path: root/gfsm/gfsm/doc/libgfsm/doxy-filter.perl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gfsm/gfsm/doc/libgfsm/doxy-filter.perl')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfsm/gfsm/doc/libgfsm/doxy-filter.perl b/gfsm/gfsm/doc/libgfsm/doxy-filter.perl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..632c54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfsm/gfsm/doc/libgfsm/doxy-filter.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# File: doxy-filter.perl
+# Author: Bryan Jurish <moocow@ling.uni-potsdam.de>
+# Description: doxygen filter for use with the GNU C preprocessor
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename qw(basename fileparse);
+use vars qw($filepath $filesuff $pppath);
+$PP_ONLY = 0;
+$DO_CPP = 1;
+$logfile = undef;
+#$logfile = 'doxy-filter.log';
+@includes = qw();
+$cmdline = join(' ', $0, @ARGV);
+ "only-preprocess|o!"=>\$PP_ONLY,
+ "preprocess|do-cpp|p"=>\$DO_CPP,
+ "no-preprocess|no-cpp|np|n"=>sub { $DO_CPP = 0; },
+ "logfile|l=s"=>\$logfile,
+ "I=s"=>\@includes,
+ 'help|h'=>\$help,
+ );
+if ($help) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-(only|no|)-preprocess|-logfile FILE|-IDIR] FILE(s)...\n";
+ exit 0;
+$config_cppflags = join(' ', map { "-I$_" } @includes);
+do "doxy-filter.cfg";
+# Globals
+$CPP = $ENV{CPP} || 'cpp';
+$CPP = $config_cpp if (defined($config_cpp));
+$CPPFLAGS = (''
+ #.' -C ' ## -- preserve comments
+ #.' -x c++' ## -- parse c++ code
+ .' '.($ENV{CPPFLAGS} || '')
+ .' '.$config_cppflags
+ );
+$ppextra = '(?s:\bbison\.h\b)|(?s:\bflexskel\.h\b)';
+%ppextra =
+ ('(?:Lexer)' => '(?s:\bflexskel\.h\b)',
+ '(?:Parser)' => '(?s:\bbison\.h\b)',
+ );
+@suffixes = qw(\.c \.h \.cc \.cpp \.cxx \.l \.y \.ll \.yy);
+##-- temp
+$TMPDIR = $ENV{TMP} || '/tmp';
+$TMPDIR = $config_tmpdir if (defined($config_tmpdir));
+#$DEBUG = 2;
+#$DEBUG = 1;
+sub logopen {
+ $logfile = 'doxy-filter.log' if (!defined($logfile));
+ if ($logfile ne '-') {
+ open(LOG,">>$logfile") or die("$0: open failed for log-file '$logfile': $!");
+ open(STDERR,">&LOG") or die("$0: could not redirect STDERR to LOG: $!");
+ } else {
+ open(LOG, ">&STDERR") or die ("$0: could not redirect LOG to STDERR: $!");
+ }
+ print LOG
+ ("\n", ("-" x 72), "\n", `date`,
+ "> ARGV=$cmdline\n",
+ "> PWD=", `pwd`,
+ "> PP_ONLY=", $PP_ONLY ? 1 : 0, "\n",
+ "> DO_CPP=", $DO_CPP ? 1 : 0, "\n",
+ );
+push(@ARGV,'-') if (!@ARGV);
+logopen() if ($DEBUG>0);
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+ print LOG ("> CPPCMD=$CPP $CPPFLAGS $file |\n") if ($DEBUG>0);
+ if ($DO_CPP) {
+ open(CPP,"$CPP $CPPFLAGS $file|")
+ or die("$0: could not open pipe from '$CPP $CPPFLAGS $file': $!");
+ } else {
+ open(CPP, "${file}.pp")
+ or die("$0: could not open '${file}.pp': $!");
+ }
+ ($filebase,$filepath,$filesuff) = fileparse($file, @suffixes);
+ $ppfile = undef;
+ while (defined($line = <CPP>)) {
+ if (!$PP_ONLY) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\#\s*\d+\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/) {
+ ## -- data from a different file
+ $ppfile = $1;
+ ($ppbase,$pppath,$ppsuff) = fileparse($ppfile, @suffixes);
+ if ($DEBUG>2) {
+ print LOG ("> filebase='$filebase', ppbase='$ppbase', ppsuff='$ppsuff'\n");
+ }
+ if ($ppfile eq $file) {
+ $wantline = 1;
+ print LOG ("> ACCEPT: literal filename match: $line") if ($DEBUG>1);
+ }
+ elsif (grep { $file =~ $_ && $ppfile =~ $ppextra{$_} } keys(%ppextra)) {
+ $wantline = 1;
+ print LOG ("> ACCEPT: filename convention match: $line\n") if ($DEBUG>1);
+ }
+ elsif (grep { $ppbase eq $filebase && $ppsuff =~ /$_$/ } @suffixes) {
+ $wantline = 1;
+ print LOG ("> ACCEPT: suffix match: $line\n") if ($DEBUG>1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $wantline = 0;
+ print LOG ("> REJECT: $line") if ($DEBUG>1);
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ next if (!defined($ppfile) || !$wantline);
+ }
+ print $line;
+ }
+ close(CPP);
+close(LOG) if ($DEBUG>0);
+# useless comment
+# again