diff options
authorIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@users.sourceforge.net>2011-02-28 16:11:06 +0000
committerIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@users.sourceforge.net>2011-02-28 16:11:06 +0000
commit974ffbacd4c9499d4ae4068b5ce35181f2526f9a (patch)
parent92a3fe0e303c1c206c4fe4b5d1622f53c7c7b03c (diff)
oops, did not work
svn path=/trunk/scripts/guiplugins/kiosk-plugin/; revision=14980
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/kiosk-plugin.tcl b/kiosk-plugin.tcl
index b684a11..e414229 100644
--- a/kiosk-plugin.tcl
+++ b/kiosk-plugin.tcl
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ package require Tk
package require pdwindow 0.1
namespace eval ::kiosk:: {
- variable showmenu False
- variable fullscreen True
- variable hidemain True
- variable windowtitle "FOO"
+ variable showmenu True
+ variable fullscreen False
+ variable hidemain False
+ variable windowtitle "Pd KIOSK"
+ variable hidepopup True
@@ -25,12 +26,17 @@ if { $::kiosk::hidemain } {
+## don't show popup menu on right-click
+if { $::kiosk::hidepopup } {
+ proc ::pdtk_canvas::pdtk_canvas_popup {mytoplevel xcanvas ycanvas hasproperties hasopen} { }
# this is just an empty menu
menu .kioskmenu
proc ::kiosk::makekiosk {mywin} {
-puts "makekiosk $mywin"
+#puts "makekiosk $mywin"
#remove menu
if { $::kiosk::showmenu } { } {
$mywin configure -menu .kioskmenu;
@@ -41,28 +47,14 @@ puts "makekiosk $mywin"
wm attributes $mywin -fullscreen 1
- if { info exists ::kiosk::windowtitle $::kiosk::windowtitle } {
+# set the title of the window
+# (makes mostly sense in non-fullscren...)
+ if { $::kiosk::windowtitle != "" } {
+ wm title $mywin $::kiosk::windowtitle
+ }
-# it seems like this is getting not called for initially opened windows
-# i guess it is like that:
-# pd starts up
-# pd sends initial data to the GUI
-# the guiplugins are invoked (too late to do anything with existing windows)
-#proc ::pd_bindings::patch_bindings {mytoplevel} {
-#puts "foo $mytoplevel"
-# wm attributes $mytoplevel -fullscreen 1
foreach kioskwin [array names ::loaded] {
::kiosk::makekiosk $kioskwin
-#bind PatchWindow <FocusIn> {
-# makekiosk %W;