path: root/Source/mainunit.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/mainunit.pas')
1 files changed, 903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/mainunit.pas b/Source/mainunit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf3f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/mainunit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+{ Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Juha Vehviläinen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.}
+unit mainunit;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
+ StdCtrls, ScktComp,
+ pluginunit, fsformunit, fsframeunit,
+ FastDIB,
+ ExtCtrls, Menus, C2PhotoShopHost, Filez, ComCtrls;
+ Tmain = class(TFsForm)
+ ss1: TServerSocket;
+ ImageLogo: TImage;
+ PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
+ MiConfig: TMenuItem;
+ MiReset: TMenuItem;
+ MiReloadPlugins: TMenuItem;
+ ssfs: TServerSocket;
+ csfs: TClientSocket;
+ MiLog: TMenuItem;
+ csToPd: TClientSocket;
+ MiExit: TMenuItem;
+ REConsole: TRichEdit;
+ procedure ss1ClientRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ss1ClientError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ procedure ss1ClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject;
+ Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure MiConfigClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ss1ClientConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure MiResetClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure MiReloadPluginsClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ssfsClientRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure csfsError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ procedure csfsDisconnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure ssfsClientError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ procedure csfsConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure ssfsClientConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure ssfsClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject;
+ Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure MiLogClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure csToPdError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ procedure csToPdConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure csToPdDisconnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ procedure MiExitClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ImageLogoDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ private
+ { Private declarations }
+ SocketMem: Pointer;
+ fbmp: TFastDIB;
+ procedure LoadRegSettings;
+ procedure ParsePrim(const S: String);
+ procedure FreeIfCompExists(const S: String);
+ function GetFrameByTag(const tag: String): TFsFrame;
+ function ItemCount( const ClassName: String ): Integer;
+ procedure Reset;
+ procedure minimizeall;
+ procedure ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
+ procedure DropFileHandler(const h: HWND; const DroppedFileName: String);
+ procedure AppMessage(var Msg: Tmsg; var Handled: Boolean);
+ public
+ { Public declarations }
+ RunConfig: Boolean;
+ PdHost: String; // Host running PD
+ PDReceivePort: Integer; // data from PD
+ PDSendPort: Integer; // data to PD
+ FSPort: Integer; // Framestein connections
+ EnableFSConns: Boolean;
+ DockMain: Boolean;
+ logstate: Boolean;
+ Plugins: TPlugins;
+ SearchPath: TStringList;
+ function CompName(const S: String): String;
+ procedure Parse(const S: String); override;
+ procedure Post(const S: String);
+ procedure SendFrame(const f: TFsFrame;
+ const NameTag: String; const bmp: TFastDIB;
+ const quality: Integer; const sendjpg: Boolean );
+ procedure SendReturnValues(const S: String);
+ procedure SendReturnValuesString(
+ const PdName: String; const S: String);
+ function FileExistsInSearchPath(var S: String): Boolean; // modifying S allowed!
+ end;
+ STARTMSG = 'Framestein 0.30 running...';
+ MCAPTION = 'Framestein 0.30';
+ SocketBufferSize = 100000;
+ main: Tmain;
+ DockTitle: String;
+ DockHandle: HWND;
+function WinEnumerator(h: HWND; i: LongInt): BOOL; stdcall;
+function WinEnumerator_Exact(h: HWND; i: LongInt): BOOL; stdcall;
+function WinEnumerator_SubStr(h: HWND; i: LongInt): BOOL; stdcall;
+{$R *.DFM}
+ Registry, DirectX, DxDraws, ShellApi,
+ fscopyunit, fstextunit, fsdrawunit, fsbrowserunit,
+ fsinfounit, fsaviunit,
+ fastfiles,
+ Strz, logunit, configureunit;
+function WinEnumerator(h: HWND; i: LongInt): BOOL; stdcall;
+ Title: array[0..255] of Char;
+ Result := True;
+ if GetWindowText(h, Title, SizeOf(Title))>0 then begin
+ if UpperCase(DockTitle)=
+ Copy(UpperCase(StrPas(@Title)), 1, Length(DockTitle)) then begin
+ DockHandle := h;
+ Result := False; // stop enumerating
+ end;
+ end;
+function WinEnumerator_SubStr(h: HWND; i: LongInt): BOOL; stdcall;
+ Title: array[0..255] of Char;
+ Result := True;
+ if GetWindowText(h, Title, SizeOf(Title))>0 then begin
+ if Pos(UpperCase(DockTitle), UpperCase(StrPas(@Title)))>0 then begin
+ DockHandle := h;
+ Result := False; // stop enumerating
+ end;
+ end;
+function WinEnumerator_Exact(h: HWND; i: LongInt): BOOL; stdcall;
+ Title: array[0..255] of Char;
+ Result := True;
+ if GetWindowText(h, Title, SizeOf(Title))>0 then begin
+ if UpperCase(DockTitle)=
+ UpperCase(StrPas(@Title)) then begin
+ DockHandle := h;
+ Result := False; // stop enumerating
+ end;
+ end;
+{ TForm1 }
+function Tmain.ItemCount( const ClassName: String ): Integer;
+ i, count: Integer;
+ count:=0;
+ if ComponentCount>0 then
+ for i:=1 to ComponentCount-1 do
+ if UpperCase(Components[i].ClassName)=UpperCase(ClassName) then
+ Inc(count);
+ Result := count;
+function Tmain.CompName(const S: String): String;
+ St: String;
+ a: Integer;
+ St := S;
+ if Length(St)>0 then
+ for a:=Length(St) downto 1 do
+ if St[a] in ['-','.',',',#10,#13] then
+ Delete(St, a, 1);
+ if Length(St)>0 then
+ for a:=1 to Length(St) do
+ if St[a] in ['0'..'9'] then
+ St[a] := Char(Ord('A')+(Ord(St[a])-Ord('0')));
+ Result := St;
+procedure Tmain.ParsePrim(const S: String);
+ s1, s2, s_args: String;
+ i: Integer;
+ fsframe: TFsFrame;
+ fscopy: TFsCopy;
+ fstext: TFsText;
+ fsdraw: TFsDraw;
+ fsbrowser: TFsBrowser;
+ fsinfo: TFsInfo;
+ fsavi: TFsAvi;
+ f: TFsForm;
+ if logstate then
+ log.add(s);
+ s1 := UpperCase(ExtractWord(1, S, [' ']));
+ s_args := Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255);
+ f := TFsForm(FindComponent(CompName(s1)));
+ if f<>nil then begin
+ f.Parse(s_args);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ s2 := ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']);
+ if S1='RESET' then begin
+ Reset;
+ end else
+ if S1='FRAME' then begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(s2));
+ fsframe := TFsFrame.Create(Self);
+ fsframe.PdName := s2;
+ fsframe.Name := CompName(s2);
+ fsframe.Caption := s2;
+ i := ItemCount('TFsFrame')-1;
+ fsframe.Left := fsframe.Width*(i div 4);
+ fsframe.Top := fsframe.Height*(i mod 4);
+ fsframe.Show;
+ end else
+ if S1='COPY' then begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(s2));
+ fscopy := TFsCopy.Create(Self);
+ fscopy.Name := CompName(s2);
+ fscopy.Caption := s2;
+ end else
+ if S1='TEXT' then begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(s2));
+ fstext := TFsText.Create(Self);
+ fstext.Name := CompName(s2);
+ fstext.Caption := s2;
+ end else
+ if S1='DRAW' then begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(s2));
+ fsdraw := TFsDraw.Create(Self);
+ fsdraw.Name := CompName(s2);
+ fsdraw.Caption := s2;
+ end else
+ if S1='BROWSER' then begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(s2));
+ fsbrowser := TFsBrowser.Create(Self);
+ fsbrowser.PdName := s2;
+ fsbrowser.Name := CompName(s2);
+ fsbrowser.Caption := s2;
+ i := ItemCount('TFsBrowser')-1;
+ fsbrowser.Left := fsbrowser.Width*(i div 4);
+ fsbrowser.Top := fsbrowser.Height*(i mod 4);
+ fsbrowser.Show;
+ end else
+ if S1='INFO' then begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(s2));
+ fsinfo := TFsInfo.Create(Self);
+ fsinfo.Name := CompName(s2);
+ fsinfo.Caption := s2;
+ end else
+ if S1='AVI' then begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(s2));
+ fsavi := TFsAvi.Create(Self);
+ fsavi.PdName := s2;
+ fsavi.Name := CompName(s2);
+ fsavi.Caption := s2;
+ end else
+ if S1='MINIMIZEALL' then begin
+ minimizeall;
+ end else
+ if s1='PATH' then begin
+ SearchPath.Add(Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255));
+ end else
+procedure Tmain.Parse(const S: String);
+ function ComponentCreator(const Str: String): Boolean;
+ var
+ s1: String;
+ begin
+ s1 := UpperCase(ExtractWord(1, Str, [' ']));
+ Result :=
+ (s1='RESET') or
+ (s1='FRAME') or
+ (s1='COPY') or
+ (s1='TEXT') or
+ (s1='DRAW') or
+ (s1='BROWSER') or
+ (s1='INFO') or
+ (s1='AVI');
+ end;
+ i, c: Integer;
+ Str: String;
+ if Pos(';', S)=0 then
+ ParsePrim(S)
+ else begin
+ c := WordCount(S, [';']);
+ // first commands that create fs.* objects
+ for i:=1 to c do begin
+ Str := ExtractWord(i, S, [';']);
+ if ComponentCreator(Str) then
+ ParsePrim(Str);
+ end;
+ // all the rest
+ for i:=1 to c do begin
+ Str := ExtractWord(i, S, [';']);
+ if not ComponentCreator(Str) then
+ ParsePrim(Str);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure Tmain.ss1ClientRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ S: String;
+ S := socket.ReceiveText;
+ while Pos(#10, S)>0 do
+ Delete(S, Pos(#10, S), 1);
+ Parse(S);
+procedure Tmain.FreeIfCompExists(const S: String);
+ c: TComponent;
+ c := FindComponent(S);
+ if c<>nil then
+ c.Free;
+procedure Tmain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ Randomize;
+ RunConfig:=False;
+ PdHost := 'localhost';
+ PDReceivePort := 6001;
+ PDSendPort := 6002;
+ FSPort := 6010;
+ EnableFSConns := False;
+ DockMain := True;
+ LoadRegSettings;
+ if not RunConfig then begin
+ ss1.Port := PDReceivePort;
+ ss1.Active := True;
+ csToPd.Host := PdHost;
+ csToPd.Port := PdSendPort;
+ csToPd.Active := True;
+ ssfs.Port := FSPort;
+ ssfs.Active := EnableFSConns;
+ end;
+ main.Post(STARTMSG);
+ Caption := MCAPTION;
+ Plugins := TPlugins.Create(Self);
+ Plugins.Load;
+ SocketMem := AllocMem(SocketBufferSize);
+ fBmp := TFastDIB.Create;
+ logstate := False;
+ SearchPath := TStringList.Create;
+ SearchPath.Add(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName));
+ Application.OnException := ExceptionHandler;
+ Application.OnMessage := AppMessage;
+procedure Tmain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ Plugins.Free;
+ SearchPath.Free;
+ FreeMem(SocketMem);
+ fBmp.Free;
+procedure Tmain.ss1ClientConnect(Sender: TObject;
+ Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('Connected on port '+IntToStr(PDReceivePort));
+ if not csToPd.Active then
+ csToPd.Active := True;
+// just a crazy idea
+ if DockMain then begin
+ DockTitle := 'pd';
+ DockHandle:=0;
+ EnumWindows(@WinEnumerator_Exact, 0);
+ if DockHandle>0 then begin
+ ParentWindow := DockHandle;
+ BorderStyle := bsNone;
+ Left := 4;
+ Top := 120;
+ Width := 40;
+ Height := 40;
+ BringToFront;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure Tmain.ss1ClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject;
+ Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('Disconnected');
+ csToPd.Active := False;
+ Reset;
+procedure Tmain.csToPdConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('Connected on port '+IntToStr(PDSendPort));
+procedure Tmain.csToPdDisconnect(Sender: TObject;
+ Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('Disconnected');
+procedure Tmain.ss1ClientError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ Post('Disconnected');
+ ErrorCode := 0;
+procedure Tmain.LoadRegSettings;
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if Reg.OpenKey('\Software\Framestein', True) then begin
+ PdHost := Reg.ReadString('PdHost');
+ PDReceivePort := Reg.ReadInteger('PDReceivePort');
+ PDSendPort := Reg.ReadInteger('PDSendPort');
+ FSPort := Reg.ReadInteger('FSPort');
+ EnableFSConns := Reg.ReadBool('EnableFSConns');
+ DockMain := Reg.ReadBool('DockMain');
+ end;
+ except
+ RunConfig := True;
+ end;
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ Reg.Free;
+procedure Tmain.MiConfigClick(Sender: TObject);
+ configure.Execute;
+procedure Tmain.Post(const S: String);
+// Writeln(TimeToStr(Time), ' ', S);
+ REConsole.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(Time)+' '+S);
+procedure Tmain.Reset;
+ i: Integer;
+ if ComponentCount=0 then Exit;
+ for i:=ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do
+ if Components[i] is TfsForm then
+ Components[i].Free;
+procedure Tmain.MiResetClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Reset;
+procedure Tmain.MiReloadPluginsClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Plugins.Reload;
+function Tmain.GetFrameByTag(const tag: String): TFsFrame;
+ i: Integer;
+ fsframe: TFsFrame;
+ function makenew: TfsFrame;
+ begin
+ FreeIfCompExists(CompName(tag));
+ fsframe := TFsFrame.Create(Self);
+ fsframe.Name := CompName(tag);
+ fsframe.Caption := tag;
+ fsframe.NameTag := tag;
+ fsframe.Show;
+ Result := fsframe;
+ end;
+ if ComponentCount=0 then begin
+ Result := makenew;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ for i:=ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do
+ if Components[i] is TfsFrame then begin
+ fsframe := Components[i] as TfsFrame;
+ if fsframe.NameTag = tag then begin
+ Result := fsframe;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := makenew;
+ fsframeHeader = '!FS';
+ fsframeHeaderLen = 27;
+procedure Tmain.SendFrame(const F: TFsFrame;
+ const NameTag: String; const bmp: TFastDIB;
+ const quality: Integer; const sendjpg: Boolean );
+ function Header(const _size: Integer): String;
+ var
+ s, s2: String;
+ begin
+ s2 := Copy(IntToStr(f.d1.Surface.Width), 1, 4);
+ while Length(s2)<4 do s2:='0'+s2;
+ s := fsframeHeader+s2;
+ s2 := Copy(IntToStr(f.d1.Surface.Height), 1, 4);
+ while Length(s2)<4 do s2:='0'+s2;
+ s := s+s2;
+ s2 := Copy(IntToStr(_size), 1, 7);
+ while Length(s2)<7 do s2:='0'+s2;
+ s := s+s2;
+ s2 := Copy(NameTag, 1, 8);
+ while Length(s2)<8 do s2:=s2+' ';
+ s := s+s2;
+ if sendjpg then s:=s+'1' else s:=s+'0';
+ Result := s;
+ end;
+ sd: TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ jSize, dSize: Integer;
+ JP: Pointer;
+ if not csfs.Active then begin
+ Post('send: not connected');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if sendjpg then begin
+ JP := AllocMem(bmp.Size);
+ jSize := SaveJPGMem(bmp, JP, bmp.Size, quality);
+ while csfs.Socket.SendText(Header(jSize))=-1 do
+ Application.HandleMessage;
+ while csfs.Socket.SendBuf(JP^, jSize)=-1 do
+ Application.HandleMessage;
+ FreeMem(JP);
+ end else begin
+ f.d1.Surface.Lock(sd);
+ dSize := sd.lPitch*f.d1.Surface.Height+f.d1.Surface.Width;
+ while csfs.Socket.SendText(Header(dSize))=-1 do
+ Application.HandleMessage;
+ while csfs.Socket.SendBuf(sd.lpSurface^, dSize)=-1 do
+ Application.HandleMessage;
+ f.d1.Surface.UnLock;
+ end;
+// TODO: this procedure is more confusing than it needs to be
+procedure Tmain.ssfsClientRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Receiving: Boolean = False;
+ Recd: Integer = 0;
+ fWidth: Integer = 0;
+ fHeight: Integer = 0;
+ fSize: Integer = 0;
+ fJpg: Boolean = True;
+ nametag: String = '';
+ Buf: Pointer = nil;
+ BufPos: Integer = 0;
+ read: Integer;
+ tp: Pointer;
+ s: String;
+ f: TFsFrame;
+ sd: TDDSurfaceDesc;
+ temp: array[0..255] of Char;
+ // header was received, extract data about incoming frame
+ procedure GetHeader;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ S := StrPas(StrLCopy(tp, PChar(SocketMem), fsframeHeaderLen));
+ fWidth := MyStrToInt(Copy(S, 4, 4));
+ fHeight := MyStrToInt(Copy(S, 8, 4));
+ fSize := MyStrToInt(Copy(S, 12, 7));
+ nametag := Trim(Copy(S, 19, 8));
+ fJpg := Boolean(S[27]='1');
+{ Post('Width: '+IntToStr(fWidth)+' Height: '+
+ IntToStr(fHeight)+' Size: '+IntToStr(fSize)+
+ ' nametag: '+nametag+' jpg: '+IntToStr(Integer(fJpg)));
+ Receiving := True;
+ Recd := 0;
+ Buf := AllocMem(fSize);
+ BufPos := 0;
+ if read>fsframeHeaderLen then begin
+ i := read-fsframeHeaderLen;
+ if fSize<i then
+ i := fSize;
+ Move(Pointer(Integer(SocketMem)+fsframeHeaderLen)^,
+ Pointer(Integer(Buf)+BufPos)^, i);
+ Inc(BufPos, read-fsframeHeaderLen);
+ Inc(Recd, read-fsframeHeaderLen);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // frame is complete, display it
+ function DoFrame: Boolean;
+ var
+ offset: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ f := GetFrameByTag(nametag);
+ if (f.d1.Surface.Width<>fWidth) or (f.d1.Surface.Height<>fHeight) then
+ f.d1.SetSize(fWidth, fHeight);
+ if fJpg then begin
+ LoadJPGMem(fBmp, Buf, fSize, False);
+ fBmp.Draw(f.d1.Surface.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0);
+ f.d1.Surface.Canvas.Release;
+ end else begin
+ f.d1.Surface.Lock(sd);
+ Move(Buf^, sd.lpSurface^, fSize);
+ f.d1.Surface.UnLock;
+ end;
+ f.FlipRequest;
+ FreeMem(Buf);
+ Receiving := False;
+ if BufPos>fSize then begin
+ // read: bytes read from socket
+ // bufpos: amount of total data from this and previous reads
+ // fsize: bytes needed for this frame
+ // bufpos - fsize: bytes read belonging to next frame
+ // read - (bufpos - fsize): offset for the next frame
+ offset := read - (BufPos - fSize);
+ read := (BufPos - fSize);
+ Move(Pointer(Integer(SocketMem)+offset)^, SocketMem^, read);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tp := @temp;
+ read := Socket.ReceiveBuf(SocketMem^, 100000);
+ while True do begin
+// Post('read '+IntToStr(read));
+ if Receiving then begin
+ Inc(Recd, read);
+ if BufPos+read > fSize then
+ Move(SocketMem^, Pointer(Integer(Buf)+BufPos)^, fSize-BufPos)
+ else
+ Move(SocketMem^, Pointer(Integer(Buf)+BufPos)^, read);
+ Inc(BufPos, read);
+ if Recd>=fSize then
+ if DoFrame then
+ Continue;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (StrLComp(PChar(SocketMem), fsframeHeader, Length(fsframeHeader))=0) then begin
+ GetHeader;
+ if Recd>=fSize then
+ if DoFrame then
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end;
+procedure Tmain.csfsError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ ErrorCode := 0;
+procedure Tmain.ssfsClientError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ ErrorCode := 0;
+procedure Tmain.csToPdError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
+ ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
+ ErrorCode := 0;
+procedure Tmain.csfsConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('connected '+csfs.Host+' '+IntToStr(csfs.Port));
+procedure Tmain.csfsDisconnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('disconnected '+csfs.Host+' '+IntToStr(csfs.Port));
+procedure Tmain.ssfsClientConnect(Sender: TObject;
+ Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('Connection from '+Socket.RemoteAddress);
+procedure Tmain.ssfsClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject;
+ Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
+ Post('Disconnected '+Socket.RemoteAddress);
+procedure Tmain.MiLogClick(Sender: TObject);
+ MiLog.Checked := not MiLog.Checked;
+ log.Visible := MiLog.Checked;
+ logstate := log.Visible;
+procedure Tmain.SendReturnValues(const S: String);
+ i, c: Integer;
+ s2: String;
+ if not csToPd.Active then Exit;
+ c := WordCount(S, [';']);
+ for i:=1 to c do begin
+ s2 := ExtractWord(i, S, [';']);
+ if Pos('=', s2)>0 then begin
+ csToPd.Socket.SendText(
+ ExtractWord(1, s2, ['='])+' '+
+ ExtractWord(2, s2, ['='])+';'
+ );
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure Tmain.SendReturnValuesString(
+ const PdName: String; const S: String);
+ St: String;
+ i: Integer;
+ St := S;
+ for i:=1 to Length(St) do begin
+ if St[i]='\' then St[i]:='/';
+ SendReturnValues(PdName+'='+Long2Str(Ord(St[i])));
+ end;
+ SendReturnValues(PdName+'=0');
+procedure Tmain.ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
+ i: Integer;
+ f: TFsFrame;
+ if Pos('1400', E.Message)>0 then begin // invalid window handle
+ // check any fs.frames with invalid window handles
+ // (due to closing a patch with docked fs.frames)
+ if ComponentCount=0 then Exit;
+ for i:=ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do
+ if Components[i] is TFsFrame then begin
+ f := Components[i] as TFsFrame;
+ if (f.ParentWindow>0) and
+ not IsWindow(f.ParentWindow) then begin
+// Q: close or undock fs.frame?
+// A: this will not happed immediately when a patch is closed,
+// so closing the frame is more intuitive than popping it up
+// after a while.
+ f.Free;
+{ f.ParentWindow := 0;
+ f.Borders(True);}
+ end;
+ end else
+ end else
+ ShowMessage(E.Message);
+procedure Tmain.DropFileHandler(const h: HWND; const DroppedFileName: String);
+ i: Integer;
+ f: TFsFrame;
+ if ComponentCount=0 then Exit;
+ for i:=ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do
+ if Components[i] is TFsFrame then begin
+ f := Components[i] as TFsFrame;
+ if f.Handle=h then begin
+ f.HandleDroppedFile(DroppedFileName);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure Tmain.AppMessage(var Msg: Tmsg; var Handled: Boolean);
+ BufferLength : word = 255;
+ DroppedFilename : string;
+ FileIndex : Longword;
+ QtyDroppedFiles : word;
+ pDroppedFilename : array [0..255] of Char;
+// DroppedFileLength : word;
+ if Msg.Message = WM_DROPFILES then begin
+ FileIndex := $FFFFFFFF;
+ QtyDroppedFiles := DragQueryFile(Msg.WParam, FileIndex,
+ pDroppedFilename, BufferLength);
+ for FileIndex := 0 to (QtyDroppedFiles - 1) do begin
+// DroppedFileLength :=
+ DragQueryFile(Msg.WParam, FileIndex,
+ pDroppedFilename, BufferLength);
+ DroppedFilename := StrPas(pDroppedFilename);
+ DropFileHandler(msg.HWND, DroppedFilename);
+ end;
+ DragFinish(Msg.WParam);
+ Handled := True;
+ end;
+procedure Tmain.minimizeall;
+ i: Integer;
+ if ComponentCount=0 then Exit;
+ for i:=ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do
+ if Components[i] is TfsForm then
+ TForm(Components[i]).WindowState := wsMinimized;
+procedure Tmain.MiExitClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Application.Terminate;
+function Tmain.FileExistsInSearchPath(var S: String): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ filestr: String;
+ Result := FileExists(S);
+ if not Result and (SearchPath.Count>0) then begin
+ filestr := ExtractFileName(S);
+ for i:=0 to SearchPath.Count-1 do begin
+ if FileExists(SearchPath.Strings[i]+'\'+filestr) then begin
+ S := SearchPath.Strings[i]+'\'+filestr;
+ Result := True;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure Tmain.ImageLogoDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Reset;
+procedure Tmain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ if main.ParentWindow<>0 then begin
+ main.ParentWindow:=0;
+ end;