/* * PortAudio Portable Real-Time Audio Library * Latest Version at: http://www.portaudio.com * SGI IRIX implementation by Pieter Suurmond, september 22, 2001 (#0.18). * * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Phil Burk * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Modfication History: 8/12/2001 - Pieter Suurmond - took the v15 pa_linux_oss.c file and started to adapt for IRIX 6.2. 8/17/2001 - alpha release with IRIX sproc()-method, may sometimes let IRIX6.2 crash at closing audiostream. 9/22/2001 - #0.18 pthread starts to work a bit: BUT UNDER IRIX6.2, I DON'T GET IT TO WORK REALLY CORRECTLY, this POSIX-attempt, DON'T USE THIS FILE FOR RELIABLE OPERATION, IT IS HERE JUST FOR DOCUMENTATION/ARCHIVE... OR FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO FIX...... TODO: - Test under IRIX 6.5. - Dynamically switch to 32 bit float as native format when appropriate (let SGI do the conversion), and maybe also the other natively supported formats? (might increase performance) - Not sure whether CPU UTILIZATION MEASUREMENT (from OSS/linux) really works. Changed nothing yet, seems ok, but I've not yet tested it thoroughly. (maybe utilization-code may be made _unix_common_ then?) - The minimal number of buffers setting... I do not yet fully understand it.. I now just take *4. REFERENCES: - IRIX 6.2 man pages regarding SGI AL library. - IRIS Digital MediaProgramming Guide (online books as well as man-pages come with IRIX 6.2 and may not be publically available on the internet). */ #include <stdio.h> /* Standard libraries. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "../pa_common/portaudio.h" /* Portaudio headers. */ #include "../pa_common/pa_host.h" #include "../pa_common/pa_trace.h" /* #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> Not needed #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/schedctl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> Needed? #include <sys/time.h> #include <sched.h> sched_param struct and related functions used in setting thread priorities. #include <limits.h> Some POSIX constants such as _POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX */ #include <pthread.h> /* Pthreads are supported by IRIX 6.2 after */ /* patches 1361, 1367, and 1429 are applied. */ #include <fcntl.h> /* fcntl.h needed for "O_RDONLY". */ #include <unistd.h> /* For usleep() and constants used when calling sysconf() */ /* to query POSIX limits (see the sysconf(3) ref. page. */ #include <dmedia/audio.h> /* SGI-specific audio library. */ /*--------------------------------------------*/ #define PRINT(x) { printf x; fflush(stdout); } #define ERR_RPT(x) PRINT(x) #define DBUG(x) PRINT(x) #define DBUGX(x) /* PRINT(x) */ #define MAX_CHARS_DEVNAME (16) /* Was 32 in OSS (20 for AL but "in"/"out" is concat. */ #define MAX_SAMPLE_RATES (8) /* Known from SGI AL there are 7 (was 10 in OSS v15). */ typedef struct internalPortAudioDevice /* IRIX specific device info: */ { PaDeviceID /* NEW: */ pad_DeviceID; /* THIS "ID" IS NEW HERE (Pieter)! */ long pad_ALdevice; /* SGI-number! */ double pad_SampleRates[MAX_SAMPLE_RATES]; /* for pointing to from pad_Info */ char pad_DeviceName[MAX_CHARS_DEVNAME+1]; /* +1 for \0, one more than OSS. */ PaDeviceInfo pad_Info; /* pad_Info (v15) contains: */ /* int structVersion; */ /* const char* name; */ /* int maxInputChannels, maxOutputChannels; */ /* int numSampleRates; Num rates, or -1 if range supprtd. */ /* const double* sampleRates; Array of supported sample rates, */ /* PaSampleFormat nativeSampleFormats; or {min,max} if range supported. */ struct internalPortAudioDevice* pad_Next; /* Singly linked list, (NULL=end). */ } internalPortAudioDevice; typedef struct PaHostSoundControl /* Structure to contain all SGI IRIX specific data. */ { ALport pahsc_ALportIN, /* IRIX-audio-library-datatype. ALports can only be */ pahsc_ALportOUT; /* unidirectional, so we sometimes need 2 of them. */ pthread_t pahsc_ThreadPID; short *pahsc_NativeInputBuffer, /* Allocated here, in this file, if necessary. */ *pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer; unsigned int pahsc_BytesPerInputBuffer, /* Native buffer sizes in bytes, really needed here */ pahsc_BytesPerOutputBuffer; /* to free FAST memory, if buffs were alloctd FAST. */ unsigned int pahsc_SamplesPerInputBuffer, /* These amounts are needed again and again in the */ pahsc_SamplesPerOutputBuffer; /* audio-thread (don't need to be kept globally). */ struct itimerval pahsc_EntryTime, /* For measuring CPU utilization (same as linux). */ pahsc_LastExitTime; long pahsc_InsideCountSum, pahsc_TotalCountSum; } PaHostSoundControl; /*----------------------------- Shared Data ------------------------------------------------------*/ static internalPortAudioDevice* sDeviceList = NULL; /* FIXME - put Mutex around this shared data. */ static int sPaHostError = 0; /* Maybe more than one process writing errs!? */ long Pa_GetHostError(void) { return (long)sPaHostError; } /*----------------------------- BEGIN CPU UTILIZATION MEASUREMENT -----------------*/ /* (copied from source pa_linux_oss/pa_linux_oss.c) */ static void Pa_StartUsageCalculation( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { struct itimerval itimer; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return; /* Query system timer for usage analysis and to prevent overuse of CPU. */ getitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &pahsc->pahsc_EntryTime ); } static long SubtractTime_AminusB( struct itimerval *timeA, struct itimerval *timeB ) { long secs = timeA->it_value.tv_sec - timeB->it_value.tv_sec; long usecs = secs * 1000000; usecs += (timeA->it_value.tv_usec - timeB->it_value.tv_usec); return usecs; } static void Pa_EndUsageCalculation( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { struct itimerval currentTime; long insideCount; long totalCount; /* Measure CPU utilization during this callback. */ #define LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_0 (0.95) #define LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_1 (0.99999 - LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_0) PaHostSoundControl *pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if (pahsc == NULL) return; if (getitimer( ITIMER_REAL, ¤tTime ) == 0 ) { if (past->past_IfLastExitValid) { insideCount = SubtractTime_AminusB( &pahsc->pahsc_EntryTime, ¤tTime ); pahsc->pahsc_InsideCountSum += insideCount; totalCount = SubtractTime_AminusB( &pahsc->pahsc_LastExitTime, ¤tTime ); pahsc->pahsc_TotalCountSum += totalCount; /* DBUG(("insideCount = %d, totalCount = %d\n", insideCount, totalCount )); */ /* Low pass filter the result because sometimes we get called several times in a row. */ /* That can cause the TotalCount to be very low which can cause the usage to appear */ /* unnaturally high. So we must filter numerator and denominator separately!!! */ if (pahsc->pahsc_InsideCountSum > 0) { past->past_AverageInsideCount = ((LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_0 * past->past_AverageInsideCount) + (LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_1 * pahsc->pahsc_InsideCountSum)); past->past_AverageTotalCount = ((LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_0 * past->past_AverageTotalCount) + (LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_1 * pahsc->pahsc_TotalCountSum)); past->past_Usage = past->past_AverageInsideCount / past->past_AverageTotalCount; pahsc->pahsc_InsideCountSum = 0; pahsc->pahsc_TotalCountSum = 0; } } past->past_IfLastExitValid = 1; } pahsc->pahsc_LastExitTime.it_value.tv_sec = 100; pahsc->pahsc_LastExitTime.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &pahsc->pahsc_LastExitTime, NULL ); past->past_IfLastExitValid = 1; } /*----------- END OF CPU UTILIZATION CODE (from pa_linux_oss/pa_linux_oss.c v15)--------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PaError translateSGIerror(void) /* Calls oserror(), may be used after an SGI AL-library */ { /* call to report via ERR_RPT(), yields a PaError-num. */ const char* a = "SGI AL "; /* (Not absolutely sure errno came from THIS thread! */ switch(oserror()) /* Read IRIX man-pages about the _SGI_MP_SOURCE macro.) */ { case AL_BAD_OUT_OF_MEM: ERR_RPT(("%sout of memory.\n", a)); return paInsufficientMemory; /* Known PaError. */ case AL_BAD_CONFIG: ERR_RPT(("%sconfiguration invalid or NULL.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_CHANNELS: ERR_RPT(("%schannels not 1,2 or 4.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_NO_PORTS: ERR_RPT(("%sout of audio ports.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_DEVICE: ERR_RPT(("%swrong device number.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_DEVICE_ACCESS: ERR_RPT(("%swrong device access.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_DIRECTION: ERR_RPT(("%sinvalid direction.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_SAMPFMT: ERR_RPT(("%sdoesn't accept sampleformat.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_FLOATMAX: ERR_RPT(("%smax float value is zero.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_WIDTH: ERR_RPT(("%sunsupported samplewidth.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_QSIZE: ERR_RPT(("%sinvalid queue size.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_PVBUFFER: ERR_RPT(("%sPVbuffer null.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_BUFFERLENGTH_NEG: ERR_RPT(("%snegative bufferlength.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_BUFFERLENGTH_ODD: ERR_RPT(("%sodd bufferlength.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ case AL_BAD_PARAM: ERR_RPT(("%sparameter not valid for device.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ default: ERR_RPT(("%sunknown error.\n", a)); return paHostError; /* Generic PaError. */ } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Tries to set various rates and formats and fill in the device info structure. */ static PaError Pa_sgiQueryDevice(long ALdev, /* (AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE) */ PaDeviceID id, /* (DefaultI|ODeviceID()) */ char* name, /* (for example "SGI AL") */ internalPortAudioDevice* pad) /* Result written to pad. */ { int format; long min, max; /* To catch hardware characteristics. */ ALseterrorhandler(0); /* 0 = turn off the default error handler. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pad->pad_ALdevice = ALdev; /* Set the AL device number. */ pad->pad_DeviceID = id; /* Set the PA device number. */ if (strlen(name) > MAX_CHARS_DEVNAME) /* MAX_CHARS defined above. */ { ERR_RPT(("Pa_QueryDevice(): name too long (%s).\n", name)); return paHostError; } strcpy(pad->pad_DeviceName, name); /* Write name-string. */ pad->pad_Info.name = pad->pad_DeviceName; /* Set pointer,..hmmm. */ /*--------------------------------- natively supported sample formats: -----------------*/ pad->pad_Info.nativeSampleFormats = paInt16; /* Later also include paFloat32 | ..| etc. */ /* Then also choose other CallConvertXX()! */ /*--------------------------------- number of available i/o channels: ------------------*/ if (ALgetminmax(ALdev, AL_INPUT_COUNT, &min, &max)) return translateSGIerror(); pad->pad_Info.maxInputChannels = max; DBUG(("Pa_QueryDevice: maxInputChannels = %d\n", pad->pad_Info.maxInputChannels)) if (ALgetminmax(ALdev, AL_OUTPUT_COUNT, &min, &max)) return translateSGIerror(); pad->pad_Info.maxOutputChannels = max; DBUG(("Pa_QueryDevice: maxOutputChannels = %d\n", pad->pad_Info.maxOutputChannels)) /*--------------------------------- supported samplerates: ----------------------*/ pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = 7; pad->pad_Info.sampleRates = pad->pad_SampleRates; pad->pad_SampleRates[0] = (double)AL_RATE_8000; /* long -> double. */ pad->pad_SampleRates[1] = (double)AL_RATE_11025; pad->pad_SampleRates[2] = (double)AL_RATE_16000; pad->pad_SampleRates[3] = (double)AL_RATE_22050; pad->pad_SampleRates[4] = (double)AL_RATE_32000; pad->pad_SampleRates[5] = (double)AL_RATE_44100; pad->pad_SampleRates[6] = (double)AL_RATE_48000; if (ALgetminmax(ALdev, AL_INPUT_RATE, &min, &max)) /* Ask INPUT rate-max. */ return translateSGIerror(); /* double -> long. */ if (max != (long)(0.5 + pad->pad_SampleRates[6])) /* FP-compare not recommndd. */ goto weird; if (ALgetminmax(ALdev, AL_OUTPUT_RATE, &min, &max)) /* Ask OUTPUT rate-max. */ return translateSGIerror(); if (max != (long)(0.5 + pad->pad_SampleRates[6])) { weird: ERR_RPT(("Pa_sgiQueryDevice() did not confirm max samplerate (%ld)\n",max)); return paHostError; /* Or make it a warning and just carry on... */ } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return paNoError; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int Pa_CountDevices() /* Name of this function suggests it only counts and */ { /* is NOT destructive, it however resets whole PA ! */ int numDevices = 0; /* Let 's not do that here. */ internalPortAudioDevice* currentDevice = sDeviceList; /* COPY GLOBAL VAR. */ #if 0 /* Remains from linux_oss v15: Pa_Initialize(), on */ if (!currentDevice) /* its turn, calls PaHost_Init() via file pa_lib.c. */ Pa_Initialize(); /* Isn't that a bit too 'rude'? Don't be too */ #endif /* friendly to clients that forgot to initialize PA. */ while (currentDevice) /* Slower but more elegant than the sNumDevices-way: */ { numDevices++; currentDevice = currentDevice->pad_Next; } return numDevices; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static internalPortAudioDevice *Pa_GetInternalDevice(PaDeviceID id) { int numDevices = 0; internalPortAudioDevice *res = (internalPortAudioDevice*)NULL; internalPortAudioDevice *pad = sDeviceList; /* COPY GLOBAL VAR. */ while (pad) /* pad may be NULL, that's ok, return 0. */ { /* (Added ->pad_DeviceID field to the pad-struct, Pieter, 2001.) */ if (pad->pad_DeviceID == id) /* This the device we were looking for? */ res = pad; /* But keep on(!) counting so we don't */ numDevices++; /* have to call Pa_CountDevices() later. */ pad = pad->pad_Next; /* Advance to the next device or NULL. */ } /* No assumptions about order of ID's in */ if (!res) /* the list. */ ERR_RPT(("Pa_GetInternalDevice() could not find specified ID (%d).\n",id)); if ((id < 0) || (id >= numDevices)) { ERR_RPT(("Pa_GetInternalDevice() supplied with an illegal ID (%d).\n",id)); #if 1 /* Be strict, even when found, */ res = (internalPortAudioDevice*)NULL; /* do not accept illegal ID's. */ #endif } return res; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const PaDeviceInfo* Pa_GetDeviceInfo(PaDeviceID id) { PaDeviceInfo* res = (PaDeviceInfo*)NULL; internalPortAudioDevice* pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice(id); /* Call. */ if (pad) res = &pad->pad_Info; /* Not finding the specified ID is not */ if (!res) /* the same as &pad->pad_Info == NULL. */ ERR_RPT(("Pa_GetDeviceInfo() could not find it (ID=%d).\n", id)); return res; /* So (maybe) a second/third ERR_RPT(). */ } /*------------------------------------------------*/ PaDeviceID Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID(void) { return 0; /* 0 is the default device ID. */ } /*------------------------------------------------*/ PaDeviceID Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID(void) { return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Build linked a list with all the available audio devices on this SGI machine (only 1 for now). */ PaError PaHost_Init(void) /* Called by Pa_Initialize() from pa_lib.c. */ { internalPortAudioDevice* pad; PaError r = paNoError; int audioLibFileID; /* To test for the presence of audio. */ if (sDeviceList) /* Allow re-init, only warn, no error. */ { ERR_RPT(("Warning: PaHost_Init() did not really re-init PA.\n")); return r; } /*------------- ADD THE SGI DEFAULT DEVICE TO THE LIST: ---------------------------------------*/ audioLibFileID = open("/dev/hdsp/hdsp0master", O_RDONLY); /* Try to open Indigo style audio */ if (audioLibFileID < 0) /* IO port. On failure, machine */ { /* has no audio ability. */ ERR_RPT(("PaHost_Init(): This machine has no (Indigo-style) audio abilities.\n")); return paHostError; } close(audioLibFileID); /* Allocate fast mem to hold device info. */ pad = PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(sizeof(internalPortAudioDevice)); if (pad == NULL) return paInsufficientMemory; memset(pad, 0, sizeof(internalPortAudioDevice)); /* "pad->pad_Next = NULL" is more elegant. */ r = Pa_sgiQueryDevice(AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE, /* Set AL device num (AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE). */ Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID(),/* Set PA device num (or InputDeviceID()). */ "AL default", /* A suitable name. */ pad); /* Write args and queried info into pad. */ if (r != paNoError) { ERR_RPT(("Pa_QueryDevice for '%s' returned: %d\n", pad->pad_DeviceName, r)); PaHost_FreeFastMemory(pad, sizeof(internalPortAudioDevice)); /* sDeviceList still NULL ! */ } else sDeviceList = pad; /* First element in linked list. pad->pad_Next already NULL. */ /*------------- QUERY AND ADD MORE POSSIBLE SGI DEVICES TO THE LINKED LIST: -------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return r; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static PaError Pa_SgiAudioProcess(internalPortAudioStream *past) /* Spawned by PaHost_StartEngine(). */ { PaError result = paNoError; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; if (!past) return paBadStreamPtr; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl*)past->past_DeviceData; if (!pahsc) return paInternalError; past->past_IsActive = 1; /* Wasn't this already done by the calling parent?! */ DBUG(("entering thread.\n")); while (!past->past_StopSoon) /* OR-ing StopSoon and StopNow here gives problems! */ { /*---------------------------------------- INPUT: ------------------------------------*/ if (pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer) /* Then pahsc_ALportIN should also be there! */ { while (ALgetfilled(pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN) < pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerInputBuffer) { /* Trying sginap(1); and usleep(); here... things get blocked under IRIX6.2. */ if (past->past_StopNow) /* Don't let ALreadsamps() block */ goto done; } if (ALreadsamps(pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN, (void*)pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer, pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerInputBuffer)) /* Number of samples instead */ { /* of number of frames. */ ERR_RPT(("ALreadsamps() failed.\n")); result = paInternalError; goto done; } } /*---------------------------------------------------- USER CALLBACK ROUTINE: ----------*/ /* DBUG(("Calling Pa_CallConvertInt16()...\n")); */ Pa_StartUsageCalculation(past); /* Convert 16 bit native data to */ result = Pa_CallConvertInt16(past, /* user data and call user routine. */ pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer, pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer); Pa_EndUsageCalculation(past); if (result) { DBUG(("Pa_CallConvertInt16() returned %d, stopping...\n", result)); goto done; /* This is apparently NOT an error! */ } /* Just letting the userCallBack stop us. */ /*---------------------------------------- OUTPUT: ------------------------------------*/ if (pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer) /* Then pahsc_ALportOUT should also be there! */ { while (ALgetfillable(pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT) < pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerOutputBuffer) { /* Trying sginap(1); and usleep(); here... things get blocked under IRIX6.2. */ if (past->past_StopNow) /* Don't let ALwritesamps() block */ goto done; } if (ALwritesamps(pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT, (void*)pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer, pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerOutputBuffer)) { ERR_RPT(("ALwritesamps() failed.\n")); result = paInternalError; goto done; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } done: /* pahsc->pahsc_ThreadPID = -1; Hu? doesn't help!! (added by Pieter) */ past->past_IsActive = 0; DBUG(("leaving thread.\n")); return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PaError PaHost_OpenStream(internalPortAudioStream *past) { PaError result = paNoError; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; unsigned int minNumBuffers; internalPortAudioDevice *padIN, *padOUT; /* For looking up native AL-numbers. */ ALconfig sgiALconfig = NULL; /* IRIX-datatype. */ long pvbuf[8]; /* To get/set hardware configs. */ long sr, ALqsize; DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream() called.\n")); /* Alloc FASTMEM and init host data. */ if (!past) { ERR_RPT(("Streampointer NULL!\n")); result = paBadStreamPtr; goto done; } pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl*)PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(sizeof(PaHostSoundControl)); if (pahsc == NULL) { ERR_RPT(("FAST Memory allocation failed.\n")); /* Pass trough some ERR_RPT-exit- */ result = paInsufficientMemory; goto done; /* code (nothing will be freed). */ } memset(pahsc, 0, sizeof(PaHostSoundControl)); /* pahsc->pahsc_threadPID = -1; Should pahsc_threadPID be inited to */ past->past_DeviceData = (void*)pahsc; /* -1 instead of 0 ?? */ /*--------------------------------------------------- Allocate native buffers: --------*/ pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerInputBuffer = past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer * /* Needed by the */ past->past_NumInputChannels; /* audio-thread. */ pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerInputBuffer = pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerInputBuffer * sizeof(short); if (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) /* Assumes short = 16 bits! */ { pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer = (short*)PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerInputBuffer); if( pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer == NULL ) { ERR_RPT(("Fast memory allocation for input-buffer failed.\n")); result = paInsufficientMemory; goto done; } } pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerOutputBuffer = past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer * /* Needed by the */ past->past_NumOutputChannels; /* audio-thread. */ pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerOutputBuffer = pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerOutputBuffer * sizeof(short); if (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) /* Assumes short = 16 bits! */ { pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer = (short*)PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerOutputBuffer); if (pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer == NULL) { ERR_RPT(("Fast memory allocation for output-buffer failed.\n")); result = paInsufficientMemory; goto done; } } /*------------------------------------------ Manipulate hardware if necessary and allowed: --*/ ALseterrorhandler(0); /* 0 = turn off the default error handler. */ pvbuf[0] = AL_INPUT_RATE; pvbuf[2] = AL_INPUT_COUNT; pvbuf[4] = AL_OUTPUT_RATE; /* TO FIX: rates may be logically, not always in Hz! */ pvbuf[6] = AL_OUTPUT_COUNT; sr = (long)(past->past_SampleRate + 0.5); /* Common for input and output :-) */ if (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) /* We need to lookup the corre- */ { /* sponding native AL-number(s). */ padIN = Pa_GetInternalDevice(past->past_InputDeviceID); if (!padIN) { ERR_RPT(("Pa_GetInternalDevice() for input failed.\n")); result = paHostError; goto done; } if (ALgetparams(padIN->pad_ALdevice, &pvbuf[0], 4)) /* Although input and output will both be on */ goto sgiError; /* the same AL-device, the AL-library might */ if (pvbuf[1] != sr) /* contain more than AL_DEFAULT_DEVICE in */ { /* Rate different from current harware-rate? the future. Therefore 2 seperate queries. */ if (pvbuf[3] > 0) /* Means, there's other clients using AL-input-ports */ { ERR_RPT(("Sorry, not allowed to switch input-hardware to %ld Hz because \ another process is currently using input at %ld kHz.\n", sr, pvbuf[1])); result = paHostError; goto done; } pvbuf[1] = sr; /* Then set input-rate. */ if (ALsetparams(padIN->pad_ALdevice, &pvbuf[0], 2)) goto sgiError; /* WHETHER THIS SAMPLERATE WAS REALLY PRESENT IN OUR ARRAY OF RATES, */ } /* IS NOT CHECKED, AT LEAST NOT BY ME, WITHIN THIS FILE! Does PA do? */ } if (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) /* CARE: padOUT/IN may NOT be NULL if Channels <= 0! */ { /* We use padOUT/IN later on, or at least 1 of both. */ padOUT = Pa_GetInternalDevice(past->past_OutputDeviceID); if (!padOUT) { ERR_RPT(("Pa_GetInternalDevice() for output failed.\n")); result = paHostError; goto done; } if (ALgetparams(padOUT->pad_ALdevice,&pvbuf[4], 4)) goto sgiError; if ((past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) && (pvbuf[5] != sr)) { /* Output needed and rate different from current harware-rate. */ if (pvbuf[7] > 0) /* Means, there's other clients using AL-output-ports */ { ERR_RPT(("Sorry, not allowed to switch output-hardware to %ld Hz because \ another process is currently using output at %ld kHz.\n", sr, pvbuf[5])); result = paHostError; goto done; /* Will free again the inputbuffer */ } /* that was just created above. */ pvbuf[5] = sr; /* Then set output-rate. */ if (ALsetparams(padOUT->pad_ALdevice, &pvbuf[4], 2)) goto sgiError; } } /*------------------------------------------ Construct an audio-port-configuration ----------*/ sgiALconfig = ALnewconfig(); /* Change the SGI-AL-default-settings. */ if (sgiALconfig == (ALconfig)0) /* sgiALconfig is released here after use! */ goto sgiError; /* See that sgiALconfig is NOT released! */ if (ALsetsampfmt(sgiALconfig, AL_SAMPFMT_TWOSCOMP)) /* Choose paInt16 as native i/o-format. */ goto sgiError; if (ALsetwidth (sgiALconfig, AL_SAMPLE_16)) /* Only meaningful when sample format for */ goto sgiError; /* config is set to two's complement format. */ /************************ Future versions might (dynamically) switch to 32-bit floats? ******* if (ALsetsampfmt(sgiALconfig, AL_SAMPFMT_FLOAT)) (Then also call another CallConvert-func.) goto sgiError; if (ALsetfloatmax (sgiALconfig, 1.0)) Only meaningful when sample format for config goto sgiError; is set to AL_SAMPFMT_FLOAT or AL_SAMPFMT_DOUBLE. */ /*---------- ?? --------------------*/ /* DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: pahsc_MinFramesPerHostBuffer = %d\n", pahsc->pahsc_MinFramesPerHostBuffer )); */ minNumBuffers = Pa_GetMinNumBuffers(past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, past->past_SampleRate); past->past_NumUserBuffers = (minNumBuffers > past->past_NumUserBuffers) ? minNumBuffers : past->past_NumUserBuffers; /*------------------------------------------------ Set internal AL queuesize (in samples) ----*/ if (pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerInputBuffer >= pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerOutputBuffer) ALqsize = (long)pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerInputBuffer; else /* Take the largest of the two amounts. */ ALqsize = (long)pahsc->pahsc_SamplesPerOutputBuffer; ALqsize *= 4; /* 4 times as large as amount per transfer! */ if (ALsetqueuesize(sgiALconfig, ALqsize)) /* Or should we use past_NumUserBuffers here? */ goto sgiError; /* Using 2 times may give glitches... */ /* Have to work on ALsetqueuesize() above. */ /* Do ALsetchannels() later, apart per input and/or output. */ /*----------------------------------------------- OPEN 1 OR 2 AL-DEVICES: --------------------*/ if (past->past_OutputDeviceID == past->past_InputDeviceID) /* Who SETS these devive-numbers? */ { if ((past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) && (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0)) { DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: opening both input and output channels.\n")); /*------------------------- open output port: ----------------------------------*/ if (ALsetchannels (sgiALconfig, (long)(past->past_NumOutputChannels))) goto sgiError; /* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT = ALopenport("PA sgi out", "w", sgiALconfig); if (pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT == (ALport)0) goto sgiError; /*------------------------- open input port: -----------------------------------*/ if (ALsetchannels (sgiALconfig, (long)(past->past_NumInputChannels))) goto sgiError; /* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN = ALopenport("PA sgi in", "r", sgiALconfig); if (pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN == (ALport)0) goto sgiError; /* For some reason the "patest_wire.c"-test crashes! */ } /* Probably due to too small buffersizes?.... */ else { ERR_RPT(("Cannot setup bidirectional stream between different devices.\n")); result = paHostError; goto done; } } else /* (OutputDeviceID != InputDeviceID) */ { if (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) /* WRITE-ONLY: */ { /*------------------------- open output port: ----------------------------------*/ DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: opening %d output channel(s) on %s.\n", past->past_NumOutputChannels, padOUT->pad_DeviceName)); if (ALsetchannels (sgiALconfig, (long)(past->past_NumOutputChannels))) goto sgiError; /* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT = ALopenport("PA sgi out", "w", sgiALconfig); if (pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT == (ALport)0) goto sgiError; } if (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) /* READ-ONLY: */ { /*------------------------- open input port: -----------------------------------*/ DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: opening %d input channel(s) on %s.\n", past->past_NumInputChannels, padIN->pad_DeviceName)); if (ALsetchannels (sgiALconfig, (long)(past->past_NumInputChannels))) goto sgiError; /* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN = ALopenport("PA sgi in", "r", sgiALconfig); if (pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN == (ALport)0) goto sgiError; } } DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream() succeeded.\n")); goto done; /* (no errors occured) */ sgiError: result = translateSGIerror(); /* Translates SGI AL-code to PA-code and ERR_RPTs string. */ done: if (sgiALconfig) ALfreeconfig(sgiALconfig); /* We don't need that struct anymore. */ if (result != paNoError) PaHost_CloseStream(past); /* Frees memory (only if really allocated!). */ return result; } /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ PaError PaHost_StartOutput(internalPortAudioStream *past) { return paNoError; /* Hmm, not implemented yet? */ } PaError PaHost_StartInput(internalPortAudioStream *past) { return paNoError; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PaError PaHost_StartEngine(internalPortAudioStream *past) { PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; int hres; PaError result = paNoError; if (!past) /* Test argument. */ { ERR_RPT(("PaHost_StartEngine(NULL)!\n")); return paBadStreamPtr; } pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl*)past->past_DeviceData; if (!pahsc) { ERR_RPT(("PaHost_StartEngine(arg): arg->past_DeviceData == NULL!\n")); return paHostError; } past->past_StopSoon = 0; /* Assume SGI ALport is already opened! */ past->past_StopNow = 0; past->past_IsActive = 1; DBUG(("PaHost_StartEngine() called.\n")); /* Use pthread_create() instead of __clone() because: */ /* - pthread_create also works for other UNIX systems like Solaris, */ /* - Java HotSpot VM crashes in pthread_setcanceltype() when using __clone(). */ hres = pthread_create(&(pahsc->pahsc_ThreadPID), /* SPAWN AUDIO-CHILD. */ NULL, /* pthread_attr_t * attr */ (void*)Pa_SgiAudioProcess, past); if (hres) { result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hres; ERR_RPT(("PaHost_StartEngine() failed to spawn audio-thread.\n")); } return result; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PaError PaHost_StopEngine(internalPortAudioStream *past, int abort) { int hres; PaError result = paNoError; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; DBUG(("PaHost_StopEngine() called.\n")); if (!past) return paBadStreamPtr; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl*)past->past_DeviceData; if (pahsc == NULL) return result; /* paNoError (already stopped, no err?). */ past->past_StopSoon = 1; /* Tell background thread to stop generating */ if (abort) /* more and to let current data play out. If */ past->past_StopNow = 1; /* aborting, tell backgrnd thread to stop NOW! */ if (pahsc->pahsc_ThreadPID != -1) /* Join thread to recover memory resources. */ { DBUG(("pthread_join() called.\n")); hres = pthread_join(pahsc->pahsc_ThreadPID, NULL); if (hres) { result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hres; ERR_RPT(("PaHost_StopEngine() failed pthread_join().\n")); } pahsc->pahsc_ThreadPID = -1; } past->past_IsActive = 0; return result; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ PaError PaHost_StopOutput(internalPortAudioStream *past, int abort) { return paNoError; /* Not implemented yet? */ } PaError PaHost_StopInput(internalPortAudioStream *past, int abort ) { return paNoError; } /*******************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_CloseStream(internalPortAudioStream *past) { PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; PaError result = paNoError; DBUG(("PaHost_CloseStream() called.\n")); if (past == NULL) return paBadStreamPtr; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if (pahsc == NULL) /* If pahsc not NULL, past_DeviceData will be freed, and set to NULL. */ return result; /* This test prevents from freeing NULL-pointers. */ if (pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN) { if (ALcloseport(pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN)) result = translateSGIerror(); /* Translates SGI AL-code to PA-code and ERR_RPTs string. */ else /* But go on anyway... to release other stuff... */ pahsc->pahsc_ALportIN = (ALport)0; } if (pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT) { if (ALcloseport(pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT)) result = translateSGIerror(); else pahsc->pahsc_ALportOUT = (ALport)0; } if (pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer) { PaHost_FreeFastMemory(pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer, pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerInputBuffer); pahsc->pahsc_NativeInputBuffer = NULL; } if (pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer) { PaHost_FreeFastMemory(pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer, pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerOutputBuffer); pahsc->pahsc_NativeOutputBuffer = NULL; } PaHost_FreeFastMemory(pahsc, sizeof(PaHostSoundControl)); past->past_DeviceData = NULL; /* PaHost_OpenStream() allocated FAST. */ return result; } /************************************************************************* ** Determine minimum number of buffers required for this host based ** on minimum latency. Latency can be optionally set by user by setting ** an environment variable. For example, to set latency to 200 msec, put: ** set PA_MIN_LATENCY_MSEC=200 ** in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and reboot. ** If the environment variable is not set, then the latency will be ** determined based on the OS. Windows NT has higher latency than Win95. */ #define PA_LATENCY_ENV_NAME ("PA_MIN_LATENCY_MSEC") int Pa_GetMinNumBuffers( int framesPerBuffer, double sampleRate ) { return 2; } /* Hmmm, the note above isn't appropriate for SGI I'm afraid... */ /* Do we HAVE to do it this way under IRIX???.... */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PaError PaHost_Term(void) /* Frees all of the linked audio-devices. */ { /* Called by Pa_Terminate() from pa_lib.c. */ internalPortAudioDevice *pad = sDeviceList, *nxt; while (pad) { DBUG(("PaHost_Term: freeing %s\n", pad->pad_DeviceName)); nxt = pad->pad_Next; PaHost_FreeFastMemory(pad, sizeof(internalPortAudioDevice)); pad = nxt; /* PaHost_Init allocated this FAST MEM.*/ } sDeviceList = (internalPortAudioDevice*)NULL; return 0; /* Got rid of sNumDevices=0; */ } /***********************************************************************/ void Pa_Sleep( long msec ) /* Sleep requested number of milliseconds. */ { #if 0 struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = msec / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (msec % 1000) * 1000; select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &timeout); #else long usecs = msec * 1000; usleep( usecs ); #endif } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Allocate memory that can be accessed in real-time. This may need to be held in physi- */ /* cal memory so that it is not paged to virtual memory. This call MUST be balanced with */ /* a call to PaHost_FreeFastMemory(). */ void *PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(long numBytes) { void *addr = malloc(numBytes); if (addr) memset(addr, 0, numBytes); return addr; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Free memory that could be accessed in real-time. This call MUST be balanced with a */ /* call to PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(). */ void PaHost_FreeFastMemory(void *addr, long numBytes) { if (addr) free(addr); } /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ PaError PaHost_StreamActive (internalPortAudioStream *past) { PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; if (past == NULL) return paBadStreamPtr; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if (pahsc == NULL) return paInternalError; return (PaError)(past->past_IsActive != 0); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PaTimestamp Pa_StreamTime( PortAudioStream *stream ) { internalPortAudioStream *past = (internalPortAudioStream *) stream; /* FIXME - return actual frames played, not frames generated. ** Need to query the output device somehow. */ return past->past_FrameCount; }