/* ------------- routines for Apple AudioUnit in AudioToolbox -------------- */ #ifdef USEAPI_AUDIOUNIT /* this is currently a placeholder file while we decide which one of three implementations of this API we use */ #include #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "s_stuff.h" #include pthread_mutex_t audiounit_mutex; pthread_cond_t audiounit_sem; int audiounit_open_audio(int inchans, int outchans, int rate) { return 0; } void audiounit_close_audio(void) { } int audiounit_send_dacs(void) { return 0; } void audiounit_getdevs(char *indevlist, int *nindevs, char *outdevlist, int *noutdevs, int *canmulti, int maxndev, int devdescsize) { post("device getting not implemented for AudioUnit yet\n"); } void audiounit_listdevs( void) { post("device listing not implemented for AudioUnit yet\n"); } #endif /* AUDIOUNIT */