path: root/Source/Strz.pas
diff options
authorJuha Vehviläinen <jusu@users.sourceforge.net>2003-06-03 20:46:51 +0000
committerJuha Vehviläinen <jusu@users.sourceforge.net>2003-06-03 20:46:51 +0000
commitfe070b42d2ddea9ec14bb186b6cc0b6d11b490c3 (patch)
treeb629021b47c7399b89955176016fe3c37b424741 /Source/Strz.pas
parentba67bbb2db6327dc0f64eab24bafe5f023ce42ed (diff)
*** empty log message ***
svn path=/trunk/Framestein/; revision=675
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Strz.pas')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Strz.pas b/Source/Strz.pas
index 85ad4a7..12cbf9a 100644
--- a/Source/Strz.pas
+++ b/Source/Strz.pas
@@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
-unit Strz;
- Windows;
- CharSet = set of Char;
-// General
-function MyStrToInt(const S: String): Integer; // some special checking, no exceptions
-function MyStrToFloat(const S: String): Extended; // some special checking, no exceptions
-function StrToRect(const S: String): TRect;
-function Long2Str(L : LongInt) : string;
-function SearchAndReplace( S, Old, New:String ):String;
-function WordCount(S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : Integer;
- {-Given a set of word delimiters, return number of words in S}
-function ExtractWord(N : Integer; S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : string;
- {-Given a set of word delimiters, return the N'th word in S}
-// Filez
-function VerifyBackSlash( const FileName:String ):String;
- Classes, SysUtils;
-function StrToRect(const S: String): TRect;
- i: Integer;
- Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- if S='' then Exit;
- i := WordCount(S, [' ']);
- Result.Left := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(1, S, [' ']));
- if i>1 then
- Result.Top := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']));
- if i>2 then
- Result.Right := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' ']));
- if i>3 then
- Result.Bottom := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(4, S, [' ']));
-function MyStrToInt(const S: String): Integer;
- St: String;
- Result := 0;
- if (S='') or (S='-') or (S='0') then Exit;
- try
- Result := StrToInt(S);
- except
- St := S;
- while Pos('.', St)>0 do
- St[Pos('.', St)] := ',';
- try Result := Trunc(StrToFloat(St)); except end;
- end;
-function MyStrToFloat(const S: String): Extended;
- St: String;
- i: Integer;
- Result := 0;
- if (S='') or (S='-') or (S='0') then Exit;
- St := S;
- i := Pos('.', St);
- if i>0 then
- St[i] := ',';
- try
- Result := StrToFloat(St);
- except
- end;
-function VerifyBackSlash( const FileName:String ):String;
- if FileName[Length(FileName)]='\' then
- Result := FileName
- else
- Result := FileName + '\';
-function Long2Str(L : LongInt) : string;
- {-Convert a long/word/integer/byte/shortint to a string}
- S : string;
- Str(L, S);
- Long2Str := S;
- function WordCount(S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : Integer;
- {-Given a set of word delimiters, return number of words in S}
- var
- {I,} Count : Integer; {!!.12}
- I, SLen : Word; {!!.12}
- begin
- Count := 0;
- I := 1;
- SLen:=Length(S);
- while I <= SLen do begin
- {skip over delimiters}
- while (I <= SLen) and (S[I] in WordDelims) do
- Inc(I);
- {if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word}
- if I <= SLen then
- Inc(Count);
- {find the end of the current word}
- while (I <= SLen) and not(S[I] in WordDelims) do
- Inc(I);
- end;
- WordCount := Count;
- end;
- function ExtractWord(N : Integer; S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : string;
- {-Given a set of word delimiters, return the N'th word in S}
- var
- I : Word; {!!.12}
- Count, Len : Integer;
- SLen : Longint;
- Str : String;
- begin
- Count := 0;
- I := 1;
- Len := 0;
- Str := '';
- SLen := Length(S);
-// ExtractWord[0] := #0;
- while (I <= SLen) and (Count <> N) do begin
- {skip over delimiters}
- while (I <= SLen) and (S[I] in WordDelims) do
- Inc(I);
- {if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word}
- if I <= SLen then
- Inc(Count);
- {find the end of the current word}
- while (I <= SLen) and not(S[I] in WordDelims) do begin
- {if this is the N'th word, add the I'th character to Tmp}
- if Count = N then begin
- Inc(Len);
- SetLength(Str, Len);
-// ExtractWord[0] := Char(Len);
- Str[Len] := S[I];
-// ExtractWord[Len] := S[I];
- end;
- Inc(I);
- end;
- end;
- ExtractWord := Str;
- end;
-function SearchAndReplace( S, Old, New:String ):String;
- Ts : String;
- i : Integer;
- Ts := S;
- i := Pos(Old, Ts);
- while i>0 do begin
- Delete(Ts, i, Length(Old));
- Insert(New, Ts, i);
- i := Pos(Old, Ts);
- end;
- SearchAndReplace := Ts;
+unit Strz;
+ Windows;
+ CharSet = set of Char;
+// General
+function MyStrToInt(const S: String): Integer; // some special checking, no exceptions
+function MyStrToFloat(const S: String): Extended; // some special checking, no exceptions
+function StrToRect(const S: String): TRect;
+function Long2Str(L : LongInt) : string;
+function SearchAndReplace( S, Old, New:String ):String;
+function WordCount(S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : Integer;
+ {-Given a set of word delimiters, return number of words in S}
+function ExtractWord(N : Integer; S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : string;
+ {-Given a set of word delimiters, return the N'th word in S}
+// Filez
+function VerifyBackSlash( const FileName:String ):String;
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+function StrToRect(const S: String): TRect;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if S='' then Exit;
+ i := WordCount(S, [' ']);
+ Result.Left := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(1, S, [' ']));
+ if i>1 then
+ Result.Top := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']));
+ if i>2 then
+ Result.Right := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' ']));
+ if i>3 then
+ Result.Bottom := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(4, S, [' ']));
+function MyStrToInt(const S: String): Integer;
+ St: String;
+ Result := 0;
+ if (S='') or (S='-') or (S='0') then Exit;
+ try
+ Result := StrToInt(S);
+ except
+ St := S;
+ while Pos('.', St)>0 do
+ St[Pos('.', St)] := ',';
+ try Result := Trunc(StrToFloat(St)); except end;
+ end;
+function MyStrToFloat(const S: String): Extended;
+ St: String;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ if (S='') or (S='-') or (S='0') then Exit;
+ St := S;
+ i := Pos('.', St);
+ if i>0 then
+ St[i] := ',';
+ try
+ Result := StrToFloat(St);
+ except
+ end;
+function VerifyBackSlash( const FileName:String ):String;
+ if FileName[Length(FileName)]='\' then
+ Result := FileName
+ else
+ Result := FileName + '\';
+function Long2Str(L : LongInt) : string;
+ {-Convert a long/word/integer/byte/shortint to a string}
+ S : string;
+ Str(L, S);
+ Long2Str := S;
+ function WordCount(S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : Integer;
+ {-Given a set of word delimiters, return number of words in S}
+ var
+ {I,} Count : Integer; {!!.12}
+ I, SLen : Word; {!!.12}
+ begin
+ Count := 0;
+ I := 1;
+ SLen:=Length(S);
+ while I <= SLen do begin
+ {skip over delimiters}
+ while (I <= SLen) and (S[I] in WordDelims) do
+ Inc(I);
+ {if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word}
+ if I <= SLen then
+ Inc(Count);
+ {find the end of the current word}
+ while (I <= SLen) and not(S[I] in WordDelims) do
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ WordCount := Count;
+ end;
+ function ExtractWord(N : Integer; S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : string;
+ {-Given a set of word delimiters, return the N'th word in S}
+ var
+ I : Word; {!!.12}
+ Count, Len : Integer;
+ SLen : Longint;
+ Str : String;
+ begin
+ Count := 0;
+ I := 1;
+ Len := 0;
+ Str := '';
+ SLen := Length(S);
+// ExtractWord[0] := #0;
+ while (I <= SLen) and (Count <> N) do begin
+ {skip over delimiters}
+ while (I <= SLen) and (S[I] in WordDelims) do
+ Inc(I);
+ {if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word}
+ if I <= SLen then
+ Inc(Count);
+ {find the end of the current word}
+ while (I <= SLen) and not(S[I] in WordDelims) do begin
+ {if this is the N'th word, add the I'th character to Tmp}
+ if Count = N then begin
+ Inc(Len);
+ SetLength(Str, Len);
+// ExtractWord[0] := Char(Len);
+ Str[Len] := S[I];
+// ExtractWord[Len] := S[I];
+ end;
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ExtractWord := Str;
+ end;
+function SearchAndReplace( S, Old, New:String ):String;
+ Ts : String;
+ i : Integer;
+ Ts := S;
+ i := Pos(Old, Ts);
+ while i>0 do begin
+ Delete(Ts, i, Length(Old));
+ Insert(New, Ts, i);
+ i := Pos(Old, Ts);
+ end;
+ SearchAndReplace := Ts;