path: root/cyclone/Makefile.cyclone
diff options
authorN.N. <electrickery@users.sourceforge.net>2015-06-18 11:39:37 +0000
committerN.N. <electrickery@users.sourceforge.net>2015-06-18 11:39:37 +0000
commit363cb5bf09603554cc6b7ff204989ed2dfeb45a9 (patch)
treea1ccd3dbabe52677149759f1e8f9bb973274cb68 /cyclone/Makefile.cyclone
parentdc3ea3242a0d27ed3abecb2726000daf053d2965 (diff)
Added new build system with temporary names (intended to replace native miXed build system)
svn path=/trunk/externals/miXed/; revision=17492
Diffstat (limited to 'cyclone/Makefile.cyclone')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cyclone/Makefile.cyclone b/cyclone/Makefile.cyclone
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad20b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cyclone/Makefile.cyclone
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# Makefile for pure data externals in lib cyclone
+lib.name = cyclone
+cflags = -I../shared
+### hammer #####################################################################
+# common sources for hammer types
+hloud := \
+hfitter := \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+hforky := \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+hfragile := \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+hgrow := \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+hgrowfitter := \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+hfile := \
+../shared/hammer/file.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/os.c \
+../shared/common/fitter.c \
+hrand := \
+../shared/common/rand.c \
+hrandfile := \
+../shared/common/rand.c \
+../shared/hammer/file.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/os.c \
+../shared/common/fitter.c \
+hrandgrow := \
+../shared/common/rand.c \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+hrandgrowfile := \
+../shared/common/rand.c \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+../shared/hammer/file.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/os.c \
+htree := \
+../shared/hammer/tree.c \
+htreefilevefl := \
+../shared/hammer/tree.c \
+../shared/hammer/file.c \
+../shared/common/vefl.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/os.c \
+../shared/unstable/forky.c \
+hgui := \
+../shared/hammer/gui.c \
+hseq := \
+../shared/common/mifi.c \
+../shared/hammer/file.c \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/os.c \
+../shared/common/fitter.c \
+# hammer classes
+accum.class.sources := hammer/accum.c $(hplain)
+acos.class.sources := hammer/acos.c $(hplain)
+active.class.sources := hammer/active.c $(hgui)
+anal.class.sources := hammer/anal.c $(hloud)
+Append.class.sources := hammer/Append.c $(hgrowfitter)
+asin.class.sources := hammer/asin.c $(hplain)
+bangbang.class.sources := hammer/bangbang.c $(hfitter)
+bondo.class.sources := hammer/bondo.c $(hgrow)
+Borax.class.sources := hammer/Borax.c $(hloud)
+Bucket.class.sources := hammer/Bucket.c $(hplain)
+buddy.class.sources := hammer/buddy.c $(hgrow)
+capture.class.sources := hammer/capture.c $(hfile)
+cartopol.class.sources := hammer/cartopol.c $(hplain)
+Clip.class.sources := hammer/Clip.c $(hgrow)
+coll.class.sources := hammer/coll.c $(hfile)
+comment.class.sources := hammer/comment.c $(hforky)
+cosh.class.sources := hammer/cosh.c $(hplain)
+counter.class.sources := hammer/counter.c $(hfitter)
+cycle.class.sources := hammer/cycle.c $(hfitter)
+decide.class.sources := hammer/decide.c $(hloud)
+Decode.class.sources := hammer/Decode.c $(hfitter)
+drunk.class.sources := hammer/drunk.c $(hrand)
+flush.class.sources := hammer/flush.c $(hplain)
+forward.class.sources := hammer/forward.c $(hplain)
+fromsymbol.class.sources := hammer/fromsymbol.c $(hplain)
+funbuff.class.sources := hammer/funbuff.c $(htreefilevefl)
+funnel.class.sources := hammer/funnel.c $(hgrow)
+gate.class.sources := hammer/gate.c $(hfitter)
+grab.class.sources := hammer/grab.c $(hfragile)
+Histo.class.sources := hammer/Histo.c $(hloud)
+iter.class.sources := hammer/iter.c $(hgrow)
+match.class.sources := hammer/match.c $(hgrow)
+maximum.class.sources := hammer/maximum.c $(hfitter)
+mean.class.sources := hammer/mean.c $(hplain)
+midiflush.class.sources := hammer/midiflush.c $(hplain)
+midiformat.class.sources := hammer/midiformat.c $(hplain)
+midiparse.class.sources := hammer/midiparse.c $(hplain)
+minimum.class.sources := hammer/minimum.c $(hfitter)
+mousefilter.class.sources := hammer/mousefilter.c $(hgui)
+MouseState.class.sources := hammer/MouseState.c $(hgui)
+mtr.class.sources := hammer/mtr.c $(hfile)
+next.class.sources := hammer/next.c $(hplain)
+offer.class.sources := hammer/offer.c $(htree)
+onebang.class.sources := hammer/onebang.c $(hplain)
+past.class.sources := hammer/past.c $(hgrowfitter)
+Peak.class.sources := hammer/Peak.c $(hplain)
+poltocar.class.sources := hammer/poltocar.c $(hplain)
+prepend.class.sources := hammer/prepend.c $(hgrowfitter)
+prob.class.sources := hammer/prob.c $(hrandfile)
+pv.class.sources := hammer/pv.c $(hgrow)
+seq.class.sources := hammer/seq.c $(hseq)
+sinh.class.sources := hammer/sinh.c $(hplain)
+speedlim.class.sources := hammer/speedlim.c $(hgrow)
+spell.class.sources := hammer/spell.c $(hloud)
+split.class.sources := hammer/split.c $(hplain)
+spray.class.sources := hammer/spray.c $(hloud)
+sprintf.class.sources := hammer/sprintf.c $(hloud)
+substitute.class.sources := hammer/substitute.c $(hgrow)
+sustain.class.sources := hammer/sustain.c $(hplain)
+switch.class.sources := hammer/switch.c $(hfitter)
+Table.class.sources := hammer/Table.c $(hrandgrowfile)
+tanh.class.sources := hammer/tanh.c $(hplain)
+testmess.class.sources := hammer/testmess.c $(hfragile)
+thresh.class.sources := hammer/thresh.c $(hgrow)
+TogEdge.class.sources := hammer/TogEdge.c $(hloud)
+tosymbol.class.sources := hammer/tosymbol.c $(hgrow)
+Trough.class.sources := hammer/Trough.c $(hplain)
+universal.class.sources := hammer/universal.c $(hfragile)
+urn.class.sources := hammer/urn.c $(hrandgrow)
+Uzi.class.sources := hammer/Uzi.c $(hplain)
+xbendin2.class.sources := hammer/xbendin2.c $(hplain)
+xbendin.class.sources := hammer/xbendin.c $(hplain)
+xbendout2.class.sources := hammer/xbendout2.c $(hplain)
+xbendout.class.sources := hammer/xbendout.c $(hplain)
+xnotein.class.sources := hammer/xnotein.c $(hplain)
+xnoteout.class.sources := hammer/xnoteout.c $(hplain)
+zl.class.sources := hammer/zl.c $(hgrow)
+### sickle #####################################################################
+# common sources for sickle types
+ssic := \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+sforky := \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+sfragile := \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+sfragilefitter := \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/fitter.c \
+sgrow := \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+sgrowclc := \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+../shared/common/clc.c \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+sgrowforky := \
+../shared/common/grow.c \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/fitter.c \
+svefl := \
+../shared/common/vefl.c \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+sarsic := \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/sickle/arsic.c \
+../shared/common/vefl.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+sarsicfitter := \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/sickle/arsic.c \
+../shared/common/vefl.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/fitter.c \
+sfile := \
+../shared/hammer/file.c \
+../shared/sickle/sic.c \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+../shared/common/os.c \
+# special case: sickle but not tilde (see class linedrive)
+splainnotilde := \
+../shared/common/loud.c \
+# sickle classes
+abs~.class.sources := sickle/abs.c $(ssic)
+acos~.class.sources := sickle/acos.c $(ssic)
+acosh~.class.sources := sickle/acosh.c $(ssic)
+allpass~.class.sources := sickle/allpass.c $(ssic)
+asin~.class.sources := sickle/asin.c $(ssic)
+asinh~.class.sources := sickle/asinh.c $(ssic)
+atan2~.class.sources := sickle/atan2.c $(ssic)
+atan~.class.sources := sickle/atan.c $(ssic)
+atanh~.class.sources := sickle/atanh.c $(ssic)
+average~.class.sources := sickle/average.c $(ssic)
+avg~.class.sources := sickle/avg.c $(ssic)
+bitand~.class.sources := sickle/bitand.c $(sforky)
+bitnot~.class.sources := sickle/bitnot.c $(ssic)
+bitor~.class.sources := sickle/bitor.c $(sforky)
+bitshift~.class.sources := sickle/bitshift.c $(ssic)
+bitxor~.class.sources := sickle/bitxor.c $(sforky)
+buffir~.class.sources := sickle/buffir.c $(sarsicfitter)
+capture~.class.sources := sickle/capture.c $(sfile)
+cartopol~.class.sources := sickle/cartopol.c $(sfragile)
+change~.class.sources := sickle/change.c $(ssic)
+click~.class.sources := sickle/click.c $(sgrow)
+Clip~.class.sources := sickle/Clip.c $(ssic)
+comb~.class.sources := sickle/comb.c $(ssic)
+cosh~.class.sources := sickle/cosh.c $(ssic)
+cosx~.class.sources := sickle/cosx.c $(ssic)
+count~.class.sources := sickle/count.c $(ssic)
+curve~.class.sources := sickle/curve.c $(sgrowclc)
+cycle~.class.sources := sickle/cycle.c $(svefl)
+delay~.class.sources := sickle/delay.c $(ssic)
+delta~.class.sources := sickle/delta.c $(ssic)
+deltaclip~.class.sources := sickle/deltaclip.c $(ssic)
+edge~.class.sources := sickle/edge.c $(ssic)
+frameaccum~.class.sources := sickle/frameaccum.c $(sgrow)
+framedelta~.class.sources := sickle/framedelta.c $(sgrow)
+index~.class.sources := sickle/index.c $(sarsic)
+kink~.class.sources := sickle/kink.c $(ssic)
+Line~.class.sources := sickle/Line.c $(sgrow)
+linedrive.class.sources := sickle/linedrive.c $(splainnotilde)
+log~.class.sources := sickle/log.c $(ssic)
+lookup~.class.sources := sickle/lookup.c $(sarsic)
+lores~.class.sources := sickle/lores.c $(ssic)
+matrix~.class.sources := sickle/matrix.c $(sfragilefitter)
+maximum~.class.sources := sickle/maximum.c $(ssic)
+minimum~.class.sources := sickle/minimum.c $(ssic)
+minmax~.class.sources := sickle/minmax.c $(ssic)
+mstosamps~.class.sources := sickle/mstosamps.c $(ssic)
+onepole~.class.sources := sickle/onepole.c $(ssic)
+overdrive~.class.sources := sickle/overdrive.c $(ssic)
+peakamp~.class.sources := sickle/peakamp.c $(ssic)
+peek~.class.sources := sickle/peek.c $(sarsic)
+phasewrap~.class.sources := sickle/phasewrap.c $(ssic)
+pink~.class.sources := sickle/pink.c $(ssic)
+play~.class.sources := sickle/play.c $(sarsic)
+poke~.class.sources := sickle/poke.c $(sarsic)
+poltocar~.class.sources := sickle/poltocar.c $(sfragile)
+pong~.class.sources := sickle/pong.c $(sforky)
+pow~.class.sources := sickle/pow.c $(ssic)
+rampsmooth~.class.sources := sickle/rampsmooth.c $(ssic)
+rand~.class.sources := sickle/rand.c $(ssic)
+record~.class.sources := sickle/record.c $(sarsic)
+reson~.class.sources := sickle/reson.c $(ssic)
+sah~.class.sources := sickle/sah.c $(ssic)
+sampstoms~.class.sources := sickle/sampstoms.c $(ssic)
+Scope~.class.sources := sickle/Scope.c $(sgrowforky)
+sinh~.class.sources := sickle/sinh.c $(ssic)
+sinx~.class.sources := sickle/sinx.c $(ssic)
+slide~.class.sources := sickle/slide.c $(ssic)
+Snapshot~.class.sources := sickle/Snapshot.c $(ssic)
+spike~.class.sources := sickle/spike.c $(ssic)
+svf~.class.sources := sickle/svf.c $(ssic)
+tanh~.class.sources := sickle/tanh.c $(ssic)
+tanx~.class.sources := sickle/tanx.c $(ssic)
+train~.class.sources := sickle/train.c $(ssic)
+trapezoid~.class.sources := sickle/trapezoid.c $(ssic)
+triangle~.class.sources := sickle/triangle.c $(ssic)
+vectral~.class.sources := sickle/vectral.c $(ssic)
+wave~.class.sources := sickle/wave.c $(sarsic)
+zerox~.class.sources := sickle/zerox.c $(ssic)
+nettles.class.sources := shadow/nettles.c $(ssic)
+datafiles = \
+$(wildcard ../doc/help/cyclone/*-help.pd) \
+../doc/help/cyclone/all_about_cyclone.pd \
+../doc/help/cyclone/dspSwitch~.pd \
+../doc/help/cyclone/output~.pd \
+../doc/help/cyclone/test.mid \
+../doc/help/cyclone/voice.wav \
+../LICENSE.txt \
+README.txt \
+cyclone-meta.pd \
+$(wildcard abstractions/*.pd)
+### pdlibbuilder ###############################################################
+# Include Makefile.pdlibbuilder from this directory, or else from central
+# externals directory in pd-extended configuration.
+externalsdir = ../..
+include $(firstword $(wildcard Makefile.pdlibbuilder \
+ $(externalsdir)/Makefile.pdlibbuilder))
+### cyclone extra targets ######################################################
+install: install-tests install-aliases
+install-tests: all
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) -v $(installpath)/tests && \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(wildcard ../test/cyclone/*) $(installpath)/tests
+# on Linux, add symbolic links for lower case aliases
+install-aliases: all
+ifeq ($(platform),Linux)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) -v $(installpath)
+ cd $(installpath); \
+ ln -s -f Append.$(extension) append.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Append-help.pd append-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Borax.$(extension) borax.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Borax-help.pd borax-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Bucket.$(extension) bucket.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Bucket-help.pd bucket-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Clip.$(extension) clip.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Clip-help.pd clip-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Decode.$(extension) decode.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Decode-help.pd decode-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Histo.$(extension) histo.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Histo-help.pd histo-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f MouseState.$(extension) mousestate.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f MouseState-help.pd mousestate-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Peak.$(extension) peak.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Peak-help.pd peak-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Table.$(extension) table.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Table-help.pd table-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f TogEdge.$(extension) togedge.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f TogEdge-help.pd togedge-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Trough.$(extension) trough.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Trough-help.pd trough-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Uzi.$(extension) uzi.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Uzi-help.pd uzi-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Clip~.$(extension) clip~.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Clip~-help.pd clip~-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Line~.$(extension) line~.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Line~-help.pd line~-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Scope~.$(extension) scope~.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Scope~-help.pd scope~-help.pd; \
+ ln -s -f Snapshot~.$(extension) snapshot~.$(extension); \
+ ln -s -f Snapshot~-help.pd snapshot~-help.pd