path: root/PDContainer/help/help-h_deque.pd
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authorGeorg Holzmann <grholzi@users.sourceforge.net>2007-01-05 16:50:40 +0000
committerGeorg Holzmann <grholzi@users.sourceforge.net>2007-01-05 16:50:40 +0000
commit1d2cfd199565f0e271af9a8b91530eb0ad132f8c (patch)
treed7c6b752f0350e83a36fa5fb34f749e3c6745014 /PDContainer/help/help-h_deque.pd
parent3fa36292c85af3eda0a221e5f86c13a6d85c8d1b (diff)
adding new helpfile standard
svn path=/trunk/externals/grh/; revision=7217
Diffstat (limited to 'PDContainer/help/help-h_deque.pd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/PDContainer/help/help-h_deque.pd b/PDContainer/help/help-h_deque.pd
deleted file mode 100755
index c28052e..0000000
--- a/PDContainer/help/help-h_deque.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 344 22 799 883 10;
-#X obj 147 379 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
-#X obj 498 23 cnv 15 204 120 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -66577 -66577
-#X obj 500 25 cnv 15 200 116 empty empty ReadMe: 65 15 0 14 -262131
--143491 0;
-#N canvas 674 0 511 843 General_Concept 0;
-#X text 37 165 This library was made for algorithmic composition and
-of course for all other algorithms. I came into troubles with making
-bigger musical structures in PD with send-receive pairs \, arrays \,
-etc. So I tried to make it possible \, to have access to some storage
-in a whole patch.;
-#X text 131 131 ::: GOAL OF THE LIBRARY :::;
-#X text 39 428 For communication I use namespaces. Every Container
-with the same namespace (and the same container type) has access to
-the same data. So you can modify and get this data everywhere in the
-patch. For local namespaces use names with \$0.;
-#X text 140 266 ::: DATASTRUCTURES :::;
-#X text 156 397 ::: NAMESPACES :::;
-#X obj 33 24 cnv 15 404 54 empty empty empty 22 25 0 18 -1 -66577 0
-#X obj 35 26 cnv 15 400 50 empty empty PDContainer 22 25 0 18 -228992
--66577 0;
-#N canvas 434 247 671 362 namespace_example 0;
-#X obj 43 176 h_stack hallawum;
-#X msg 43 151 push some data;
-#X text 34 25 ::: NAMESPACE EXAMPLE :::;
-#X text 166 150 <- add the list "some data" to the stack;
-#X text 187 167 (namespace "hallawum");
-#X obj 41 254 h_stack hallawum;
-#X msg 41 231 top;
-#X text 76 231 <- get the data (same namespace);
-#X msg 341 235 top;
-#X obj 341 258 h_stack kaletom;
-#X obj 341 281 print BBB;
-#X obj 41 277 print AAA;
-#X text 376 235 <- get the data (different namespace);
-#X text 475 271 not possible !!!;
-#X text 35 65 In different namespaces you have access to different
-data. Here with the datastructure "stack". The two objects with the
-same namespace (here "hallawum") are sharing their data!;
-#X connect 1 0 0 0;
-#X connect 5 0 11 0;
-#X connect 6 0 5 0;
-#X connect 8 0 9 0;
-#X connect 9 0 10 0;
-#X restore 39 503 pd namespace_example;
-#X text 161 554 ::: DATATYPES :::;
-#X text 38 296 As storage datastructures I implemented the C++ STL
-(Standard Template Library) Containers in PD. Currently following datastructures
-are available (prefixed with h_): h_map \, h_multimap \, h_set \, h_multiset
-\, h_vector \, h_list \, h_deque \, h_queue \, h_priority_queue and
-#N canvas 438 21 583 739 map_example 0;
-#X obj 45 297 h_map \$0-data;
-#X msg 45 256 add data1;
-#X msg 131 273 1 4 3 5 6;
-#X obj 45 220 t b b;
-#X obj 45 194 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
-#X obj 321 303 h_map \$0-data;
-#X obj 321 226 t b b;
-#X obj 321 200 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
-#X msg 321 262 add data2;
-#X msg 407 279 6 4 5 1 2;
-#X obj 118 402 h_map \$0-data;
-#X msg 118 376 print;
-#X text 170 375 <- see whats in the container;
-#X obj 118 556 h_map \$0-data;
-#X msg 118 485 get data1;
-#X msg 142 519 get data2;
-#X obj 118 578 print AAA;
-#X text 202 485 <- get data1;
-#X text 229 520 <- get data2;
-#X text 345 199 <- add to key data2 a list;
-#X text 69 193 <- add to key data1 a list;
-#X text 32 32 ::: MAP_EXAMPLE :::;
-#X text 34 72 With the datastructure "map" it's for example possible
-to make send-receive pairs \, you don't have to update the send-receive
-pairs all the time (like [value]) \, you can use send-receive "namespaces"
-\, ...;
-#X text 111 659 ( If you use lists as key you can also make a multidimensional
-matrix ... );
-#X connect 1 0 0 0;
-#X connect 2 0 0 1;
-#X connect 3 0 1 0;
-#X connect 3 1 2 0;
-#X connect 4 0 3 0;
-#X connect 6 0 8 0;
-#X connect 6 1 9 0;
-#X connect 7 0 6 0;
-#X connect 8 0 5 0;
-#X connect 9 0 5 1;
-#X connect 11 0 10 0;
-#X connect 13 0 16 0;
-#X connect 14 0 13 0;
-#X connect 15 0 13 0;
-#X restore 41 615 pd map_example;
-#X text 273 34 general concept of;
-#X text 274 52 PDContainer;
-#X text 41 579 In the containers you can save all of the PD build-in
-datatypes: lists \, floats \, and symbol.;
-#N canvas 215 140 716 600 save_load_example 0;
-#X text 27 23 ::: SAVE/LOAD EXAMPLE :::;
-#X msg 68 229 pushback one word;
-#X msg 90 260 pushback an other word;
-#X msg 114 290 pushback something else;
-#X obj 68 198 t b b b;
-#X obj 68 168 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
-#X obj 68 324 h_list \$0-local;
-#X text 93 168 <- add these three lists to h_list;
-#X obj 333 321 h_list \$0-local;
-#X msg 358 285 print;
-#X obj 140 477 h_set blablu;
-#X msg 140 413 read example.dat;
-#X text 274 413 <- read the same data now into a h_set;
-#X text 26 67 You can save and load data from and to disk. So you can
-also exchange data through different datastructures with the same data-format
-(here from a h_list to a h_set).;
-#X msg 178 441 print;
-#X msg 333 207 saveXML example.xml;
-#X text 457 238 <- save data as file;
-#X msg 333 238 save example.dat;
-#X text 477 208 <- save data as XML file;
-#X msg 140 378 readXML example.xml;
-#X text 283 379 <- read the same XML data now into a h_set;
-#X text 22 529 Please use the XML fileformat if possible \, because
-it's easier to edit in an external editor and the XML parser is much
-more stable !;
-#X connect 1 0 6 0;
-#X connect 2 0 6 0;
-#X connect 3 0 6 0;
-#X connect 4 0 1 0;
-#X connect 4 1 2 0;
-#X connect 4 2 3 0;
-#X connect 5 0 4 0;
-#X connect 9 0 8 0;
-#X connect 11 0 10 0;
-#X connect 14 0 10 0;
-#X connect 15 0 8 0;
-#X connect 17 0 8 0;
-#X connect 19 0 10 0;
-#X restore 40 797 pd save_load_example;
-#X text 41 696 All the data of all containers can be saved to disk.
-So you can also manually edit the file with an editor (which is sometimes
-much faster) and then load it in PD into a container. You can also
-load data from other containers. Please use the XML fileformat if possible
-\, because it's easier to edit in an external editor and the XML parser
-is much more stable.;
-#X text 164 671 ::: SAVE/LOAD :::;
-#X restore 534 61 pd General_Concept;
-#X obj 33 24 cnv 15 404 54 empty empty empty 22 25 0 18 -1 -66577 0
-#X obj 35 26 cnv 15 400 50 empty empty PDContainer 22 25 0 18 -228992
--66577 0;
-#X text 295 36 help file of;
-#X text 36 98 init arg: namespace;
-#X msg 480 293 print;
-#X msg 480 379 clear;
-#X msg 480 664 help;
-#X obj 559 715 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
-#X msg 480 234 getnamespace;
-#X msg 480 417 clearall;
-#X obj 480 763 print BBB;
-#X obj 68 380 print AAA;
-#X text 591 259 <- change namespace;
-#X msg 480 258 namespace grix;
-#X text 527 294 <- print all the data of the;
-#X text 546 309 current namespace;
-#X text 528 379 <- clear all the data of the;
-#X text 549 394 current namespace;
-#X text 548 419 <- clear all the data in all;
-#X text 569 434 same containers (maybe;
-#X text 571 449 you shouldn't use this);
-#X text 580 236 <- get current namespace;
-#X text 512 193 general operations:;
-#X msg 294 341 list damm 4345 it;
-#X floatatom 294 247 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X symbolatom 294 265 10 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 294 317 hacka 45;
-#X msg 294 294 3 4 krschi;
-#X text 304 216 value:;
-#N canvas 205 0 993 742 Container_Explanation 0;
-#X obj 14 13 cnv 15 404 54 empty empty empty 22 25 0 18 -1 -66577 0
-#X obj 16 15 cnv 15 400 50 empty empty PDContainer 22 25 0 18 -228992
--66577 0;
-#X text 254 23 general explation of;
-#X text 254 40 the datastructures;
-#X text 23 655 A vector is a sequence that supports access to all elements
-via index (like an array) and fast insertion and removal of elements
-at the end. The number of elements in a vector may vary dynamically.
-#X obj 189 627 h_vector;
-#X text 500 654 Fast insertion and removal anywhere \, all the other
-elements move up. But a list provides only sequential access (not via
-index !). A list is a doubly linked list.;
-#X obj 680 628 h_list;
-#X obj 189 773 h_deque;
-#X text 498 801 A queue is a "first in first out" (FIFO) data structure.
-That is \, elements are added to the back of the queue (push) and may
-be removed from the front (pop).;
-#X obj 679 774 h_queue;
-#X text 22 951 A priority queue is also a "first in first out" (FIFO)
-data structure \, but you can give the elements a priority. So the
-elements with a higher priority are automatically inserted before all
-other elements with a lower priority.;
-#X obj 154 924 h_priority_queue;
-#X text 20 800 A deque (double ended queue \, pronounced "deck") is
-very much like a vector: like vector \, it is a sequence that supports
-access to all elements via index. The main way in which deque differs
-from vector is that fast insertion and removal of elements is possible
-at the beginning _and_ the end.;
-#X text 22 232 Maps represent a mapping from one type (the key type)
-to another type (the value type). You can associate a value with a
-key \, or find the value associated with a key \, very efficiently.
-Map is a Sorted Associative Container and it is also a Unique Associative
-Container \, meaning that no two elements have the same key. (see Multimap
-for more elements with the same key);
-#X obj 188 203 h_map;
-#X text 492 231 Multimaps are just like maps except that a key can
-be associated with several values. Multimap is a Sorted Associative
-Container and also a Multiple Associative Container \, meaning that
-there is no limit on the number of elements with the same key. (see
-also Map);
-#X obj 643 201 h_multimap;
-#X text 24 419 Sets allow you to add and delete elements. Afterwards
-you can look if an element is set. Set is a Sorted Associative Container
-and a Unique Associative Container \, meaning that no two elements
-are the same. (see Multiset to have several copies of the same element)
-#X obj 187 392 h_set;
-#X text 493 419 Multisets are just like sets \, except that you can
-have several copies of the same element. Multiset is a Sorted Associative
-Container and a Multiple Associative Container \, meaning that two
-or more elements may be identical. (see also Set);
-#X obj 642 391 h_multiset;
-#X text 339 167 :::: ASSOCIATIVE CONTAINERS ::::;
-#X text 393 592 :::: SEQUENCES ::::;
-#X text 289 1099 (look for help at all the objects for more information)
-#X text 35 87 PDContainer contains the following datastructures:;
-#X text 399 86 map \, nultimap \, set \, multiset \, vector \, list
-\, deque \, queue \, stack \, priority queue;
-#X obj 679 916 h_stack;
-#X text 495 950 Stack is a "last in first out" (LIFO) data structure:
-the element at the top of a stack is the one that was most recently
-added (push). Top outputs the elements from the top without removing
-it \, pop outputs and removes it.;
-#X restore 516 89 pd Container_Explanation;
-#X msg 480 601 resize \$1;
-#X msg 480 635 getsize;
-#X floatatom 488 573 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X floatatom 519 734 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X text 545 634 <- get the size (at 2nd;
-#X text 567 648 outlet);
-#X msg 68 290 get \$1;
-#X floatatom 74 269 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X floatatom 74 226 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 68 247 set \$1;
-#X msg 71 706 insert \$1;
-#X floatatom 80 687 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X floatatom 79 731 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 70 752 remove \$1;
-#X text 124 246 <- changes the value;
-#X text 145 260 at that index;
-#X text 142 304 at that index;
-#X text 121 290 <- get the value;
-#X text 167 379 <- bang if not found;
-#X msg 69 519 popback;
-#X floatatom 79 429 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 69 449 pushback \$1;
-#X text 209 456 <- inserts the data at the;
-#X msg 178 776 some data;
-#X text 152 679 remove and insert at index:;
-#X text 188 716 If you need this very often you;
-#X text 188 730 should better use a list or a map;
-#X text 188 743 (or something else) !;
-#X symbolatom 124 429 10 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X text 283 54 ::: h_deque :::;
-#X text 37 126 A deque (double ended queue \, pronounced "deck") is
-very much like a vector: like vector \, it is a sequence that supports
-access to all elements via index. The main way in which deque differs
-from vector is that fast insertion and removal of elements is possible
-at the beginning _and_ the end.;
-#X obj 68 358 h_deque havi;
-#X obj 70 776 h_deque havi;
-#X obj 69 619 h_deque havi;
-#X obj 480 691 h_deque havi;
-#X text 560 735 <- size of deque;
-#X text 556 602 <- resizes the deque;
-#X text 187 702 Thats not very fast with a deque!;
-#X msg 69 489 pushfront \$1;
-#X floatatom 79 470 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X symbolatom 122 470 10 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 69 542 popfront;
-#X msg 69 572 back;
-#X msg 69 594 front;
-#X text 229 471 front/back of the deque;
-#X text 208 485 (so the size will increase);
-#X text 143 521 <- removes the element from the;
-#X text 143 539 back/front (so the size will decrease);
-#X text 124 571 <- gives out the element from the;
-#X text 146 586 back/front;
-#X obj 69 641 print CCC;
-#N canvas 254 0 927 786 Fileformats 0;
-#X obj 38 27 cnv 15 404 54 empty empty empty 22 25 0 18 -1 -66577 0
-#X obj 40 29 cnv 15 400 50 empty empty PDContainer 22 25 0 18 -228992
--66577 0;
-#X text 259 56 PDContainer;
-#X text 257 38 different fileformats of;
-#X text 472 116 Please use the XML fileformat if possible \, because
-it's easier to edit in an external editor and the XML parser is much
-more stable!;
-#X text 40 582 s go;
-#X text 40 569 f 2 s wow f 2;
-#X text 40 599 f 23;
-#X text 38 634 (f=float \, s=symbol);
-#X text 37 171 a) single elements: are the containers h_vector \, h_list
-\, h_deque \, h_set \, h_multiset;
-#X text 471 172 b) key-value pairs: are the containers h_map and h_multimap
-#X text 469 276 2.element: symbol go;
-#X text 476 698 f 2 s wow - f 2;
-#X text 476 712 s go - s not f 34;
-#X text 476 729 f 23 - s op;
-#X text 488 244 key: list 2 wow;
-#X text 470 229 1.element:;
-#X text 488 258 value: float 2;
-#X text 490 291 key: symbol go;
-#X text 490 305 value: list symbol not float 34;
-#X text 39 243 1.element: list 2 wow 2;
-#X text 39 257 2.element: symbol go;
-#X text 38 272 3.element: float 23;
-#X text 37 223 a) example1:;
-#X text 470 212 b) example2:;
-#X text 37 312 a) example1 \, XML:;
-#X text 37 339 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>;
-#X text 37 353 <PDContainer type="h_list">;
-#X text 54 366 <element>;
-#X text 70 379 <f> 2 </f>;
-#X text 70 405 <f> 2 </f>;
-#X text 56 418 </element>;
-#X text 70 391 <s> wow </s>;
-#X text 56 431 <element>;
-#X text 57 455 </element>;
-#X text 72 443 <s> go </s>;
-#X text 56 468 <element>;
-#X text 57 492 </element>;
-#X text 72 480 <f> 23 </f>;
-#X text 41 506 </PDContainer>;
-#X text 41 542 a) example1 \, textfile:;
-#X text 39 115 You can save the data of the containers to XML files
-and normal textfiles (see General_Concept).;
-#X text 469 375 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>;
-#X text 469 389 <PDContainer type="h_list">;
-#X text 486 402 <element>;
-#X text 519 430 <f> 2 </f>;
-#X text 520 482 <f> 2 </f>;
-#X text 488 506 </element>;
-#X text 519 442 <s> wow </s>;
-#X text 475 634 </PDContainer>;
-#X text 469 348 b) example2 \, XML:;
-#X text 503 415 <key>;
-#X text 504 456 </key>;
-#X text 503 468 <value>;
-#X text 504 494 </value>;
-#X text 487 519 <element>;
-#X text 489 621 </element>;
-#X text 504 532 <key>;
-#X text 505 559 </key>;
-#X text 504 571 <value>;
-#X text 505 609 </value>;
-#X text 520 545 <s> go </s>;
-#X text 521 584 <s> not </s>;
-#X text 521 597 <f> 34 </f>;
-#X text 476 668 b) example2 \, textfile:;
-#X restore 548 115 pd Fileformats;
-#N canvas 174 18 646 402 read_save_possibilities 0;
-#X obj 44 336 outlet;
-#X msg 44 208 save data.dat;
-#X msg 44 244 read data.dat;
-#X msg 44 288 readat data.dat 0;
-#X text 149 208 <- save all the data of the current namespace as textfile
-#X text 143 244 <- read this textfile to the current namespace and
-insert it at the back (so the size will increase);
-#X text 177 287 <- read the textfile and insert it at the given index
-(so the size won't increase !);
-#X text 166 94 <- read this XML-file to the current namespace and insert
-it at the back (so the size will increase);
-#X text 169 61 <- save all the data of the current namespace as XML-file
-#X text 196 139 <- read the XML-file and insert it at the given index
-(so the size won't increase !);
-#X msg 44 61 saveXML data.xml;
-#X msg 44 93 readXML data.xml;
-#X msg 44 139 readatXML data.xml 0;
-#X connect 1 0 0 0;
-#X connect 2 0 0 0;
-#X connect 3 0 0 0;
-#X connect 10 0 0 0;
-#X connect 11 0 0 0;
-#X connect 12 0 0 0;
-#X restore 480 491 pd read_save_possibilities;
-#X text 520 515 different possiblities to read;
-#X text 520 529 and write from and to files;
-#X text 519 544 (XML and textfiles);
-#X text 216 844 htttp://grh.mur.at/software/pdcontainer.html;
-#X text 180 827 =%)!(%= PDContainer \, by Georg Holzmann <grh@mur.at>
-\, 2005;
-#X msg 480 334 getall;
-#X text 535 335 <- dumps out all data sequentially;
-#X text 556 349 at the first outlet;
-#X connect 8 0 68 0;
-#X connect 9 0 68 0;
-#X connect 10 0 68 0;
-#X connect 12 0 68 0;
-#X connect 13 0 68 0;
-#X connect 17 0 68 0;
-#X connect 27 0 65 1;
-#X connect 28 0 65 1;
-#X connect 29 0 65 1;
-#X connect 30 0 65 1;
-#X connect 31 0 65 1;
-#X connect 34 0 68 0;
-#X connect 35 0 68 0;
-#X connect 36 0 34 0;
-#X connect 40 0 65 0;
-#X connect 41 0 40 0;
-#X connect 42 0 43 0;
-#X connect 43 0 65 0;
-#X connect 44 0 66 0;
-#X connect 45 0 44 0;
-#X connect 46 0 47 0;
-#X connect 47 0 66 0;
-#X connect 53 0 67 0;
-#X connect 54 0 55 0;
-#X connect 55 0 67 0;
-#X connect 57 0 66 1;
-#X connect 62 0 55 0;
-#X connect 65 0 15 0;
-#X connect 65 2 0 0;
-#X connect 67 0 84 0;
-#X connect 68 0 14 0;
-#X connect 68 1 37 0;
-#X connect 68 2 11 0;
-#X connect 72 0 67 0;
-#X connect 73 0 72 0;
-#X connect 74 0 72 0;
-#X connect 75 0 67 0;
-#X connect 76 0 67 0;
-#X connect 77 0 67 0;
-#X connect 86 0 68 0;
-#X connect 92 0 14 0;