package provide wheredoesthisgo 0.1 # a place to temporarily store things until they find a home or go away proc open_file {filename} { set directory [file normalize [file dirname $filename]] set basename [file tail $filename] if {[regexp -nocase -- "\.(pd|pat|mxt)$" $filename]} { ::pdtk_canvas::started_loading_file [format "%s/%s" $basename $filename] pdsend "pd open [enquote_path $basename] [enquote_path $directory]" # remove duplicates first, then the duplicate added after to the top set index [lsearch -exact $::recentfiles_list $filename] set ::recentfiles_list [lreplace $::recentfiles_list $index $index] lappend ::recentfiles_list $filename set ::recentfiles_list [lrange $::recentfiles_list 0 $::total_recentfiles] ::pd_menus::update_recentfiles_menu } { ::pdwindow::post [format [_ "Ignoring '%s': doesn't look like a Pd-file"] $filename] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # procs for panels (openpanel, savepanel) proc pdtk_openpanel {target localdir} { if {! [file isdirectory $localdir]} { if { ! [file isdirectory $::fileopendir]} { set ::fileopendir $::env(HOME) } set localdir $::fileopendir } set filename [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $localdir] if {$filename ne ""} { set ::fileopendir [file dirname $filename] pdsend "$target callback [enquote_path $filename]" } } proc pdtk_savepanel {target localdir} { if {! [file isdirectory $localdir]} { if { ! [file isdirectory $::filenewdir]} { set ::filenewdir $::env(HOME) } set localdir $::filenewdir } set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $localdir] if {$filename ne ""} { pdsend "$target callback [enquote_path $filename]" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # window info (name, path, parents, children, etc.) proc lookup_windowname {mytoplevel} { set window [array get ::windowname $mytoplevel] if { $window ne ""} { return [lindex $window 1] } else { return ERROR } } proc tkcanvas_name {mytoplevel} { return "$mytoplevel.c" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # quoting functions # enquote a string for find, path, and startup dialog panels, to be decoded by # sys_decodedialog() proc pdtk_encodedialog {x} { concat +[string map {" " "+_" "$" "+d" ";" "+s" "," "+c" "+" "++"} $x] } # encode a list with pdtk_encodedialog proc pdtk_encode { listdata } { set outlist {} foreach this_path $listdata { if {0==[string match "" $this_path]} { lappend outlist [pdtk_encodedialog $this_path] } } return $outlist } # TODO enquote a filename to send it to pd, " isn't handled properly tho... proc enquote_path {message} { string map {"," "\\," ";" "\\;" " " "\\ "} $message } #enquote a string to send it to Pd. Blow off semi and comma; alias spaces #we also blow off "{", "}", "\" because they'll just cause bad trouble later. proc unspace_text {x} { set y [string map {" " "_" ";" "" "," "" "{" "" "}" "" "\\" ""} $x] if {$y eq ""} {set y "empty"} concat $y } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # watchdog functions proc pdtk_watchdog {} { pdsend "pd watchdog" after 2000 {pdtk_watchdog} } proc pdtk_ping {} { pdsend "pd ping" }