path: root/Source/configureunit.dfm
diff options
authorJuha Vehviläinen <jusu@users.sourceforge.net>2003-06-03 20:46:51 +0000
committerJuha Vehviläinen <jusu@users.sourceforge.net>2003-06-03 20:46:51 +0000
commitfe070b42d2ddea9ec14bb186b6cc0b6d11b490c3 (patch)
treeb629021b47c7399b89955176016fe3c37b424741 /Source/configureunit.dfm
parentba67bbb2db6327dc0f64eab24bafe5f023ce42ed (diff)
*** empty log message ***
svn path=/trunk/Framestein/; revision=675
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/configureunit.dfm')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/Source/configureunit.dfm b/Source/configureunit.dfm
index a3baf5f..6bb97de 100644
--- a/Source/configureunit.dfm
+++ b/Source/configureunit.dfm
@@ -1,211 +1,211 @@
-object configure: Tconfigure
- Left = 317
- Top = 185
- Width = 443
- Height = 351
- BorderWidth = 4
- Caption = 'Configuration'
- Color = clBtnFace
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- OldCreateOrder = False
- Position = poScreenCenter
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
- object PageControl1: TPageControl
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 427
- Height = 275
- ActivePage = TSConnections
- Align = alClient
- TabOrder = 0
- object TSFolders: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'Folders'
- ImageIndex = 2
- TabVisible = False
- object Label6: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 36
- Width = 83
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Framestein folder:'
- end
- object EditFSFolder: TEdit
- Left = 152
- Top = 32
- Width = 225
- Height = 21
- Ctl3D = True
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = 'E:\'
- end
- object Memo1: TMemo
- Left = 16
- Top = 200
- Width = 389
- Height = 33
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- Enabled = False
- Lines.Strings = (
- 'Choose the folder where Framestein will find its Plugins and Fil' +
- 'ters.'
- '')
- ReadOnly = True
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object DirectoryListBox1: TDirectoryListBox
- Left = 152
- Top = 88
- Width = 225
- Height = 97
- ItemHeight = 16
- TabOrder = 2
- OnChange = DirectoryListBox1Change
- end
- object DriveComboBox1: TDriveComboBox
- Left = 152
- Top = 64
- Width = 225
- Height = 19
- TabOrder = 3
- OnChange = DriveComboBox1Change
- end
- end
- object TSConnections: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'Connections'
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 36
- Width = 114
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Host running Pure Data:'
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 60
- Width = 95
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Listen to Pd on port:'
- end
- object Label3: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 84
- Width = 103
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Pd is listening on port:'
- end
- object Label4: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 112
- Width = 385
- Height = 13
- Caption =
- 'NOTE: if you change the default ports, you need to modify fs.mai' +
- 'n.pd accordingly.'
- end
- object Label5: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 164
- Width = 194
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Listen to Framestein connections on port:'
- end
- object EditPdHost: TEdit
- Left = 152
- Top = 32
- Width = 225
- Height = 21
- Ctl3D = True
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = 'localhost'
- end
- object EditPdReceivePort: TEdit
- Left = 152
- Top = 56
- Width = 225
- Height = 21
- Ctl3D = True
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 1
- Text = '6001'
- end
- object EditPdSendPort: TEdit
- Left = 152
- Top = 80
- Width = 225
- Height = 21
- Ctl3D = True
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 2
- Text = '6002'
- end
- object EditFsPort: TEdit
- Left = 224
- Top = 160
- Width = 153
- Height = 21
- Ctl3D = True
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 3
- Text = '6010'
- end
- object CBEnableFSConns: TCheckBox
- Left = 224
- Top = 184
- Width = 97
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Enable'
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- end
- object TSGeneral: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'General'
- ImageIndex = 1
- object CBDockMain: TCheckBox
- Left = 26
- Top = 36
- Width = 377
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Dock main window to Pd on connect'
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- end
- end
- object Panel1: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 275
- Width = 427
- Height = 41
- Align = alBottom
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 1
- object ButtonOk: TButton
- Left = 344
- Top = 8
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Caption = 'Ok'
- Default = True
- TabOrder = 0
- OnClick = ButtonOkClick
- end
- object ButtonCancel: TButton
- Left = 256
- Top = 8
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Cancel = True
- Caption = 'Cancel'
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = ButtonCancelClick
- end
- end
+object configure: Tconfigure
+ Left = 317
+ Top = 185
+ Width = 443
+ Height = 351
+ BorderWidth = 4
+ Caption = 'Configuration'
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -11
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = []
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ Position = poScreenCenter
+ OnCreate = FormCreate
+ PixelsPerInch = 96
+ TextHeight = 13
+ object PageControl1: TPageControl
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 427
+ Height = 275
+ ActivePage = TSConnections
+ Align = alClient
+ TabOrder = 0
+ object TSFolders: TTabSheet
+ Caption = 'Folders'
+ ImageIndex = 2
+ TabVisible = False
+ object Label6: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 36
+ Width = 83
+ Height = 13
+ Caption = 'Framestein folder:'
+ end
+ object EditFSFolder: TEdit
+ Left = 152
+ Top = 32
+ Width = 225
+ Height = 21
+ Ctl3D = True
+ ParentCtl3D = False
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Text = 'E:\'
+ end
+ object Memo1: TMemo
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 200
+ Width = 389
+ Height = 33
+ BorderStyle = bsNone
+ Enabled = False
+ Lines.Strings = (
+ 'Choose the folder where Framestein will find its Plugins and Fil' +
+ 'ters.'
+ '')
+ ReadOnly = True
+ TabOrder = 1
+ end
+ object DirectoryListBox1: TDirectoryListBox
+ Left = 152
+ Top = 88
+ Width = 225
+ Height = 97
+ ItemHeight = 16
+ TabOrder = 2
+ OnChange = DirectoryListBox1Change
+ end
+ object DriveComboBox1: TDriveComboBox
+ Left = 152
+ Top = 64
+ Width = 225
+ Height = 19
+ TabOrder = 3
+ OnChange = DriveComboBox1Change
+ end
+ end
+ object TSConnections: TTabSheet
+ Caption = 'Connections'
+ object Label1: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 36
+ Width = 114
+ Height = 13
+ Caption = 'Host running Pure Data:'
+ end
+ object Label2: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 60
+ Width = 95
+ Height = 13
+ Caption = 'Listen to Pd on port:'
+ end
+ object Label3: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 84
+ Width = 103
+ Height = 13
+ Caption = 'Pd is listening on port:'
+ end
+ object Label4: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 112
+ Width = 385
+ Height = 13
+ Caption =
+ 'NOTE: if you change the default ports, you need to modify fs.mai' +
+ 'n.pd accordingly.'
+ end
+ object Label5: TLabel
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 164
+ Width = 194
+ Height = 13
+ Caption = 'Listen to Framestein connections on port:'
+ end
+ object EditPdHost: TEdit
+ Left = 152
+ Top = 32
+ Width = 225
+ Height = 21
+ Ctl3D = True
+ ParentCtl3D = False
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Text = 'localhost'
+ end
+ object EditPdReceivePort: TEdit
+ Left = 152
+ Top = 56
+ Width = 225
+ Height = 21
+ Ctl3D = True
+ ParentCtl3D = False
+ TabOrder = 1
+ Text = '6001'
+ end
+ object EditPdSendPort: TEdit
+ Left = 152
+ Top = 80
+ Width = 225
+ Height = 21
+ Ctl3D = True
+ ParentCtl3D = False
+ TabOrder = 2
+ Text = '6002'
+ end
+ object EditFsPort: TEdit
+ Left = 224
+ Top = 160
+ Width = 153
+ Height = 21
+ Ctl3D = True
+ ParentCtl3D = False
+ TabOrder = 3
+ Text = '6010'
+ end
+ object CBEnableFSConns: TCheckBox
+ Left = 224
+ Top = 184
+ Width = 97
+ Height = 17
+ Caption = 'Enable'
+ TabOrder = 4
+ end
+ end
+ object TSGeneral: TTabSheet
+ Caption = 'General'
+ ImageIndex = 1
+ object CBDockMain: TCheckBox
+ Left = 26
+ Top = 36
+ Width = 377
+ Height = 17
+ Caption = 'Dock main window to Pd on connect'
+ TabOrder = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object Panel1: TPanel
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 275
+ Width = 427
+ Height = 41
+ Align = alBottom
+ BevelOuter = bvNone
+ TabOrder = 1
+ object ButtonOk: TButton
+ Left = 344
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Ok'
+ Default = True
+ TabOrder = 0
+ OnClick = ButtonOkClick
+ end
+ object ButtonCancel: TButton
+ Left = 256
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Cancel = True
+ Caption = 'Cancel'
+ TabOrder = 1
+ OnClick = ButtonCancelClick
+ end
+ end