/* * $Id: pa_dsound.c,v 2003-05-09 16:03:58 ggeiger Exp $ * PortAudio Portable Real-Time Audio Library * Latest Version at: http://www.softsynth.com/portaudio/ * DirectSound Implementation * * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Phil Burk * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /* Modifications * 7/19/01 Mike Berry - casts for compiling with __MWERKS__ CodeWarrior * 9/27/01 Phil Burk - use number of frames instead of real-time for CPULoad calculation. * 4/19/02 Phil Burk - Check for Win XP for system latency calculation. */ /* Compiler flags: SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE - define this flag if you want to SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ #include #include #ifndef __MWERKS__ #include #include #endif //__MWERKS__ #include #include "portaudio.h" #include "pa_host.h" #include "pa_trace.h" #include "dsound_wrapper.h" #define PRINT(x) { printf x; fflush(stdout); } #define ERR_RPT(x) PRINT(x) #define DBUG(x) /* PRINT(x) */ #define DBUGX(x) /* PRINT(x) */ #define PA_USE_HIGH_LATENCY (0) #if PA_USE_HIGH_LATENCY #define PA_WIN_9X_LATENCY (500) #define PA_WIN_NT_LATENCY (600) #else #define PA_WIN_9X_LATENCY (140) #define PA_WIN_NT_LATENCY (280) #endif #define PA_WIN_WDM_LATENCY (120) /* Trigger an underflow for testing purposes. Should normally be (0). */ #define PA_SIMULATE_UNDERFLOW (0) #if PA_SIMULATE_UNDERFLOW static gUnderCallbackCounter = 0; #define UNDER_START_GAP (10) #define UNDER_STOP_GAP (UNDER_START_GAP + 4) #endif /************************************************* Definitions ********/ typedef struct internalPortAudioStream internalPortAudioStream; typedef struct internalPortAudioDevice { GUID pad_GUID; GUID *pad_lpGUID; double pad_SampleRates[10]; /* for pointing to from pad_Info FIXME?!*/ PaDeviceInfo pad_Info; } internalPortAudioDevice; /* Define structure to contain all DirectSound and Windows specific data. */ typedef struct PaHostSoundControl { DSoundWrapper pahsc_DSoundWrapper; MMRESULT pahsc_TimerID; BOOL pahsc_IfInsideCallback; /* Test for reentrancy. */ short *pahsc_NativeBuffer; unsigned int pahsc_BytesPerBuffer; /* native buffer size in bytes */ double pahsc_ValidFramesWritten; int pahsc_FramesPerDSBuffer; /* For measuring CPU utilization. */ LARGE_INTEGER pahsc_EntryCount; double pahsc_InverseTicksPerUserBuffer; } PaHostSoundControl; /************************************************* Shared Data ********/ /* FIXME - put Mutex around this shared data. */ static int sNumDevices = 0; static int sDeviceIndex = 0; static internalPortAudioDevice *sDevices = NULL; static int sDefaultInputDeviceID = paNoDevice; static int sDefaultOutputDeviceID = paNoDevice; static int sEnumerationError; static int sPaHostError = 0; /************************************************* Prototypes **********/ static internalPortAudioDevice *Pa_GetInternalDevice( PaDeviceID id ); static BOOL CALLBACK Pa_EnumProc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc, LPCTSTR lpszDrvName, LPVOID lpContext ); static BOOL CALLBACK Pa_CountDevProc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc, LPCTSTR lpszDrvName, LPVOID lpContext ); static Pa_QueryDevices( void ); static void CALLBACK Pa_TimerCallback(UINT uID, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2); /********************************* BEGIN CPU UTILIZATION MEASUREMENT ****/ static void Pa_StartUsageCalculation( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { PaHostSoundControl *pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return; /* Query system timer for usage analysis and to prevent overuse of CPU. */ QueryPerformanceCounter( &pahsc->pahsc_EntryCount ); } static void Pa_EndUsageCalculation( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { LARGE_INTEGER CurrentCount = { 0, 0 }; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return; /* ** Measure CPU utilization during this callback. Note that this calculation ** assumes that we had the processor the whole time. */ #define LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_0 (0.9) #define LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_1 (0.99999 - LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_0) if( QueryPerformanceCounter( &CurrentCount ) ) { LONGLONG InsideCount = CurrentCount.QuadPart - pahsc->pahsc_EntryCount.QuadPart; double newUsage = InsideCount * pahsc->pahsc_InverseTicksPerUserBuffer; past->past_Usage = (LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_0 * past->past_Usage) + (LOWPASS_COEFFICIENT_1 * newUsage); } } /****************************************** END CPU UTILIZATION *******/ static PaError Pa_QueryDevices( void ) { int numBytes; sDefaultInputDeviceID = paNoDevice; sDefaultOutputDeviceID = paNoDevice; /* Enumerate once just to count devices. */ sNumDevices = 0; // for default device DirectSoundEnumerate( (LPDSENUMCALLBACK)Pa_CountDevProc, NULL ); #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate( (LPDSENUMCALLBACK)Pa_CountDevProc, NULL ); #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ /* Allocate structures to hold device info. */ numBytes = sNumDevices * sizeof(internalPortAudioDevice); sDevices = (internalPortAudioDevice *)PaHost_AllocateFastMemory( numBytes ); /* MEM */ if( sDevices == NULL ) return paInsufficientMemory; /* Enumerate again to fill in structures. */ sDeviceIndex = 0; sEnumerationError = 0; DirectSoundEnumerate( (LPDSENUMCALLBACK)Pa_EnumProc, (void *)0 ); #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE if( sEnumerationError != paNoError ) return sEnumerationError; sEnumerationError = 0; DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate( (LPDSENUMCALLBACK)Pa_EnumProc, (void *)1 ); #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ return sEnumerationError; } /************************************************************************************/ long Pa_GetHostError() { return sPaHostError; } /************************************************************************************ ** Just count devices so we know how much memory to allocate. */ static BOOL CALLBACK Pa_CountDevProc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc, LPCTSTR lpszDrvName, LPVOID lpContext ) { sNumDevices++; return TRUE; } /************************************************************************************ ** Extract capabilities info from each device. */ static BOOL CALLBACK Pa_EnumProc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc, LPCTSTR lpszDrvName, LPVOID lpContext ) { HRESULT hr; LPDIRECTSOUND lpDirectSound; #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE lpDirectSoundCapture; #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ int isInput = (int) lpContext; /* Passed from Pa_CountDevices() */ internalPortAudioDevice *pad; if( sDeviceIndex >= sNumDevices ) { sEnumerationError = paInternalError; return FALSE; } pad = &sDevices[sDeviceIndex]; /* Copy GUID to static array. Set pointer. */ if( lpGUID == NULL ) { pad->pad_lpGUID = NULL; } else { memcpy( &pad->pad_GUID, lpGUID, sizeof(GUID) ); pad->pad_lpGUID = &pad->pad_GUID; } pad->pad_Info.sampleRates = pad->pad_SampleRates; /* Point to array. */ /* Allocate room for descriptive name. */ if( lpszDesc != NULL ) { int len = strlen(lpszDesc); pad->pad_Info.name = (char *)malloc( len+1 ); if( pad->pad_Info.name == NULL ) { sEnumerationError = paInsufficientMemory; return FALSE; } memcpy( (void *) pad->pad_Info.name, lpszDesc, len+1 ); } #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE if( isInput ) { /********** Input ******************************/ DSCCAPS caps; if( lpGUID == NULL ) sDefaultInputDeviceID = sDeviceIndex; hr = DirectSoundCaptureCreate( lpGUID, &lpDirectSoundCapture, NULL ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { pad->pad_Info.maxInputChannels = 0; DBUG(("Cannot create Capture for %s. Result = 0x%x\n", lpszDesc, hr )); } else { /* Query device characteristics. */ caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps); IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps( lpDirectSoundCapture, &caps ); /* printf("caps.dwFormats = 0x%x\n", caps.dwFormats ); */ pad->pad_Info.maxInputChannels = caps.dwChannels; /* Determine sample rates from flags. */ if( caps.dwChannels == 2 ) { int index = 0; if( caps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_1S16) pad->pad_SampleRates[index++] = 11025.0; if( caps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_2S16) pad->pad_SampleRates[index++] = 22050.0; if( caps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_4S16) pad->pad_SampleRates[index++] = 44100.0; pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = index; } else if( caps.dwChannels == 1 ) { int index = 0; if( caps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_1M16) pad->pad_SampleRates[index++] = 11025.0; if( caps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_2M16) pad->pad_SampleRates[index++] = 22050.0; if( caps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_4M16) pad->pad_SampleRates[index++] = 44100.0; pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = index; } else pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = 0; IDirectSoundCapture_Release( lpDirectSoundCapture ); } } else #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ { /********** Output ******************************/ DSCAPS caps; if( lpGUID == NULL ) sDefaultOutputDeviceID = sDeviceIndex; /* Create interfaces for each object. */ hr = DirectSoundCreate( lpGUID, &lpDirectSound, NULL ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { pad->pad_Info.maxOutputChannels = 0; DBUG(("Cannot create dsound for %s. Result = 0x%x\n", lpszDesc, hr )); } else { /* Query device characteristics. */ caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps); IDirectSound_GetCaps( lpDirectSound, &caps ); pad->pad_Info.maxOutputChannels = ( caps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO ) ? 2 : 1; /* Get sample rates. */ pad->pad_SampleRates[0] = (double) caps.dwMinSecondarySampleRate; pad->pad_SampleRates[1] = (double) caps.dwMaxSecondarySampleRate; if( caps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATE ) pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = -1; else if( caps.dwMinSecondarySampleRate == caps.dwMaxSecondarySampleRate ) { if( caps.dwMinSecondarySampleRate == 0 ) { /* ** On my Thinkpad 380Z, DirectSoundV6 returns min-max=0 !! ** But it supports continuous sampling. ** So fake range of rates, and hope it really supports it. */ pad->pad_SampleRates[0] = 11025.0f; pad->pad_SampleRates[1] = 48000.0f; pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = -1; /* continuous range */ DBUG(("PA - Reported rates both zero. Setting to fake values for device #%d\n", sDeviceIndex )); } else { pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = 1; } } else if( (caps.dwMinSecondarySampleRate < 1000.0) && (caps.dwMaxSecondarySampleRate > 50000.0) ) { /* The EWS88MT drivers lie, lie, lie. The say they only support two rates, 100 & 100000. ** But we know that they really support a range of rates! ** So when we see a ridiculous set of rates, assume it is a range. */ pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = -1; DBUG(("PA - Sample rate range used instead of two odd values for device #%d\n", sDeviceIndex )); } else pad->pad_Info.numSampleRates = 2; IDirectSound_Release( lpDirectSound ); } } pad->pad_Info.nativeSampleFormats = paInt16; sDeviceIndex++; return( TRUE ); } /*************************************************************************/ int Pa_CountDevices() { if( sNumDevices <= 0 ) Pa_Initialize(); return sNumDevices; } static internalPortAudioDevice *Pa_GetInternalDevice( PaDeviceID id ) { if( (id < 0) || ( id >= Pa_CountDevices()) ) return NULL; return &sDevices[id]; } /*************************************************************************/ const PaDeviceInfo* Pa_GetDeviceInfo( PaDeviceID id ) { internalPortAudioDevice *pad; if( (id < 0) || ( id >= Pa_CountDevices()) ) return NULL; pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( id ); return &pad->pad_Info ; } static PaError Pa_MaybeQueryDevices( void ) { if( sNumDevices == 0 ) { return Pa_QueryDevices(); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* ** Returns recommended device ID. ** On the PC, the recommended device can be specified by the user by ** setting an environment variable. For example, to use device #1. ** ** set PA_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_DEVICE=1 ** ** The user should first determine the available device ID by using ** the supplied application "pa_devs". */ #define PA_ENV_BUF_SIZE (32) #define PA_REC_IN_DEV_ENV_NAME ("PA_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_DEVICE") #define PA_REC_OUT_DEV_ENV_NAME ("PA_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_DEVICE") static PaDeviceID PaHost_GetEnvDefaultDeviceID( char *envName ) { DWORD hresult; char envbuf[PA_ENV_BUF_SIZE]; PaDeviceID recommendedID = paNoDevice; /* Let user determine default device by setting environment variable. */ hresult = GetEnvironmentVariable( envName, envbuf, PA_ENV_BUF_SIZE ); if( (hresult > 0) && (hresult < PA_ENV_BUF_SIZE) ) { recommendedID = atoi( envbuf ); } return recommendedID; } PaDeviceID Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID( void ) { PaError result; result = PaHost_GetEnvDefaultDeviceID( PA_REC_IN_DEV_ENV_NAME ); if( result < 0 ) { result = Pa_MaybeQueryDevices(); if( result < 0 ) return result; result = sDefaultInputDeviceID; } return result; } PaDeviceID Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID( void ) { PaError result; result = PaHost_GetEnvDefaultDeviceID( PA_REC_OUT_DEV_ENV_NAME ); if( result < 0 ) { result = Pa_MaybeQueryDevices(); if( result < 0 ) return result; result = sDefaultOutputDeviceID; } return result; } /********************************************************************** ** Make sure that we have queried the device capabilities. */ PaError PaHost_Init( void ) { #if PA_SIMULATE_UNDERFLOW PRINT(("WARNING - Underflow Simulation Enabled - Expect a Big Glitch!!!\n")); #endif return Pa_MaybeQueryDevices(); } static PaError Pa_TimeSlice( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { PaError result = 0; long bytesEmpty = 0; long bytesFilled = 0; long bytesToXfer = 0; long numChunks; HRESULT hresult; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; short *nativeBufPtr; past->past_NumCallbacks += 1; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return paInternalError; /* How much input data is available? */ #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE if( past->past_NumInputChannels > 0 ) { DSW_QueryInputFilled( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, &bytesFilled ); bytesToXfer = bytesFilled; } #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ /* How much output room is available? */ if( past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0 ) { DSW_QueryOutputSpace( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, &bytesEmpty ); bytesToXfer = bytesEmpty; } AddTraceMessage( "bytesEmpty ", bytesEmpty ); /* Choose smallest value if both are active. */ if( (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) && (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) ) { bytesToXfer = ( bytesFilled < bytesEmpty ) ? bytesFilled : bytesEmpty; } /* printf("bytesFilled = %d, bytesEmpty = %d, bytesToXfer = %d\n", bytesFilled, bytesEmpty, bytesToXfer); */ /* Quantize to multiples of a buffer. */ numChunks = bytesToXfer / pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer; if( numChunks > (long)(past->past_NumUserBuffers/2) ) { numChunks = (long)past->past_NumUserBuffers/2; } else if( numChunks < 0 ) { numChunks = 0; } AddTraceMessage( "numChunks ", numChunks ); nativeBufPtr = pahsc->pahsc_NativeBuffer; if( numChunks > 0 ) { while( numChunks-- > 0 ) { /* Measure usage based on time to process one user buffer. */ Pa_StartUsageCalculation( past ); #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE /* Get native data from DirectSound. */ if( past->past_NumInputChannels > 0 ) { hresult = DSW_ReadBlock( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, (char *) nativeBufPtr, pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer ); if( hresult < 0 ) { ERR_RPT(("DirectSound ReadBlock failed, hresult = 0x%x\n",hresult)); sPaHostError = hresult; break; } } #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ /* Convert 16 bit native data to user data and call user routine. */ result = Pa_CallConvertInt16( past, nativeBufPtr, nativeBufPtr ); if( result != 0) break; /* Pass native data to DirectSound. */ if( past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0 ) { /* static short DEBUGHACK = 0; DEBUGHACK += 0x0049; nativeBufPtr[0] = DEBUGHACK; /* Make buzz to see if DirectSound still running. */ hresult = DSW_WriteBlock( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper, (char *) nativeBufPtr, pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer ); if( hresult < 0 ) { ERR_RPT(("DirectSound WriteBlock failed, result = 0x%x\n",hresult)); sPaHostError = hresult; break; } } Pa_EndUsageCalculation( past ); } } return result; } /*******************************************************************/ static void CALLBACK Pa_TimerCallback(UINT uID, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2) { internalPortAudioStream *past; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; #if PA_SIMULATE_UNDERFLOW gUnderCallbackCounter++; if( (gUnderCallbackCounter >= UNDER_START_GAP) && (gUnderCallbackCounter <= UNDER_STOP_GAP) ) { if( gUnderCallbackCounter == UNDER_START_GAP) { AddTraceMessage("Begin stall: gUnderCallbackCounter =======", gUnderCallbackCounter ); } if( gUnderCallbackCounter == UNDER_STOP_GAP) { AddTraceMessage("End stall: gUnderCallbackCounter =======", gUnderCallbackCounter ); } return; } #endif past = (internalPortAudioStream *) dwUser; if( past == NULL ) return; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return; if( !pahsc->pahsc_IfInsideCallback && past->past_IsActive ) { if( past->past_StopNow ) { past->past_IsActive = 0; } else if( past->past_StopSoon ) { DSoundWrapper *dsw = &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper; if( past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0 ) { DSW_ZeroEmptySpace( dsw ); AddTraceMessage("Pa_TimerCallback: waiting - written ", (int) dsw->dsw_FramesWritten ); AddTraceMessage("Pa_TimerCallback: waiting - played ", (int) dsw->dsw_FramesPlayed ); /* clear past_IsActive when all sound played */ if( dsw->dsw_FramesPlayed >= past->past_FrameCount ) { past->past_IsActive = 0; } } else { past->past_IsActive = 0; } } else { pahsc->pahsc_IfInsideCallback = 1; if( Pa_TimeSlice( past ) != 0) /* Call time slice independant of timing method. */ { past->past_StopSoon = 1; } pahsc->pahsc_IfInsideCallback = 0; } } } /*******************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_OpenStream( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { HRESULT hr; PaError result = paNoError; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; int numBytes, maxChannels; unsigned int minNumBuffers; internalPortAudioDevice *pad; DSoundWrapper *dsw; /* Allocate and initialize host data. */ pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(sizeof(PaHostSoundControl)); /* MEM */ if( pahsc == NULL ) { result = paInsufficientMemory; goto error; } memset( pahsc, 0, sizeof(PaHostSoundControl) ); past->past_DeviceData = (void *) pahsc; pahsc->pahsc_TimerID = 0; dsw = &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper; DSW_Init( dsw ); /* Allocate native buffer. */ maxChannels = ( past->past_NumOutputChannels > past->past_NumInputChannels ) ? past->past_NumOutputChannels : past->past_NumInputChannels; pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer = past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer * maxChannels * sizeof(short); if( maxChannels > 0 ) { pahsc->pahsc_NativeBuffer = (short *) PaHost_AllocateFastMemory(pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer); /* MEM */ if( pahsc->pahsc_NativeBuffer == NULL ) { result = paInsufficientMemory; goto error; } } else { result = paInvalidChannelCount; goto error; } DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: pahsc_MinFramesPerHostBuffer = %d\n", pahsc->pahsc_MinFramesPerHostBuffer )); minNumBuffers = Pa_GetMinNumBuffers( past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, past->past_SampleRate ); past->past_NumUserBuffers = ( minNumBuffers > past->past_NumUserBuffers ) ? minNumBuffers : past->past_NumUserBuffers; numBytes = pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer * past->past_NumUserBuffers; if( numBytes < DSBSIZE_MIN ) { result = paBufferTooSmall; goto error; } if( numBytes > DSBSIZE_MAX ) { result = paBufferTooBig; goto error; } pahsc->pahsc_FramesPerDSBuffer = past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer * past->past_NumUserBuffers; { int msecLatency = (int) ((pahsc->pahsc_FramesPerDSBuffer * 1000) / past->past_SampleRate); PRINT(("PortAudio on DirectSound - Latency = %d frames, %d msec\n", pahsc->pahsc_FramesPerDSBuffer, msecLatency )); } /* ------------------ OUTPUT */ if( (past->past_OutputDeviceID >= 0) && (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) ) { DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: deviceID = 0x%x\n", past->past_OutputDeviceID)); pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_OutputDeviceID ); hr = DirectSoundCreate( pad->pad_lpGUID, &dsw->dsw_pDirectSound, NULL ); /* If this fails, then try each output device until we find one that works. */ if( hr != DS_OK ) { int i; ERR_RPT(("Creation of requested Audio Output device '%s' failed.\n", ((pad->pad_lpGUID == NULL) ? "Default" : pad->pad_Info.name) )); for( i=0; ipad_Info.maxOutputChannels >= past->past_NumOutputChannels ) { DBUG(("Try device '%s' instead.\n", pad->pad_Info.name )); hr = DirectSoundCreate( pad->pad_lpGUID, &dsw->dsw_pDirectSound, NULL ); if( hr == DS_OK ) { ERR_RPT(("Using device '%s' instead.\n", pad->pad_Info.name )); break; } } } } if( hr != DS_OK ) { ERR_RPT(("PortAudio: DirectSoundCreate() failed!\n")); result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hr; goto error; } hr = DSW_InitOutputBuffer( dsw, (unsigned long) (past->past_SampleRate + 0.5), past->past_NumOutputChannels, numBytes ); DBUG(("DSW_InitOutputBuffer() returns %x\n", hr)); if( hr != DS_OK ) { result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hr; goto error; } past->past_FrameCount = pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper.dsw_FramesWritten; } #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE /* ------------------ INPUT */ if( (past->past_InputDeviceID >= 0) && (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) ) { pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_InputDeviceID ); hr = DirectSoundCaptureCreate( pad->pad_lpGUID, &dsw->dsw_pDirectSoundCapture, NULL ); /* If this fails, then try each input device until we find one that works. */ if( hr != DS_OK ) { int i; ERR_RPT(("Creation of requested Audio Capture device '%s' failed.\n", ((pad->pad_lpGUID == NULL) ? "Default" : pad->pad_Info.name) )); for( i=0; ipad_Info.maxInputChannels >= past->past_NumInputChannels ) { PRINT(("Try device '%s' instead.\n", pad->pad_Info.name )); hr = DirectSoundCaptureCreate( pad->pad_lpGUID, &dsw->dsw_pDirectSoundCapture, NULL ); if( hr == DS_OK ) break; } } } if( hr != DS_OK ) { ERR_RPT(("PortAudio: DirectSoundCaptureCreate() failed!\n")); result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hr; goto error; } hr = DSW_InitInputBuffer( dsw, (unsigned long) (past->past_SampleRate + 0.5), past->past_NumInputChannels, numBytes ); DBUG(("DSW_InitInputBuffer() returns %x\n", hr)); if( hr != DS_OK ) { ERR_RPT(("PortAudio: DSW_InitInputBuffer() returns %x\n", hr)); result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hr; goto error; } } #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ /* Calculate scalar used in CPULoad calculation. */ { LARGE_INTEGER frequency; if( QueryPerformanceFrequency( &frequency ) == 0 ) { pahsc->pahsc_InverseTicksPerUserBuffer = 0.0; } else { pahsc->pahsc_InverseTicksPerUserBuffer = past->past_SampleRate / ( (double)frequency.QuadPart * past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer ); DBUG(("pahsc_InverseTicksPerUserBuffer = %g\n", pahsc->pahsc_InverseTicksPerUserBuffer )); } } return result; error: PaHost_CloseStream( past ); return result; } /*************************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_StartOutput( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { HRESULT hr; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; PaError result = paNoError; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; /* Give user callback a chance to pre-fill buffer. */ result = Pa_TimeSlice( past ); if( result != paNoError ) return result; // FIXME - what if finished? hr = DSW_StartOutput( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper ); DBUG(("PaHost_StartOutput: DSW_StartOutput returned = 0x%X.\n", hr)); if( hr != DS_OK ) { result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hr; goto error; } error: return result; } /*************************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_StartInput( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { PaError result = paNoError; #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE HRESULT hr; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; hr = DSW_StartInput( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper ); DBUG(("Pa_StartStream: DSW_StartInput returned = 0x%X.\n", hr)); if( hr != DS_OK ) { result = paHostError; sPaHostError = hr; goto error; } error: #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ return result; } /*************************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_StartEngine( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; PaError result = paNoError; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; past->past_StopNow = 0; past->past_StopSoon = 0; past->past_IsActive = 1; /* Create timer that will wake us up so we can fill the DSound buffer. */ { int msecPerBuffer; int resolution; int bufsPerInterrupt = past->past_NumUserBuffers/4; if( bufsPerInterrupt < 1 ) bufsPerInterrupt = 1; msecPerBuffer = 1000 * (bufsPerInterrupt * past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer) / (int) past->past_SampleRate; if( msecPerBuffer < 10 ) msecPerBuffer = 10; else if( msecPerBuffer > 100 ) msecPerBuffer = 100; resolution = msecPerBuffer/4; pahsc->pahsc_TimerID = timeSetEvent( msecPerBuffer, resolution, (LPTIMECALLBACK) Pa_TimerCallback, (DWORD) past, TIME_PERIODIC ); } if( pahsc->pahsc_TimerID == 0 ) { past->past_IsActive = 0; result = paHostError; sPaHostError = 0; goto error; } error: return result; } /*************************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_StopEngine( internalPortAudioStream *past, int abort ) { int timeoutMsec; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return paNoError; if( abort ) past->past_StopNow = 1; past->past_StopSoon = 1; /* Set timeout at 20% beyond maximum time we might wait. */ timeoutMsec = (int) (1200.0 * pahsc->pahsc_FramesPerDSBuffer / past->past_SampleRate); while( past->past_IsActive && (timeoutMsec > 0) ) { Sleep(10); timeoutMsec -= 10; } if( pahsc->pahsc_TimerID != 0 ) { timeKillEvent(pahsc->pahsc_TimerID); /* Stop callback timer. */ pahsc->pahsc_TimerID = 0; } return paNoError; } /*************************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_StopInput( internalPortAudioStream *past, int abort ) { #if SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE HRESULT hr; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return paNoError; (void) abort; hr = DSW_StopInput( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper ); DBUG(("DSW_StopInput() result is %x\n", hr)); #endif /* SUPPORT_AUDIO_CAPTURE */ return paNoError; } /*************************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_StopOutput( internalPortAudioStream *past, int abort ) { HRESULT hr; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return paNoError; (void) abort; hr = DSW_StopOutput( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper ); DBUG(("DSW_StopOutput() result is %x\n", hr)); return paNoError; } /*******************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_CloseStream( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; if( past == NULL ) return paBadStreamPtr; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return paNoError; DSW_Term( &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper ); if( pahsc->pahsc_NativeBuffer ) { PaHost_FreeFastMemory( pahsc->pahsc_NativeBuffer, pahsc->pahsc_BytesPerBuffer ); /* MEM */ pahsc->pahsc_NativeBuffer = NULL; } PaHost_FreeFastMemory( pahsc, sizeof(PaHostSoundControl) ); /* MEM */ past->past_DeviceData = NULL; return paNoError; } /* Set minimal latency based on whether NT or Win95. * NT has higher latency. */ static int PaHost_GetMinSystemLatency( void ) { int minLatencyMsec; /* Set minimal latency based on whether NT or other OS. * NT has higher latency. */ OSVERSIONINFO osvi; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( osvi ); GetVersionEx( &osvi ); DBUG(("PA - PlatformId = 0x%x\n", osvi.dwPlatformId )); DBUG(("PA - MajorVersion = 0x%x\n", osvi.dwMajorVersion )); DBUG(("PA - MinorVersion = 0x%x\n", osvi.dwMinorVersion )); /* Check for NT */ if( (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (osvi.dwPlatformId == 2) ) { minLatencyMsec = PA_WIN_NT_LATENCY; } else if(osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 5) { minLatencyMsec = PA_WIN_WDM_LATENCY; } else { minLatencyMsec = PA_WIN_9X_LATENCY; } return minLatencyMsec; } /************************************************************************* ** Determine minimum number of buffers required for this host based ** on minimum latency. Latency can be optionally set by user by setting ** an environment variable. For example, to set latency to 200 msec, put: ** ** set PA_MIN_LATENCY_MSEC=200 ** ** in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and reboot. ** If the environment variable is not set, then the latency will be determined ** based on the OS. Windows NT has higher latency than Win95. */ #define PA_LATENCY_ENV_NAME ("PA_MIN_LATENCY_MSEC") int Pa_GetMinNumBuffers( int framesPerBuffer, double sampleRate ) { char envbuf[PA_ENV_BUF_SIZE]; DWORD hresult; int minLatencyMsec = 0; double msecPerBuffer = (1000.0 * framesPerBuffer) / sampleRate; int minBuffers; /* Let user determine minimal latency by setting environment variable. */ hresult = GetEnvironmentVariable( PA_LATENCY_ENV_NAME, envbuf, PA_ENV_BUF_SIZE ); if( (hresult > 0) && (hresult < PA_ENV_BUF_SIZE) ) { minLatencyMsec = atoi( envbuf ); } else { minLatencyMsec = PaHost_GetMinSystemLatency(); #if PA_USE_HIGH_LATENCY PRINT(("PA - Minimum Latency set to %d msec!\n", minLatencyMsec )); #endif } minBuffers = (int) (1.0 + ((double)minLatencyMsec / msecPerBuffer)); if( minBuffers < 2 ) minBuffers = 2; return minBuffers; } /*************************************************************************/ PaError PaHost_Term( void ) { int i; /* Free names allocated during enumeration. */ for( i=0; ipast_DeviceData; if( pahsc == NULL ) return paInternalError; return (PaError) (past->past_IsActive); } /*************************************************************************/ PaTimestamp Pa_StreamTime( PortAudioStream *stream ) { DSoundWrapper *dsw; internalPortAudioStream *past = (internalPortAudioStream *) stream; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; if( past == NULL ) return paBadStreamPtr; pahsc = (PaHostSoundControl *) past->past_DeviceData; dsw = &pahsc->pahsc_DSoundWrapper; return dsw->dsw_FramesPlayed; }