/* Copyright (c) 2003, Miller Puckette and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* machine-independent (well, mostly!) audio layer. Stores and recalls audio settings from argparse routine and from dialog window. */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "s_stuff.h" #include #ifdef UNISTD #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #define SYS_DEFAULTCH 2 #define SYS_MAXCH 100 typedef long t_pa_sample; #define SYS_SAMPLEWIDTH sizeof(t_pa_sample) #define SYS_BYTESPERCHAN (DEFDACBLKSIZE * SYS_SAMPLEWIDTH) #define SYS_XFERSAMPS (SYS_DEFAULTCH*DEFDACBLKSIZE) #define SYS_XFERSIZE (SYS_SAMPLEWIDTH * SYS_XFERSAMPS) #define MAXNDEV 20 #define DEVDESCSIZE 80 static void audio_getdevs(char *indevlist, int *nindevs, char *outdevlist, int *noutdevs, int *canmulti, int *cancallback, int maxndev, int devdescsize); /* these are set in this file when opening audio, but then may be reduced, even to zero, in the system dependent open_audio routines. */ int sys_inchannels; int sys_outchannels; int sys_advance_samples; /* scheduler advance in samples */ int sys_blocksize = 0; /* audio I/O block size in sample frames */ int sys_audioapi = API_DEFAULT; static int sys_meters; /* true if we're metering */ static float sys_inmax; /* max input amplitude */ static float sys_outmax; /* max output amplitude */ /* exported variables */ int sys_schedadvance; /* scheduler advance in microseconds */ float sys_dacsr; t_sample *sys_soundout; t_sample *sys_soundin; /* the "state" is normally one if we're open and zero otherwise; but if the state is one, we still haven't necessarily opened the audio hardware; see audio_isopen() below. */ static int audio_state; /* last requested parameters */ static int audio_naudioindev = -1; static int audio_audioindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV]; static int audio_audiochindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV]; static int audio_naudiooutdev = -1; static int audio_audiooutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV]; static int audio_audiochoutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV]; static int audio_rate; static int audio_advance; static int audio_callback; void sched_audio_callbackfn(void); static int audio_isopen(void) { return (audio_state && ((audio_naudioindev > 0 && audio_audiochindev[0] > 0) || (audio_naudiooutdev > 0 && audio_audiochoutdev[0] > 0))); } void sys_get_audio_params( int *pnaudioindev, int *paudioindev, int *chindev, int *pnaudiooutdev, int *paudiooutdev, int *choutdev, int *prate, int *padvance, int *pcallback) { int i; *pnaudioindev = audio_naudioindev; for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIOINDEV; i++) paudioindev[i] = audio_audioindev[i], chindev[i] = audio_audiochindev[i]; *pnaudiooutdev = audio_naudiooutdev; for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIOOUTDEV; i++) paudiooutdev[i] = audio_audiooutdev[i], choutdev[i] = audio_audiochoutdev[i]; *prate = audio_rate; *padvance = audio_advance; *pcallback = audio_callback; } void sys_save_audio_params( int naudioindev, int *audioindev, int *chindev, int naudiooutdev, int *audiooutdev, int *choutdev, int rate, int advance, int callback) { int i; audio_naudioindev = naudioindev; for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIOINDEV; i++) audio_audioindev[i] = audioindev[i], audio_audiochindev[i] = chindev[i]; audio_naudiooutdev = naudiooutdev; for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIOOUTDEV; i++) audio_audiooutdev[i] = audiooutdev[i], audio_audiochoutdev[i] = choutdev[i]; audio_rate = rate; audio_advance = advance; audio_callback = callback; } /* init routines for any API which needs to set stuff up before any other API gets used. This is only true of OSS so far. */ #ifdef USEAPI_OSS void oss_init(void); #endif static void audio_init( void) { static int initted = 0; if (initted) return; initted = 1; #ifdef USEAPI_OSS oss_init(); #endif } /* set channels and sample rate. */ void sys_setchsr(int chin, int chout, int sr) { int nblk; int inbytes = (chin ? chin : 2) * (DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(float)); int outbytes = (chout ? chout : 2) * (DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(float)); if (sys_soundin) freebytes(sys_soundin, (sys_inchannels? sys_inchannels : 2) * (DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(float))); if (sys_soundout) freebytes(sys_soundout, (sys_outchannels? sys_outchannels : 2) * (DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(float))); sys_inchannels = chin; sys_outchannels = chout; sys_dacsr = sr; sys_advance_samples = (sys_schedadvance * sys_dacsr) / (1000000.); if (sys_advance_samples < 3 * DEFDACBLKSIZE) sys_advance_samples = 3 * DEFDACBLKSIZE; sys_soundin = (t_float *)getbytes(inbytes); memset(sys_soundin, 0, inbytes); sys_soundout = (t_float *)getbytes(outbytes); memset(sys_soundout, 0, outbytes); if (sys_verbose) post("input channels = %d, output channels = %d", sys_inchannels, sys_outchannels); canvas_resume_dsp(canvas_suspend_dsp()); } /* ----------------------- public routines ----------------------- */ /* set audio device settings (after cleaning up the specified device and channel vectors). The audio devices are "zero based" (i.e. "0" means the first one.) We can later re-open audio and/or show the settings on a\ dialog window. */ void sys_set_audio_settings(int naudioindev, int *audioindev, int nchindev, int *chindev, int naudiooutdev, int *audiooutdev, int nchoutdev, int *choutdev, int rate, int advance, int callback) { int i, *ip; int defaultchannels = SYS_DEFAULTCH; int inchans, outchans, nrealindev, nrealoutdev; int realindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV], realoutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV]; int realinchans[MAXAUDIOINDEV], realoutchans[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV]; char indevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE], outdevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE]; int indevs = 0, outdevs = 0, canmulti = 0, cancallback = 0; audio_getdevs(indevlist, &indevs, outdevlist, &outdevs, &canmulti, &cancallback, MAXNDEV, DEVDESCSIZE); if (sys_externalschedlib) { return; } /* if we're already open close it */ if (sys_inchannels || sys_outchannels) sys_close_audio(); if (rate < 1) rate = DEFAULTSRATE; if (advance <= 0) advance = DEFAULTADVANCE; audio_init(); /* Since the channel vector might be longer than the audio device vector, or vice versa, we fill the shorter one in to match the longer one. Also, if both are empty, we fill in one device (the default) and two channels. */ if (naudioindev == -1) { /* no input audio devices specified */ if (nchindev == -1) { if (indevs >= 1) { nchindev=1; chindev[0] = defaultchannels; naudioindev = 1; audioindev[0] = DEFAULTAUDIODEV; } else naudioindev = nchindev = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIOINDEV; i++) audioindev[i] = i; naudioindev = nchindev; } } else { if (nchindev == -1) { nchindev = naudioindev; for (i = 0; i < naudioindev; i++) chindev[i] = defaultchannels; } else if (nchindev > naudioindev) { for (i = naudioindev; i < nchindev; i++) { if (i == 0) audioindev[0] = DEFAULTAUDIODEV; else audioindev[i] = audioindev[i-1] + 1; } naudioindev = nchindev; } else if (nchindev < naudioindev) { for (i = nchindev; i < naudioindev; i++) { if (i == 0) chindev[0] = defaultchannels; else chindev[i] = chindev[i-1]; } naudioindev = nchindev; } } if (naudiooutdev == -1) { /* not set */ if (nchoutdev == -1) { if (outdevs >= 1) { nchoutdev=1; choutdev[0]=defaultchannels; naudiooutdev=1; audiooutdev[0] = DEFAULTAUDIODEV; } else nchoutdev = naudiooutdev = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIOOUTDEV; i++) audiooutdev[i] = i; naudiooutdev = nchoutdev; } } else { if (nchoutdev == -1) { nchoutdev = naudiooutdev; for (i = 0; i < naudiooutdev; i++) choutdev[i] = defaultchannels; } else if (nchoutdev > naudiooutdev) { for (i = naudiooutdev; i < nchoutdev; i++) { if (i == 0) audiooutdev[0] = DEFAULTAUDIODEV; else audiooutdev[i] = audiooutdev[i-1] + 1; } naudiooutdev = nchoutdev; } else if (nchoutdev < naudiooutdev) { for (i = nchoutdev; i < naudiooutdev; i++) { if (i == 0) choutdev[0] = defaultchannels; else choutdev[i] = choutdev[i-1]; } naudiooutdev = nchoutdev; } } /* count total number of input and output channels */ for (i = nrealindev = inchans = 0; i < naudioindev; i++) if (chindev[i] > 0) { realinchans[nrealindev] = chindev[i]; realindev[nrealindev] = audioindev[i]; inchans += chindev[i]; nrealindev++; } for (i = nrealoutdev = outchans = 0; i < naudiooutdev; i++) if (choutdev[i] > 0) { realoutchans[nrealoutdev] = choutdev[i]; realoutdev[nrealoutdev] = audiooutdev[i]; outchans += choutdev[i]; nrealoutdev++; } sys_schedadvance = advance * 1000; sys_setchsr(inchans, outchans, rate); sys_log_error(ERR_NOTHING); sys_save_audio_params(nrealindev, realindev, realinchans, nrealoutdev, realoutdev, realoutchans, sys_dacsr, advance, callback); } void sys_close_audio(void) { if (sys_externalschedlib) { return; } if (!audio_isopen()) return; #ifdef USEAPI_PORTAUDIO if (sys_audioapi == API_PORTAUDIO) pa_close_audio(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_JACK if (sys_audioapi == API_JACK) jack_close_audio(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_OSS if (sys_audioapi == API_OSS) oss_close_audio(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_audioapi == API_ALSA) alsa_close_audio(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_MMIO if (sys_audioapi == API_MMIO) mmio_close_audio(); else #endif post("sys_close_audio: unknown API %d", sys_audioapi); sys_inchannels = sys_outchannels = 0; sched_set_using_audio(SCHED_AUDIO_NONE); } /* open audio using whatever parameters were last used */ void sys_reopen_audio( void) { int naudioindev, audioindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV], chindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV]; int naudiooutdev, audiooutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV], choutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV]; int rate, advance, callback, outcome = 0; sys_get_audio_params(&naudioindev, audioindev, chindev, &naudiooutdev, audiooutdev, choutdev, &rate, &advance, &callback); if (!naudioindev && !naudiooutdev) { sched_set_using_audio(SCHED_AUDIO_NONE); return; } #ifdef USEAPI_PORTAUDIO if (sys_audioapi == API_PORTAUDIO) { int blksize = (sys_blocksize ? sys_blocksize : 64); outcome = pa_open_audio((naudioindev > 0 ? chindev[0] : 0), (naudiooutdev > 0 ? choutdev[0] : 0), rate, sys_soundin, sys_soundout, blksize, sys_advance_samples/blksize, (naudioindev > 0 ? audioindev[0] : 0), (naudiooutdev > 0 ? audiooutdev[0] : 0), (callback ? sched_audio_callbackfn : 0)); } else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_JACK if (sys_audioapi == API_JACK) outcome = jack_open_audio((naudioindev > 0 ? chindev[0] : 0), (naudioindev > 0 ? choutdev[0] : 0), rate); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_OSS if (sys_audioapi == API_OSS) outcome = oss_open_audio(naudioindev, audioindev, naudioindev, chindev, naudiooutdev, audiooutdev, naudiooutdev, choutdev, rate); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA /* for alsa, only one device is supported; it may be open for both input and output. */ if (sys_audioapi == API_ALSA) outcome = alsa_open_audio(naudioindev, audioindev, naudioindev, chindev, naudiooutdev, audiooutdev, naudiooutdev, choutdev, rate); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_MMIO if (sys_audioapi == API_MMIO) outcome = mmio_open_audio(naudioindev, audioindev, naudioindev, chindev, naudiooutdev, audiooutdev, naudiooutdev, choutdev, rate); else #endif post("unknown audio API specified"); if (outcome) /* failed */ { audio_state = 0; sched_set_using_audio(SCHED_AUDIO_NONE); } else { audio_state = 1; sched_set_using_audio( (callback ? SCHED_AUDIO_CALLBACK : SCHED_AUDIO_POLL)); } sys_vgui("set pd_whichapi %d\n", (outcome == 0 ? sys_audioapi : 0)); } int sys_send_dacs(void) { if (sys_meters) { int i, n; float maxsamp; for (i = 0, n = sys_inchannels * DEFDACBLKSIZE, maxsamp = sys_inmax; i < n; i++) { float f = sys_soundin[i]; if (f > maxsamp) maxsamp = f; else if (-f > maxsamp) maxsamp = -f; } sys_inmax = maxsamp; for (i = 0, n = sys_outchannels * DEFDACBLKSIZE, maxsamp = sys_outmax; i < n; i++) { float f = sys_soundout[i]; if (f > maxsamp) maxsamp = f; else if (-f > maxsamp) maxsamp = -f; } sys_outmax = maxsamp; } #ifdef USEAPI_PORTAUDIO if (sys_audioapi == API_PORTAUDIO) return (pa_send_dacs()); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_JACK if (sys_audioapi == API_JACK) return (jack_send_dacs()); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_OSS if (sys_audioapi == API_OSS) return (oss_send_dacs()); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_audioapi == API_ALSA) return (alsa_send_dacs()); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_MMIO if (sys_audioapi == API_MMIO) return (mmio_send_dacs()); else #endif post("unknown API"); return (0); } float sys_getsr(void) { return (sys_dacsr); } int sys_get_outchannels(void) { return (sys_outchannels); } int sys_get_inchannels(void) { return (sys_inchannels); } void sys_getmeters(float *inmax, float *outmax) { if (inmax) { sys_meters = 1; *inmax = sys_inmax; *outmax = sys_outmax; } else sys_meters = 0; sys_inmax = sys_outmax = 0; } void sys_reportidle(void) { } static void audio_getdevs(char *indevlist, int *nindevs, char *outdevlist, int *noutdevs, int *canmulti, int *cancallback, int maxndev, int devdescsize) { audio_init(); *cancallback = 0; /* may be overridden by specific API implementation */ #ifdef USEAPI_PORTAUDIO if (sys_audioapi == API_PORTAUDIO) { pa_getdevs(indevlist, nindevs, outdevlist, noutdevs, canmulti, maxndev, devdescsize); *cancallback = 1; } else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_JACK if (sys_audioapi == API_JACK) { jack_getdevs(indevlist, nindevs, outdevlist, noutdevs, canmulti, maxndev, devdescsize); } else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_OSS if (sys_audioapi == API_OSS) { oss_getdevs(indevlist, nindevs, outdevlist, noutdevs, canmulti, maxndev, devdescsize); } else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_audioapi == API_ALSA) { alsa_getdevs(indevlist, nindevs, outdevlist, noutdevs, canmulti, maxndev, devdescsize); } else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_MMIO if (sys_audioapi == API_MMIO) { mmio_getdevs(indevlist, nindevs, outdevlist, noutdevs, canmulti, maxndev, devdescsize); } else #endif { /* this shouldn't happen once all the above get filled in. */ int i; *nindevs = *noutdevs = 3; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sprintf(indevlist + i * devdescsize, "input device #%d", i+1); sprintf(outdevlist + i * devdescsize, "output device #%d", i+1); } *canmulti = 0; } } static void sys_listaudiodevs(void ) { char indevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE], outdevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE]; int nindevs = 0, noutdevs = 0, i, canmulti = 0, cancallback = 0; audio_getdevs(indevlist, &nindevs, outdevlist, &noutdevs, &canmulti, &cancallback, MAXNDEV, DEVDESCSIZE); if (!nindevs) post("no audio input devices found"); else { /* To agree with command line flags, normally start at 1 */ /* But microsoft "MMIO" device list starts at 0 (the "mapper"). */ /* (see also sys_mmio variable in s_main.c) */ post("audio input devices:"); for (i = 0; i < nindevs; i++) post("%d. %s", i + (sys_audioapi != API_MMIO), indevlist + i * DEVDESCSIZE); } if (!noutdevs) post("no audio output devices found"); else { post("audio output devices:"); for (i = 0; i < noutdevs; i++) post("%d. %s", i + (sys_audioapi != API_MMIO), outdevlist + i * DEVDESCSIZE); } post("API number %d\n", sys_audioapi); } /* start an audio settings dialog window */ void glob_audio_properties(t_pd *dummy, t_floatarg flongform) { char buf[1024 + 2 * MAXNDEV*(DEVDESCSIZE+4)]; /* these are the devices you're using: */ int naudioindev, audioindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV], chindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV]; int naudiooutdev, audiooutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV], choutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV]; int audioindev1, audioindev2, audioindev3, audioindev4, audioinchan1, audioinchan2, audioinchan3, audioinchan4, audiooutdev1, audiooutdev2, audiooutdev3, audiooutdev4, audiooutchan1, audiooutchan2, audiooutchan3, audiooutchan4; int rate, advance, callback; /* these are all the devices on your system: */ char indevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE], outdevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE]; int nindevs = 0, noutdevs = 0, canmulti = 0, cancallback = 0, i; audio_getdevs(indevlist, &nindevs, outdevlist, &noutdevs, &canmulti, &cancallback, MAXNDEV, DEVDESCSIZE); sys_gui("global audio_indevlist; set audio_indevlist {}\n"); for (i = 0; i < nindevs; i++) sys_vgui("lappend audio_indevlist \"%s\"\n", indevlist + i * DEVDESCSIZE); sys_gui("global audio_outdevlist; set audio_outdevlist {}\n"); for (i = 0; i < noutdevs; i++) sys_vgui("lappend audio_outdevlist \"%s\"\n", outdevlist + i * DEVDESCSIZE); sys_get_audio_params(&naudioindev, audioindev, chindev, &naudiooutdev, audiooutdev, choutdev, &rate, &advance, &callback); /* post("naudioindev %d naudiooutdev %d longform %f", naudioindev, naudiooutdev, flongform); */ if (naudioindev > 1 || naudiooutdev > 1) flongform = 1; audioindev1 = (naudioindev > 0 && audioindev[0]>= 0 ? audioindev[0] : 0); audioindev2 = (naudioindev > 1 && audioindev[1]>= 0 ? audioindev[1] : 0); audioindev3 = (naudioindev > 2 && audioindev[2]>= 0 ? audioindev[2] : 0); audioindev4 = (naudioindev > 3 && audioindev[3]>= 0 ? audioindev[3] : 0); audioinchan1 = (naudioindev > 0 ? chindev[0] : 0); audioinchan2 = (naudioindev > 1 ? chindev[1] : 0); audioinchan3 = (naudioindev > 2 ? chindev[2] : 0); audioinchan4 = (naudioindev > 3 ? chindev[3] : 0); audiooutdev1 = (naudiooutdev > 0 && audiooutdev[0]>=0 ? audiooutdev[0] : 0); audiooutdev2 = (naudiooutdev > 1 && audiooutdev[1]>=0 ? audiooutdev[1] : 0); audiooutdev3 = (naudiooutdev > 2 && audiooutdev[2]>=0 ? audiooutdev[2] : 0); audiooutdev4 = (naudiooutdev > 3 && audiooutdev[3]>=0 ? audiooutdev[3] : 0); audiooutchan1 = (naudiooutdev > 0 ? choutdev[0] : 0); audiooutchan2 = (naudiooutdev > 1 ? choutdev[1] : 0); audiooutchan3 = (naudiooutdev > 2 ? choutdev[2] : 0); audiooutchan4 = (naudiooutdev > 3 ? choutdev[3] : 0); sprintf(buf, "pdtk_audio_dialog %%s \ %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \ %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \ %d %d %d %d %d\n", audioindev1, audioindev2, audioindev3, audioindev4, audioinchan1, audioinchan2, audioinchan3, audioinchan4, audiooutdev1, audiooutdev2, audiooutdev3, audiooutdev4, audiooutchan1, audiooutchan2, audiooutchan3, audiooutchan4, rate, advance, canmulti, (cancallback ? callback : -1), (flongform != 0)); gfxstub_deleteforkey(0); gfxstub_new(&glob_pdobject, (void *)glob_audio_properties, buf); } /* new values from dialog window */ void glob_audio_dialog(t_pd *dummy, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int naudioindev, audioindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV], chindev[MAXAUDIOINDEV]; int naudiooutdev, audiooutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV], choutdev[MAXAUDIOOUTDEV]; int rate, advance, audioon, i, nindev, noutdev; int audioindev1, audioinchan1, audiooutdev1, audiooutchan1; int newaudioindev[4], newaudioinchan[4], newaudiooutdev[4], newaudiooutchan[4]; /* the new values the dialog came back with: */ int newrate = atom_getintarg(16, argc, argv); int newadvance = atom_getintarg(17, argc, argv); int newcallback = atom_getintarg(18, argc, argv); int statewas; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { newaudioindev[i] = atom_getintarg(i, argc, argv); newaudioinchan[i] = atom_getintarg(i+4, argc, argv); newaudiooutdev[i] = atom_getintarg(i+8, argc, argv); newaudiooutchan[i] = atom_getintarg(i+12, argc, argv); } for (i = 0, nindev = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (newaudioinchan[i]) { newaudioindev[nindev] = newaudioindev[i]; newaudioinchan[nindev] = newaudioinchan[i]; /* post("in %d %d %d", nindev, newaudioindev[nindev] , newaudioinchan[nindev]); */ nindev++; } } for (i = 0, noutdev = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (newaudiooutchan[i]) { newaudiooutdev[noutdev] = newaudiooutdev[i]; newaudiooutchan[noutdev] = newaudiooutchan[i]; /* post("out %d %d %d", noutdev, newaudiooutdev[noutdev] , newaudioinchan[noutdev]); */ noutdev++; } } if (newcallback < 0) newcallback = 0; post("callback %d new %d",audio_callback, newcallback) ; if (audio_callback == newcallback) sys_close_audio(); sys_set_audio_settings(nindev, newaudioindev, nindev, newaudioinchan, noutdev, newaudiooutdev, noutdev, newaudiooutchan, newrate, newadvance, (newcallback >= 0 ? newcallback : 0)); post("callback %d new %d",audio_callback, newcallback) ; if (audio_callback == newcallback) sys_reopen_audio(); } void sys_listdevs(void ) { #ifdef USEAPI_PORTAUDIO if (sys_audioapi == API_PORTAUDIO) sys_listaudiodevs(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_JACK if (sys_audioapi == API_JACK) jack_listdevs(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_OSS if (sys_audioapi == API_OSS) sys_listaudiodevs(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_audioapi == API_ALSA) sys_listaudiodevs(); else #endif #ifdef USEAPI_MMIO if (sys_audioapi == API_MMIO) sys_listaudiodevs(); else #endif post("unknown API"); sys_listmididevs(); } void sys_setblocksize(int n) { if (n < 1) n = 1; if (n != (1 << ilog2(n))) post("warning: adjusting blocksize to power of 2: %d", (n = (1 << ilog2(n)))); sys_blocksize = n; } void sys_set_audio_api(int which) { sys_audioapi = which; if (sys_verbose) post("sys_audioapi %d", sys_audioapi); } void glob_audio_setapi(void *dummy, t_floatarg f) { int newapi = f; if (newapi) { if (newapi == sys_audioapi) { if (!audio_isopen()) sys_reopen_audio(); } else { sys_close_audio(); sys_audioapi = newapi; /* bash device params back to default */ audio_naudioindev = audio_naudiooutdev = 1; audio_audioindev[0] = audio_audiooutdev[0] = DEFAULTAUDIODEV; audio_audiochindev[0] = audio_audiochoutdev[0] = SYS_DEFAULTCH; sys_reopen_audio(); } glob_audio_properties(0, 0); } else if (audio_isopen()) { sys_close_audio(); audio_state = 0; } } /* start or stop the audio hardware */ void sys_set_audio_state(int onoff) { if (onoff) /* start */ { if (!audio_isopen()) sys_reopen_audio(); } else { if (audio_isopen()) sys_close_audio(); } audio_state = onoff; } void sys_get_audio_apis(char *buf) { int n = 0; strcpy(buf, "{ "); #ifdef USEAPI_OSS sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{OSS %d} ", API_OSS); n++; #endif #ifdef USEAPI_MMIO sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{\"standard (MMIO)\" %d} ", API_MMIO); n++; #endif #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{ALSA %d} ", API_ALSA); n++; #endif #ifdef USEAPI_PORTAUDIO #ifdef MSW sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{\"ASIO (via portaudio)\" %d} ", API_PORTAUDIO); #else #ifdef OSX sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{\"standard (portaudio)\" %d} ", API_PORTAUDIO); #else sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{portaudio %d} ", API_PORTAUDIO); #endif #endif n++; #endif #ifdef USEAPI_JACK sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{jack %d} ", API_JACK); n++; #endif strcat(buf, "}"); /* then again, if only one API (or none) we don't offer any choice. */ if (n < 2) strcpy(buf, "{}"); } #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA void alsa_putzeros(int n); void alsa_getzeros(int n); void alsa_printstate( void); #endif /* debugging */ void glob_foo(void *dummy, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_symbol *arg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv); if (arg == gensym("restart")) sys_reopen_audio(); #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA else if (arg == gensym("alsawrite")) { int n = atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv); alsa_putzeros(n); } else if (arg == gensym("alsaread")) { int n = atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv); alsa_getzeros(n); } else if (arg == gensym("print")) { alsa_printstate(); } #endif }