# Makefile for pa_sgi. PortAudio for Silicon Graphics IRIX 6.2-6.5. # Pieter suurmond, march 15, 2003. (pa-V18-patch). # Tested under IRIX 6.5 with both GCC and MIPS compilers. # Based on SGI-specific sproc()-method to spawn children, not on POSIX-threads. # Choose compiler in combination with options: CC = cc CFLAGS = -O2 # Possible options with MIPSpro compiler are: -32, -o32, -n32, -64, # -mips1, -mips2, -mips3, -mips4, etc. Use -g, -g2, -g3 for debugging. # For GCC, use -Wall. And use for example -O2 or -O3 for better optimization: #CC = gcc #CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall # Instead of "-lpthread", as with linux, just the audio- and math-library for SGI: LIBS = -laudio -lm # So sourcefiles can find included headerfiles in pa_common: CDEFINES = -I../pa_common PASRC = ../pa_common/pa_lib.c pa_sgi.c PAINC = ../pa_common/portaudio.h # Tests performed on SGI Indy with R5000 @ 180MHz running IRIX 6.5: # Used GCC compiler version 3.0.4. and MIPS. TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_record.c ## OK GCC march 2003 (MIPS sees errors in patest_record.c, refuses compilation). #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_latency.c ## OK GCC march 2003. (MIPS doesn't like //) #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_longsine.c ## OK GCC march 2003. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_wire.c ## OK GCC Click free now. march 2003. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/pa_fuzz.c ## OK GCC march 2003. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/pa_devs.c # Never knew my Indy had 16 input- and output-channels! #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_saw.c ## - Pa_sleep doesn't work anymore?! #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_sine.c # - Pa_sleep doesn't work anymore?! #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_many.c ## - Pa_sleep doesn't work anymore?! #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_sine_time.c ## Silence for 2 seconds doesn't work, sine sounds ok. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_sine8.c ## Silence for 2 seconds doesn't work, sine sounds ok. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_leftright.c # OK GCC and MIPS-CC march 2003. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_pink.c ## OK GCC march 2003 #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_clip.c # #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_stop.c # MIPS doesn't like patest_stop.c Worked before but now # error AL_BAD_QSIZE on IRIX 6.5 (with GCC). #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_dither.c # #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/patest_sync.c # I don't hear the 6th beep, not really in sync @500ms lat. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/paqa_devs.c # A lot of error messages but no coredump. #TESTC = $(PASRC) ../pa_tests/paqa_errs.c # Segmentation fault (core dumped)! TESTH = $(PAINC) all: patest patest: $(TESTC) $(TESTH) Makefile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TESTC) $(CDEFINES) $(LIBS) -o patest run: patest ./patest