package provide dialog_array 0.1

namespace eval ::dialog_array:: {
    namespace export pdtk_array_dialog
    namespace export pdtk_array_listview_new
    namespace export pdtk_array_listview_fillpage
    namespace export pdtk_array_listview_setpage
    namespace export pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow

# global variables for the listview
array set pd_array_listview_entry {}
array set pd_array_listview_id {}
array set pd_array_listview_page {}
set pd_array_listview_pagesize 0
# this stores the state of the "save me" check button
array set saveme_button {}
# this stores the state of the "draw as" radio buttons
array set drawas_button {}
# this stores the state of the "in new graph"/"in last graph" radio buttons
# and the "delete array" checkbutton
array set otherflag_button {}

# TODO figure out how to escape $ args so sharptodollar() isn't needed

############ pdtk_array_dialog -- dialog window for arrays #########

proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_setpage {arrayName page} {
    set ::pd_array_listview_page($arrayName) $page

proc ::dialog_array::listview_changepage {arrayName np} {
    pdtk_array_listview_setpage \
        $arrayName [expr $::pd_array_listview_page($arrayName) + $np]
    pdtk_array_listview_fillpage $arrayName

proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_fillpage {arrayName} {
    set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
    set topItem [expr [lindex [$ yview] 0] * \
                     [$ size]]
    if {[winfo exists $windowName]} {
        set cmd "$::pd_array_listview_id($arrayName) \
               arrayviewlistfillpage \
               $::pd_array_listview_page($arrayName) \
        pdsend $cmd

proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_new {id arrayName page} {
    set ::pd_array_listview_page($arrayName) $page
    set ::pd_array_listview_id($arrayName) $id
    set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
    if [winfo exists $windowName] then [destroy $windowName]
    toplevel $windowName -class DialogWindow
    wm group $windowName .
    wm protocol $windowName WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
        "::dialog_array::listview_close $id $arrayName"
    wm title $windowName [concat $arrayName "(list view)"]
    # FIXME
    set font 12
    set $ [listbox $ -height 20 -width 25\
                            -selectmode extended \
                            -relief solid -background white -borderwidth 1 \
                            -font [format {{%s} %d %s} $::font_family $font $::font_weight]\
                            -yscrollcommand "$ set"]
    set $ [scrollbar $ \
                               -command "$ yview" -orient vertical]
    place configure $ -relheight 1 -relx 0.9 -relwidth 0.1
    pack $ -expand 1 -fill both
    bind $ <Double-ButtonPress-1> \
        "::dialog_array::listview_edit $arrayName $page $font"
    # handle copy/paste
    switch -- $::windowingsystem {
        "x11" {selection handle $ \
                   "::dialog_array::listview_lbselection $arrayName"}
        "win32" {bind $ <ButtonPress-3> \
                     "::dialog_array::listview_popup $arrayName"} 
    set $windowName.prevBtn [button $windowName.prevBtn -text "<-" \
                                 -command "::dialog_array::listview_changepage $arrayName -1"]
    set $windowName.nextBtn [button $windowName.nextBtn -text "->" \
                                 -command "::dialog_array::listview_changepage $arrayName 1"]
    pack $windowName.prevBtn -side left -ipadx 20 -pady 10 -anchor s
    pack $windowName.nextBtn -side right -ipadx 20 -pady 10 -anchor s
    focus $windowName

proc ::dialog_array::listview_lbselection {arrayName off size} {
    set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
    set itemNums [$ curselection]
    set cbString ""
    for {set i 0} {$i < [expr [llength $itemNums] - 1]} {incr i} {
        set listItem [$ get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
        append cbString [string range $listItem \
                             [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
        append cbString "\n"
    set listItem [$ get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
    append cbString [string range $listItem \
                         [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
    set last $cbString

# Win32 uses a popup menu for copy/paste
proc ::dialog_array::listview_popup {arrayName} {
    set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
    if [winfo exists $windowName.popup] then [destroy $windowName.popup]
    menu $windowName.popup -tearoff false
    $windowName.popup add command -label [_ "Copy"] \
        -command "::dialog_array::listview_copy $arrayName; \
                  destroy $windowName.popup"
    $windowName.popup add command -label [_ "Paste"] \
        -command "::dialog_array::listview_paste $arrayName; \
                  destroy $windowName.popup"
    tk_popup $windowName.popup [winfo pointerx $windowName] \
        [winfo pointery $windowName] 0

proc ::dialog_array::listview_copy {arrayName} {
    set windowName [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
    set itemNums [$ curselection]
    set cbString ""
    for {set i 0} {$i < [expr [llength $itemNums] - 1]} {incr i} {
        set listItem [$ get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
        append cbString [string range $listItem \
                             [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
        append cbString "\n"
    set listItem [$ get [lindex $itemNums $i]]
    append cbString [string range $listItem \
                         [expr [string first ") " $listItem] + 2] \
    clipboard clear
    clipboard append $cbString

proc ::dialog_array::listview_paste {arrayName} {
    set cbString [selection get -selection CLIPBOARD]
    set lbName [format "" $arrayName]
    set itemNum [lindex [$lbName curselection] 0]
    set splitChars ", \n"
    set itemString [split $cbString $splitChars]
    set flag 1
    for {set i 0; set counter 0} {$i < [llength $itemString]} {incr i} {
        if {[lindex $itemString $i] ne {}} {
            pdsend "$arrayName [expr $itemNum + \
                                       [expr $counter + \
                                            [expr $::pd_array_listview_pagesize \
                                                 * $::pd_array_listview_page($arrayName)]]] \
                    [lindex $itemString $i]"
            incr counter
            set flag 0

proc ::dialog_array::listview_edit {arrayName page font} {
    set lbName [format "" $arrayName]
    if {[winfo exists $lbName.entry]} {
        ::dialog_array::listview_update_entry \
            $arrayName $::pd_array_listview_entry($arrayName)
        unset ::pd_array_listview_entry($arrayName)
    set itemNum [$lbName index active]
    set ::pd_array_listview_entry($arrayName) $itemNum
    set bbox [$lbName bbox $itemNum]
    set y [expr [lindex $bbox 1] - 4]
    set $lbName.entry [entry $lbName.entry \
                           -font [format {{%s} %d %s} $::font_family $font $::font_weight]]
    $lbName.entry insert 0 []
    place configure $lbName.entry -relx 0 -y $y -relwidth 1
    lower $lbName.entry
    focus $lbName.entry
    bind $lbName.entry <Return> \
        "::dialog_array::listview_update_entry $arrayName $itemNum;"

proc ::dialog_array::listview_update_entry {arrayName itemNum} {
    set lbName [format "" $arrayName]
    set splitChars ", \n"
    set itemString [split [$lbName.entry get] $splitChars]
    set flag 1
    for {set i 0; set counter 0} {$i < [llength $itemString]} {incr i} {
        if {[lindex $itemString $i] ne {}} {
            pdsend "$arrayName [expr $itemNum + \
                                       [expr $counter + \
                                            [expr $::pd_array_listview_pagesize \
                                                 * $::pd_array_listview_page($arrayName)]]] \
                    [lindex $itemString $i]"
            incr counter
            set flag 0
    pdtk_array_listview_fillpage $arrayName
    destroy $lbName.entry

proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow {arrayName} {
    set mytoplevel [format ".%sArrayWindow" $arrayName]
    destroy $mytoplevel

proc ::dialog_array::listview_close {mytoplevel arrayName} {
    pdtk_array_listview_closeWindow $arrayName
    pdsend "$mytoplevel arrayviewclose"

proc ::dialog_array::apply {mytoplevel} {
# TODO figure out how to ditch this escaping mechanism
    set mofo [$ get]
    if {[string index $mofo 0] == "$"} {
        set mofo [string replace $mofo 0 0 #] }

    pdsend "$mytoplevel arraydialog \
            $mofo \
            [$mytoplevel.size.entry get] \
            [expr $::saveme_button($mytoplevel) + (2 * $::drawas_button($mytoplevel))] \

proc ::dialog_array::openlistview {mytoplevel} {
    pdsend "$mytoplevel arrayviewlistnew"

proc ::dialog_array::cancel {mytoplevel} {
    pdsend "$mytoplevel cancel"

proc ::dialog_array::ok {mytoplevel} {
    ::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel
    ::dialog_array::cancel $mytoplevel

proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_dialog {mytoplevel name size flags newone} {
puts "::dialog_array::pdtk_array_dialog {$mytoplevel $name $size $flags $newone}"
    if {[winfo exists $mytoplevel]} {
        wm deiconify $mytoplevel
        raise $mytoplevel
    } else {
        create_dialog $mytoplevel $newone

    $ insert 0 $name
    $mytoplevel.size.entry insert 0 $size
    set ::saveme_button($mytoplevel) [expr $flags & 1]
    set ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) [expr ( $flags & 6 ) >> 1]
    set ::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) 0
# pd -> tcl
#  2 * (int)(template_getfloat(template_findbyname(sc->sc_template), gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1)));

# tcl->pd
#    int style = ((flags & 6) >> 1);

proc ::dialog_array::create_dialog {mytoplevel newone} {
    toplevel $mytoplevel -class DialogWindow
    wm title $mytoplevel [_ "Array Properties"]
    if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {$mytoplevel configure -menu .menubar}
    ::pd_bindings::dialog_bindings $mytoplevel "array"

    frame $
    pack $ -side top
    label $ -text [_ "Name:"]
    entry $
    pack $ $ -anchor w

    frame $mytoplevel.size
    pack $mytoplevel.size -side top
    label $mytoplevel.size.label -text [_ "Size:"]
    entry $mytoplevel.size.entry
    pack $mytoplevel.size.label $mytoplevel.size.entry -anchor w

    checkbutton $mytoplevel.saveme -text [_ "Save contents"] \
        -variable ::saveme_button($mytoplevel) -anchor w
    pack $mytoplevel.saveme -side top

    labelframe $mytoplevel.drawas -text [_ "Draw as:"] -padx 20 -borderwidth 1
    pack $mytoplevel.drawas -side top -fill x
    radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.points -value 0 \
        -variable ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Points"]
    radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.polygon -value 1 \
        -variable ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Polygon"]
    radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.bezier -value 2 \
        -variable ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Bezier curve"]
    pack $mytoplevel.drawas.points -side top -anchor w
    pack $mytoplevel.drawas.polygon -side top -anchor w
    pack $mytoplevel.drawas.bezier -side top -anchor w

    if {$newone != 0} {
        labelframe $ -text [_ "Put array into:"] -padx 20 -borderwidth 1
        pack $ -side top -fill x
        radiobutton $ -value 0 \
            -variable ::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "New graph"]
        radiobutton $ -value 1 \
            -variable ::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Last graph"]
        pack $ -side top -anchor w
        pack $ -side top -anchor w
    } else {    
        checkbutton $mytoplevel.deletearray -text [_ "Delete array"] \
            -variable ::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) -anchor w
        pack $mytoplevel.deletearray -side top
    # jsarlo
    if {$newone == 0} {
        button $mytoplevel.listview -text [_ "Open List View..."] \
            -command "::dialog_array::openlistview $mytoplevel [$ get]"
        pack $mytoplevel.listview -side top
    # end jsarlo
    frame $mytoplevel.buttonframe
    pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
    button $mytoplevel.buttonframe.cancel -text [_ "Cancel"] \
        -command "::dialog_array::cancel $mytoplevel"
    if {$newone == 0} {button $mytoplevel.buttonframe.apply -text [_ "Apply"] \
                           -command "::dialog_array::apply $mytoplevel"}
    button $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok -text [_ "OK"]\
        -command "::dialog_array::ok $mytoplevel"
    pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1
    if {$newone == 0} {pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1}
    pack $mytoplevel.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1