path: root/src/mtx_qhull/list.c
diff options
authorFranz Zotter <fzotter@users.sourceforge.net>2012-08-21 08:10:42 +0000
committerFranz Zotter <fzotter@users.sourceforge.net>2012-08-21 08:10:42 +0000
commit5086631c287a954bae9c2bb4a987cb7f1eda3e57 (patch)
tree344393f7d6b8cbed979444c48f23003a232eb9c4 /src/mtx_qhull/list.c
parent585ca79e105c6e8ca57a2320c2335623a184ae06 (diff)
convex hull algorithm added
svn path=/trunk/externals/iem/iemmatrix/; revision=16165
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mtx_qhull/list.c')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mtx_qhull/list.c b/src/mtx_qhull/list.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07ce4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mtx_qhull/list.c
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+// memory things:
+list_t emptyList(void) {
+ list_t generated_list;
+ generated_list.length=0;
+ generated_list.entries=0;
+ return generated_list;
+list_t allocateList(const size_t length) {
+ list_t generated_list = emptyList();
+ if (length>0) {
+ generated_list.entries= (entry_t*) malloc(length*sizeof(entry_t));
+ if (generated_list.entries!=0) {
+ generated_list.length=length;
+ // printf("got list %li\n",generated_list.entries);
+ }
+ }
+ return generated_list;
+void reallocateList(list_t *list,
+ const size_t length) {
+ entry_t *old_entries = list->entries;
+ if (length>0) {
+ if (list->length==0)
+ *list = allocateList(length);
+ else {
+ if (list->length != length)
+ list->entries = (entry_t*) realloc(list->entries,length*sizeof(entry_t));
+ if (list->entries!=0)
+ list->length=length;
+ else
+ *list=emptyList();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ freeList(list);
+ /* if ((list->entries!=old_entries)&&(old_entries!=0)) {
+ if (list->entries!=0)
+ printf("moved %li by realloc to %li\n",old_entries,list->entries);
+ else
+ printf("freed %li by realloc\n", old_entries);
+ }*/
+void freeList(list_t *list) {
+ if (list->entries!=0) {
+ // printf("deleting list %li\n",list->entries);
+ free(list->entries);
+ }
+ list->entries=0;
+ list->length=0;
+// programming interface:
+size_t getLength(const list_t list) {
+ return list.length;
+entry_t getEntry(const list_t list, const index_t index) {
+ if ((index>=0)&&(index<getLength(list)))
+ return list.entries[index];
+ else
+ return 0;
+void setEntry(const list_t list, const index_t index, const entry_t entry) {
+ if ((index>=0)&&(index<getLength(list)))
+ list.entries[index]=entry;
+list_t initList(entry_t *entries, const size_t length) {
+ index_t i;
+ list_t l = allocateList(length);
+ if (l.entries!=0)
+ for (i=0; i<(index_t)length; i++)
+ setEntry(l,i,entries[i]);
+ return l;
+list_t initListFromTo(const entry_t start, const entry_t stop) {
+ index_t i;
+ size_t length;
+ entry_t c;
+ int incr;
+ if (stop>=start) {
+ length=(size_t) (stop-start+1);
+ incr=1;
+ } else {
+ length=(size_t) (start-stop+1);
+ incr=-1;
+ }
+ list_t l = allocateList(length);
+ if (l.entries!=0)
+ for (i=0,c=start; i<length; i++, c+=incr)
+ setEntry(l,i,c);
+ return l;
+list_t initConstantList(const entry_t c, const size_t length){
+ entry_t i;
+ list_t l = allocateList(length);
+ if (l.entries!=0)
+ for (i=0; i<length; i++)
+ setEntry(l,i,c);
+ return l;
+list_t duplicateList(const list_t list_in) {
+ entry_t i;
+ list_t list_out=emptyList();
+ list_out = allocateList(getLength(list_in));
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(list_out); i++)
+ setEntry(list_out,i,getEntry(list_in,i));
+ return list_out;
+list_t mergeLists(const list_t list1, const list_t list2) {
+ list_t list_out;
+ entry_t i,j;
+ list_out = allocateList(getLength(list1)+ getLength(list2));
+ if (list_out.entries!=0) {
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(list1); i++)
+ setEntry(list_out,i,getEntry(list1,i));
+ for (j=0; i<getLength(list_out); i++, j++)
+ setEntry(list_out,i,getEntry(list2,j));
+ }
+ return list_out;
+list_t getSubList(const list_t list, const list_t indices) {
+ index_t i;
+ list_t new_list = allocateList(getLength(indices));
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(new_list); i++) {
+ setEntry(new_list,i,getEntry(list,getEntry(indices,i)));
+ }
+list_t getSubListFromTo(const list_t list, const index_t start,
+ const index_t stop) {
+ list_t new_list=emptyList();
+ index_t i,j;
+ int incr;
+ if ((start>0)&&(stop>0)&&(start<getLength(list))&&(stop<getLength(list))) {
+ if (start>stop) {
+ incr=-1;
+ new_list=allocateList(start-stop+1);
+ } else {
+ incr=1;
+ new_list=allocateList(start-stop+1);
+ }
+ for (j=start,i=0; i<getLength(new_list); i++, j+=incr) {
+ setEntry(new_list,i,getEntry(list,j));
+ }
+ }
+ return new_list;
+void appendToList(list_t *list, const entry_t entry) {
+ const index_t i=(index_t)getLength(*list);
+ reallocateList(list,getLength(*list)+1);
+ if (getLength(*list)>(size_t)i) {
+ setEntry(*list,i,entry);
+ }
+void removeEntryFromList(list_t *list, const index_t index) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ for (i=j=0; i<getLength(*list); i++) {
+ if (i!=index)
+ setEntry(*list,j++,getEntry(*list,i));
+ }
+ reallocateList(list,j);
+void removeValueFromList(list_t *list, const entry_t entry) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ for (j=i=0; i<getLength(*list); i++) {
+ if (getEntry(*list,i)!=entry)
+ setEntry(*list, j++, getEntry(*list,i));
+ }
+ reallocateList(list,j);
+void appendListToList(list_t *list1, const list_t list2) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ size_t siz_old = getLength(*list1);
+ siz_old=list1->length;
+ reallocateList(list1, getLength(*list1) + getLength(list2));
+ if (getLength(*list1)>siz_old) {
+ for (i=siz_old, j=0; i<list1->length; i++, j++)
+ setEntry(*list1,i,getEntry(list2,j));
+ }
+void removeEntryListFromList(list_t *list, const list_t indices) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ for (i=j=0; i<getLength(*list); i++)
+ if (notInList(i,indices))
+ setEntry(*list, j++, getEntry(*list,i));
+ reallocateList(list,j);
+void removeValueListFromList(list_t *list, const list_t excl_list) {
+ index_t i,j,k;
+ int keep;
+ for (j=i=0; i<getLength(*list); i++) {
+ keep=1;
+ for (k=0; k<getLength(excl_list); k++)
+ keep=(keep)&&(getEntry(*list,i)!=getEntry(excl_list,k));
+ if (keep)
+ setEntry(*list, j++, getEntry(*list,i));
+ }
+ reallocateList(list,j);
+void reverseList(list_t * const list) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ entry_t v;
+ const cnt = getLength(*list)/ 2;
+ if (cnt>0)
+ for (i=0, j=getLength(*list)-1; i<cnt; i++, j--) {
+ v=getEntry(*list,i);
+ setEntry(*list,i,getEntry(*list,j));
+ setEntry(*list,j,v);
+ }
+int inList(const entry_t entry, const list_t list) {
+ index_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(list); i++)
+ if (getEntry(list,i)==entry)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+entry_t findValueInList(const entry_t entry, const list_t list) {
+ index_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(list); i++)
+ if (entry==getEntry(list,i))
+ return i;
+ return getLength(list);
+void uniquefyListEntries(list_t *list) {
+ index_t i,j,k;
+ int keep;
+ k=0;
+ for (j=0; j<getLength(*list); j++) {
+ keep=1;
+ for (i=0; (i<k)&&(keep); i++)
+ keep = (keep)&&(list->entries[j]!=list->entries[i]);
+ if (keep) {
+ list->entries[i++]=list->entries[j];
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ reallocateList(list, k);
+list_t findValueListInList(const list_t value_list,
+ const list_t list) {
+ list_t l=emptyList();
+ index_t i,j;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(value_list); i++)
+ appendToList(&l,findValueInList(
+ getEntry(value_list,i),list));
+ return l;
+int notInList(const entry_t entry, const list_t list) {
+ index_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(list); i++)
+ if (getEntry(list,i)==entry)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+void printList(list_t const list) {
+ entry_t i;
+ printf("[list]_%d=[",list.length);
+ if (getLength(list)>0)
+ printf("%d",getEntry(list,0));
+ for (i=1; i<list.length; i++)
+ printf(", %d",getEntry(list,i));
+ printf("]\n");