#!/bin/sh set -x # the source dir where this script is ## this could be done more easily with ${0%/*} SCRIPT_DIR=$(echo $0 | sed 's|\(.*\)/.*$|\1|') . $SCRIPT_DIR/auto-build-common # convert into absolute path cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}/../.." auto_build_root_dir=`pwd` echo "build root: $auto_build_root_dir" $SCRIPT_DIR/pd-extended-auto-builder.sh source-tarball-only # the version is set by the above script, so keep this after version=$(get_pd_version $auto_build_root_dir) archive=$(ls -1 /tmp/Pd-extended*$version*-source.tar.bz2 | tail -1) upload_filename=$(basename $archive) rsync -a --chmod=a+r ${archive} rsync://blinky.at.or.at/upload/${DATE}/${upload_filename} && \ md5sum ${archive} > ${archive}.md5 && \ rsync -a ${archive}.md5 rsync://blinky.at.or.at/upload/${DATE}/${upload_filename}.md5 && \ rm $archive && rm $archive.md5 && \ echo "successfully uploaded: ${upload_filename}" && \ echo SUCCESS