#!/bin/sh # this is the script to actually stick in the cron job # echo each command as its executed set -x # the source dir where this script is ## this could be done more easily with ${0%/*} SCRIPT_DIR=$(echo $0 | sed 's|\(.*\)/.*$|\1|') . $SCRIPT_DIR/auto-build-common SCRIPT_DIR=${HOME}/auto-build/pd-extended/scripts/auto-build BUILD_SCRIPT=run-automated-builder LOGFILE=/home/pd/logs//${DATE}_${TIME}_${SYSTEM}_${HOSTNAME}_${BUILD_SCRIPT}.txt # update the script from SVN before running it svn cleanup $SCRIPT_DIR > $LOGFILE 2>&1 svn revert -R $SCRIPT_DIR > $LOGFILE 2>&1 svn up $SCRIPT_DIR > $LOGFILE 2>&1 # run the script from SVN as the 'pd' user. /bin/bash ${SCRIPT_DIR}/${BUILD_SCRIPT} > $LOGFILE 2>&1