path: root/pix_recNN/pix_recNN.cpp
diff options
authorGeorg Holzmann <grholzi@users.sourceforge.net>2005-07-12 14:40:21 +0000
committerGeorg Holzmann <grholzi@users.sourceforge.net>2005-07-12 14:40:21 +0000
commit7c3c5dd0f8d7089bd50282e9dcd56e36798e18cf (patch)
tree156c00e6213b8c48e520d9eeee499ddce4c649be /pix_recNN/pix_recNN.cpp
parent94d966b50ab1a09d8650b7c693e9223273a44acf (diff)
initial commit of pix_recNN
svn path=/trunk/externals/grh/; revision=3320
Diffstat (limited to 'pix_recNN/pix_recNN.cpp')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pix_recNN/pix_recNN.cpp b/pix_recNN/pix_recNN.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..299625a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pix_recNN/pix_recNN.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+// GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia
+// pix_recNN
+// Implementation file
+// Copyright (c) 2005 Georg Holzmann <grh@gmx.at>
+// (and of course lot's of other developers for PD and GEM)
+// For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+// WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution.
+#include "pix_recNN.h"
+ t_floatarg, A_DEFFLOAT, t_floatarg, A_DEFFLOAT)
+/* Constructor
+ */
+ pix_recNN::pix_recNN(t_floatarg arg0=64, t_floatarg arg1=1, t_floatarg arg2=1) :
+ m_data_(NULL), m_xsize_(0), m_ysize_(0), m_csize_(0),
+ train_on_(false), net_(NULL), temp_pix_(NULL)
+ // init args ?????????????????????????????????
+ neuron_nr_=2048; //static_cast<int>((arg0<0)?2:arg0);
+ memory_=0;
+ precision_=2; //static_cast<int>((arg2<1)?1:arg2);
+ //post("arg0: %d, arg1: %d",arg0,arg1);
+ // generate the in- and outlet:
+ out0_ = outlet_new(this->x_obj, &s_signal);
+ inlet_new(this->x_obj, &this->x_obj->ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
+ // set random seed:
+ srand( (unsigned)time(NULL) );
+ // build the net
+ buildNewNet();
+/* Destructor
+ */
+ outlet_free(out0_);
+ m_data_ = NULL;
+ m_xsize_ = 0;
+ m_ysize_ = 0;
+ // delete net
+ delete net_;
+ // delete temp_pix_
+ for(int i=0; i<neuron_nr_; i++)
+ delete[] temp_pix_[i];
+ delete[] temp_pix_;
+/* a helper to build a new net
+ */
+void pix_recNN::buildNewNet()
+ try
+ {
+ if(net_)
+ delete net_;
+ if(temp_pix_)
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<neuron_nr_; i++)
+ delete[] temp_pix_[i];
+ delete[] temp_pix_;
+ }
+ // create the net
+ net_ = new NNet<RecurrentNeuron,RecurrentNeuron>(3,3,neuron_nr_,memory_,
+ if(!net_)
+ {
+ post("pix_recNN~: no memory for neural nets!");
+ net_=NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ // create the temp_pix
+ temp_pix_ = new float*[neuron_nr_];
+ if(!temp_pix_)
+ {
+ post("pix_recNN~: no memory for temp_pix_!");
+ temp_pix_=NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<neuron_nr_; i++)
+ {
+ temp_pix_[i] = new float[3];
+ if(!temp_pix_[i])
+ {
+ post("pix_recNN~: no memory for temp_pix_!");
+ temp_pix_=NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // initialize temp_pix_ with 0
+ for(int i=0; i<neuron_nr_; i++)
+ {
+ for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
+ {
+ temp_pix_[i][j] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // init the net
+ net_->create();
+ net_->initRand(-1,1);
+ net_->setRange(255);
+ net_->setLearningRate(0.01);
+ }
+ catch(NNExcept &exc)
+ {
+ post("pix_recNN: %s", exc.what().c_str());
+ }
+/* processImage
+ */
+void pix_recNN::processImage(imageStruct &image)
+ m_data_ = image.data;
+ m_xsize_ = image.xsize;
+ m_ysize_ = image.ysize;
+ m_csize_ = image.csize;
+ m_format_ = image.format;
+/* DSP perform
+ */
+t_int* pix_recNN::perform(t_int* w)
+ pix_recNN *x = GetMyClass((void*)w[1]);
+ t_float* in_signal = (t_float*)(w[2]);
+ t_float* out_signal = (t_float*)(w[3]);
+ int blocksize = (t_int)(w[4]);
+ if(blocksize != x->neuron_nr_)
+ {
+ post("pix_recNN~: neurons and buffersize are different! You MUST have the same neuron nr as the buffersize !!!");
+ post("neurons: %d, buffersize: %d", x->neuron_nr_, blocksize);
+ return (w+5);
+ }
+ // some needed data
+ long int pix_size = x->m_xsize_ * x->m_ysize_;
+ int pix_blocksize = (blocksize<pix_size)?blocksize:pix_size;
+ // splits the frame into slices, so that the average
+ // of one slice can be used for the network input
+ // there are as much slices as the buffsize is
+ float nr = sqrt(blocksize); // the number of slices at the
+ // x- and y-axis
+ float x_slice = x->m_xsize_ / nr; // x size of a slice in pixels
+ float y_slice = x->m_ysize_ / nr; // x size of a slice in pixels
+ int x_slice_int = static_cast<int>( x_slice );
+ int y_slice_int = static_cast<int>( y_slice );
+ // the number of slices on one axis (is the float nr
+ // from above rounded up)
+ int slice_nr = static_cast<int>(nr) + 1;
+ if (x->m_data_)
+ {
+ switch(x->m_format_)
+ {
+ case GL_RGBA:
+ {
+ for(int n=0; n<pix_blocksize; n++)
+ {
+ //post("Block %d:",n);
+ // calulate the pixel in left upper edge of every slice
+ int lu_pix_x = static_cast<int>( (n % slice_nr) * x_slice );
+ int lu_pix_y = static_cast<int>( static_cast<int>(n / slice_nr) * y_slice );
+ //post("lu_pix: %d, %d", lu_pix_x, lu_pix_y);
+ // now sum up all the pixels of one slice and then divide through the
+ // number of pixels
+ // the storage to sum the pixels:
+ unsigned long int temp_data[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+ // only for optimization:
+ int helper1 = x->m_xsize_ * x->m_csize_;
+ int add_count = 0;
+ for(int i=0; i<x_slice_int; i+=x->precision_)
+ {
+ for(int j=0; j<y_slice_int; j+=x->precision_)
+ {
+ // the way to access the pixels: (C=chRed, chBlue, ...)
+ //data[Y * xsize * csize + X * csize + C]
+ //post("current pixel: %d %d",
+ // ((lu_pix_x+i)%x->m_xsize), ((lu_pix_y+j)%x->m_ysize) );
+ temp_data[0] += x->m_data_[
+ (lu_pix_y+j) * helper1
+ + (lu_pix_x+i) * x->m_csize_ + chRed ];
+ temp_data[1] += x->m_data_[
+ ((lu_pix_y+j)) * helper1
+ + ((lu_pix_x+i)) * x->m_csize_ + chGreen ];
+ temp_data[2] += x->m_data_[
+ ((lu_pix_y+j)%x->m_ysize_) * helper1
+ + ((lu_pix_x+i)%x->m_xsize_) * x->m_csize_ + chBlue ];
+ add_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ x->temp_pix_[n][0] = temp_data[0] / add_count;
+ x->temp_pix_[n][1] = temp_data[1] / add_count;
+ x->temp_pix_[n][2] = temp_data[2] / add_count;
+ }
+ // learning, or calculation:
+ if(!x->train_on_)
+ x->net_->calculate(x->temp_pix_, out_signal);
+ else
+ x->net_->trainBTT(x->temp_pix_, out_signal, in_signal);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ post("RGB only for now");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pix_blocksize=blocksize;
+ while (pix_blocksize--) *out_signal++=0;
+ }
+ x->train_on_=false;
+ return (w+5);
+/* DSP-Message
+ */
+void pix_recNN::dspMess(void *data, t_signal** sp)
+ dsp_add(perform, 4, data, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
+/* saves the contents of the current net to file
+ */
+void pix_recNN::saveNet(string filename)
+ try
+ {
+ net_->save(filename);
+ post("pix_recNN~: saved to output-file %s", filename.c_str());
+ }
+ catch(NNExcept &exc)
+ {
+ post("pix_recNN: %s", exc.what().c_str());
+ }
+/* loads the parameters of the net from file
+ */
+void pix_recNN::loadNet(string filename)
+ try
+ {
+ net_->load(filename);
+ post("pix_recNN~: loaded file %s", filename.c_str());
+ }
+ catch(NNExcept &exc)
+ {
+ post("pix_recNN: %s", exc.what().c_str());
+ }
+/* setup callback
+ */
+void pix_recNN::obj_setupCallback(t_class *classPtr)
+ class_addcreator((t_newmethod)_classpix_recNN, gensym("pix_recNN~"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::setNeurons,
+ gensym("neurons"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::getNeurons,
+ gensym("getneurons"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::setMemory,
+ gensym("memory"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::getMemory,
+ gensym("getmemory"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::setPrecision,
+ gensym("precision"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::getPrecision,
+ gensym("getprecision"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::setTrainOn,
+ gensym("train"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::setLearnrate,
+ gensym("learnrate"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::getLearnrate,
+ gensym("getlearnrate"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::saveToFile,
+ gensym("save"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::loadFromFile,
+ gensym("load"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)pix_recNN::dspMessCallback,
+ gensym("dsp"), A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, nullfn, gensym("signal"), A_NULL);
+/* DSP callback
+ */
+void pix_recNN::dspMessCallback(void *data, t_signal** sp)
+ GetMyClass(data)->dspMess(data, sp);
+/* sets the precision
+ */
+void pix_recNN::setPrecision(void *data, t_floatarg precision)
+ GetMyClass(data)->precision_ =
+ (precision<1) ? 1 : static_cast<int>(precision);
+void pix_recNN::getPrecision(void *data)
+ post("pix_recNN~: precision: %d",GetMyClass(data)->precision_);
+/* method to train the network
+ */
+void pix_recNN::setTrainOn(void *data)
+ GetMyClass(data)->train_on_ = true;
+/* changes the number of neurons
+ * (which should be the same as the audio buffer)
+ * ATTENTION: a new net will be initialized
+ */
+void pix_recNN::setNeurons(void *data, t_floatarg neurons)
+ GetMyClass(data)->neuron_nr_ =
+ (neurons<1) ? 1 : static_cast<int>(neurons);
+ GetMyClass(data)->buildNewNet();
+void pix_recNN::getNeurons(void *data)
+ post("pix_recNN~: nr of neurons: %d (MUST be the same as buffersize!)",
+ GetMyClass(data)->neuron_nr_);
+/* changes the nblock size
+ * ATTENTION: a new net will be initialized
+ */
+void pix_recNN::setMemory(void *data, t_floatarg memory)
+ GetMyClass(data)->memory_ =
+ (memory<0) ? 0 : static_cast<int>(memory);
+ GetMyClass(data)->buildNewNet();
+void pix_recNN::getMemory(void *data)
+ post("pix_recNN~: memory: %d",
+ GetMyClass(data)->memory_);
+/* sets the learnrate of the net
+ */
+void pix_recNN::setLearnrate(void *data, t_floatarg learn_rate)
+ GetMyClass(data)->net_->setLearningRate(learn_rate);
+void pix_recNN::getLearnrate(void *data)
+ post("pix_recNN~: learning rate: %f",GetMyClass(data)->net_->getLearningRate());
+/* FileIO-stuff
+ */
+void pix_recNN::saveToFile(void *data, t_symbol *filename)
+ GetMyClass(data)->saveNet(filename->s_name);
+void pix_recNN::loadFromFile(void *data, t_symbol *filename)
+ GetMyClass(data)->loadNet(filename->s_name);