There is a bug in the ASIO SDK that causes the Macintosh version to often fail during initialization. Here is a patch that you can apply. In codefragments.cpp replace getFrontProcessDirectory function with the following one (GetFrontProcess replaced by GetCurrentProcess) bool CodeFragments::getFrontProcessDirectory(void *specs) { FSSpec *fss = (FSSpec *)specs; ProcessInfoRec pif; ProcessSerialNumber psn; memset(&psn,0,(long)sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber)); // if(GetFrontProcess(&psn) == noErr) // wrong !!! if(GetCurrentProcess(&psn) == noErr) // correct !!! { pif.processName = 0; pif.processAppSpec = fss; pif.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec); if(GetProcessInformation(&psn, &pif) == noErr) return true; } return false; }