/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution.  */

/* This file defines the "scalar" object, which is not a text object, just a
"gobj".  Scalars have templates which describe their structures, which
can contain numbers, sublists, and arrays.

Also, the "tscalar" object, an ordinary text object that owns a single "scalar"
and draws it on the parent.  This is intended as a way that abstractions can
control their appearances by adding stuff to draw.

/* IOhannes :
 * changed the canvas_restore, so that it might accept $args as well (like "pd $0_test")
 * so you can make multiple & distinguishable templates
 * 1511:forum::f�r::uml�ute:2001
 * changes marked with    IOhannes
 * added Krzysztof Czajas fix to avoid crashing...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>  	/* for read/write to files */
#include "m_pd.h"
#include "g_canvas.h"

t_class *scalar_class;

void word_init(t_word *wp, t_template *template, t_gpointer *gp)
    int i, nitems = template->t_n;
    t_dataslot *datatypes = template->t_vec;
    for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++, datatypes++, wp++)
    	int type = datatypes->ds_type;
    	if (type == DT_FLOAT)
    	    wp->w_float = 0; 
    	else if (type == DT_SYMBOL)
  	    wp->w_symbol = &s_symbol;
    	else if (type == DT_ARRAY)
    	    wp->w_array = array_new(datatypes->ds_arraytemplate, gp);
    	else if (type == DT_LIST)
    	    	/* LATER test this and get it to work */
    	    wp->w_list = canvas_new(0, 0, 0, 0);

void word_restore(t_word *wp, t_template *template,
    int argc, t_atom *argv)
    int i, nitems = template->t_n;
    t_dataslot *datatypes = template->t_vec;
    for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++, datatypes++, wp++)
    	int type = datatypes->ds_type;
    	if (type == DT_FLOAT)
    	    float f;
    	    if (argc)
    	    	f =  atom_getfloat(argv);
    	    	argv++, argc--;
    	    else f = 0;
    	    wp->w_float = f; 
    	else if (type == DT_SYMBOL)
    	    t_symbol *s;
    	    if (argc)
    	    	s =  atom_getsymbol(argv);
    	    	argv++, argc--;
    	    else s = &s_;
    	    wp->w_symbol = s;
    if (argc)
    	post("warning: word_restore: extra arguments");

void word_free(t_word *wp, t_template *template)
    int i;
    t_dataslot *dt;
    for (dt = template->t_vec, i = 0; i < template->t_n; i++, dt++)
    	if (dt->ds_type == DT_ARRAY)
    	else if (dt->ds_type == DT_LIST)

    /* make a new scalar and add to the glist.  We create a "gp" here which
    will be used for array items to point back here.  This gp doesn't do
    reference counting or "validation" updates though; the parent won't go away
    without the contained arrays going away too.  The "gp" is copied out
    by value in the word_init() routine so we can throw our copy away. */

t_scalar *scalar_new(t_glist *owner, t_symbol *templatesym)
    t_scalar *x;
    t_template *template;
    t_gpointer gp;
    template = template_findbyname(templatesym);
    if (!template)
    	error("scalar: couldn't find template %s", templatesym->s_name);
    	return (0);
    x = (t_scalar *)getbytes(sizeof(t_scalar) +
    	(template->t_n - 1) * sizeof(*x->sc_vec));
    x->sc_gobj.g_pd = scalar_class;
    x->sc_template = templatesym;
    gpointer_setglist(&gp, owner, x);
    word_init(x->sc_vec, template, &gp);
    return (x);

    /* Pd method to create a new scalar, add it to a glist, and initialize
    it from the message arguments. */

int glist_readscalar(t_glist *x, int natoms, t_atom *vec,
    int *p_nextmsg, int selectit);

void glist_scalar(t_glist *glist,
    t_symbol *classname, t_int argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_symbol *templatesym =
    	canvas_makebindsym(atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv));
    t_binbuf *b;
    int natoms, nextmsg = 0;
    t_atom *vec;
    if (!template_findbyname(templatesym))
    	pd_error(glist, "%s: no such template",
	    atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv)->s_name);

    b = binbuf_new();
    binbuf_restore(b, argc, argv);
    natoms = binbuf_getnatom(b);
    vec = binbuf_getvec(b);
    glist_readscalar(glist, natoms, vec, &nextmsg, 0);

/* -------------------- widget behavior for scalar ------------ */
void scalar_getbasexy(t_scalar *x, float *basex, float *basey)
    t_template *template = template_findbyname(x->sc_template);
    *basex = template_getfloat(template, gensym("x"), x->sc_vec, 0);
    *basey = template_getfloat(template, gensym("y"), x->sc_vec, 0);

static void scalar_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner,
    int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)
    t_scalar *x = (t_scalar *)z;
    int hit = 0;
    t_template *template = template_findbyname(x->sc_template);
    t_canvas *templatecanvas = template_findcanvas(template);
    int x1 = 0x7fffffff, x2 = -0x7fffffff, y1 = 0x7fffffff, y2 = -0x7fffffff;
    t_gobj *y;
    float basex, basey;
    scalar_getbasexy(x, &basex, &basey);
    	/* if someone deleted the template canvas, we're just a point */
    if (!templatecanvas)
    	x1 = x2 = glist_xtopixels(owner, basex);
    	y1 = y2 = glist_ytopixels(owner, basey);
    	int hit = 0;
    	x1 = y1 = 0x7fffffff;
	x2 = y2 = -0x7fffffff;
    	for (y = templatecanvas->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
	    t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->g_pd);
    	    int nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2;
	    if (!wb) continue;
	    (*wb->w_parentgetrectfn)(y, owner,
		x->sc_vec, template, basex, basey,
		&nx1, &ny1, &nx2, &ny2);
	    if (hit)
		if (nx1 < x1) x1 = nx1;
		if (ny1 < y1) y1 = ny1;
		if (nx2 > x2) x2 = nx2;
		if (ny2 > y2) y2 = ny2;
	    else x1 = nx1, y1 = ny1, x2 = nx2, y2 = ny2, hit = 1;
	if (!hit) x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
    /* post("scalar x1 %d y1 %d x2 %d y2 %d", x1, y1, x2, y2); */
    *xp1 = x1;
    *yp1 = y1;
    *xp2 = x2;
    *yp2 = y2; 

static void scalar_select(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner, int state)
    t_scalar *x = (t_scalar *)z;
    /* post("scalar_select %d", state); */
    /* later */
    if (state)
    	int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    	scalar_getrect(z, owner, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
	x1--; x2++; y1--; y2++;
    	sys_vgui(".x%x.c create line %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \
	    -width 0 -fill blue -tags select%x\n",
    	    	glist_getcanvas(owner), x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1, x1, y1,
    else sys_vgui(".x%x.c delete select%x\n", glist_getcanvas(owner), x);

static void scalar_displace(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int dx, int dy)
    t_scalar *x = (t_scalar *)z;
    t_symbol *templatesym = x->sc_template;
    t_template *template = template_findbyname(templatesym);
    t_symbol *zz;
    int xonset, yonset, xtype, ytype, gotx, goty;
    if (!template)
    	error("scalar: couldn't find template %s", templatesym->s_name);
    gotx = template_find_field(template, gensym("x"), &xonset, &xtype, &zz);
    if (gotx && (xtype != DT_FLOAT))
    	gotx = 0;
    goty = template_find_field(template, gensym("y"), &yonset, &ytype, &zz);
    if (goty && (ytype != DT_FLOAT))
    	goty = 0;
    if (gotx)
    	*(t_float *)(((char *)(x->sc_vec)) + xonset) +=
	    dx * (glist_pixelstox(glist, 1) - glist_pixelstox(glist, 0));
    if (goty)
    	*(t_float *)(((char *)(x->sc_vec)) + yonset) +=
	    dy * (glist_pixelstoy(glist, 1) - glist_pixelstoy(glist, 0));
    glist_redrawitem(glist, z);
    if (glist_isselected(glist, z))
    	scalar_select(z, glist, 0);
    	scalar_select(z, glist, 1);

static void scalar_activate(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner, int state)
    /* post("scalar_activate %d", state); */
    /* later */

static void scalar_delete(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist)
    /* nothing to do */

static void scalar_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner, int vis)
    t_scalar *x = (t_scalar *)z;
    t_template *template = template_findbyname(x->sc_template);
    t_canvas *templatecanvas = template_findcanvas(template);
    t_gobj *y;
    float basex, basey;
    scalar_getbasexy(x, &basex, &basey);
    	/* if we don't know how to draw it, make a small rectangle */
    if (!templatecanvas)
    	if (vis)
	    int x1 = glist_xtopixels(owner, basex);
	    int y1 = glist_ytopixels(owner, basey);
    	    sys_vgui(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -tags scalar%x\n",
    	    	glist_getcanvas(owner), x1-1, y1-1, x1+1, y1+1, x);
	else sys_vgui(".x%x.c delete scalar%x\n", glist_getcanvas(owner), x);

    for (y = templatecanvas->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
	t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->g_pd);
	if (!wb) continue;
	(*wb->w_parentvisfn)(y, owner, x->sc_vec, template, basex, basey, vis);

static int scalar_click(t_gobj *z, struct _glist *owner,
    int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit)
    t_scalar *x = (t_scalar *)z;
    int hit = 0;
    t_template *template = template_findbyname(x->sc_template);
    t_canvas *templatecanvas = template_findcanvas(template);
    t_gobj *y;
    float basex, basey;
    scalar_getbasexy(x, &basex, &basey);
    for (y = templatecanvas->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
	t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->g_pd);
	if (!wb) continue;
	if (hit = (*wb->w_parentclickfn)(y, owner,
	    x, template, basex, basey,
	    xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit))
	    	return (hit);
    return (0);

void canvas_writescalar(t_symbol *templatesym, t_word *w, t_binbuf *b,
    int amarrayelement);

static void scalar_save(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b)
    t_scalar *x = (t_scalar *)z;
    t_binbuf *b2 = binbuf_new();
    t_atom a, *argv;
    int i, argc;
    canvas_writescalar(x->sc_template, x->sc_vec, b2, 0);
    binbuf_addv(b, "ss", &s__X, gensym("scalar"));
    binbuf_addbinbuf(b, b2);

static void scalar_properties(t_gobj *z, struct _glist *owner)
    t_scalar *x = (t_scalar *)z;
    char *buf, buf2[80];
    int bufsize;
    t_binbuf *b;
    glist_select(owner, z);
    b = glist_writetobinbuf(owner, 0);
    binbuf_gettext(b, &buf, &bufsize);
    buf = t_resizebytes(buf, bufsize, bufsize+1);
    buf[bufsize] = 0;
    sprintf(buf2, "pdtk_data_dialog %%s {");
    gfxstub_new((t_pd *)owner, x, buf2);
    t_freebytes(buf, bufsize+1);

static t_widgetbehavior scalar_widgetbehavior =

static void scalar_free(t_scalar *x)
    int i;
    t_dataslot *datatypes, *dt;
    t_symbol *templatesym = x->sc_template;
    t_template *template = template_findbyname(templatesym);
    if (!template)
    	error("scalar: couldn't find template %s", templatesym->s_name);
    word_free(x->sc_vec, template);
    	/* the "size" field in the class is zero, so Pd doesn't try to free
	us automatically (see pd_free()) */
    freebytes(x, sizeof(t_scalar) + (template->t_n - 1) * sizeof(*x->sc_vec));

/* ----------------- setup function ------------------- */

void g_scalar_setup(void)
    scalar_class = class_new(gensym("scalar"), 0, (t_method)scalar_free, 0,
    	CLASS_GOBJ, 0);
    class_setwidget(scalar_class, &scalar_widgetbehavior);
    class_setsavefn(scalar_class, scalar_save);
    class_setpropertiesfn(scalar_class, scalar_properties);