diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2012-11-15 04:28:40 +0000
committerHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2012-11-15 04:28:40 +0000
commit89bce5cb101ca550ba05d1a82359ca8cc0c49da5 (patch)
parent86823306a30c3e968fc6b773572e8d59d0e228a1 (diff)
committed Jonathan's latest search plugin
svn path=/trunk/scripts/guiplugins/search-plugin/; revision=16550
1 files changed, 945 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/search-plugin.tcl b/search-plugin.tcl
index 12f68e8..23a5740 100644
--- a/search-plugin.tcl
+++ b/search-plugin.tcl
@@ -1,72 +1,161 @@
# plugin to allow searching all the documentation using a regexp
# check the Help menu for the Search item to use it
-package require Tk 8.4
+# Bugs:
+# tiny text in combobox dropdown menu on Windows
+# can't interrupt long searches on Windows
+package require Tk 8.5
package require pd_bindings
package require pd_menucommands
namespace eval ::dialog_search:: {
+ variable searchfont [list {DejaVu Sans}]
variable searchtext {}
- variable selected_file {}
- variable selected_basedir {}
- variable basedir_list {}
+ variable formatted_searchtext {}
+ variable search_history {}
+ variable count {}
+ # $i controls the search_and_update loop
+ variable i
+ variable filelist {}
+ variable progress {}
+ variable navbar {}
+ variable genres [list [_ "All documents"] \
+ [_ "Object Help Patches"] \
+ [_ "All About Pd"] \
+ [_ "Tutorials"] \
+ [_ "Manual"] \
+ [_ "Uncategorized"] \
+ ]
-# TODO search type pulldown menu: object, message, comment, array, any
-# TODO search filenames also
# TODO check line formatting options
# find_doc_files
# basedir - the directory to start looking in
-proc ::dialog_search::find_doc_files { basedir } {
+proc ::dialog_search::find_doc_files { basedir recursive } {
# Fix the directory name, this ensures the directory name is in the
# native format for the platform and contains a final directory seperator
set basedir [string trimright [file join $basedir { }]]
set fileList {}
# Look in the current directory for matching files, -type {f r}
- # means ony readable normal files are looked at, -nocomplain stops
+ # means only readable normal files are looked at, -nocomplain stops
# an error being thrown if the returned list is empty
foreach fileName [glob -nocomplain -type {f r} -path $basedir $helpbrowser::doctypes] {
lappend fileList $fileName
- # Now look for any sub direcories in the current directory
- foreach dirName [glob -nocomplain -type {d r} -path $basedir *] {
- # Recusively call the routine on the sub directory and append any
- # new files to the results
- set subDirList [find_doc_files $dirName]
- if { [llength $subDirList] > 0 } {
- foreach subDirFile $subDirList {
- lappend fileList $subDirFile
- }
- }
+ # If a recursive search is specified the look in
+ # subdirectories for more files. This is used for search
+ # results and is filtered to make sure we don't list results twice
+ # if one of our basedirs happens to be a subdirectory of something
+ # in the search patch (i.e., this wouldn't be appropriate for building
+ # a file browser
+ if {$recursive} {
+ foreach dirName [glob -nocomplain -type {d r} -path $basedir *] {
+ # Recusively call the routine on the sub directory
+ # (if it's not already in Pd's search path) and
+ # append any new files to the results
+ set nomatch [lsearch [concat [file join $::sys_libdir doc] \
+ $::sys_searchpath $::sys_staticpath] $dirName]
+ if { $nomatch eq "-1" } {
+ set subDirList [find_doc_files $dirName 1]
+ if { [llength $subDirList] > 0 } {
+ foreach subDirFile $subDirList {
+ lappend fileList $subDirFile
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
return $fileList
-proc ::dialog_search::selectline {listingwidget} {
- variable selected_file
- variable selected_basedir
- variable basedir_list
- set selection [$listingwidget curselection]
- if {$selection eq ""} {
- set selected_file ""
+proc ::dialog_search::open_file { xpos ypos mytoplevel type clicked } {
+ set textwidget "$mytoplevel.resultstext"
+ set i [$textwidget index @$xpos,$ypos]
+ set range [$textwidget tag nextrange filename $i]
+ set filename [eval $textwidget get $range]
+ set range [$textwidget tag nextrange basedir $i]
+ set basedir [file normalize [eval $textwidget get $range]]
+ if {$clicked eq "1"} {
+ if {$type eq "file"} {
+ menu_doc_open $basedir $filename
+ } else {
+ menu_doc_open [file dirname [file join $basedir $filename]] {}
+ }
} else {
- set line [$listingwidget get $selection]
- set selected_file [string replace $line [string first ":" $line] end]
- set selected_basedir [lindex $basedir_list $selection]
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext configure -cursor hand2
+ if {$type eq "file"} {
+ $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text "Open [file join $basedir $filename]"
+ } else {
+ set msg ""
+ if {$type eq "dir_in_fm"} {set msg {in external file browser: }}
+ $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text [format "Browse %s%s" \
+ $msg [file dirname [file join $basedir $filename]]]
+ }
-proc ::dialog_search::open_line {} {
- variable selected_file
- variable selected_basedir
- if {$selected_file ne ""} {
- menu_doc_open $selected_basedir $selected_file
+# only does keywords for now-- maybe expand this to handle any meta tags
+proc ::dialog_search::grab_metavalue { xpos ypos mytoplevel clicked } {
+ set textwidget "$mytoplevel.resultstext"
+ set i [$textwidget index @$xpos,$ypos]
+ set range [$textwidget tag nextrange metavalue_h $i]
+ set value [eval $textwidget get $range]
+ set range [$textwidget tag prevrange metakey $i]
+ set key [eval $textwidget get $range]
+ regsub ":.*" $key {} key
+ set key [string tolower $key]
+ append text $key {[^;]*} $value {.*?;}
+ if {$clicked eq "1"} {
+ ::dialog_search::searchfor $text
+ } else {
+ $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text [format "Search for pattern: %s" $text]
+proc ::dialog_search::searchfor {text} {
+ set ::dialog_search::searchtext ""
+ set ::dialog_search::searchtext $text
+ ::dialog_search::search
+# show/hide results based on genre
+proc ::dialog_search::filter_results { combobox text } {
+ variable genres
+ set elide {}
+ if { [$combobox current] eq "0" } {
+ foreach genre $genres {
+ $text tag configure [join $genre "_"] -elide off
+ set tag [join $genre "_"]
+ append tag "_count"
+ $text tag configure $tag -elide on
+ }
+ set tag [join [lindex $genres 0] "_"]
+ append tag "_count"
+ $text tag configure $tag -elide off
+ } else {
+ foreach genre $genres {
+ if { [$combobox get] ne $genre } {
+ $text tag configure [join $genre "_"] -elide on
+ set tag [join $genre "_"]
+ append tag "_count"
+ $text tag configure $tag -elide on
+ } else {
+ $text tag configure [join $genre "_"] -elide off
+ set tag [join $genre "_"]
+ append tag "_count"
+ $text tag configure $tag -elide off
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $combobox selection clear
+ focus $text
proc ::dialog_search::readfile {filename} {
set fp [open $filename]
set file_contents [split [read $fp] \n]
@@ -74,65 +163,298 @@ proc ::dialog_search::readfile {filename} {
return $file_contents
-proc ::dialog_search::search {} {
+# Here we're printing a pretty error message and
+# explaining why it occurred for the user, plus
+# giving a link to the tcl docs in case the
+# user is trying to build a complex regex and
+# needs guidance outside the scope of the help
+# patch. Esp. since I knowingly ignored tcl's
+# "quoting hell" and just convert lists to
+# strings, I figure I owe the user a polite
+# explanation if they run into trouble
+proc ::dialog_search::error { fid error_type } {
+ set widget .search.resultstext
+ $widget configure -state normal
+ $widget delete 0.0 end
+ print_navbar $widget
+ $widget insert end "Error\n" homepage_title
+ $widget insert end "The\
+ Pd Search Tool can't use the search\
+ term you entered\nThe tcl interpreter gave\
+ the following error:\n\n$fid\n\n" description
+ if { $error_type eq "badlist" } {
+ $widget insert end "The search\
+ term you enter must be formatted as a proper\
+ tcl list. This usually isn't an issue unless\
+ you use some special characters like brackets\
+ or unmatched quotes in your search. For more\
+ info on tcl lists, see:\n\n" description
+ $widget insert end \
+ "http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/tutorial/Tcl14.html" description
+ } elseif { $error_type eq "badregex" } {
+ $widget insert end "The search\
+ term you enter must have the proper syntax for a\
+ regular expression in Tcl. This usually isn't an\
+ issue unless you use special characters to create\
+ a complex regular expression. For more info on\
+ regular expressions in Tcl, see:\n\n" description
+ $widget insert end \
+ "http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TclCmd/re_syntax.htm"
+ }
+ $widget configure -state disabled
+proc ::dialog_search::search { } {
variable searchtext
- variable basedir_list {}
+ variable search_history
+ variable progress
+ # Catch search text that isn't a proper list or
+ # will break a regex before they cause any trouble
+ if {[catch {llength $searchtext} fid]} {
+ ::dialog_search::error $fid "badlist"
+ return
+ } elseif {[catch {regexp $searchtext "foo"} fid]} {
+ ::dialog_search::error $fid "badregex"
+ return
+ }
if {$searchtext eq ""} return
+ if { [lsearch $search_history $searchtext] eq "-1" } {
+ lappend search_history $searchtext
+ .search.searchtextentry configure -values $search_history
+ }
.search.searchtextentry selection clear
.search.searchtextentry configure -foreground gray -background gray90
- .search.resultslistbox delete 0 end
- update idletasks
- do_search
- # BUG? the above might cause weird bugs, so consider http://wiki.tcl.tk/1255
- # and http://wiki.tcl.tk/1526
-# after idle [list after 10 ::dialog_search::do_search]
+ .search.resultstext configure -state normal
+ .search.resultstext delete 0.0 end
+ set widget .search.resultstext
+ print_navbar $widget
+ $widget insert 1.end " "
+ ttk::progressbar $widget.pbar -variable ::dialog_search::progress \
+ -mode determinate
+ $widget window create 1.end -window $widget.pbar
+ ::dialog_search::do_search
+ # todo: re-read http://wiki.tcl.tk/1526
+ # after idle [list after 10 ::dialog_search::do_search]
-proc ::dialog_search::do_search {} {
+proc ::dialog_search::do_search { } {
variable searchtext
- variable basedir_list {}
- set widget .search.resultslistbox
+ variable formatted_searchtext
+ variable count {}
+ variable progress 0
+ variable genres
+ variable filelist {}
+ variable navbar {}
+ variable i 0
+ foreach genre $genres {
+ lappend count 0
+ }
+ set widget .search.resultstext
+ # Get rid of pesky leading/trailing spaces...
+ set formatted_searchtext [string trim $searchtext]
+ # ...and double spaces between terms
+ regsub -all {\s+} $formatted_searchtext { } formatted_searchtext
foreach basedir [concat [file join $::sys_libdir doc] $::sys_searchpath $::sys_staticpath] {
# Fix the directory name, this ensures the directory name is in the
# native format for the platform and contains a final directory seperator
set basedir [file normalize $basedir]
- foreach docfile [find_doc_files $basedir] {
- searchfile $searchtext [readfile $docfile] $widget \
- [string replace $docfile 0 [string length $basedir]] $basedir
+ foreach docfile [find_doc_files $basedir 1] {
+ set docname [string replace $docfile 0 [string length $basedir]]
+ lappend filelist [list "$docname" "$docfile" "$basedir"]
+ set filelist [searchfile_sort $filelist]
+ ::dialog_search::search_and_update
+proc ::dialog_search::results_epilog {widget} {
+ variable genres
+ variable count
+ variable filelist
.search.searchtextentry configure -foreground black -background white
+ $widget delete {1.0 lineend -1 chars} 1.end
+ $widget insert 1.end "Found " "navbar"
+ set i 0
+ foreach genre $genres {
+ set tag [join $genre "_"]
+ append tag "_count"
+ $widget insert 1.end [lindex $count $i] "$tag navbar"
+ incr i
+ }
+ $widget insert 1.end " matches out of [llength $filelist] docs" "navbar"
+ $widget configure -state disabled
+# Recursive loop to search all files and keep the gui
+# alive every 256 iterations. This was tested searching
+# a little over 9,000 docs and seems to work alright
+proc ::dialog_search::search_and_update {} {
+ variable formatted_searchtext
+ variable filelist
+ variable progress
+ variable i
+ if { $i < [llength $filelist]} {
+ # get index of docfile docname and basedir
+ set docname [lindex $filelist $i 0]
+ set docfile [lindex $filelist $i 1]
+ set basedir [lindex $filelist $i 2]
+ # send it to searchfile
+ ::dialog_search::searchfile $formatted_searchtext \
+ [readfile $docfile] ".search.resultstext" $docname \
+ $basedir
+ incr i
+ # I changed '256' below to [llength $filelist]/8 in order
+ # to keep the updates to 8 total regardless of the number
+ # of files and tcl complained there were too many nested
+ # loops. Hm...
+ if { $i%256==0 } {
+ # update the progressbar variable and refresh gui
+ set progress [expr $i*100.0/[llength $filelist]]
+ after idle ::dialog_search::search_and_update
+ } else { ::dialog_search::search_and_update }
+ } else {
+ # we've gone throught the whole filelist so end the recursion
+ set progress 100
+ ::dialog_search::results_epilog ".search.resultstext"
+ return
+ }
+# put all the stuff in 5.reference at the top of the results
+proc ::dialog_search::searchfile_sort { list } {
+ foreach triple $list {
+ regsub {.*5\.reference[\\\/](.*)} [lindex $triple 0] { \1} key
+ lappend list2 [list $key $triple]
+ }
+ foreach pair [lsort -index 0 -dictionary $list2] {
+ lappend list3 [lindex $pair 1]
+ }
+ return $list3
+# put license.txt and readme.txt at the bottom of a directory listing
+proc ::dialog_search::directory_sort { list } {
+ if {$list eq ""} {return}
+ foreach name $list {
+ regsub -nocase {(license\.txt|readme\.txt)} $name {~~~\1} key
+ lappend list2 [list $key $name]
+ }
+ foreach pair [lsort -index 0 -dictionary $list2] {
+ lappend list3 [lindex $pair 1]
+ }
+ return $list3
proc ::dialog_search::searchfile {searchtext file_contents widget filename basedir} {
- variable basedir_list
- set n 0
- set searchtext [regsub -all { } $searchtext {.*}]
- if {[regexp -nocase -- "\[^a-zA-Z\]$searchtext" $filename]} {
- $widget insert end "$filename:"
- lappend basedir_list $basedir
- incr n
- }
- foreach line $file_contents {
- # TODO this could be optimized so that the lines are added to
- # a var, then the regsubs are run on the whole text, then its
- # inserted into the widget
- if {[regexp -nocase -- "\[^a-zA-Z\]$searchtext" $line]} {
- set line [regsub { \\} $line {}]
- set line [regsub {\\} $line {}]
- set line [regsub {^#X text [0-9]+ [0-9]+ (.*?);*} $line {\1}]
- set line [regsub {^#X obj [0-9]+ [0-9]+ (.*?);*} $line {[ \1]}]
- set line [regsub {^#X msg [0-9]+ [0-9]+ (.*?);*} $line {⃒ \1〈}]
- set line [regsub {^#X (\S+) [0-9]+ [0-9]+(.*?);*} $line {〈\1〉\2}]
- set formatted_line [regsub {^#N \S+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+ (.*?);} \
- $line {[pd \1]}]
- $widget insert end "$filename: $formatted_line"
- lappend basedir_list $basedir
- incr n
- }
+ variable count
+ variable genres
+ set match 0
+ set terms_to_match 1
+ if { $::dialog_search::matchall == 1 } {
+ set terms_to_match [llength $searchtext]
+ }
+ # let's design our own word boundaries since tildes often end Pure Data words.
+ # homemade left boundary isn't necessary, but makes it easy to change later
+ set lb {(?:^|[^[:alnum:]_])}
+ set rb {(?![[:alnum:]_~])}
+ foreach term $searchtext {
+ if {$::dialog_search::matchwords == 1} {
+ set term [join [list $lb $term $rb] ""]
+ }
+ if {[regexp -nocase -- $term $filename] ||
+ [regexp -nocase -- $term [join $file_contents]]} {
+ incr match
+ }
+ }
+ if { $match >= $terms_to_match } {
+ ::dialog_search::printresult $filename $basedir $file_contents $widget 1
+proc ::dialog_search::printresult {filename basedir file_contents widget mixed_dirs} {
+ variable count
+ variable genres
+ set description ""
+ set keywords ""
+ set genre ""
+ set metadata ""
+ set title ""
+ if {[regexp -nocase -- ".*-help\.pd" $filename]} {
+ # object help
+ set genre 1
+ regsub -nocase -- "(?:^|(?:5.reference/))(.*)-help.pd" $filename {\1} title
+ } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- "all_about_.*\.pd" $filename]} {
+ regsub -nocase -- {(?:.*[/\\])?(.*)\.pd} $filename {\1} title
+ regsub -all -- "_" $title " " title
+ # all about pd
+ set genre 2
+ } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- "\.html?" $filename]} {
+ set title $filename
+ # Pd Manual (or some html page in the docs)
+ set genre 4
+ } else {
+ set title $filename
+ }
+ if {[regexp -nocase {license\.txt} $filename]} {
+ set description "text of the license for this software"
+ } elseif {[regexp -nocase {readme\.txt} $filename]} {
+ set description "general information from the author"
+ } else {
+ regexp -nocase -- "#X text \[0-9\]+ \[0-9\]+ description\[:\]? (.*?);.*" $file_contents -> description
+ regsub -all {[{}\\]} $description {} description
+ }
+ regexp -nocase -- "#X text \[0-9\]+ \[0-9\]+ keywords\[:\]? (.*?);.*" $file_contents -> keywords
+ regsub -all {[{}]} $keywords {} keywords
+ if {[regexp -nocase -- "#X text \[0-9\]+ \[0-9\]+ genre tutorial" $file_contents]} {
+ set genre 3
+ }
+ if { $genre eq "" } {
+ set genre 5
+ }
+ lset count $genre [expr [lindex $count $genre] + 1]
+ set genre_name [join [lindex $genres $genre] "_"]
+ lset count 0 [expr [lindex $count 0] + 1]
+ # print out an entry for the file
+ $widget insert end "$title" "title link $genre_name"
+ if {$mixed_dirs} {
+ if { $genre == 1 } {
+ $widget insert end " "
+ $widget image create end -image ::dialog_search::help
+ }
+ $widget insert end " "
+ $widget image create end -image ::dialog_search::folder
+ if { $genre == 1 } {
+ $widget tag add help_icon "end -4indices" "end -3indices"
+ $widget tag add $genre_name "end -5indices" end
+ } else {
+ $widget tag add $genre_name "end -3indices" end
+ }
+ $widget tag add folder_icon "end -2indices" "end -1indices"
+ }
+ $widget insert end "$basedir" basedir
+ $widget insert end "$filename" filename
+ if { $description eq "" } {
+ set description "No DESCRIPTION tag."
+ }
+ $widget insert end "\n$description\n" "description $genre_name"
+ if { $keywords ne "" } {
+ $widget insert end "Keywords:" "metakey $genre_name"
+ set i 0
+ foreach value $keywords {
+ set metavalue "metavalue$i"
+ set i [expr {($i+1)%30}]
+ $widget insert end " " "link $genre_name"
+ $widget insert end $value "$metavalue keywords link $genre_name"
+ # have to make an elided copy for use with "nextrange"
+ # since I can't just get the tag's index underneath
+ # the damn cursor!!!
+ $widget insert end $value metavalue_h
+ }
+ $widget insert end "\n" $genre_name
+ }
proc ::dialog_search::ok {mytoplevel} {
# this is a placeholder for the standard dialog bindings
@@ -150,38 +472,531 @@ proc ::dialog_search::open_search_dialog {mytoplevel} {
+# hack to select all because tk's default bindings apparently
+# assume the user is going to want emacs shortcuts
+proc ::dialog_search::sa { widget } {
+ $widget selection range 0 end
+ break
+proc ::dialog_search::intro { t } {
+ variable navbar {}
+ $t configure -state normal
+ $t delete 0.0 end
+ $t insert end "Enter terms above. Use the dropdown " homepage_description
+ $t insert end "menu to filter by category.\n" homepage_description
+ $t insert end "Browse the Documentation\n" homepage_title
+ $t insert end "The \"doc\" directory" "link clickable_dir intro_link0"
+ $t insert end [file join $::sys_libdir doc] basedir
+ $t insert end "0" is_libdir
+ $t insert end "\n" description
+ $t insert end "External Pd libraries\n" "link libdirs intro_libdirs"
+ $t insert end "Introductory Topics\n" homepage_title
+ set intro_docs { \
+ "Pd Manual" 1.manual "HTML manual for Pure Data" \
+ "Control Structure" 2.control.examples "tutorials for control objects" \
+ "Audio Signals" 3.audio.examples "tutorials for audio signals" \
+ }
+ set i 1
+ foreach {title dir desc} $intro_docs {
+ $t insert end "$title" "link clickable_dir intro_link$i"
+ $t insert end [file join $::sys_libdir doc $dir] basedir
+ $t insert end "0" is_libdir
+ $t insert end "dummy" filename
+ $t insert end " $desc\n" description
+ set i [expr {($i+1)%30}]
+ }
+ $t insert end "All About Pd" "link homepage_file"
+ $t insert end [file join $::sys_libdir doc 5.reference] basedir
+ $t insert end all_about.pd filename
+ $t insert end " reference patches for key concepts and settings\
+ in Pd\n" description
+ $t insert end "Advanced Topics\n" homepage_title
+ set advanced_docs [list \
+ "Networking" [file join manuals 3.Networking] "sending data over networks with Pd" \
+ "Writing Externals" 6.externs "how to code control and signal objects in C" \
+ "Data Structures" 4.data.structures "creating graphical objects in Pure Data" \
+ "Dynamic Patching" [file join manuals pd-msg] "programmatically create/destroy Pd\
+ objects" \
+ "Implementation Details" [file join manuals Pd] "file format specification, license text,\
+ etc."
+ ]
+ set i 0
+ foreach {title dir desc} $advanced_docs {
+ $t insert end "$title" "link clickable_dir intro_link$i"
+ $t insert end [file join $::sys_libdir doc $dir] basedir
+ $t insert end "0" is_libdir
+ $t insert end "dummy" filename
+ $t insert end " $desc\n" description
+ set i [expr {($i+1)%30}]
+ }
+ $t insert end "Keywords\n" homepage_title
+ $t insert end "Many of the help documents are categorized by keyword. Click\
+ a link below to search for documents that have been tagged with that\
+ keyword.\n" \
+ homepage_description
+ set keywords { \
+ {abstraction "object itself is written in Pure Data"} \
+ {abstraction_op "object's behavior only makes sense inside an abstraction"} \
+ {analysis "performance some sort of analysis on the incoming signal or value"} \
+ {anything_op "store or manipulate an anything"} \
+ {array "create or manipulate an array"} \
+ {bandlimited "object describes itself as being bandlimited"} \
+ {block_oriented "signal object that performs block-wide operations (as opposed to\
+ repeating the same operation for each sample of the block)"} \
+ {canvas_op "object's behavior only makes sense in context of a canvas"} \
+ {control "control rate objects"} \
+ {conversion "convert from one set of units to another"} \
+ {data_structure "create or manage data structures"} \
+ {dynamic_patching "dynamic instantiation/deletion\
+ of objects or patches"} \
+ {filter "object that filters incoming data"} \
+ {GUI "graphical user interface"} \
+ {list_op "object that manipulates, outputs, or stores a list"} \
+ {MIDI "object that provides MIDI functionality"} \
+ {needs_work "help patches that are still under construction or\
+ otherwise are incomplete"} \
+ {network "provides access to or sends/receives data over a network"} \
+ {nonlocal "pass messages or data without patch wires"} \
+ {orphan "help patches that cannot be accessed by right-clicking \"help\"\
+ for the corresponding object"} \
+ {patchfile_op "object whose behavior only makes sense in terms of a Pure\
+ Data patch"} \
+ {pd_op "object that can report on or manipulate global data associated with\
+ the running instance of Pd"} \
+ {ramp "create a ramp between a starting and ending value"} \
+ {random "output a random value, list, signal, or other random data"} \
+ {signal "audiorate object (so called \"tilde\" object"} \
+ {soundfile "object that can play, manipulate, and/or save a sound file\
+ (wav, ogg, flac, mp3, etc.)"} \
+ {storage "object whose main function is to store data"} \
+ {symbol_op "manipulate or store a symbol"} \
+ {time "measure and/or manipulate time"} \
+ {trigonometry "provide trogonometric functionality"} \
+ }
+ set i 0
+ foreach keyword $keywords {
+ $t insert end "keywords" "metakey hide"
+ $t insert end [lindex $keyword 0] "metavalue$i link"
+ $t insert end [lindex $keyword 0] metavalue_h
+ $t insert end " [lindex $keyword 1]\n" description
+ set i [expr {($i+1)%30}]
+ }
+ $t configure -state disabled
+# hack to get <ctrl-backspace> to delete the word to the left of the cursor
+proc ::dialog_search::ctrl_bksp {mytoplevel} {
+ set last [$mytoplevel index insert]
+ set first $last
+ while { $first > 0 } {
+ set char [string index [$mytoplevel get] $first-1]
+ set prev [string index [$mytoplevel get] $first]
+ if { [regexp {[[:punct:][:space:]\|\^\~\`]} $char] &&
+ $first < $last &&
+ [regexp {[^[:punct:][:space:]\|\^\~\`]} $prev] ||
+ [$mytoplevel selection present] } { break }
+ incr first -1
+ }
+ incr first
+ $mytoplevel delete $first $last
+proc ::dialog_search::font_size {text direction} {
+ variable searchfont
+ set offset {}
+ set min_fontsize 8
+ if {$direction == 1} {
+ set offset 2
+ } else {
+ set offset -2
+ }
+ set update 1
+ foreach tag [$text tag names] {
+ set val [$text tag cget $tag -font]
+ if {[string is digit -strict [lindex $val 1]] &&
+ [expr {[lindex $val 1]+$offset}] < $min_fontsize} {
+ set update 0
+ }
+ }
+ if {$update} {
+ foreach tag [$text tag names] {
+ set val [$text tag cget $tag -font]
+ if {[string is digit -strict [lindex $val 1]]} {
+ $text tag configure $tag -font "$searchfont \
+ [expr {max([lindex $val 1]+$offset,$min_fontsize)}]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc ::dialog_search::build_libdirs {textwidget} {
+ set libdirs {}
+ foreach pathdir [concat $::sys_searchpath $::sys_staticpath] {
+ if { ! [file isdirectory $pathdir]} {continue}
+ # Fix the directory name, this ensures the directory name is in the
+ # native format for the platform and contains a final directory separator
+ set dir [string trimright [file join [file normalize $pathdir] { }]]
+ # find the libdirs
+ foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -type d -path $dir "*"] {
+ # use [file tail $filename] to get the name of libdir
+ set dirname [file tail $filename]
+ set norm_filename [string trimright [file join [file normalize $filename] { }]]
+ if {[glob -nocomplain -type f -path $norm_filename "$dirname-meta.pd"] ne ""} {
+ lappend libdirs [list "$norm_filename" "$dirname"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::dialog_search::print_libdirs $textwidget $libdirs
+proc ::dialog_search::print_libdirs {textwidget libdirs} {
+ variable navbar {}
+ $textwidget configure -state normal
+ $textwidget delete 0.0 end
+ lappend navbar [list "External libraries" "link libdirs navbar" {}]
+ print_navbar $textwidget
+ # now clear out the navbar and then add "externals (flag) to it..."
+ set i 0
+ foreach libdir [lsort $libdirs] {
+ set i [expr {($i+1)%30}]
+ set description {}
+ set author {}
+ $textwidget insert end "[lindex $libdir 1]" "link clickable_dir dir_title$i"
+ $textwidget insert end " "
+ $textwidget image create end -image ::dialog_search::folder
+ $textwidget tag add folder_icon "end -2indices" "end -1indices"
+ $textwidget insert end "[lindex $libdir 0]" basedir
+ $textwidget insert end "dummy" filename
+ $textwidget insert end "1" is_libdir
+ $textwidget insert end "\n"
+ set file_contents [readfile [format %s%s [join $libdir ""] "-meta.pd"]]
+ regexp -nocase -- "#X text \[0-9\]+ \[0-9\]+ description\[:\]? (.*?);.*" [join $file_contents] -> description
+ if {$description ne {}} {
+ regsub -all { \\,} $description {,} description
+ $textwidget insert end "$description\n" description
+ } else {
+ $textwidget insert end "no DESCRIPTION tag or values.\n" description
+ }
+ foreach tag {Author License Version} {
+ if {[regexp -nocase -- "#X text \[0-9\]+ \[0-9\]+ $tag (.*?);.*" [join $file_contents] -> values]} {
+ $textwidget insert end [format "%s: " $tag] metakey
+ if {$values ne {}} {
+ regsub -all { \\,} $values {,} values
+ $textwidget insert end "$values" metakey
+ } else {
+ $textwidget insert end "no [string toupper $tag] tag or values." metakey
+ }
+ $textwidget insert end "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $textwidget configure -state disabled
+proc ::dialog_search::click_dir {textwidget xpos ypos} {
+ set i [$textwidget index @$xpos,$ypos]
+ set range [$textwidget tag nextrange basedir $i]
+ set dir [eval $textwidget get $range]
+ set range [$textwidget tag nextrange is_libdir $i]
+ set is_libdir [eval $textwidget get $range]
+ build_subdir $textwidget $dir $is_libdir
+proc ::dialog_search::build_subdir {textwidget dir is_libdir} {
+ variable navbar
+ if {[lsearch -exact [join $navbar] $dir] == -1} {
+ lappend navbar [list "$dir" "link clickable_dir navbar navbar_dir" "subdir"]
+ } else {
+ set newnav {}
+ foreach {entry} $navbar {
+ lappend newnav $entry
+ if {[lindex $entry 0] eq $dir} {break}
+ }
+ set navbar $newnav
+ }
+ $textwidget configure -state normal
+ $textwidget delete 0.0 end
+ print_navbar $textwidget
+ # get any subdirs first
+ set i 0
+ foreach subdir [lsort -dictionary [glob -nocomplain -type d -directory $dir "*"]] {
+ # get name of subdir
+ set subdirname [file tail $subdir]
+ $textwidget insert end "$subdirname" "link clickable_dir dir_title$i"
+ set norm_subdir [string trimright [file join [file normalize $subdir] { }]]
+ $textwidget insert end "0" is_libdir
+ $textwidget insert end " "
+ $textwidget image create end -image ::dialog_search::folder
+ $textwidget tag add folder_icon "end -2indices" "end -1indices"
+ $textwidget insert end "$norm_subdir" basedir
+ $textwidget insert end "dummy" filename
+ $textwidget insert end "\n"
+ set i [expr {($i+1)%30}]
+ }
+ foreach docfile [directory_sort [find_doc_files [file normalize $dir] 0]] {
+ # get name of file
+ # if we're in a libdir, filter out pd patches that don't end in -help.pd
+ if {[regexp {.*-help\.pd$} $docfile] ||
+ [string replace $docfile 0 [expr [string length $docfile] - 4]] ne ".pd" ||
+ !$is_libdir} {
+ set docname [string replace $docfile 0 [string length [file normalize $dir]]]
+ ::dialog_search::printresult $docname $dir [readfile $docfile] $textwidget 0
+ }
+ }
+ $textwidget configure -state disabled
+proc ::dialog_search::print_navbar {text} {
+ variable navbar
+ set separator -
+ $text insert 1.0 "\n" navbar
+ $text insert 1.0 "Home" "link intro navbar"
+ if {[llength $navbar] == 0} {return}
+ for {set i 0} {$i<[expr {[llength $navbar]-1}]} {incr i} {
+ $text insert 1.end " $separator " navbar
+ if {[lindex $navbar $i 2] eq "subdir"} {
+ $text insert 1.end [file tail [lindex $navbar $i 0]] \
+ [lindex $navbar $i 1]
+ $text insert 1.end [lindex $navbar $i 0] basedir
+ $text insert 1.end dummy filename
+ $text insert 1.end "0" is_libdir
+ } else {
+ $text insert 1.end [lindex $navbar $i 0] [lindex $navbar $i 1]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[lindex $navbar end 2] eq "subdir"} {
+ $text insert 1.end " $separator " navbar
+ $text insert 1.end [file tail [lindex $navbar end 0]]
+ } else {
+ $text insert 1.end " $separator " navbar
+ $text insert 1.end [lindex $navbar end 0]
+ }
+proc ::dialog_search::get_info {xpos ypos mytoplevel} {
+ set textwidget "$mytoplevel.resultstext"
+ set i [$textwidget index @$xpos,$ypos]
+ set range [$textwidget tag nextrange filename $i]
+ set filename [eval $textwidget get $range]
+ set range [$textwidget tag nextrange basedir $i]
+ set basedir [file normalize [eval $textwidget get $range]]
+ set match 0
+ set fulldir [file dirname [file join $basedir $filename]]
+ set meta [format "%s-meta.pd" [file tail $fulldir]]
+ if {[regexp {5.reference} $fulldir]} {
+ tk_messageBox -message {Internal Object} \
+ -detail {This help patch is for an internal Pd class} \
+ -parent $mytoplevel -title Search
+ set match 1
+ } else {
+ # check for a readme file (use libname-meta.pd as a last resort)
+ foreach docname [list Readme.txt README.txt readme.txt README $meta] {
+ if {[file exists [file join $fulldir $docname]]} {
+ menu_doc_open $fulldir $docname
+ set match 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$match} {
+ tk_messageBox -message {Sorry, can't find a README file\
+ for this object's library.} -title Search
+ }
proc ::dialog_search::create_dialog {mytoplevel} {
+ variable searchfont
variable selected_file
- toplevel $mytoplevel
+ variable genres
+ variable count
+ foreach genre $genres {
+ lappend count 0
+ }
+ toplevel $mytoplevel -class DialogWindow
wm title $mytoplevel [_ "Search"]
- entry $mytoplevel.searchtextentry -bg white -textvar ::dialog_search::searchtext \
- -highlightbackground lightgray \
- -highlightcolor blue -font 18 -borderwidth 1
- bind $mytoplevel.searchtextentry <Return> "$mytoplevel.searchbutton invoke"
- # TODO add history like in the find box
- bind $mytoplevel.searchtextentry <Up> {set ::dialog_search::searchtext ""}
- bind $mytoplevel.searchtextentry <$::modifier-Key-a> \
- "$mytoplevel.searchtextentry selection range 0 end"
- listbox $mytoplevel.resultslistbox -yscrollcommand "$mytoplevel.yscrollbar set" \
- -bg white -highlightcolor blue -height 30 -width 80
- scrollbar $mytoplevel.yscrollbar -command "$mytoplevel.resultslistbox yview" \
+ wm geometry $mytoplevel 670x550+0+30
+ # style tweak: get rid of arrow so the combobox looks like a simple entry widget
+ ttk::style configure Entry.TCombobox -arrowsize 0
+ ttk::style configure Genre.TCombobox
+ ttk::style configure Search.TButton -font menufont
+ ttk::style configure Search.TCheckbutton -font menufont
+ # widgets
+ # for some reason ttk widgets didn't inherit the menufont, and this causes tiny
+ # fonts on Windows-- so let's hack!
+ foreach widget {f.genrebox advancedlabel } {
+ option add *[string trim "$mytoplevel.$widget" .]*font menufont
+ }
+ foreach combobox {searchtextentry f.genrebox} {
+ option add *[string trim "$mytoplevel.$combobox" .]*Listbox.font menufont
+ }
+ ttk::combobox $mytoplevel.searchtextentry -textvar ::dialog_search::searchtext \
+ -font "$searchfont 12" -style "Entry.TCombobox" -cursor "xterm"
+ ttk::button $mytoplevel.searchbutton -text [_ "Search"] -takefocus 0 \
+ -command ::dialog_search::search -style Search.TButton
+ ttk::frame $mytoplevel.f -padding 2
+ ttk::combobox $mytoplevel.f.genrebox -values $genres -state readonly -style "Genre.TCombobox"
+ $mytoplevel.f.genrebox current 0
+ ttk::checkbutton $mytoplevel.f.matchall_check -text [_ "Match all terms"] \
+ -variable ::dialog_search::matchall -style Search.TCheckbutton
+ ttk::checkbutton $mytoplevel.f.matchwords_check -text [_ "Match whole words"] \
+ -variable ::dialog_search::matchwords -style Search.TCheckbutton
+ ttk::label $mytoplevel.advancedlabel -text [_ "Help"] -foreground "#0000ff" \
+ -anchor center
+ text $mytoplevel.resultstext -yscrollcommand "$mytoplevel.yscrollbar set" \
+ -bg white -highlightcolor blue -height 30 -wrap word -state disabled \
+ -padx 8 -pady 4 -spacing3 2
+ ttk::scrollbar $mytoplevel.yscrollbar -command "$mytoplevel.resultstext yview" \
-takefocus 0
- button $mytoplevel.searchbutton -text [_ "Search"] -takefocus 0 \
- -background lightgray -highlightbackground lightgray \
- -command ::dialog_search::search
+ ttk::label $mytoplevel.statusbar -text "Pure Data Search" -justify left \
+ -padding {4 4 4 4}
- grid $mytoplevel.searchtextentry $mytoplevel.searchbutton - -sticky ew
- grid $mytoplevel.resultslistbox - $mytoplevel.yscrollbar -sticky news
+ grid $mytoplevel.f.genrebox $mytoplevel.f.matchall_check \
+ $mytoplevel.f.matchwords_check -padx 3
+ grid $mytoplevel.searchtextentry -column 0 -columnspan 3 -row 0 -padx 3 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid $mytoplevel.searchbutton -column 3 -columnspan 1 -row 0 -padx 3 -sticky ew
+ grid $mytoplevel.f -column 0 -columnspan 3 -row 1 -sticky we
+ grid $mytoplevel.advancedlabel -column 3 -columnspan 1 -row 1 -sticky ew
+ grid $mytoplevel.resultstext -column 0 -columnspan 4 -row 2 -sticky nsew
+ grid $mytoplevel.yscrollbar -column 4 -row 2 -sticky nsew
+ grid $mytoplevel.statusbar -column 0 -columnspan 4 -row 3 -sticky nsew
grid columnconfigure $mytoplevel 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $mytoplevel 1 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $mytoplevel 4 -weight 0
+ grid rowconfigure $mytoplevel 2 -weight 1
+ # tags
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure hide -elide on
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure is_libdir -elide on
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure title -foreground "#0000ff" -underline on \
+ -font "$searchfont 12" -spacing1 6
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure dir_title -font "$searchfont 12" \
+ -underline on -spacing1 6
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure filename -elide on
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure metakey -font "$searchfont 10"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure metavalue_h -elide on
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure basedir -elide on
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure description -font "$searchfont 12"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure homepage_title -font "$searchfont 12" \
+ -underline on -spacing1 10 -spacing3 5
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure homepage_description -font "$searchfont 12" \
+ -spacing3 7
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure navbar -font "$searchfont 12" \
+ -spacing1 8 -spacing3 5
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure intro_libdirs -font "$searchfont 12"
+ # create a bunch of link bindings so that you get <Enter> and <Leave>
+ # events when two links are right next to each other
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure link -foreground "#0000ff"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind link <Enter> "$mytoplevel.resultstext configure \
+ -cursor hand2"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind link <Leave> "$mytoplevel.resultstext configure \
+ -cursor xterm; $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind intro <Button-1> "::dialog_search::intro \
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind intro <Enter> "$mytoplevel.statusbar \
+ configure -text \"Go back to the main help page\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind intro <Leave> "$mytoplevel.statusbar \
+ configure -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind libdirs <Button-1> "::dialog_search::build_libdirs \
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind libdirs <Enter> "$mytoplevel.statusbar configure \
+ -text \"Browse all external libraries that have the libdir format\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind libdirs <Leave> "$mytoplevel.statusbar configure \
+ -text \"\""
+ # hack to force new <Enter> events for tags and links next to each other
+ for {set i 0} {$i<30} {incr i} {
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind "metavalue$i" <Button-1> \
+ "::dialog_search::grab_metavalue %x %y $mytoplevel 1"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind "metavalue$i" <Enter> \
+ "::dialog_search::grab_metavalue %x %y $mytoplevel 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind "intro_link$i" <Enter> \
+ "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y $mytoplevel dir 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind "intro_link$i" <Leave> \
+ "$mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure "metavalue$i" -font \
+ "$searchfont 12"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure "intro_link$i" -font \
+ "$searchfont 12"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind "dir_title$i" <Enter> \
+ "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y $mytoplevel dir 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind "dir_title$i" <Leave> \
+ "$mytoplevel.resultstext configure -cursor xterm; \
+ $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure "dir_title$i" \
+ -font "$searchfont 12" -underline on -spacing1 6
+ }
+ # this next tag configure comes after the metavalue stuff above so
+ # that it has a higher priority (these are the keywords in the search
+ # results)
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure keywords -font "$searchfont 10"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag configure homepage_file -font "$searchfont 12"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind homepage_file <Button-1> "::dialog_search::open_file \
+ %x %y $mytoplevel file 1"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind homepage_file <Enter> "::dialog_search::open_file \
+ %x %y $mytoplevel file 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind homepage_file <Leave> "$mytoplevel.statusbar configure \
+ -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind title <Button-1> "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y \
+ $mytoplevel file 1"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind title <Enter> "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y \
+ $mytoplevel file 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind dir_title <Enter> "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y \
+ $mytoplevel dir 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind dir_title <Leave> "$mytoplevel.resultstext configure \
+ -cursor xterm; $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind help_icon <Button-1> "::dialog_search::get_info %x %y \
+ $mytoplevel"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind help_icon <Enter> "$mytoplevel.resultstext configure \
+ -cursor hand2; $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"Get info on this object's\
+ libdir\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind help_icon <Leave> "$mytoplevel.resultstext configure \
+ -cursor xterm; $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind folder_icon <Button-1> "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y \
+ $mytoplevel dir_in_fm 1"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind folder_icon <Enter> "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y \
+ $mytoplevel dir_in_fm 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind folder_icon <Leave> "$mytoplevel.resultstext configure \
+ -cursor xterm; $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"\""
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind clickable_dir <Button-1> "::dialog_search::click_dir \
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext %x %y"
+ # another workaround: we can't just do a mouseover statusbar update with clickable_dir
+ # since it wouldn't register an <Enter> event when moving the mouse from one dir to an
+ # adjacent dir. So we have the intro_link$i hack above PLUS a separate binding for navbar
+ # links (which are not adjacent)
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind navbar_dir <Enter> "::dialog_search::open_file %x %y \
+ $mytoplevel dir 0"
+ $mytoplevel.resultstext tag bind navbar_dir <Leave> "$mytoplevel.statusbar configure \
+ -text \"\""
- bind $mytoplevel.resultslistbox <<ListboxSelect>> \
- "::dialog_search::selectline $mytoplevel.resultslistbox"
- bind $mytoplevel.resultslistbox <Key-Return> ::dialog_search::open_line
- bind $mytoplevel.resultslistbox <Double-ButtonRelease-1> ::dialog_search::open_line
+ # search window widget bindings
+ bind $mytoplevel <$::modifier-equal> "::dialog_search::font_size $mytoplevel.resultstext 1"
+ bind $mytoplevel <$::modifier-plus> "::dialog_search::font_size $mytoplevel.resultstext 1"
+ bind $mytoplevel <$::modifier-minus> "::dialog_search::font_size $mytoplevel.resultstext 0"
+ bind $mytoplevel.searchtextentry <Return> "$mytoplevel.searchbutton invoke"
+ bind $mytoplevel.searchtextentry <$::modifier-Key-BackSpace> \
+ "::dialog_search::ctrl_bksp $mytoplevel.searchtextentry"
+ bind $mytoplevel.searchtextentry <$::modifier-Key-a> \
+ "$mytoplevel.searchtextentry selection range 0 end; break"
+ bind $mytoplevel.f.genrebox <<ComboboxSelected>> "::dialog_search::filter_results \
+ $mytoplevel.f.genrebox $mytoplevel.resultstext"
+ bind $mytoplevel.f.matchall_check <Return> "$mytoplevel.searchbutton invoke"
+ bind $mytoplevel.f.matchwords_check <Return> "$mytoplevel.searchbutton invoke"
+ bind $mytoplevel.advancedlabel <Enter> "$mytoplevel.advancedlabel configure \
+ -cursor hand2; $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"Advanced search options\""
+ bind $mytoplevel.advancedlabel <Leave> "$mytoplevel.advancedlabel configure \
+ -cursor xterm; $mytoplevel.statusbar configure -text \"\""
+ bind $mytoplevel.advancedlabel <Button-1> \
+ {menu_doc_open doc/5.reference all_about_finding_objects.pd}
::pd_bindings::dialog_bindings $mytoplevel "search"
+ # Add state and set focus
+ $mytoplevel.searchtextentry insert 0 "Enter search terms"
+ $mytoplevel.searchtextentry selection range 0 end
+ # go ahead and set tags for the default genre
+ filter_results $mytoplevel.f.genrebox $mytoplevel.resultstext
focus $mytoplevel.searchtextentry
+ ::dialog_search::intro $mytoplevel.resultstext
+ set ::dialog_search::matchall 1
+ set ::dialog_search::matchwords 1
# create the menu item on load
@@ -190,3 +1005,38 @@ set inserthere [$mymenu index [_ "Report a bug"]]
$mymenu insert $inserthere separator
$mymenu insert $inserthere command -label [_ "Search"] \
-command {::dialog_search::open_search_dialog .search}
+# Folder icon "folder16"
+# from kde klassic icons (license says GPL/LGPL)
+image create photo ::dialog_search::folder -data {
+ 98FmBURpElkmBUXrvsVgbOxw3F8+A+zt/7ddDwgUFohFWgGB9BmZzcMTASUK
+ cnNpb24gMi41DQqpIERldmVsQ29yIDE5OTcsMTk5OC4gQWxsIHJpZ2h0cyBy
+ ZXNlcnZlZC4NCmh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZGV2ZWxjb3IuY29tADs=
+# Info icon "acthelp16"
+# from kde slick icons (license says GPL/LGPL)
+image create photo ::dialog_search::help -data {
+ 3FS+/Jzi/LTm/Mzu/LTi/KTa/HzC/GSy/AR+/AQudGy+/MTq/Nzy/OT2/Lzm
+ /KTi/ITK/Hy+/Fym/CSG/ARSzAQmZCyW9OTy/Pz+/Oz2/Dye/BR2/ARm/AQ2
+ FxgZGhscHR4fIIMhDyIjJA4jIyUhJicogwQPKSojK7MsLScuLzAAMTIzDiIr
+ 4klFRUqCljBp0sSDh1k9nDx5AiXKIAFSJkz5NoLKExzHBlWxcuIKlixJtDzZ
+ TVBUb0dJRiBQcm8gdmVyc2lvbiAyLjUNCqkgRGV2ZWxDb3IgMTk5NywxOTk4
+ LiBBbGwgcmlnaHRzIHJlc2VydmVkLg0KaHR0cDovL3d3dy5kZXZlbGNvci5j
+ b20AOw==