#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "portmidi.h" #include "porttime.h" #include "pminternal.h" #define LATENCY 0 #define NUM_ECHOES 10 int main() { int i = 0; int n = 0; PmStream *midi_in; PmStream *midi_out; PmError err; char line[80]; PmEvent buffer[NUM_ECHOES]; int transpose; int delay; int status, data1, data2; int statusprefix; Pm_Initialize(); // xjs /* always start the timer before you start midi */ Pt_Start(1, 0, 0); /* start a timer with millisecond accuracy */ printf("%d midi ports found...\n", Pm_CountDevices()); // xjs for (i = 0; i < Pm_CountDevices(); i++) { const PmDeviceInfo *info = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i); printf("%d: %s, %s", i, info->interf, info->name); if (info->input) printf(" (input)"); if (info->output) printf(" (output)"); printf("\n"); } /* OPEN INPUT DEVICE */ printf("Type input number: "); while (n != 1) { n = scanf("%d", &i); gets(line); } err = Pm_OpenInput(&midi_in, i, NULL, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err) { printf("could not open midi device: %s\n", Pm_GetErrorText(err)); exit(1); } printf("Midi Input opened.\n"); /* OPEN OUTPUT DEVICE */ printf("Type output number: "); n = 0; while (n != 1) { n = scanf("%d", &i); gets(line); } err = Pm_OpenOutput(&midi_out, i, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, LATENCY); if (err) { printf("could not open midi device: %s\n", Pm_GetErrorText(err)); exit(1); } printf("Midi Output opened with %d ms latency.\n", LATENCY); /* Get input from user for parameters */ printf("Type number of milliseconds for echoes: "); n = 0; while (n != 1) { n = scanf("%d", &delay); gets(line); } printf("Type number of semitones to transpose up: "); n = 0; while (n != 1) { n = scanf("%d", &transpose); gets(line); } printf("delay %d, tranpose %d\n", delay, transpose); // xjs /* loop, echoing input back transposed with multiple taps */ printf("Press C2 on the keyboard (2 octaves below middle C) to quit.\nWaiting for MIDI input...\n"); do { err = Pm_Read(midi_in, buffer, 1); if (err == 0) continue; /* no bytes read. */ /* print a hash mark for each event read. */ printf("#"); fflush(stdout); status = Pm_MessageStatus(buffer[0].message); data1 = Pm_MessageData1(buffer[0].message); data2 = Pm_MessageData2(buffer[0].message); statusprefix = status >> 4; /* ignore messages other than key-down and key-up */ if ((statusprefix != 0x9) && (statusprefix != 0x8)) continue; printf("\nReceived key message = %X %X %X, at time %ld\n", status, data1, data2, buffer[0].timestamp); fflush(stdout); /* immediately send the echoes to PortMIDI (note that only the echoes are to be transposed) */ for (i = 1; i < NUM_ECHOES; i++) { buffer[i].message = Pm_Message(status, data1 + transpose, data2 >> i); buffer[i].timestamp = buffer[0].timestamp + (i * delay); } Pm_Write(midi_out, buffer, NUM_ECHOES); } while (data1 != 36); /* quit when C2 is pressed */ printf("Key C2 pressed. Exiting...\n"); fflush(stdout); Pt_Stop(); // xjs /* Give the echoes time to finish before quitting. */ sleep(((NUM_ECHOES * delay) / 1000) + 1); Pm_Close(midi_in); Pm_Close(midi_out); Pm_Terminate(); // xjs printf("Done.\n"); return 0; }