path: root/modules/pdp_dice.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/pdp_dice.c')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/pdp_dice.c b/modules/pdp_dice.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb6007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pdp_dice.c
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ * PiDiP module
+ * Copyright (c) by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+/* This object is a port of dice effect from EffecTV
+ * Originally written by clifford smith <nullset@dookie.net>
+ * Pd-fication by Yves Degoyon ( ydegoyon@free.fr )
+ */
+#include "pdp.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#define MAX_CUBE_BITS 5
+#define MIN_CUBE_BITS 0
+typedef enum _pdp_dice_dir {
+ up = 0,
+ right = 1,
+ down = 2,
+ left = 3
+} t_pdp_dice_dir;
+static unsigned int fastrand_val;
+#define inline_fastrand() (fastrand_val=fastrand_val*1103515245+12345)
+static char *pdp_dice_version = "pdp_dice: version 0.1, port of dice from EffecTV by clifford smith, adapted by ydegoyon@free.fr ";
+typedef struct pdp_dice_struct
+ t_object x_obj;
+ t_float x_f;
+ t_int x_packet0;
+ t_int x_packet1;
+ t_int x_dropped;
+ t_int x_queue_id;
+ t_outlet *x_outlet0;
+ t_int x_vwidth;
+ t_int x_vheight;
+ t_int x_vsize;
+ char *x_dicemap;
+ t_int x_cube_bits;
+ t_int x_cube_size;
+ t_int x_map_height;
+ t_int x_map_width;
+} t_pdp_dice;
+static void pdp_dice_create_map(t_pdp_dice *x)
+ int px, py, i;
+ if ( x->x_dicemap == NULL )
+ {
+ post( "pdp_dice : tried to create map but it's not allocated" );
+ return;
+ }
+ x->x_map_height = x->x_vheight >> x->x_cube_bits;
+ x->x_map_width = x->x_vwidth >> x->x_cube_bits;
+ x->x_cube_size = 1 << x->x_cube_bits;
+ i = 0;
+ for (py=0; py<x->x_map_height; py++)
+ {
+ for(px=0; px<x->x_map_width; px++)
+ {
+ x->x_dicemap[i] = (inline_fastrand() >> 24) & 0x03;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+static void pdp_dice_cubebits(t_pdp_dice *x, t_floatarg fcubebits )
+ if ( ( fcubebits >= MIN_CUBE_BITS ) || ( fcubebits <= MAX_CUBE_BITS ) )
+ {
+ x->x_cube_bits = fcubebits;
+ pdp_dice_create_map(x);
+ }
+static void pdp_dice_free_ressources(t_pdp_dice *x)
+ if ( x->x_dicemap ) freebytes( x->x_dicemap, x->x_vsize );
+static void pdp_dice_allocate(t_pdp_dice *x)
+ x->x_dicemap = (char *) getbytes( x->x_vsize );
+static void pdp_dice_process_yv12(t_pdp_dice *x)
+ t_pdp *header = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0);
+ short int *data = (short int *)pdp_packet_data(x->x_packet0);
+ t_pdp *newheader = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet1);
+ short int *newdata = (short int *)pdp_packet_data(x->x_packet1);
+ t_int i, iuv;
+ t_int mapx, mapy, mapi;
+ t_int base, baseuv, dx, dy, di, diuv;
+ /* allocate all ressources */
+ if ( ((int)header->info.image.width != x->x_vwidth) ||
+ ((int)header->info.image.height != x->x_vheight) )
+ {
+ pdp_dice_free_ressources(x);
+ x->x_vwidth = header->info.image.width;
+ x->x_vheight = header->info.image.height;
+ x->x_vsize = x->x_vwidth*x->x_vheight;
+ pdp_dice_allocate(x);
+ post( "pdp_dice : reallocated buffers" );
+ pdp_dice_create_map(x);
+ post( "pdp_dice : initialized map" );
+ }
+ newheader->info.image.encoding = header->info.image.encoding;
+ newheader->info.image.width = x->x_vwidth;
+ newheader->info.image.height = x->x_vheight;
+ mapi = 0;
+ for(mapy = 0; mapy < x->x_map_height; mapy++)
+ {
+ for(mapx = 0; mapx < x->x_map_width; mapx++)
+ {
+ base = (mapy << x->x_cube_bits) * x->x_vwidth + (mapx << x->x_cube_bits);
+ baseuv = (((mapy << x->x_cube_bits)>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1)) + ((mapx << x->x_cube_bits)>>1);
+ switch (x->x_dicemap[mapi])
+ {
+ case up:
+ for (dy = 0; dy < x->x_cube_size; dy++)
+ {
+ i = base + dy * x->x_vwidth;
+ iuv = baseuv + ((dy>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1));
+ for (dx = 0; dx < x->x_cube_size; dx++)
+ {
+ newdata[i] = data[i];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+iuv] = data[x->x_vsize+iuv];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+iuv] = data[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+iuv];
+ i++;
+ if ( (dx%2==0) && (dy%2==0) ) iuv++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case left:
+ for (dy = 0; dy < x->x_cube_size; dy++)
+ {
+ i = base + dy * x->x_vwidth;
+ iuv = baseuv + ((dy>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1));
+ for (dx = 0; dx < x->x_cube_size; dx++)
+ {
+ di = base + (dx * x->x_vwidth) + (x->x_cube_size - dy - 1);
+ diuv = baseuv + ((dx>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1)) + ((x->x_cube_size - dy - 1)>>1);
+ newdata[di] = data[i];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+diuv] = data[x->x_vsize+iuv];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+diuv] = data[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+iuv];
+ i++;
+ if ( (dx%2==0) && (dy%2==0) ) iuv++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case down:
+ for (dy = 0; dy < x->x_cube_size; dy++)
+ {
+ di = base + dy * x->x_vwidth;
+ diuv = baseuv + ((dy>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1));
+ i = base + (x->x_cube_size - dy - 1) * x->x_vwidth + x->x_cube_size;
+ iuv = baseuv + (((x->x_cube_size - dy - 1)>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1)) + (x->x_cube_size>>1);
+ for (dx = 0; dx < x->x_cube_size; dx++)
+ {
+ i--;
+ if ( dx%2==0) iuv--;
+ newdata[di] = data[i];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+diuv] = data[x->x_vsize+iuv];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+diuv] = data[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+iuv];
+ di++;
+ if ( (dx%2==0) && (dy%2==0) ) iuv++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case right:
+ for (dy = 0; dy < x->x_cube_size; dy++)
+ {
+ i = base + (dy * x->x_vwidth);
+ iuv = baseuv + ((dy>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1));
+ for (dx = 0; dx < x->x_cube_size; dx++)
+ {
+ di = base + dy + (x->x_cube_size - dx - 1) * x->x_vwidth;
+ diuv = baseuv + (dy>>1) + (((x->x_cube_size - dx - 1)>>1) * (x->x_vwidth>>1));
+ newdata[di] = data[i];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+diuv] = data[x->x_vsize+iuv];
+ newdata[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+diuv] = data[x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2)+iuv];
+ i++;
+ if ( (dx%2==0) && (dy%2==0) ) iuv++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mapi++;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+static void pdp_dice_sendpacket(t_pdp_dice *x)
+ /* delete source packet */
+ pdp_packet_mark_unused(x->x_packet0);
+ x->x_packet0 = -1;
+ /* unregister and propagate if valid dest packet */
+ pdp_packet_pass_if_valid(x->x_outlet0, &x->x_packet1);
+static void pdp_dice_process(t_pdp_dice *x)
+ int encoding;
+ t_pdp *header = 0;
+ /* check if image data packets are compatible */
+ if ( (header = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0))
+ && (PDP_IMAGE == header->type)){
+ /* pdp_dice_process inputs and write into active inlet */
+ switch(pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0)->info.image.encoding)
+ {
+ case PDP_IMAGE_YV12:
+ x->x_packet1 = pdp_packet_clone_rw(x->x_packet0);
+ pdp_queue_add(x, pdp_dice_process_yv12, pdp_dice_sendpacket, &x->x_queue_id);
+ break;
+ // should write something to handle these one day
+ // but i don't use this mode
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* don't know the type, so dont pdp_dice_process */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void pdp_dice_input_0(t_pdp_dice *x, t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f)
+ /* if this is a register_ro message or register_rw message, register with packet factory */
+ if (s== gensym("register_rw"))
+ x->x_dropped = pdp_packet_convert_ro_or_drop(&x->x_packet0, (int)f, pdp_gensym("image/YCrCb/*") );
+ if ((s == gensym("process")) && (-1 != x->x_packet0) && (!x->x_dropped)){
+ /* add the process method and callback to the process queue */
+ pdp_dice_process(x);
+ }
+static void pdp_dice_free(t_pdp_dice *x)
+ int i;
+ pdp_dice_free_ressources(x);
+ pdp_queue_finish(x->x_queue_id);
+ pdp_packet_mark_unused(x->x_packet0);
+t_class *pdp_dice_class;
+void *pdp_dice_new(void)
+ int i;
+ t_pdp_dice *x = (t_pdp_dice *)pd_new(pdp_dice_class);
+ inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("cubebits"));
+ x->x_outlet0 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_anything);
+ x->x_packet0 = -1;
+ x->x_packet1 = -1;
+ x->x_queue_id = -1;
+ x->x_cube_bits = DEFAULT_CUBE_BITS;
+ x->x_cube_size = 0;
+ x->x_map_height = 0;
+ x->x_map_width = 0;
+ return (void *)x;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+void pdp_dice_setup(void)
+// post( pdp_dice_version );
+ pdp_dice_class = class_new(gensym("pdp_dice"), (t_newmethod)pdp_dice_new,
+ (t_method)pdp_dice_free, sizeof(t_pdp_dice), 0, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(pdp_dice_class, (t_method)pdp_dice_input_0, gensym("pdp"), A_SYMBOL, A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(pdp_dice_class, (t_method)pdp_dice_cubebits, gensym("cubebits"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
+#ifdef __cplusplus