#!/usr/bin/python import smtplib import glob import datetime import subprocess date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") outputfilename = 'type-punning.log' logoutput = [] for log in glob.glob('/home/apt/www/auto-build/' + date + '/logs/20*.txt'): f = open(log, 'r') logoutput.append('======================================================================\n') logoutput.append(log + '\n') logoutput.append('--------------------------\n') for line in f: if line.find('warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules') > -1: logoutput.append(line.replace('/home/pd/auto-build/', '') .replace('C:/MinGW/msys/1.0', '') .replace('/Users/pd/auto-build/', '')) f.close() outputfile = '/tmp/' + outputfilename lf = open(outputfile, 'w') for line in logoutput: lf.write(line) lf.close() # # make the email report # fromaddr = 'pd@pdlab.idmi.poly.edu' # toaddr = 'hans@at.or.at' # mailoutput = [] # mailoutput.append('From: ' + fromaddr + '\n') # mailoutput.append('To: ' + toaddr + '\n') # mailoutput.append('Subject: type-punning warnings ' + date + '\n\n\n') # mailoutput.append('______________________________________________________________________\n\n') # mailoutput.append('Complete log:\n') # mailoutput.append('http://autobuild.puredata.info/auto-build/' + date + '/logs/' # + outputfilename + '\n') # # upload the log file to the autobuild website # rsyncfile = 'rsync://' + date + '/logs/' + outputfilename # cmd = ['rsync', '-axv', outputfile, rsyncfile] # mailoutput.append(' '.join(cmd) + '\n') # p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, # shell=False, # stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # p.wait() # mailoutput.append(''.join(p.stdout.readlines())) # mailoutput.append(''.join(p.stderr.readlines())) # mailoutput.append('______________________________________________________________________\n\n') # server = smtplib.SMTP('in1.smtp.messagingengine.com') # server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, ''.join(mailoutput + logoutput)) # server.quit()