 */ DBUG(("FormatChangeRequested() called.\n")); return B_ERROR; } status_t PaPlaybackNode::GetNextOutput( int32* cookie, media_output* out_output ) { /* this is where we allow other to enumerate our outputs -- the cookie is * an integer we can use to keep track of where we are in enumeration. */ DBUG(("GetNextOutput() called.\n")); if( *cookie == 0 ) { *out_output = mOutput; *cookie = 1; return B_OK; } return B_BAD_INDEX; } status_t PaPlaybackNode::DisposeOutputCookie( int32 cookie ) { DBUG(("DisposeOutputCookie() called.\n")); return B_OK; } void PaPlaybackNode::LateNoticeReceived( const media_source& what, bigtime_t how_much, bigtime_t performance_time ) { /* This function is called as notification that a buffer we sent wasn't * received by the time we stamped it with -- it got there late. Basically, * it means we underestimated our own latency, so we should increase it */ DBUG(("LateNoticeReceived() called.\n")); if( what != mOutput.source ) return; if( RunMode() == B_INCREASE_LATENCY ) { mInternalLatency += how_much; SetEventLatency( mDownstreamLatency + mInternalLatency ); DBUG(("Increasing latency to %Ld\n", mDownstreamLatency + mInternalLatency)); } else DBUG(("I don't know what to do with this notice!")); } void PaPlaybackNode::EnableOutput( const media_source& what, bool enabled, int32* ) { DBUG(("EnableOutput() called.\n")); /* stub -- we don't support this yet */ } status_t PaPlaybackNode::PrepareToConnect( const media_source& what, const media_destination& where, media_format* format, media_source* out_source, char* out_name ) { /* the final stage of format negotiations. here we _must_ make specific any * remaining wildcards */ DBUG(("PrepareToConnect() called.\n")); /* make sure this really refers to our source */ if( what != mOutput.source ) return B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE; /* make sure we're not already connected */ if( mOutput.destination != media_destination::null ) return B_MEDIA_ALREADY_CONNECTED; if( format->type != B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO ) return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; if( format->u.raw_audio.format != mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.format ) return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT; if( format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size == media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.buffer_size ) { DBUG(("We were left to decide buffer size: choosing 2048")); format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size = 2048; } else DBUG(("Using consumer specified buffer size of %lu.\n", format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size)); /* Reserve the connection, return the information */ mOutput.destination = where; mOutput.format = *format; *out_source = mOutput.source; strncpy( out_name, mOutput.name, B_MEDIA_NAME_LENGTH ); return B_OK; } void PaPlaybackNode::Connect(status_t error, const media_source& source, const media_destination& destination, const media_format& format, char* io_name) { DBUG(("Connect() called.\n"));