#!/usr/bin/python import subprocess, sys, socket, time, os, re, time, smtplib, signal try: pdrootdir = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print 'only one arg: root dir of pd' sys.exit(2) PORT = 55555 netreceive_patch = '/tmp/.____pd_netreceive____.pd' def find_pdexe(rootdir): # start with the Windows/Mac OS X location exe = pdrootdir + '/bin/pd' if not os.path.isfile(exe): # try the GNU/Linux location exe = pdrootdir+'../../bin/pd' if not os.path.isfile(exe): print "ERROR: can't find pd executable" exit return os.path.realpath(exe) def make_netreceive_patch(filename): fd = open(filename, 'w') fd.write('#N canvas 222 130 454 304 10;') fd.write('#X obj 111 83 netreceive ' + str(PORT) + ' 0 old;') fd.write('#X obj 111 103 loadbang;') fd.write('#X obj 111 123 print netreceive_patch;') # it would be nice to have this patch tell us when it is closed... # fd.write('#X obj 211 160 tof/destroysend pd;') # fd.write('#X obj 211 160 closebang;') # fd.write('#X obj 211 180 print CLOSE;') fd.write('#X connect 1 0 2 0;') # fd.write('#X connect 3 0 4 0;') fd.close() def send_to_socket(message): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('localhost', PORT)) s.send(message) s.close() def send_to_pd(message): send_to_socket('; pd ' + message + ';\n') def open_patch(filename): dir, file = os.path.split(filename) send_to_pd('open ' + file + ' ' + dir) def close_patch(filename): dir, file = os.path.split(filename) send_to_pd('; pd-' + file + ' menuclose') def launch_pd(): pdexe = find_pdexe(pdrootdir) p = subprocess.Popen([pdexe, '-nogui', '-stderr', '-open', netreceive_patch], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True); line = p.stdout.readline() while line != 'netreceive_patch: bang\n': line = p.stdout.readline() return p def quit_pd(process): send_to_pd('quit') time.sleep(1) try: os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError: pass time.sleep(1) try: os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError: pass #---------- list of lines to ignore ----------# def remove_ignorelines(list): ignorelines = [ 'expr, expr~, fexpr~ version 0.4 under GNU General Public License \n', 'fiddle version 1.1 TEST4\n', 'sigmund version 0.03\n', 'pique 0.1 for PD version 23\n', 'this is pddplink 0.1, 3rd alpha build...\n', '\n' ] ignorepatterns = [ 'ydegoyon@free.fr', 'olaf.matthes@gmx.de', 'Olaf.*Matthes', '[a-z]+ v0\.[0-9]', 'IOhannes m zm', 'part of zexy-', 'based on sync from jMax' ] for ignore in ignorelines: try: list.remove(ignore) except ValueError: pass for line in list: for pattern in ignorepatterns: m = re.search('.*' + pattern + '.*', line) while m: try: list.remove(m.string) m = re.search('.*' + pattern + '.*', line) except ValueError: break return list #---------- main()-like thing ----------# make_netreceive_patch(netreceive_patch) logoutput = [] docdir = pdrootdir + '/doc' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(docdir): #dirs.remove('.svn') # print "root: " + root for name in files: m = re.search(".*\.pd$", name) if m: print 'checking ' + name patch = os.path.join(root, m.string) p = launch_pd() open_patch(patch) time.sleep(1) close_patch(patch) quit_pd(p) patchoutput = [] while True: line = p.stdout.readline() m = re.search('EOF on socket', line) if not m: patchoutput.append(line) else: break patchoutput = remove_ignorelines(patchoutput) if len(patchoutput) > 0: # print 'found log messages: ' + name logoutput.append('\n\n__________________________________________________\n') logoutput.append('loading: ' + name + '\n') # logoutput.append('--------------------------------------------------\n') logoutput += patchoutput # for line in patchoutput: # print '--' + line + '--' now = time.localtime(time.time()) date = time.strftime('20%y-%m-%d', now) datestamp = time.strftime('20%y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S', now) outputfilename = 'load_every_help-' + datestamp + '.log' outputfile = '/tmp/' + outputfilename fd = open(outputfile, 'w') fd.writelines(logoutput) fd.close() # make the email report fromaddr = 'pd@pdlab.idmi.poly.edu' toaddr = 'hans@eds.org' mailoutput = [] mailoutput.append('From: ' + fromaddr + '\n') mailoutput.append('To: ' + toaddr + '\n') mailoutput.append('Subject: load_every_help ' + datestamp + '\n\n\n') mailoutput.append('______________________________________________________________________\n\n') mailoutput.append('Complete log:\n') mailoutput.append('http://autobuild.puredata.info/auto-build/' + date + '/' + outputfilename + '\n') # upload the log file to the autobuild website rsyncfile = 'rsync://' + date + '/' + outputfilename try: p = subprocess.Popen(['rsync', '-ax', outputfilename, rsyncfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait() except: mailoutput.append('rsync upload of the log failed!\n') mailoutput.append(''.join(p.stdout.readlines())) mailoutput.append('______________________________________________________________________\n\n') server = smtplib.SMTP('mail.eds.org') server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, ''.join(mailoutput + logoutput)) server.quit()