path: root/local.scm
diff options
authorKjetil S. Matheussen <ksvalast@users.sourceforge.net>2004-01-08 14:55:24 +0000
committerKjetil S. Matheussen <ksvalast@users.sourceforge.net>2004-01-08 14:55:24 +0000
commitbaecc2dc2449d04b44917a5114bf71262d65da30 (patch)
treee3d689fdea7014bee64484aadd7ccae151948dbc /local.scm
First commit of k_vst~, k_guile and k_cextsvn2git-root
svn path=/trunk/externals/k_guile/; revision=1253
Diffstat (limited to 'local.scm')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/local.scm b/local.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500f78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+;; This file is evaluated (not (load)-ed) right before the file defined in the k_guile object in pd is evaluated or the
+;; reload message has been sent. (see k_guile.c/k_guile_new)
+;; Kjetil S. Matheussen, 2004.
+;;/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */
+;;/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */
+;;/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 */
+;;/* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */
+;;/* */
+;;/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+;;/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+;;/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+;;/* */
+;;/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+;;/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+;;/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
+;;/* */
+;; Instance data
+(define pd-num-inlets 1)
+(define pd-num-outlets 0)
+;; Argument checking
+(define (pd-legaloutlet outlet-num)
+ (if (and (< outlet-num pd-num-outlets) (>= outlet-num 0))
+ #t
+ (begin
+ (pd-display "outlet-num out of range")
+ #f)))
+(define (pd-legalinlet inlet-num)
+ (if (and (< inlet-num pd-num-inlets) (>= inlet-num 0))
+ #t
+ (begin
+ (pd-display "inlet-num out of range")
+ #f)))
+;; Inlets
+(define pd-inlet-vector (make-vector 1 '()))
+(define (pd-set-inlet-func)
+ (pd-c-set-inlet-func pd-instance
+ ;; This function is called from the C side when the object receives something on an inlet.
+ (lambda (inlet-num symbol args)
+ (let ((inlet-func (assq symbol
+ (vector-ref pd-inlet-vector
+ inlet-num))))
+ (if inlet-func
+ (apply (cadr inlet-func) args)
+ (pd-display "No function defined for handling \'" symbol " to inlet " inlet-num))))))
+(define (pd-inlet inlet-num symbol func)
+ (if (not (procedure? func))
+ (pd-display "Wrong argument to pd-inlet: " func " is not a procedure")
+ (if (and (pd-check-number inlet-num "pd-inlet")
+ (pd-legalinlet inlet-num))
+ (let ((inlet-funcs (vector-ref pd-inlet-vector inlet-num)))
+ (vector-set! pd-inlet-vector
+ inlet-num
+ (cons (list symbol func)
+ inlet-funcs))))))
+(define (pd-inlets new-num-inlets)
+ (let ((num-inlets (if (pd-c-inited? pd-instance)
+ (pd-c-get-num-inlets pd-instance)
+ new-num-inlets)))
+ (if (pd-check-number num-inlets "pd-inlets")
+ (if (<= num-inlets 0)
+ (pd-display "num-inlets must be greater than 0, not " num-inlets)
+ (begin
+ (set! pd-num-inlets num-inlets)
+ (set! pd-inlet-vector (make-vector num-inlets '()))
+ (pd-c-inlets pd-instance num-inlets))))))
+;; Outlets
+(define (pd-outlets new-num-outlets)
+ (let ((num-outlets (if (pd-c-inited? pd-instance)
+ (pd-c-get-num-outlets pd-instance)
+ new-num-outlets)))
+ (if (pd-check-number num-outlets "pd-outlets")
+ (if (<= num-outlets 0)
+ (pd-display "num-outlets must be greater than 0, not " num-outlets)
+ (begin
+ (set! pd-num-outlets num-outlets)
+ (pd-c-outlets pd-instance num-outlets))))))
+(define (pd-outlet outlet-num firstarg . args)
+ (if (pd-legaloutlet outlet-num)
+ (cond ((> (length args) 0) (pd-c-outlet-list pd-instance outlet-num issymbol (cons firstarg args)))
+ ((list? firstarg) (pd-c-outlet-list pd-instance outlet-num firstarg))
+ ((number? firstarg) (pd-c-outlet-number pd-instance outlet-num firstarg))
+ ((string? firstarg) (pd-c-outlet-string pd-instance outlet-num firstarg))
+ ((eq? 'bang firstarg) (pd-c-outlet-bang pd-instance outlet-num))
+ ((symbol? firstarg) (pd-c-outlet-symbol pd-instance outlet-num firstarg))
+ (else
+ (pd-display "Unknown argument to pd-outlet-or-send:" firstarg)))))
+;; Bindings
+;; We must have our own local bind/unbind functions to be able to clean up automaticly.
+(define pd-local-bindings '())
+(define (pd-bind symbol func)
+ (set! pd-local-bindings (pd-bind-do symbol func pd-local-bindings)))
+(define (pd-unbind symbol)
+ (set! pd-local-bindings (pd-unbind-do symbol pd-local-bindings)))
+;; Cleanup
+(define pd-destroy-func #f)
+(define (pd-set-destroy-func thunk)
+ (if (not (procedure? thunk))
+ (pd-display "Wrong argument to pd-set-destroy-func: " thunk " is not a procedure.")
+ (set! pd-destroy-func thunk)))
+(define (pd-cleanup)
+ (if pd-destroy-func
+ (begin
+ (pd-destroy-func)
+ (set! pd-destroy-func #f)))
+ (if (not (null? pd-local-bindings))
+ (begin
+ (pd-unbind (car (car pd-local-bindings)))
+ (pd-cleanup))))
+;; This one also returns the return-value for the pd-instance-func function, which is 1 for success.
+(define (pd-set-cleanup-func)
+ (pd-c-set-cleanup-func pd-instance
+ pd-cleanup)
+ 1)