// **************************************************************************** // File: IASIOThiscallResolver.h // Description: The IASIOThiscallResolver class implements the IASIO // interface and acts as a proxy to the real IASIO interface by // calling through its vptr table using the thiscall calling // convention. To put it another way, we interpose // IASIOThiscallResolver between ASIO SDK code and the driver. // This is necessary because most non-Microsoft compilers don't // implement the thiscall calling convention used by IASIO. // // iasiothiscallresolver.cpp contains the background of this // problem plus a technical description of the vptr // manipulations. // // In order to use this mechanism one simply has to add // iasiothiscallresolver.cpp to the list of files to compile // and #include <iasiothiscallresolver.h> // // Note that this #include must come after the other ASIO SDK // #includes, for example: // // #include <windows.h> // #include <asiosys.h> // #include <asio.h> // #include <asiodrivers.h> // #include <iasiothiscallresolver.h> // // Actually the important thing is to #include // <iasiothiscallresolver.h> after <asio.h>. We have // incorporated a test to enforce this ordering. // // The code transparently takes care of the interposition by // using macro substitution to intercept calls to ASIOInit() // and ASIOExit(). We save the original ASIO global // "theAsioDriver" in our "that" variable, and then set // "theAsioDriver" to equal our IASIOThiscallResolver instance. // // Whilst this method of resolving the thiscall problem requires // the addition of #include <iasiothiscallresolver.h> to client // code it has the advantage that it does not break the terms // of the ASIO licence by publishing it. We are NOT modifying // any Steinberg code here, we are merely implementing the IASIO // interface in the same way that we would need to do if we // wished to provide an open source ASIO driver. // // For compilation with MinGW -lole32 needs to be added to the // linker options. For BORLAND, linking with Import32.lib is // sufficient. // // The dependencies are with: CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, // CoCreateInstance, CLSIDFromString - used by asiolist.cpp // and are required on Windows whether ThiscallResolver is used // or not. // // Searching for the above strings in the root library path // of your compiler should enable the correct libraries to be // identified if they aren't immediately obvious. // // Note that the current implementation of IASIOThiscallResolver // is not COM compliant - it does not correctly implement the // IUnknown interface. Implementing it is not necessary because // it is not called by parts of the ASIO SDK which call through // theAsioDriver ptr. The IUnknown methods are implemented as // assert(false) to ensure that the code fails if they are // ever called. // Restrictions: None. Public Domain & Open Source distribute freely // You may use IASIOThiscallResolver commercially as well as // privately. // You the user assume the responsibility for the use of the // files, binary or text, and there is no guarantee or warranty, // expressed or implied, including but not limited to the // implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a // particular purpose. You assume all responsibility and agree // to hold no entity, copyright holder or distributors liable // for any loss of data or inaccurate representations of data // as a result of using IASIOThiscallResolver. // Version: 1.4 Added separate macro CALL_THISCALL_1_DOUBLE from // Andrew Baldwin, and volatile for whole gcc asm blocks, // both for compatibility with newer gcc versions. Cleaned up // Borland asm to use one less register. // 1.3 Switched to including assert.h for better compatibility. // Wrapped entire .h and .cpp contents with a check for // _MSC_VER to provide better compatibility with MS compilers. // Changed Singleton implementation to use static instance // instead of freestore allocated instance. Removed ASIOExit // macro as it is no longer needed. // 1.2 Removed semicolons from ASIOInit and ASIOExit macros to // allow them to be embedded in expressions (if statements). // Cleaned up some comments. Removed combase.c dependency (it // doesn't compile with BCB anyway) by stubbing IUnknown. // 1.1 Incorporated comments from Ross Bencina including things // such as changing name from ThiscallResolver to // IASIOThiscallResolver, tidying up the constructor, fixing // a bug in IASIOThiscallResolver::ASIOExit() and improving // portability through the use of conditional compilation // 1.0 Initial working version. // Created: 6/09/2003 // Authors: Fraser Adams // Ross Bencina // Rene G. Ceballos // Martin Fay // Antti Silvast // Andrew Baldwin // // **************************************************************************** #ifndef included_iasiothiscallresolver_h #define included_iasiothiscallresolver_h // We only need IASIOThiscallResolver at all if we are on Win32. For other // platforms we simply bypass the IASIOThiscallResolver definition to allow us // to be safely #include'd whatever the platform to keep client code portable #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) // If microsoft compiler we can call IASIO directly so IASIOThiscallResolver // is not used. #if !defined(_MSC_VER) // The following is in order to ensure that this header is only included after // the other ASIO headers (except for the case of iasiothiscallresolver.cpp). // We need to do this because IASIOThiscallResolver works by eclipsing the // original definition of ASIOInit() with a macro (see below). #if !defined(iasiothiscallresolver_sourcefile) #if !defined(__ASIO_H) #error iasiothiscallresolver.h must be included AFTER asio.h #endif #endif #include <windows.h> #include <asiodrvr.h> /* From ASIO SDK */ class IASIOThiscallResolver : public IASIO { private: IASIO* that_; // Points to the real IASIO static IASIOThiscallResolver instance; // Singleton instance // Constructors - declared private so construction is limited to // our Singleton instance IASIOThiscallResolver(); IASIOThiscallResolver(IASIO* that); public: // Methods from the IUnknown interface. We don't fully implement IUnknown // because the ASIO SDK never calls these methods through theAsioDriver ptr. // These methods are implemented as assert(false). virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv); virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(); virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(); // Methods from the IASIO interface, implemented as forwarning calls to that. virtual ASIOBool init(void *sysHandle); virtual void getDriverName(char *name); virtual long getDriverVersion(); virtual void getErrorMessage(char *string); virtual ASIOError start(); virtual ASIOError stop(); virtual ASIOError getChannels(long *numInputChannels, long *numOutputChannels); virtual ASIOError getLatencies(long *inputLatency, long *outputLatency); virtual ASIOError getBufferSize(long *minSize, long *maxSize, long *preferredSize, long *granularity); virtual ASIOError canSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate); virtual ASIOError getSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate *sampleRate); virtual ASIOError setSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate); virtual ASIOError getClockSources(ASIOClockSource *clocks, long *numSources); virtual ASIOError setClockSource(long reference); virtual ASIOError getSamplePosition(ASIOSamples *sPos, ASIOTimeStamp *tStamp); virtual ASIOError getChannelInfo(ASIOChannelInfo *info); virtual ASIOError createBuffers(ASIOBufferInfo *bufferInfos, long numChannels, long bufferSize, ASIOCallbacks *callbacks); virtual ASIOError disposeBuffers(); virtual ASIOError controlPanel(); virtual ASIOError future(long selector,void *opt); virtual ASIOError outputReady(); // Class method, see ASIOInit() macro below. static ASIOError ASIOInit(ASIODriverInfo *info); // Delegates to ::ASIOInit }; // Replace calls to ASIOInit with our interposing version. // This macro enables us to perform thiscall resolution simply by #including // <iasiothiscallresolver.h> after the asio #includes (this file _must_ be // included _after_ the asio #includes) #define ASIOInit(name) IASIOThiscallResolver::ASIOInit((name)) #endif /* !defined(_MSC_VER) */ #endif /* Win32 */ #endif /* included_iasiothiscallresolver_h */