path: root/gemnotes_0.2.3/src/gemnotes_countbars.c
diff options
authorEd Kelly <edkelly@users.sourceforge.net>2012-09-15 13:29:19 +0000
committerEd Kelly <edkelly@users.sourceforge.net>2012-09-15 13:29:19 +0000
commit878ee3f2844f1c2cdbf14e3f9b9acbd43bdd9edf (patch)
treeb6d0a2648124f7c8ca1f33d3be033989765355fe /gemnotes_0.2.3/src/gemnotes_countbars.c
parent7e6ddaecb55b563180d191484fa95710787a97c2 (diff)
gemnotes 0.2.3
svn path=/trunk/externals/ekext/; revision=16237
Diffstat (limited to 'gemnotes_0.2.3/src/gemnotes_countbars.c')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gemnotes_0.2.3/src/gemnotes_countbars.c b/gemnotes_0.2.3/src/gemnotes_countbars.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4650d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gemnotes_0.2.3/src/gemnotes_countbars.c
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#include <math.h>
+static t_class *gemnotes_countbars_class;
+/* list inlet: [rhythm dur vel start]
+ * when the BPM changes, the offset accumulates the start time of the first
+ * note, and is subtracted from subsequent inter-onset times
+ */
+/* The Gemnotes system can only handle one voice at the moment. */
+/* this object is probably where key signatures (flatsharp flag) and dynamics
+ * will be calculated eventually, since it has access to the pitch and
+ * velocity information
+ */
+typedef struct _gemnotes_countbars {
+ t_object x_obj;
+ t_atom outlist[5];
+ t_float bpm, qtime, divtime, numer, denom;
+ // int setoffset, iotdiv;
+ t_float allcount, barcount, barlen, bardiv, iot, offset, rhythm, dur, notedur, nbars;
+ t_float start, pitch, vel;
+ t_float prevstart, previot, prevdurt, prevdur, tdiff, polydiff;
+ t_float outstart;
+ int ndurs, polycompare, debug;
+ t_outlet *note, *bars;
+} t_gemnotes_countbars;
+/* There are real problems with this algorithm. Firstly it assumes that all notes
+ * are not polyrhythmic against the basic pulse, so manual editing of the score
+ * will be necessary if there are polyrhythmic note divisions. Secondly, there can
+ * only be one voice with chords.
+ * Perhaps this should all be folded into polyquant, with polyquant
+ * measuring all 136 MIDI timings internally...
+ * ...for live input transcription, there would need to be quantization
+ * of the inter-onset time.
+ * I need to learn about clocks in PD!
+ */
+void gemnotes_countbars_note (t_gemnotes_countbars *z, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ float newcount = 0;
+ if(argc == 5)
+ {
+ z->prevstart = z->start;
+ z->prevdur = z->dur;
+ z->pitch = atom_getfloat(argv);
+ z->rhythm = atom_getfloat(argv+1);
+ z->dur = atom_getfloat(argv+2);
+ z->vel = atom_getfloat(argv+3);
+ z->start = atom_getfloat(argv+4);
+ z->prevdurt = z->notedur;
+ z->notedur = z->divtime * z->dur;
+ z->previot = z->iot;
+ z->iot = z->start - z->prevstart;
+ z->tdiff = z->iot - z->prevdurt;
+ z->outstart = 0;
+ /* Deal with polyrhythmic notes - a kludge until polyquant is integrated with this object */
+ z->polydiff = z->iot / z->divtime;
+ z->polycompare = (int)z->polydiff;
+ if(z->tdiff < 2 && z->tdiff > -2 && z->allcount > 0)
+ {
+ newcount = z->barcount + z->prevdur;
+ if(newcount >= z->barlen)
+ {
+ z->nbars++;
+ outlet_float(z->bars, z->nbars);
+ }
+ z->barcount = (float)((int)newcount % (int)z->barlen);
+ z->allcount++;
+ if(z->debug == 1) post("barcount = %d, barlen = %d, + sign",(int)z->barcount, (int)z->barlen);
+ z->outstart = -1;
+ }
+ else if((float)z->polycompare - z->polydiff < -2)
+ {
+ newcount = z->barcount + z->polydiff;
+ if(newcount >= z->barlen)
+ {
+ z->nbars++;
+ outlet_float(z->bars, z->nbars);
+ newcount -= z->barlen;
+ z->barcount = newcount;
+ }
+ else if(newcount < z->barlen)
+ {
+ z->barcount = newcount;
+ }
+ z->outstart = z->barcount;
+ if(z->debug == 1) post("barcount = %d, barlen = %d, poly",(int)z->barcount, (int)z->barlen);
+ }
+ else if(z->iot < 2 && z->allcount > 0)
+ {
+ z->outstart = -2;
+ post("chord");
+ }
+ else if(z->allcount == 0)
+ {
+ z->outstart = 0;
+ z->allcount++;
+ z->nbars = 1;
+ outlet_float(z->bars, z->nbars);
+ post("start");
+ }
+ else if(z->tdiff > 1)
+ {
+ //assumes that the inter-onset time is always either 1 duration or more
+ //this bit will need to be changed for multi-voice scenarios to be supported
+ //but since it is proportional notation, maybe we can minimize rests
+ z->ndurs = 1;
+ while(z->tdiff > 1)
+ {
+ z->ndurs++;
+ z->tdiff -= z->divtime;
+ }
+ z->allcount += (float)z->ndurs;
+ newcount = (float)z->ndurs;
+ while(newcount >= z->barlen)
+ {
+ newcount -= z->barlen;
+ z->nbars++;
+ outlet_float(z->bars, z->nbars);
+ }
+ newcount += z->barcount;
+ if(newcount >= z->barlen)
+ {
+ z->nbars++;
+ outlet_float(z->bars, z->nbars);
+ }
+ z->barcount = (float)((int)(z->barcount + (float)z->ndurs) % (int)z->barlen);
+ z->outstart = z->barcount;
+ if(z->debug == 1) post("barcount = %d, barlen = %d - floatstart",(int)z->barcount, (int)z->barlen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ post("iot:%f,tdiff:%f,prevdur:%f,previot:%f,nomethod",z->iot, z->tdiff, z->prevdurt, z->previot);
+ }
+ SETFLOAT(&z->outlist[0], z->outstart);
+ SETFLOAT(&z->outlist[1], z->pitch);
+ SETFLOAT(&z->outlist[2], z->dur);
+ SETFLOAT(&z->outlist[4], z->vel);
+ outlet_list(z->note, gensym("list"), 5, z->outlist);
+ }
+void gemnotes_countbars_bpm (t_gemnotes_countbars *z, t_floatarg f)
+ if(f != z->bpm && f > 0)
+ {
+ post("Tempo = %f Beats Per-Minute",f);
+ z->bpm = f;
+ // z->setoffset = 1;
+ z->qtime = 60000/f;
+ z->divtime = z->qtime / (z->bardiv / 4);
+ z->notedur = z->divtime * z->dur;
+ }
+void gemnotes_countbars_bar (t_gemnotes_countbars *z, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ if(argc > 2)
+ {
+ z->numer = atom_getfloat(argv);
+ z->denom = atom_getfloat(argv+1);
+ z->bardiv = atom_getfloat(argv+2);
+ z->barlen = z->numer / z->denom * z->bardiv;
+ z->divtime = z->qtime / (z->bardiv / 4);
+ z->prevdurt = z->divtime;
+ z->barcount = 0;
+ post("Bar of %d/%d, divisions: %d", (int)z->numer, (int)z->denom, (int)z->bardiv);
+ }
+ else if(argc > 1)
+ {
+ z->numer = atom_getfloat(argv);
+ z->denom = atom_getfloat(argv+1);
+ z->barlen = z->numer / z->denom * z->bardiv;
+ z->divtime = z->qtime / (z->bardiv / 4);
+ z->prevdurt = z->divtime;
+ z->barcount = 0;
+ post("Bar of %d/%d, divisions: %d", (int)z->numer, (int)z->denom, (int)z->bardiv);
+ }
+ else if(argc > 0)
+ {
+ z->numer = atom_getfloat(argv);
+ z->barlen = z->numer / z->denom * z->bardiv;
+ z->divtime = z->qtime / (z->bardiv / 4);
+ z->prevdurt = z->divtime;
+ z->barcount = 0;
+ post("Bar of %d/%d, divisions: %d", (int)z->numer, (int)z->denom, (int)z->bardiv);
+ }
+void gemnotes_countbars_debug(t_gemnotes_countbars *z, t_floatarg f)
+ z->debug = f != 0 ? (int)f : 0;
+void gemnotes_countbars_reset(t_gemnotes_countbars *z)
+ z->allcount = z->barcount = 0;
+ z->nbars = 1;
+void *gemnotes_countbars_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ t_gemnotes_countbars *z = (t_gemnotes_countbars *)pd_new(gemnotes_countbars_class);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<5;i++) SETFLOAT(&z->outlist[i], 0);
+ z->bpm = 120;
+ z->numer = 4;
+ z->denom = 4;
+ z->bardiv = 16;
+ // args: bpm, numer, denom, div
+ if(argc > 0) z->bpm = atom_getfloat(argv);
+ if(argc > 1) z->numer = atom_getfloat(argv+1);
+ if(argc > 2) z->denom = atom_getfloat(argv+2);
+ if(argc > 3) z->bardiv = atom_getfloat(argv+3);
+ z->qtime = 60000/z->bpm;
+ z->divtime = z->qtime / (z->bardiv / z->denom);
+ z->prevdurt = z->divtime;
+ z->barlen = z->numer / z->denom * z->bardiv;
+ z->barcount = z->allcount = 0;
+ z->previot = 0;
+ z->prevstart = -125;
+ z->nbars = 1;
+ z->note = outlet_new(&z->x_obj, gensym("list"));
+ z->bars = outlet_new(&z->x_obj, gensym("float"));
+ return(void *)z;
+void gemnotes_countbars_setup(void)
+ gemnotes_countbars_class = class_new(gensym("gemnotes_countbars"),
+ (t_newmethod)gemnotes_countbars_new,
+ 0, sizeof(t_gemnotes_countbars),
+ 0, A_GIMME, 0);
+ post("gemnotes_countbars - yu need this for realtime notation...");
+ post("version 0.4...by Ed Kelly 2010 - morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk");
+ class_addmethod(gemnotes_countbars_class, (t_method)gemnotes_countbars_note, gensym("note"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gemnotes_countbars_class, (t_method)gemnotes_countbars_bar, gensym("bar"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gemnotes_countbars_class, (t_method)gemnotes_countbars_bpm, gensym("bpm"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gemnotes_countbars_class, (t_method)gemnotes_countbars_reset, gensym("reset"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gemnotes_countbars_class, (t_method)gemnotes_countbars_debug, gensym("debug"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);