path: root/themes_memory.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'themes_memory.c')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes_memory.c b/themes_memory.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d4d716a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes_memory.c
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+Davide Morelli http://www.davidemorelli.it
+David Plans Casal http://www.studios.uea.ac.uk/people/staff/casal
+uses graphs to store melodies
+it is just like rhythms_memory but works on the more complex world of themes
+ * memory save/load to file (?)
+ * output rhythms in the form of list of floats (easy)
+ * add velo (?)
+ * input rhythms from a list (second inlet) (easy)
+ * let it create variations on known rhythms (?)
+ * let it merge rhythms (?)
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static t_class *themes_memory_class;
+typedef struct event event;
+typedef struct event
+ unsigned short int voice;
+ double when;
+ event *next;
+typedef struct _themes_memory
+ t_object x_obj; // myself
+ // 3 outlets:
+ // bangs_out plays the wanted rhythmsin realtime
+ // list_out outputs the wanted rhythm as a list of floats
+ // info_out outputs info on the last recognized rhythm
+ t_outlet *bangs_out, *list_out, *info_out;
+ t_rhythm_event *curr_seq;
+ int seq_initialized;
+ // the memory
+ t_rhythm_memory_representation *themes_memory;
+ // measure length
+ double measure_start_time;
+ double measure_length;
+ // input rhythm's events
+ event *events;
+ // output rhythm's events
+ unsigned short int next_main_rhythm_out;
+ unsigned short int next_sub_rhythm_out;
+ event *events_out;
+ t_clock *x_clock;
+ double x_deltime;
+ double last_event_out_time;
+} t_themes_memory;
+void themes_memory_free(t_themes_memory *x)
+ if (x->curr_seq)
+ freeBeats(x->curr_seq);
+ if (x->themes_memory)
+ rhythm_memory_free(x->themes_memory);
+ clock_free(x->x_clock);
+// called when a new measure starts
+void start_measure(t_themes_memory *x)
+ // I call the pd functions to get a representation
+ // of this very moment
+ x->measure_start_time = clock_getlogicaltime();
+ x->last_event_out_time = 0;
+// called when a new event occours
+void add_event(t_themes_memory *x, unsigned short int voice)
+ event *newEvent, *currEvent, *lastEvent;
+ double when;
+ when = clock_gettimesince(x->measure_start_time);
+ newEvent = (event *) malloc(sizeof(event));
+ newEvent->when = when;
+ newEvent->voice = voice;
+ newEvent->next = 0;
+ currEvent = x->events;
+ if (currEvent)
+ {
+ // this is not the first event
+ while(currEvent)
+ {
+ lastEvent = currEvent;
+ currEvent = currEvent->next;
+ }
+ lastEvent->next = newEvent;
+ } else
+ {
+ // this is the first event
+ x->events = newEvent;
+ }
+ post("event added");
+// called when a measure ends
+void end_measure(t_themes_memory *x)
+ float fduration;
+ event *currEvent, *lastEvent;
+ unsigned short int is_it_a_new_rhythm;
+ unsigned short int id, subid;
+ float root_closeness, sub_closeness;
+ int counter;
+ t_atom *lista;
+ // these 2 are for output rhythm
+ int rhythm_found;
+ t_rhythm_event *wanted_rhythm;
+ t_rhythm_event *curr_rhythm;
+ event *lastOutEvent;
+ // I call the pd functions to get a representation
+ // of this very moment
+ x->measure_length = clock_gettimesince(x->measure_start_time);
+ // now that i know the exact length of the current measure
+ // i can process the rhythm in the current measure
+ // and evaluate it
+ currEvent = x->events;
+ // this is not the first event
+ // now I translate events in rhythm
+ counter = 0;
+ while(currEvent)
+ {
+ fduration = (float) (((float) currEvent->when) / ((float) x->measure_length));
+ if (x->seq_initialized)
+ {
+ concatenateBeat(x->curr_seq, currEvent->voice, fduration, 1);
+ } else
+ {
+ setFirstBeat(&(x->curr_seq), currEvent->voice, fduration, 1);
+ x->seq_initialized = 1;
+ }
+ currEvent = currEvent->next;
+ counter++;
+ }
+ // delete events after having evaluated them
+ currEvent = x->events;
+ // this is not the first event
+ while(currEvent)
+ {
+ lastEvent = currEvent;
+ currEvent = currEvent->next;
+ free(lastEvent);
+ }
+ x->events = 0;
+ if (x->curr_seq)
+ {
+ // now I evaluate this rhythm with the memory
+ rhythm_memory_evaluate(x->themes_memory, x->curr_seq, &is_it_a_new_rhythm,
+ &id, &subid, &root_closeness, &sub_closeness);
+ // tell out the answer
+ // allocate space for the list
+ lista = (t_atom *) malloc(sizeof(t_atom) * 5);
+ SETFLOAT(lista, (float) is_it_a_new_rhythm);
+ SETFLOAT(lista+1, (float) id);
+ SETFLOAT(lista+2, (float) subid);
+ SETFLOAT(lista+3, (float) root_closeness);
+ SETFLOAT(lista+4, (float) sub_closeness);
+ outlet_anything(x->info_out,
+ gensym("list") ,
+ 5,
+ lista);
+ free(lista);
+ // rhythm_memory_evaluate freed the memory for the rhythm if needed
+ x->seq_initialized = 0;
+ x->curr_seq = 0;
+ }
+ // I free the list of events_out (if present)
+ currEvent = x->events_out;
+ // this is not the first event
+ while(currEvent)
+ {
+ lastEvent = currEvent;
+ currEvent = currEvent->next;
+ free(lastEvent);
+ }
+ x->events_out = 0;
+ // i set up the list of events_out
+ // for the wanted rhythm
+ if (x->next_main_rhythm_out)
+ {
+ wanted_rhythm = 0;
+ // ask the memory for the wanted rhythm
+ rhythm_found = rhythm_memory_get_rhythm(x->themes_memory, // the memory
+ &wanted_rhythm, // a pointer to the returned rhythm
+ // the id of the main rhythm wanted
+ x->next_main_rhythm_out,
+ // the sub-id of the sub-rhythm wanted
+ x->next_sub_rhythm_out);
+ if (rhythm_found==0)
+ {
+ post("themes_memory: rhythm %i %i was not found ", x->next_main_rhythm_out, x->next_sub_rhythm_out);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (wanted_rhythm==0)
+ {
+ error("themes_memory: wanted_rhythm should not be null! ");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // now I setup the events_out list
+ // for each event in wanted_rhythm
+ // allocate and link an element of elements_out
+ curr_rhythm = wanted_rhythm;
+ lastOutEvent = 0;
+ while (curr_rhythm)
+ {
+ event *newEvent;
+ newEvent = malloc(sizeof(event));
+ newEvent->next = 0;
+ newEvent->voice = curr_rhythm->voice;
+ newEvent->when = (double) (duration2float(curr_rhythm->start) * x->measure_length);
+ post("DEBUG: add event in moment: %f", newEvent->when);
+ if (x->events_out)
+ {
+ // this is not the first event
+ // assign the next
+ lastOutEvent->next = newEvent;
+ } else
+ {
+ // this is the first event
+ x->events_out = newEvent;
+ }
+ // change the last pointer
+ lastOutEvent = newEvent;
+ curr_rhythm = curr_rhythm->next;
+ }
+ // also setup the timer for the first event
+ if (x->events_out)
+ {
+ // setup the clock
+ clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->events_out->when);
+ // remember when next event will occour
+ x->last_event_out_time = x->events_out->when;
+ // remember the curr event
+ lastOutEvent = x->events_out;
+ //reassign next event
+ x->events_out = x->events_out->next;
+ // free old event
+ free(lastOutEvent);
+ }
+ x->next_main_rhythm_out = 0;
+ }
+ // also start the new measure!
+ start_measure(x);
+// this function is called by pd
+// when the timer bangs
+static void rhythms_tick(t_themes_memory *x)
+ event *lastOutEvent;
+ // here i must:
+ // take the next element in x->events_out
+ // and compute when I'll need to schedule next event
+ // (next_event - curr_event)
+ // set the next element as the current one
+ // and free the memory allocated for the old curr event
+ // set up the timer
+ post("DEBUG: eveng bang");
+ // first of all trigger the bang!
+ outlet_bang(x->bangs_out);
+ //then do the stuff
+ if (x->events_out)
+ {
+ // setup the clock
+ clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->events_out->when - x->last_event_out_time);
+ // remember when next event will occour
+ x->last_event_out_time = x->events_out->when ;
+ // remember the curr event
+ lastOutEvent = x->events_out;
+ //reassign next event
+ x->events_out = x->events_out->next;
+ // free old event
+ free(lastOutEvent);
+ }
+// the user wants me to play a rhythm in the next measure
+// the user MUST pass 2 args: main_rhythm and sub_rhythm wanted
+static void ask_rhythm(t_themes_memory *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ if (argc<2)
+ {
+ error("this method needs at least 2 floats: main_rhythm and sub_rhythm wanted");
+ return;
+ }
+ //argv++;
+ x->next_main_rhythm_out = atom_getfloat(argv++);
+ x->next_sub_rhythm_out = atom_getfloat(argv);
+ post("DEBUG: asked rhythm %i %i", x->next_main_rhythm_out, x->next_sub_rhythm_out);
+ // i have nothing left to do:
+ // when this measure will end a list of events_out will be set
+ // from the current values of x->next_main_rhythm_out and x->next_sub_rhythm_out
+// add this rhythm to the memory
+static void add_rhythm(t_themes_memory *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ // TODO
+ post("TODO");
+// creates a variation of a given rhythm (in memory)
+// with a given degree of closeness
+static void variation(t_themes_memory *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ // TODO
+ post("TODO");
+ // get the rhythm
+ // using the transitions table create a new one
+ // add it to the memory?
+ // output to the list outlet?
+ // set it as the next played rhythm
+static void themes_memory_bang(t_themes_memory *x) {
+ // generate a random value
+ float rnd;
+ t_rhythm_event *events;
+ t_duration dur;
+ rnd = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1);
+ dur = float2duration(rnd);
+ post("random value=%f duration.numerator=%i duration.denominator=%i", rnd, dur.numerator, dur.denominator);
+ if (x->seq_initialized)
+ {
+ concatenateBeat(x->curr_seq, 0, rnd, 1);
+ } else
+ {
+ setFirstBeat(&(x->curr_seq), 0, rnd, 1);
+ x->seq_initialized = 1;
+ }
+ // print the sequence
+ events = x->curr_seq;
+ while(events)
+ {
+ post("event: numerator=%i, denominator=%i", events->duration.numerator, events->duration.denominator);
+ events=events->next;
+ }
+void *themes_memory_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ int i;
+ time_t a;
+ t_themes_memory *x = (t_themes_memory *)pd_new(themes_memory_class);
+ // first is for bangs (to let this external play in realtime
+ //x->l_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list);
+ x->bangs_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("bang"));
+ // this outputs lists of events
+ x->list_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, "symbol");
+ // this outputs info on the last detected rhythm
+ x->info_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, "symbol");
+ // inlet for rhythms in the form of lists
+ inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("list"), gensym("rhythm_in"));
+ x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)rhythms_tick);
+ x->seq_initialized = 0;
+ rhythm_memory_create(&(x->themes_memory));
+ start_measure(x);
+ return (x);
+// debugging function
+void crash(t_themes_memory *x)
+ int *a;
+ a = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ a[9999999999999999999] = 1;
+void themes_memory_setup(void)
+ themes_memory_class = class_new(gensym("themes_memory"), (t_newmethod)themes_memory_new,
+ (t_method)themes_memory_free, sizeof(t_themes_memory), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addbang(themes_memory_class, (t_method)themes_memory_bang);
+ class_addmethod(themes_memory_class, (t_method)end_measure, gensym("measure"), 0);
+ class_doaddfloat(themes_memory_class, (t_method)add_event);
+ class_addmethod(themes_memory_class, (t_method)crash, gensym("crash"), 0);
+ // the user asks for a rhythm
+ class_addmethod(themes_memory_class, (t_method)ask_rhythm, gensym("rhythm_out"),
+ A_GIMME, 0);
+ // adds a rhythm passing it as a list of floats
+ class_addmethod(themes_memory_class, (t_method)add_rhythm, gensym("rhythm_in"),
+ A_GIMME, 0);
+ // builds a variation of a given rhythm
+ class_addmethod(themes_memory_class, (t_method)variation, gensym("variation"),
+ A_GIMME, 0);