path: root/src/gripd.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gripd.c')
1 files changed, 1031 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gripd.c b/src/gripd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce1aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gripd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1031 @@
+/* GrIPD v0.1. - Graphical Interface for Pure Data
+** Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph A. Sarlo
+** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/orsig
+** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+** of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** GNU General Public License for more details.
+** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+** jsarlo@ucsd.edu
+#include "gripd.h"
+void gripd_setup(void)
+ post (" \n");
+ post (" .______________________________________.");
+ post (" | |");
+ post (" | GrIPD: v%s |", VERSION);
+ post (" | Graphical Interface for Pure Data |");
+ post (" | (C) Copyright 2003 Joseph A. Sarlo |");
+ post (" | GNU General Public License |");
+ post (" |______________________________________|");
+ post (" \n");
+#ifndef NT
+ signal(SIGCHLD, gripd_sigChild);
+ gripd_class = class_new(gensym("gripd"), (t_newmethod)gripd_new,
+ (t_method)gripd_free, sizeof(t_gripd), 0,
+ gripdRcvr_class = class_new(gensym("gripdRcvr"),0,0,sizeof(t_gripd),
+ 0, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_connect,
+ gensym("connect"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_disconnect,
+ gensym("disconnect"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_open,
+ gensym("open"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_openLocked,
+ gensym("open_locked"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_setPythonPath,
+ gensym("set_python_path"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_setPath,
+ gensym("set_path"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_setSTime,
+ gensym("poll_send"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_setRTime,
+ gensym("poll_receive"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_lock,
+ gensym("lock"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_unlock,
+ gensym("unlock"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_setTitle,
+ gensym("set_title"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_hide,
+ gensym("hide"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_show,
+ gensym("show"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_openpanel,
+ gensym("openpanel"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addmethod(gripd_class, (t_method)gripd_savepanel,
+ gensym("savepanel"), A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addbang(gripdRcvr_class, (t_method)gripdR_bang);
+ class_addfloat(gripdRcvr_class, (t_method)gripdR_float);
+ class_addsymbol(gripdRcvr_class, (t_method)gripdR_symbol);
+ class_addanything(gripdRcvr_class, (t_method)gripdR_anything);
+ class_addlist(gripdRcvr_class, (t_method)gripdR_list);
+void *gripd_new(t_floatarg port)
+ t_gripd *x = (t_gripd *)pd_new(gripd_class);
+ if (port == 0)
+ x->x_port = DEFPORT;
+ else
+ x->x_port = (int)port;
+ x->x_bound = 0;
+ x->x_connected = 0;
+#ifdef NT
+ x->x_localOpened = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ x->x_childPID = 0;
+ x->x_localOpened = (int *)shmat(shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,sizeof(int),
+ IPC_CREAT | SHM_R | SHM_W), 0,
+ 0);
+ *(x->x_localOpened) = 0;
+ x->x_rdeltime = DEFRDELTIME;
+ x->x_sdeltime = DEFSDELTIME;
+ x->x_rclock = clock_new(x, (t_method)gripd_recv);
+ x->x_sclock = clock_new(x, (t_method)gripd_send);
+ x->x_connectionClock = clock_new(x, (t_method)gripd_trySocket);
+ x->x_bindClock = clock_new(x, (t_method)gripd_connect);
+#ifdef NT
+ strcpy(x->x_pythExec, "c:\\program files\\python\\");
+ strcpy(x->x_pythFile, "..\\gripd\\");
+ x->x_wsockInitByMe = 0;
+ strcpy(x->x_pythExec, "");
+ strcpy(x->x_pythFile, "../gripd/");
+ x->x_rcvrListMaxSize = DEFLISTSIZE;
+ x->x_rcvrs = (t_gripdRcvr **)calloc(x->x_rcvrListMaxSize,
+ sizeof(t_gripdRcvr *));
+ x->x_rcvrListSize = 0;
+ x->x_sendBuffer[0] = '\0';
+ outlet_new(&x->t_ob, &s_float);
+ x->x_outlet2 = outlet_new(&x->t_ob, &s_float);
+ gripd_getApplicationPath(x);
+ return (void *)x;
+void gripd_connect(t_gripd *x)
+ gripd_openSocket(x);
+ clock_delay(x->x_rclock, x->x_rdeltime);
+ clock_delay(x->x_sclock, x->x_sdeltime);
+void gripd_openSocket(t_gripd *x)
+#ifdef NT
+ char my_name[DEFSTRSIZE];
+ struct sockaddr_in my_addr;
+ struct sockaddr_in new_addr;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+ WSADATA wsaData;
+ int nSize, temp = 1;
+ unsigned long on = 1;
+ if (!x->x_bound)
+ {
+ memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ memset(&new_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ gethostname(my_name, sizeof(my_name));
+ hp = gethostbyname(my_name);
+ if (hp == NULL)
+ {
+ {
+ if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsaData) != 0)
+ post("GrIPD: Failed to initialize winsock");
+ else
+ {
+ x->x_wsockInitByMe = 1;
+ gripd_openSocket(x);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Gethostname Error %d", WSAGetLastError());
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ }
+ }
+ my_addr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
+ my_addr.sin_port = htons(x->x_port);
+ x->x_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if (x->x_sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Socket Error %d", WSAGetLastError());
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ioctlsocket(x->x_sock, FIONBIO, &on);
+ setsockopt(x->x_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
+ (char *)&temp, sizeof(temp));
+ }
+ if (bind(x->x_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr,
+ sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Bind Error %d", WSAGetLastError());
+ post("GrIPD: Attempting to re-bind");
+ clock_delay(x->x_bindClock, REBINDTIME);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ getsockname(x->x_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&new_addr, &nSize);
+ x->x_port = (int)ntohs(new_addr.sin_port);
+ post("GrIPD: Using port %d", x->x_port);
+ x->x_bound = 1;
+ listen(x->x_sock, BACKLOG);
+ post("GrIPD: Waiting for a connection...");
+ clock_delay(x->x_connectionClock, CONNECTIONPOLLTIME);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ post("GrIPD: Already waiting for a connection");
+ char portstr[MAXPORTSTRLEN];
+ struct sockaddr_in my_addr, new_addr;
+ int nSize, temp = 1;
+ if (!x->x_bound)
+ {
+ x->x_sock = -1;
+ if ((x->x_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("GrIPD: Socket Error");
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ }
+ setsockopt(x->x_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
+ (char *)&temp, sizeof(temp));
+ fcntl(x->x_sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ my_addr.sin_port = htons(x->x_port);
+ my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ bzero(&(my_addr.sin_zero), 8);
+ if (bind(x->x_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr,
+ sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("GrIPD: Bind Error");
+ clock_delay(x->x_bindClock, REBINDTIME);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ getsockname(x->x_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&new_addr, &nSize);
+ x->x_port = ntohs(new_addr.sin_port);
+ post("GrIPD: Using port %d", x->x_port);
+ x->x_bound = 1;
+ if (listen(x->x_sock, BACKLOG) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("GrIPD: Listen Error");
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ }
+ post("GrIPD: Waiting for a connection...");
+ clock_delay(x->x_connectionClock, CONNECTIONPOLLTIME);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ post("GrIPD: Already waiting for a connection");
+void gripd_disconnect(t_gripd *x)
+ int numbytes;
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ clock_unset(x->x_sclock);
+ clock_unset(x->x_rclock);
+ clock_unset(x->x_bindClock);
+ clock_unset(x->x_connectionClock);
+ if (*(x->x_localOpened))
+ {
+ gripd_closePyth(x);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%c0%c", CLOSECOMMAND, SYMMSGSEP, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ numbytes = recv(x->x_newSock, buf, MAXDATASIZE, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+ if (x->x_bound)
+ {
+ gripd_closeSocket(x);
+ }
+void gripd_trySocket(t_gripd *x)
+#ifdef NT
+ fd_set rfds;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ unsigned long on;
+ on = 1;
+ tv.tv_sec = 0;
+ tv.tv_usec = WAITTIME;
+ FD_ZERO(&rfds);
+ FD_SET(x->x_sock, &rfds);
+ if (select(x->x_sock + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0)
+ {
+ x->x_newSock = accept(x->x_sock, NULL, NULL);
+ if (x->x_newSock == INVALID_SOCKET)
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Accept Error %d", WSAGetLastError());
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ioctlsocket(x->x_newSock, FIONBIO, &on);
+ x->x_connected = 1;
+ outlet_float(x->t_ob.ob_outlet, 1);
+ post("GrIPD: Connected");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ clock_delay(x->x_connectionClock, CONNECTIONPOLLTIME);
+ fd_set rfds;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ struct sockaddr_in their_addr;
+ int new_fd, sin_size;
+ sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ tv.tv_sec = 0;
+ tv.tv_usec = WAITTIME;
+ FD_ZERO(&rfds);
+ FD_SET(x->x_sock, &rfds);
+ if (select(x->x_sock + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv))
+ {
+ if ((x->x_newSock = accept(x->x_sock,
+ (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr,
+ &sin_size)) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("GrIPD: Accept Error");
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x->x_connected = 1;
+ outlet_float(x->t_ob.ob_outlet, 1);
+ post("GrIPD: Connected");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ clock_delay(x->x_connectionClock, CONNECTIONPOLLTIME);
+void gripd_closeSocket(t_gripd *x)
+#ifdef NT
+ closesocket(x->x_newSock);
+ closesocket(x->x_sock);
+ shutdown(x->x_newSock, 2);
+ close(x->x_newSock);
+ shutdown(x->x_sock, 2);
+ close(x->x_sock);
+ x->x_bound = 0;
+ x->x_connected = 0;
+ *(x->x_localOpened) = 0;
+ outlet_float(x->t_ob.ob_outlet, 0);
+ outlet_float(x->x_outlet2, 0);
+void gripd_recv(t_gripd *x)
+ int numbytes, count, idx, i, j, argc;
+ tempString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ t_symbol *tempSym;
+ t_atom atomList[MAXALISTLEN];
+ numbytes = count = idx = i = j = argc = 0;
+ tempSym = gensym("");
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ numbytes = recv(x->x_newSock, buf, MAXDATASIZE,
+ if (numbytes > 0)
+ {
+ buf[numbytes] = '\0';
+ while (count <= numbytes)
+ {
+ while ((buf[count] != SYMMSGSEP) && (count <= numbytes))
+ {
+ symName[i] = buf[count];
+ count++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ symName[i] = '\0';
+ i = 0;
+ count++;
+ while ((buf[count] != PAIRSEPCHAR) && (count <= numbytes))
+ {
+ symValue[i] = buf[count];
+ count ++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ symValue[i] = '\0';
+ count++;
+ i = 0;
+ if (symName[0] == COMMANDCHAR)
+ {
+ if ((strcmp(SETRCVRSTRING, symName) == 0) \
+ && (gripd_checkExistance(x, symValue) == 0))
+ {
+ if (x->x_rcvrListSize \
+ == (x->x_rcvrListMaxSize - 1))
+ gripd_expandRcvrList(x);
+ gripd_makeGripdRcvr(x, gensym(symValue));
+ x->x_rcvrListSize++;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(CLOSECOMMAND, symName) == 0)
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Connection closed remotely");
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(HIDECOMMAND, symName) == 0)
+ {
+ outlet_float(x->x_outlet2, 0);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(SHOWCOMMAND, symName) == 0)
+ {
+ outlet_float(x->x_outlet2, 1);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(PINGCOMMAND, symName) == 0)
+ {
+ char pingCommandStr[64];
+ sprintf(pingCommandStr,
+ "%s%c0%c",
+ gripd_appendSendBuffer(x, pingCommandStr);
+ gripd_send(x);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tempSym = gensym(symName);
+ if (tempSym->s_thing)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(BANGSTRING, symValue) == 0)
+ pd_bang(tempSym->s_thing);
+ else
+ {
+ if (strchr(symValue, ' ') == NULL)
+ {
+ if (gripd_isNumeric(symValue))
+ pd_float(tempSym->s_thing,
+ (float)atof(symValue));
+ else
+ typedmess(tempSym->s_thing,
+ gensym(symValue),
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ idx = 0;
+ argc = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < (int)strlen(symValue); j++)
+ {
+ if (symValue[j] != ' ')
+ {
+ tempString[idx] = symValue[j];
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if ((symValue[j] == ' ')
+ || (j == (int)strlen(symValue) -1))
+ {
+ tempString[idx] = '\0';
+ if (gripd_isNumeric(tempString))
+ {
+ atomList[argc].a_type = A_FLOAT;
+ atomList[argc].a_w.w_float =
+ (float)atof(tempString);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ atomList[argc].a_type = A_SYMBOL;
+ atomList[argc].a_w.w_symbol
+ = gensym(tempString);
+ }
+ argc++;
+ idx = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (atomList[0].a_type == A_FLOAT)
+ pd_list(tempSym->s_thing,
+ atomList[0].a_w.w_symbol,
+ argc, atomList);
+ else
+ typedmess(tempSym->s_thing,
+ atomList[0].a_w.w_symbol,
+ argc - 1, &(atomList[1]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clock_delay(x->x_rclock, x->x_rdeltime);
+void gripd_send(t_gripd *x)
+ int charsSent, endPos;
+ if (x->x_connected && (strlen(x->x_sendBuffer) > 0))
+ {
+ charsSent = send(x->x_newSock, x->x_sendBuffer,
+ strlen(x->x_sendBuffer),
+ if (charsSent == SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Client is not responding");
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ((charsSent <= (signed int)strlen(x->x_sendBuffer)) &&
+ (charsSent > -1))
+ {
+ endPos = strlen(x->x_sendBuffer) - charsSent;
+ strcpy(x->x_sendBuffer, &(x->x_sendBuffer[charsSent]));
+ x->x_sendBuffer[endPos] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ clock_delay(x->x_sclock, x->x_sdeltime);
+/* this does NOT take care of separator strings, sending function must
+ do that */
+void gripd_appendSendBuffer(t_gripd *x, char *aString)
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ /* +1 below since strlen does not include '\0' */
+ if ((strlen(x->x_sendBuffer) + strlen(aString)) + 1 > MAXDATASIZE)
+ post("GrIPD: Send buffer overflow");
+ else
+ strcat(x->x_sendBuffer, aString);
+ }
+void gripd_open(t_gripd *x, t_symbol *sym, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ gripd_openPyth(x, sym, argc, argv, 0);
+void gripd_openLocked(t_gripd *x, t_symbol *sym, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ gripd_openPyth(x, sym, argc, argv, 1);
+void gripd_openPyth(t_gripd *x, t_symbol *sym, int argc,
+ t_atom *argv, int locked)
+#ifdef NT
+ char pythExec[DEFSTRSIZE], filename[DEFSTRSIZE], tempStr[DEFSTRSIZE];
+ int i;
+ if (!x->x_connected && !(*(x->x_localOpened)))
+ {
+ gripd_connect(x);
+ *(x->x_localOpened) = 1;
+ ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
+ si.cb = sizeof(si);
+ ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
+ if (argc > 0)
+ {
+ if (argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ {
+ strcpy(filename, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ sprintf(filename, "%s %s", filename,
+ argv[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(filename, "0");
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(filename, "0");
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(x->x_pythExec); i++)
+ if (x->x_pythExec[i] == '/')
+ x->x_pythExec[i] = '\\';
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(x->x_pythFile); i++)
+ if (x->x_pythFile[i] == '/')
+ x->x_pythFile[i] = '\\';
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(filename); i++)
+ if (filename[i] == '/')
+ filename[i] = '\\';
+ if (filename[0] == '.' &&
+ (filename[1] == '\\' ||
+ (filename[1] == '.' && filename[2] == '\\')))
+ {
+ sprintf(tempStr, "%s%s", x->x_appPath, filename);
+ strcpy(filename, tempStr);
+ }
+ if (x->x_pythFile[0] == '.' &&
+ (x->x_pythFile[1] == '\\' ||
+ (x->x_pythFile[1] == '.' && x->x_pythFile[2] == '\\')))
+ {
+ sprintf(tempStr, "%s%s", x->x_appPath, x->x_pythFile);
+ strcpy(x->x_pythFile, tempStr);
+ }
+ sprintf(pythExec, "\"%sgripd.exe\" \"%s\" %d 1 %d", x->x_pythFile,
+ filename, x->x_port, locked);
+ if (!(CreateProcess(NULL, pythExec, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL,
+ &si, &(x->x_childProcessInfo)) != 0))
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Failed to execute %sgripd.exe", x->x_pythFile);
+ sprintf(pythExec, "\"%spython.exe\" \"%sgripd.py\" \"%s\" %d 1 %d",
+ x->x_pythExec, x->x_pythFile, filename, x->x_port, locked);
+ if (!(CreateProcess(NULL, pythExec, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL,
+ NULL, &si, &(x->x_childProcessInfo)) != 0))
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Failed to execute %spython.exe", x->x_pythExec);
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ *(x->x_localOpened) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ char pythExec[DEFSTRSIZE], filename[DEFSTRSIZE], portString[DEFSTRSIZE],
+ lockedString[DEFSTRSIZE], tempStr[DEFSTRSIZE];
+ int i, pid;
+ if (!x->x_connected && !(*(x->x_localOpened)))
+ {
+ gripd_connect(x);
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid == 0)
+ {
+ struct sched_param par;
+ int p1;
+ /* Lose setuid priveliges */
+ seteuid(getuid());
+ *(x->x_localOpened) = 1;
+ /* set lowest priority, SCHED_OTHER policy, unlock mem*/
+ p1 = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER);
+ par.sched_priority = p1;
+ if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_OTHER, &par) == -1)
+ post("GrIPD: unable to set priority %d scheduling.", p1);
+ if ((munlockall() == -1) && (!getuid()))
+ post("GrIPD: unable to unlock memory.");
+ clock_free(x->x_rclock);
+ clock_free(x->x_sclock);
+ clock_free(x->x_connectionClock);
+ clock_free(x->x_bindClock);
+ for (i = 0; i < x->x_rcvrListSize; i++)
+ pd_unbind(&(x->x_rcvrs[i])->r_obj.ob_pd,
+ x->x_rcvrs[i]->r_sym);
+ free(x->x_rcvrs);
+ sprintf(pythExec, "%sgripd", x->x_pythFile);
+ if (argc > 0)
+ {
+ strcpy(filename, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ sprintf(filename, "%s %s", filename,
+ argv[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(filename, "0");
+ if (filename[0] == '.' &&
+ (filename[1] == '/' ||
+ (filename[1] == '.' && filename[2] == '/')))
+ {
+ sprintf(tempStr, "%s%s", x->x_appPath, filename);
+ strcpy(filename, tempStr);
+ }
+ if (pythExec[0] == '.' &&
+ (pythExec[1] == '/' ||
+ (pythExec[1] == '.' && pythExec[2] == '/')))
+ {
+ sprintf(tempStr, "%s%s", x->x_appPath, pythExec);
+ strcpy(pythExec, tempStr);
+ }
+ /* set x_localOpened before opened since execlp will exit
+ process on success */
+ sprintf(portString, "%d", x->x_port);
+ sprintf(lockedString, "%d", locked);
+ if ((execlp(pythExec, pythExec, filename, portString,
+ "1", lockedString, (char *)0)) == -1)
+ {
+ post("GrIPD: Error launching %s", pythExec);
+ perror(" ");
+ *(x->x_localOpened) = 0;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x->x_childPID = pid;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gripd_show(x);
+ }
+void gripd_closePyth(t_gripd *x)
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (*(x->x_localOpened))
+ {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%c0%c", CLOSECOMMAND, SYMMSGSEP, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ *(x->x_localOpened) = 0;
+#ifdef NT
+ TerminateProcess(x->x_childProcessInfo.hProcess, 0);
+ kill(x->x_childPID, SIGKILL);
+ x->x_childPID = 0;
+ }
+void gripd_lock(t_gripd *x)
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%c0%c", LOCKCOMMAND, SYMMSGSEP, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+void gripd_unlock(t_gripd *x)
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+void gripd_hide(t_gripd *x)
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%c0%c", HIDECOMMAND, SYMMSGSEP, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+void gripd_show(t_gripd *x)
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%c0%c", SHOWCOMMAND, SYMMSGSEP, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+void gripd_openpanel(t_gripd *x)
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+void gripd_savepanel(t_gripd *x)
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ {
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+void gripd_setTitle(t_gripd *x, t_symbol *sym, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ int i;
+ char title[DEFSTRSIZE];
+ char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (x->x_connected) {
+ if (argc > 0)
+ strcpy(title, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ sprintf(title, "%s %s", title,
+ argv[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ sprintf(buf,
+ "%s%c%s%c",
+ title,
+ send(x->x_newSock, buf, strlen(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ }
+void gripd_setPath(t_gripd *x, t_symbol *sym, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ int i;
+ if (argc > 0)
+ strcpy(x->x_pythFile, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ sprintf(x->x_pythFile, "%s %s", x->x_pythFile,
+ argv[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ sprintf(x->x_pythFile, "%s/", x->x_pythFile);
+void gripd_setPythonPath(t_gripd *x, t_symbol *sym, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ int i;
+ if (argc >0)
+ strcpy(x->x_pythExec, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ sprintf(x->x_pythExec, "%s %s", x->x_pythExec,
+ argv[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ sprintf(x->x_pythExec, "%s/", x->x_pythExec);
+void gripd_setSTime(t_gripd *x, t_floatarg val)
+ if (val > 0)
+ x->x_sdeltime = val;
+ else
+ post("GrIPD: Illegal update time");
+void gripd_setRTime(t_gripd *x, t_floatarg val)
+ if (val > 0)
+ x->x_rdeltime = val;
+ else
+ post("GrIPD: Illegal update time");
+void gripdR_bang(t_gripdRcvr *r)
+ char aString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ char valueString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ strcpy(aString, r->r_sym->s_name);
+ sprintf(valueString,"%cbang%c", SYMMSGSEP, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ gripd_appendSendBuffer((t_gripd *)(r->r_x), aString);
+void gripdR_float(t_gripdRcvr *r, t_float floatValue)
+ char aString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ char valueString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ strcpy(aString, r->r_sym->s_name);
+ sprintf(valueString,"%c%g%c", SYMMSGSEP, floatValue, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ gripd_appendSendBuffer((t_gripd *)(r->r_x), aString);
+void gripdR_symbol(t_gripdRcvr *r, t_symbol *sym)
+ char aString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ char valueString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ strcpy(aString, r->r_sym->s_name);
+ sprintf(valueString,"%c%s%c", SYMMSGSEP, sym->s_name, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ gripd_appendSendBuffer((t_gripd *)(r->r_x), aString);
+void gripdR_anything(t_gripdRcvr *r, t_symbol *sym, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ char aString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ char valueString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ int i;
+ strcpy(aString, r->r_sym->s_name);
+ sprintf(valueString, "%c%s", SYMMSGSEP, sym->s_name);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ {
+ sprintf(valueString, " %s", argv[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ }
+ else if (argv[i].a_type == A_FLOAT)
+ {
+ sprintf(valueString, " %g", argv[i].a_w.w_float);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ }
+ }
+ sprintf(aString, "%s%c", aString, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ gripd_appendSendBuffer((t_gripd *)(r->r_x), aString);
+void gripdR_list(t_gripdRcvr *r, t_symbol *sym, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ char aString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ char valueString[MAXDATASIZE];
+ int i;
+ strcpy(aString, r->r_sym->s_name);
+ sprintf(valueString, "%c", SYMMSGSEP);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
+ {
+ sprintf(valueString, " %s", argv[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ }
+ else if (argv[i].a_type == A_FLOAT)
+ {
+ sprintf(valueString, " %g", argv[i].a_w.w_float);
+ strcat(aString, valueString);
+ }
+ }
+ sprintf(aString, "%s%c", aString, PAIRSEPCHAR);
+ gripd_appendSendBuffer((t_gripd *)(r->r_x), aString);
+void gripd_makeGripdRcvr(t_gripd *x, t_symbol *s)
+ t_gripdRcvr *r = (t_gripdRcvr *)pd_new(gripdRcvr_class);
+ r->r_sym = s;
+ pd_bind(&r->r_obj.ob_pd, s);
+ r->r_x = (t_gripd *)x;
+ x->x_rcvrs[x->x_rcvrListSize] = r;
+int gripd_checkExistance(t_gripd *x, char *name)
+ int i, flag;
+ flag = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < x->x_rcvrListSize; i++)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(name, x->x_rcvrs[i]->r_sym->s_name) == 0)
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ return flag;
+void gripd_expandRcvrList(t_gripd *x)
+ x->x_rcvrListMaxSize *= 2;
+ x->x_rcvrs = (t_gripdRcvr **)realloc(x->x_rcvrs,
+ x->x_rcvrListMaxSize \
+ * sizeof(t_gripdRcvr *));
+void gripd_free(t_gripd *x)
+ int i;
+ if (*(x->x_localOpened))
+ gripd_closePyth(x);
+ if (x->x_connected)
+ gripd_disconnect(x);
+ else if (x->x_bound)
+ gripd_closeSocket(x);
+ clock_free(x->x_rclock);
+ clock_free(x->x_sclock);
+ clock_free(x->x_connectionClock);
+ clock_free(x->x_bindClock);
+#ifdef NT
+ free(x->x_localOpened);
+ if (x->x_wsockInitByMe != 0)
+ WSACleanup();
+ for (i = 0; i < x->x_rcvrListSize; i++)
+ pd_unbind(&(x->x_rcvrs[i])->r_obj.ob_pd, x->x_rcvrs[i]->r_sym);
+ free(x->x_rcvrs);
+int gripd_isNumeric(char *string)
+ if ((strspn(string, "0123456789.+-") == strlen(string)) &&
+ (strchr(string, '+') == strrchr(string, '+')) &&
+ (strchr(string, '-') == strrchr(string, '-')) &&
+ (strchr(string, '.') == strrchr(string, '.')) &&
+ (!((strchr(string, '+') != NULL) &&
+ (strchr(string, '-') != NULL))))
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+#ifndef NT
+void gripd_sigChild(int sig)
+ wait(NULL);
+void gripd_getApplicationPath(t_gripd *x)
+ char rawStr[MAXDATASIZE];
+#ifdef NT
+ GetModuleFileName(NULL, rawStr, sizeof(rawStr));
+ rawStr[strrchr(rawStr, '\\') - rawStr + 1] = '\0';
+ strcpy(x->x_appPath, rawStr);
+ char *pathStr;
+ FILE *fp;
+ fp = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r");
+ fgets(rawStr, MAXDATASIZE, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ pathStr = index(rawStr, '/');
+ pathStr[index(pathStr, '\n') - pathStr] = '\0';
+ pathStr[rindex(pathStr, '/') - pathStr + 1] = '\0';
+ strcpy(x->x_appPath, pathStr);