path: root/iem_t3_lib/src/t3_line~.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'iem_t3_lib/src/t3_line~.c')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/iem_t3_lib/src/t3_line~.c b/iem_t3_lib/src/t3_line~.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d386f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iem_t3_lib/src/t3_line~.c
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+/* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution.
+iem_t3_lib written by Gerhard Eckel, Thomas Musil, Copyright (c) IEM KUG Graz Austria 2000 - 2006 */
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#include "iemlib.h"
+/* -------------------------- t3_line~ ------------------------------ */
+static t_class *t3_line_tilde_class;
+typedef struct _t3_line_tilde
+ t_object x_obj;
+ t_clock *x_clock;
+ t_float *x_beg;
+ double x_cur_val;
+ double x_dst_val;
+ double x_inlet_val;
+ double x_inc64;
+ double x_inc;
+ double x_ms2samps;
+ double x_ticks2ms;
+ double x_inlet_time;
+ double x_dst_time;
+ int x_cur_samps;
+ int x_dur_samps;
+ int x_n;
+ int x_t3_bang_samps;
+ int x_transient;
+} t_t3_line_tilde;
+static void t3_line_tilde_nontransient(t_float *vec, t_t3_line_tilde *x, int n)
+ int cur_samps = x->x_cur_samps, i;
+ double inc = x->x_inc;
+ double cur_val = x->x_cur_val;
+ if(cur_samps)
+ {
+ if(cur_samps > n)
+ {
+ x->x_cur_samps -= n;
+ while(n--)
+ {
+ cur_val += inc;
+ *vec++ = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ x->x_cur_val += x->x_inc64;
+ }
+ else if(cur_samps == n)
+ {
+ x->x_cur_samps = 0;
+ while(n--)
+ {
+ cur_val += inc;
+ *vec++ = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ x->x_cur_val = x->x_dst_val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i=0; i<cur_samps; i++)
+ {
+ cur_val += inc;
+ *vec++ = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ x->x_cur_val = cur_val = x->x_dst_val;
+ for(i=cur_samps; i<n; i++)
+ *vec++ = (t_float)cur_val;
+ x->x_cur_samps = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(n--)
+ *vec++ = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+static t_int *t3_line_tilde_perform(t_int *w)
+ t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[1]);
+ t_t3_line_tilde *x = (t_t3_line_tilde *)(w[2]);
+ int n = (int)(w[3]);
+ if(x->x_transient)
+ {
+ t_float *trans = x->x_beg;
+ while(n--)
+ *out++ = *trans++;
+ x->x_transient = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ t3_line_tilde_nontransient(out, x, n);
+ return(w+4);
+static void t3_line_tilde_tick(t_t3_line_tilde *x)
+ t_float *trans = x->x_beg;
+ int n = x->x_n, t3_bang_samps, cur_samps, i;
+ double inc, cur_val;
+ if(!x->x_transient)
+ t3_line_tilde_nontransient(trans, x, n);
+ t3_bang_samps = x->x_t3_bang_samps;
+ x->x_dst_val = x->x_inlet_val;
+ if(x->x_inlet_time <= 0.0)
+ {
+ x->x_inlet_time = 0.0;
+ x->x_dst_time = 0.0;
+ x->x_dur_samps = 0;
+ x->x_cur_samps = 0;
+ cur_val = x->x_cur_val = x->x_dst_val;
+ for(i=t3_bang_samps; i<n; i++)
+ trans[i] = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int diff, end;
+ x->x_dst_time = x->x_inlet_time;
+ x->x_inlet_time = 0.0;
+ cur_samps = (int)(x->x_dst_time * x->x_ms2samps);
+ if(!cur_samps)
+ cur_samps = 1;
+ x->x_dur_samps = cur_samps;
+ x->x_cur_samps = cur_samps;
+ cur_val = x->x_cur_val = (double)trans[t3_bang_samps];
+ inc = x->x_inc = (x->x_dst_val - cur_val)/(double)cur_samps;
+ x->x_inc64 = (double)x->x_n * inc;
+ diff = n - t3_bang_samps;
+ if(cur_samps > diff)
+ {
+ for(i=t3_bang_samps; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ cur_val += inc;
+ trans[i] = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ x->x_cur_val += (double)diff * inc;
+ x->x_cur_samps -= diff;
+ }
+ else if(cur_samps == diff)
+ {
+ for(i=t3_bang_samps; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ cur_val += inc;
+ trans[i] = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ x->x_cur_val = x->x_dst_val;
+ x->x_cur_samps = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ end = t3_bang_samps + cur_samps;
+ for(i=t3_bang_samps; i<end; i++)
+ {
+ cur_val += inc;
+ trans[i] = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ cur_val = x->x_cur_val = x->x_dst_val;
+ x->x_cur_samps = 0;
+ for(i=end; i<n; i++)
+ trans[i] = (t_float)cur_val;
+ }
+ }
+ x->x_transient = 1;
+static void t3_line_tilde_list(t_t3_line_tilde *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
+ if((ac >= 2)&&IS_A_FLOAT(av,0)&&IS_A_FLOAT(av,1))
+ {
+ int t3_bang_samps, ticks;
+ double time;
+ x->x_inlet_val = (double)atom_getfloatarg(1, ac, av);
+ t3_bang_samps = (int)((t_float)atom_getfloatarg(0, ac, av)*x->x_ms2samps);
+ if(t3_bang_samps < 0)
+ t3_bang_samps = 0;
+ ticks = t3_bang_samps / x->x_n;
+ x->x_t3_bang_samps = t3_bang_samps - x->x_n * ticks;
+ if((ac >= 3)&&IS_A_FLOAT(av,2))
+ {
+ time = (double)atom_getfloatarg(2, ac, av);
+ if(time < 0.0)
+ time = 0.0;
+ x->x_inlet_time = time;
+ }
+ if(ticks < 1)
+ t3_line_tilde_tick(x);
+ else
+ clock_delay(x->x_clock, (double)ticks * x->x_ticks2ms);
+ }
+static void t3_line_tilde_ft1(t_t3_line_tilde *x, t_float time)
+ if(time < 0.0)
+ time = 0.0;
+ x->x_inlet_time = (double)time;
+static void t3_line_tilde_stop(t_t3_line_tilde *x)
+ clock_unset(x->x_clock);
+ x->x_cur_samps = x->x_dur_samps = x->x_transient = 0;
+ x->x_inc = x->x_inc64 = x->x_inlet_time = x->x_dst_time = 0.0;
+static void t3_line_tilde_dsp(t_t3_line_tilde *x, t_signal **sp)
+ int i;
+ t_float val, *trans;
+ if(sp[0]->s_n > x->x_n)
+ {
+ freebytes(x->x_beg, x->x_n*sizeof(t_float));
+ x->x_n = (int)sp[0]->s_n;
+ x->x_beg = (t_float *)getbytes(x->x_n*sizeof(t_float));
+ }
+ else
+ x->x_n = (int)sp[0]->s_n;
+ i = x->x_n;
+ val = x->x_cur_val;
+ trans = x->x_beg;
+ while(i--)
+ *trans++ = val;
+ x->x_ms2samps = 0.001*(double)sp[0]->s_sr;
+ x->x_ticks2ms = (double)x->x_n / x->x_ms2samps;
+ dsp_add(t3_line_tilde_perform, 3, sp[0]->s_vec, x, sp[0]->s_n);
+static void t3_line_tilde_free(t_t3_line_tilde *x)
+ if(x->x_beg)
+ freebytes(x->x_beg, x->x_n*sizeof(t_float));
+ clock_free(x->x_clock);
+static void *t3_line_tilde_new(t_floatarg init_val)
+ t_t3_line_tilde *x = (t_t3_line_tilde *)pd_new(t3_line_tilde_class);
+ int i;
+ x->x_n = (int)sys_getblksize();
+ x->x_beg = (t_float *)getbytes(x->x_n*sizeof(t_float));
+ x->x_inlet_val = x->x_cur_val = x->x_dst_val = init_val;
+ x->x_t3_bang_samps = x->x_cur_samps = x->x_dur_samps = x->x_transient = 0;
+ x->x_inlet_time = x->x_dst_time = 0.0;
+ x->x_inc64 = x->x_inc = 0.0;
+ x->x_ms2samps = 0.001 * (double)sys_getsr();
+ x->x_ticks2ms = (double)x->x_n / x->x_ms2samps;
+ x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)t3_line_tilde_tick);
+ outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal);
+ inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1"));
+ return (x);
+void t3_line_tilde_setup(void)
+ t3_line_tilde_class = class_new(gensym("t3_line~"), (t_newmethod)t3_line_tilde_new,
+ (t_method)t3_line_tilde_free, sizeof(t_t3_line_tilde), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(t3_line_tilde_class, (t_method)t3_line_tilde_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(t3_line_tilde_class, (t_method)t3_line_tilde_stop, gensym("stop"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(t3_line_tilde_class, (t_method)t3_line_tilde_ft1, gensym("ft1"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addlist(t3_line_tilde_class, (t_method)t3_line_tilde_list);
+// class_sethelpsymbol(t3_line_tilde_class, gensym("iemhelp/help-t3_line~"));