path: root/pix_opencv_contours.cc
diff options
authorAntoine Villeret <avilleret@users.sourceforge.net>2014-07-10 14:39:22 +0000
committerAntoine Villeret <avilleret@users.sourceforge.net>2014-07-10 14:39:22 +0000
commitba994f4404b6eadcab4e0ead46ef4d3ffeceb024 (patch)
tree099dcc6caf1391cf23947317287623c389b9982d /pix_opencv_contours.cc
parente44f63152eb063b5e2e1e05e332439d7c4b7f828 (diff)
lots of changes !
1. switch to a new build system based on automake (because we need to check for some lib on ./configure before make) 2. sort files in different directory 3. add some new features (some of them need OpenCV >= 2.4.5) svn path=/trunk/externals/pix_opencv/; revision=17324
Diffstat (limited to 'pix_opencv_contours.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 532 deletions
diff --git a/pix_opencv_contours.cc b/pix_opencv_contours.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index c6eefbb..0000000
--- a/pix_opencv_contours.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
-// GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia
-// zmoelnig@iem.kug.ac.at
-// Implementation file
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Mark Danks.
-// Copyright (c) Günther Geiger.
-// Copyright (c) 2001-2002 IOhannes m zmoelnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM
-// Copyright (c) 2002 James Tittle & Chris Clepper
-// For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-// WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution.
-// based on code written by Lluis Gomez i Bigorda ( lluisgomez _at_ hangar _dot_ org ) (pix_opencv)
-// pix_opencv_contours extract and simplify contours of incomming image
-// by Antoine Villeret - 2012
-#include "pix_opencv_contours.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <RTE/MessageCallbacks.h>
-// pix_opencv_contours
-// Constructor
-pix_opencv_contours :: pix_opencv_contours() : m_repeat_point(1), \
- m_area_threshold(30), \
- m_epsilon(2), \
- m_enable_contours(1), \
- m_enable_hulls(1), \
- m_enable_defects(1), \
- m_hierarchy_level(-1), \
- m_taboutput(0), \
- m_x_arrayname(NULL), \
- m_y_arrayname(NULL), \
- m_z_arrayname(NULL)
- m_dataout_middle = outlet_new(this->x_obj, 0);
- m_dataout_right = outlet_new(this->x_obj, 0);
- //~ post("build on %s at %s", __DATE__, __TIME__);
-// Destructor
-pix_opencv_contours :: ~pix_opencv_contours()
-// processImage
-void pix_opencv_contours :: processRGBAImage(imageStruct &image)
- error( "pix_opencv_contours : rgba format not supported" );
-void pix_opencv_contours :: processRGBImage(imageStruct &image) {
- error( "pix_opencv_contours : rgb format not supported");
-void pix_opencv_contours :: processYUVImage(imageStruct &image) {
- error( "pix_opencv_contours : yuv format not supported" );
-void pix_opencv_contours :: processGrayImage(imageStruct &image)
- if ( image.xsize < 0 || image.ysize < 0 ) return;
- cv::Mat imgMat2( image.ysize, image.xsize, CV_8UC1, image.data, image.csize*image.xsize); // just transform imageStruct to IplImage without copying data
- cv::Mat imgMat = imgMat2.clone(); // copy data because findContours need it...
- m_contours.clear();
- m_convexhulls.clear();
- /*****************/
- /* Find Contours */
- /*****************/
- std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
- std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
- cv::findContours(imgMat, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
- /*
- std::cout << "hierarchy : \n" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "id\tnext\tprev\tchild\tparent" << std::endl;
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
- {
- std::cout << i << "\t" << hierarchy[i][0] << "\t" << hierarchy[i][1] << "\t" << hierarchy[i][2] << "\t" << hierarchy[i][3] << std::endl;
- }
- */
- if ( m_hierarchy_level != -1 )
- {
- int i=0;
- int hierarchy_level=0;
- while ( i < (int) contours.size() && i!=-1 && hierarchy_level != -1 )
- {
- if ( cv::contourArea(contours[i], false) > m_area_threshold && hierarchy_level == m_hierarchy_level )
- {
- std::vector<cv::Point> one_contour;
- cv::approxPolyDP(contours[i], one_contour, m_epsilon, true);
- m_contours.push_back(one_contour); // push contour if it's big enough
- }
- if ( hierarchy_level < m_hierarchy_level && hierarchy[i][2] != -1 ){ // si on n'a pas atteint le niveau choisi et qu'il y a un enfant on le prend
- hierarchy_level++;
- int j = i;
- i=hierarchy[j][2]; // get the first child
- } else if ( hierarchy[i][0] != -1 ) {
- i=hierarchy[i][0]; // get the next contour at this hierarchy level if it exists
- } else {
- while ( hierarchy_level != -1 )
- {
- hierarchy_level--;
- i=hierarchy[i][3];
- if ( i < 0 ) break; // pas de parent...
- if ( hierarchy[i][0] != -1 ) {
- i=hierarchy[i][0]; // next du parent
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
- {
- if ( cv::contourArea(contours[i], false) > m_area_threshold ){
- std::vector<cv::Point> one_contour;
- cv::approxPolyDP(contours[i], one_contour, m_epsilon, true);
- m_contours.push_back(one_contour);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( m_enable_contours )
- {
- t_atom*info;
- info = new t_atom[(int) m_contours.size()*20+2];
- // info : 20x(contour_nb) matrix
- // info for each contour : area, rotrect corner (8 float), rotrect center, rotrect size, rotation angle, number of segments, length of contour, other are reserved for future use
- int count(0);
- SETFLOAT(info+1, 20.);
- int info_offset(2);
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_contours.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (!m_contours[i].empty() && m_contours[i].size() > 2) {
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset, (float) cv::contourArea(m_contours[i]));
- cv::RotatedRect rot_rect = cv::minAreaRect(m_contours[i]);
- cv::Point2f corners[4];
- rot_rect.points(corners);
- double length = cv::arcLength(m_contours[i],true);
- for (int j=0;j<4;j++) {
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+j*2+1, corners[j].x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+j*2+2, corners[j].y/image.ysize);
- }
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+9, rot_rect.center.x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+10, rot_rect.center.y/image.ysize);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+11, rot_rect.size.width/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+12, rot_rect.size.height/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+13, rot_rect.angle);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+14, m_contours[i].size()+m_repeat_point*2); // number of points in segment
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+15, (float) length);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+16, 0);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+17, 0);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+18, 0);
- SETFLOAT(info+info_offset+19, 0);
- info_offset+=20;
- count++;
- }
- }
- SETFLOAT(info, (float) count);
- if (count) outlet_anything(m_dataout_right, gensym("info"), count*20+2, info);
- else outlet_float(m_dataout_right, 0);
- if ( !m_taboutput ){
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_contours.size() ; i++ )
- {
- if (!m_contours[i].empty() && m_contours[i].size() > 2) {
- int size = 2+(m_repeat_point*2+m_contours[i].size())*2;
- t_atom*ap = new t_atom[size];
- SETFLOAT(ap, static_cast<t_float>(m_repeat_point*2+m_contours[i].size()));
- SETFLOAT(ap+1, 2.0);
- int offset(2);
- for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < m_repeat_point ; j++){
- cv::Point pt = m_contours[i][0];
- SETFLOAT(ap+offset, (float) pt.x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(ap+offset+1,(float) pt.y/image.ysize);
- offset+=2;
- }
- for ( size_t j = 1 ; j < m_contours[i].size() ; j++){
- cv::Point pt = m_contours[i][j];
- SETFLOAT(ap+offset,(float) pt.x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(ap+offset+1,(float) pt.y/image.ysize);
- offset+=2;
- }
- for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < m_repeat_point ; j++){
- cv::Point pt = m_contours[i][0]; // repeat the first point to close the contour
- SETFLOAT(ap+offset, (float) pt.x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(ap+offset+1,(float) pt.y/image.ysize);
- offset+=2;
- }
- outlet_anything(m_dataout_middle, gensym("contour"), size, ap);
- if(ap)delete[]ap;ap=NULL;
- }
- }
- if (info) delete info;
- info = NULL;
- } else {
- //~ put contours in 3 tables.
- //~ contours are separated by 0 values
- if ( m_x_arrayname == NULL || m_y_arrayname == NULL || m_z_arrayname == NULL){
- error("please settab before trying to write into...");
- return;
- }
- int size(0), vecxsize(0), vecysize(0), veczsize(0);
- t_garray *ax, *ay, *az;
- t_word *vecx, *vecy, *vecz;
- //~ check if array exist
- if (!(ax = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(m_x_arrayname, garray_class))){
- error("%s: no such array", m_x_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- }
- if (!(ay = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(m_y_arrayname, garray_class))){
- error("%s: no such array", m_y_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- }
- if (!(az = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(m_z_arrayname, garray_class))){
- error("%s: no such array", m_z_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- }
- //~ check array and resize if needed
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_contours.size(); i++ ){
- size+=m_contours[i].size();
- }
- size+=m_contours.size()*m_repeat_point*2; // on ajoute 2 fois m_repeat_point points (au début et à la fin)
- if (!garray_getfloatwords(ax, &vecxsize, &vecx)){
- error("%s: bad template for tabwrite", m_x_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- } else if ( vecxsize != size ){
- garray_resize_long(ax,size);
- if (!garray_getfloatwords(ax, &vecxsize, &vecx)){
- error("%s: can't resize correctly", m_x_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!garray_getfloatwords(ay, &vecysize, &vecy)){
- error("%s: bad template for tabwrite", m_y_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- } else if ( vecysize != size ){
- garray_resize_long(ay,size);
- if (!garray_getfloatwords(ay, &vecysize, &vecy)){
- error("%s: can't resize correctly", m_y_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!garray_getfloatwords(az, &veczsize, &vecz)){
- error("%s: bad template for tabwrite", m_z_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- } else if ( veczsize != size ){
- garray_resize_long(az,size);
- if (!garray_getfloatwords(az, &veczsize, &vecz)){
- error("%s: can't resize correctly", m_z_arrayname->s_name);
- return;
- }
- }
- int n=0;
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_contours.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (n >= vecxsize || n>=vecysize || n>=veczsize)
- {
- error("array are not wide engouth");
- return;
- }
- unsigned int j;
- cv::Point pt;
- pt = m_contours[i][0];
- //~ start with blank point
- for (j=0; j<m_repeat_point; j++){
- vecx[n].w_float = (float) pt.x/image.xsize;
- vecy[n].w_float = (float) pt.y/image.ysize;
- vecz[n].w_float = 0.;
- n++;
- }
- for ( j = 0 ; j < m_contours[i].size() ; j++) {
- pt = m_contours[i][j];
- vecx[n].w_float = (float) pt.x/image.xsize;
- vecy[n].w_float = (float) pt.y/image.ysize;
- vecz[n].w_float = 1.;
- n++;
- }
- // close contour
- pt = m_contours[i][0];
- for (j=0; j<m_repeat_point; j++){
- vecx[n].w_float = (float) pt.x/image.xsize;
- vecy[n].w_float = (float) pt.y/image.ysize;
- vecz[n].w_float = 0.;
- n++;
- }
- // add a blank point to draw invisible segment
- //~ vecz[n++].w_float = 0.;
- }
- //~ comment the redraw fnt if not needed
- garray_redraw(ax);
- garray_redraw(ay);
- garray_redraw(az);
- }
- }
- //~ cv::drawContours(imgMat2, m_contours, -1, cv::Scalar(128,255,255), 3);
- /**********************/
- /* Compute Convexhull */
- /**********************/
- if ( m_enable_defects || m_enable_hulls )
- {
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_contours.size(); i++ )
- {
- std::vector<int> convexhull;
- cv::convexHull(m_contours[i], convexhull);
- m_convexhulls.push_back(convexhull);
- }
- }
- if ( m_enable_hulls )
- {
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_convexhulls.size() ; i++ )
- {
- int list_size=(int) m_convexhulls[i].size()*2+2;
- t_atom* data = new t_atom[list_size];
- SETFLOAT(data,m_convexhulls[i].size()); // nb of points for current convexhull
- SETFLOAT(data+1, 2); // each point is represented by 2 values
- t_atom* apt=data+2;
- for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < m_convexhulls[i].size() ; j++){
- int k = m_convexhulls[i][j];
- cv::Point pt = m_contours[i][k];
- SETFLOAT(apt, (float) pt.x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(apt+1, (float) pt.y/image.ysize);
- apt+=2;
- }
- outlet_anything(m_dataout_middle, gensym("convexhull"), list_size, data);
- if (data) delete data;
- data = NULL;
- }
- }
- /*****************************/
- /* Compute convexity defects */
- /*****************************/
- if ( m_enable_defects )
- {
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_contours.size() ; i++ )
- {
- std::vector<cv::Vec4i> defects(m_convexhulls[i].size());
- cv::Ptr<CvMemStorage> storage = cvCreateMemStorage();
- cv::InputArray _points = m_contours[i];
- cv::InputArray _hull = m_convexhulls[i];
- cv::Mat points = _points.getMat();
- cv::Mat hull = _hull.getMat();
- CvMat c_points = points, c_hull = hull;
- CvSeq* seq = cvConvexityDefects(&c_points, &c_hull, storage);
- double norm = sqrtf( image.xsize*image.ysize );
- if ( !seq ) {
- error("seq undefined...");
- continue;
- }
- int list_size=(int) seq->total*7+2;
- if (seq->total > 0)
- {
- t_atom* data = new t_atom[list_size];
- SETFLOAT(data, seq->total); // number of defect for current contour
- SETFLOAT(data+1, 7); // a defect is represented by 7 values : start point (x,y), end point (x,y), farthest point (x,y) and defect depth
- cv::SeqIterator<CvConvexityDefect> it = cv::Seq<CvConvexityDefect>(seq).begin(); // TODO : crash sometimes but don't know why yet...
- t_atom* apt = data+2;
- for ( int j = 0 ; j < seq->total ; j++, ++it )
- {
- CvConvexityDefect& defect = *it;
- SETFLOAT(apt, (float) defect.start->x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(apt+1, (float) defect.start->y/image.ysize);
- SETFLOAT(apt+2, (float) defect.end->x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(apt+3, (float) defect.end->y/image.ysize);
- SETFLOAT(apt+4, (float) defect.depth_point->x/image.xsize);
- SETFLOAT(apt+5, (float) defect.depth_point->y/image.ysize);
- SETFLOAT(apt+6, (float) defect.depth/norm);
- apt+=7;
- }
- outlet_anything(m_dataout_middle, gensym("convexitydefects"), list_size, data);
- if (data) delete data;
- data = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
-// static member function
-void pix_opencv_contours :: obj_setupCallback(t_class *classPtr)
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "epsilon", epsilonMess, double);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "area", areaMess, double);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "contours", contoursMess, double);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "convexhulls", convexhullsMess, double);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "convexitydefects", convexitydefectsMess, double);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "hierarchy_level", hierarchyMess, double);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "taboutput", taboutputMess, float);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG3(classPtr, "settab", tableMess, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*);
- CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "repeat_point", repeat_pointMess, float);
-// messages handling
-void pix_opencv_contours :: epsilonMess(double arg)
- m_epsilon = arg > 0 ? arg : 3.;
- t_atom data_out;
- SETFLOAT(&data_out, (float) m_epsilon);
- outlet_anything( m_dataout_right, gensym("epsilon"), 1, &data_out);
-void pix_opencv_contours :: areaMess(double arg)
- m_area_threshold = arg > 0 ? arg : 30.;
- t_atom data_out;
- SETFLOAT(&data_out, (float) m_area_threshold);
- outlet_anything( m_dataout_right, gensym("area"), 1, &data_out);
-void pix_opencv_contours :: contoursMess(double arg)
- m_enable_contours = arg > 0;
-void pix_opencv_contours :: convexhullsMess(double arg)
- m_enable_hulls = arg > 0;
-void pix_opencv_contours :: convexitydefectsMess(double arg)
- m_enable_defects = arg > 0;
-void pix_opencv_contours :: hierarchyMess(double arg)
- m_hierarchy_level = arg < -1 ? -1 : arg;
- m_mode = m_hierarchy_level == -1 ? CV_RETR_LIST : CV_RETR_TREE;
-void pix_opencv_contours :: taboutputMess(float arg)
- m_taboutput = arg > 0;
-void pix_opencv_contours :: repeat_pointMess(float arg)
- m_repeat_point = arg > 1 ? arg : 1;
-void pix_opencv_contours :: tableMess(t_symbol*xarray, t_symbol*yarray, t_symbol*zarray)
- // check if arrays exist
- m_x_arrayname = xarray;
- m_y_arrayname = yarray;
- m_z_arrayname = zarray;
- m_taboutput = 1;