path: root/src/pix_opencv_motempl.cc
diff options
authorAntoine Villeret <avilleret@users.sourceforge.net>2014-07-10 14:39:22 +0000
committerAntoine Villeret <avilleret@users.sourceforge.net>2014-07-10 14:39:22 +0000
commitba994f4404b6eadcab4e0ead46ef4d3ffeceb024 (patch)
tree099dcc6caf1391cf23947317287623c389b9982d /src/pix_opencv_motempl.cc
parente44f63152eb063b5e2e1e05e332439d7c4b7f828 (diff)
lots of changes !
1. switch to a new build system based on automake (because we need to check for some lib on ./configure before make) 2. sort files in different directory 3. add some new features (some of them need OpenCV >= 2.4.5) svn path=/trunk/externals/pix_opencv/; revision=17324
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pix_opencv_motempl.cc')
1 files changed, 708 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pix_opencv_motempl.cc b/src/pix_opencv_motempl.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec33a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pix_opencv_motempl.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+// GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia
+// zmoelnig@iem.kug.ac.at
+// Implementation file
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Mark Danks.
+// Copyright (c) Günther Geiger.
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2002 IOhannes m zmoelnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM
+// Copyright (c) 2002 James Tittle & Chris Clepper
+// For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+// WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution.
+#include "pix_opencv_motempl.h"
+// pix_opencv_motempl
+// Constructor
+pix_opencv_motempl :: pix_opencv_motempl()
+ int i;
+ inlet_new(this->x_obj, &this->x_obj->ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("ft1"));
+ inlet_new(this->x_obj, &this->x_obj->ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("min_size"));
+ inlet_new(this->x_obj, &this->x_obj->ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("max_size"));
+ m_dataout = outlet_new(this->x_obj, 0);
+ mhi_duration = 1.0;
+ aperture = 3;
+ diff_threshold = 30;
+ last = 0;
+ comp_xsize = 320;
+ comp_ysize = 240;
+ // various tracking parameters (in seconds)
+ max_time_delta = 0.5;
+ min_time_delta = 0.05;
+ // number of cyclic frame buffer used for motion detection
+ // (should, probably, depend on FPS)
+ frame_buffer_num = 4;
+ min_size=50;
+ max_size=500;
+ rgb = NULL;
+ motion = NULL;
+ rgba = NULL;
+ grey = NULL;
+ mhi = NULL;
+ orient = NULL;
+ mask = NULL;
+ segmask = NULL;
+ storage = NULL;
+ mask_size = CV_DIST_MASK_PRECISE;
+ cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 1, 8 );
+ rgb = cvCreateImage(cvSize(comp_xsize,comp_ysize), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+ motion = cvCreateImage( cvSize(comp_xsize,comp_ysize), 8, 3 );
+ cvZero( motion );
+ motion->origin = rgb->origin;
+ rgba = cvCreateImage( cvSize(comp_xsize, comp_ysize), 8, 4 );
+ grey = cvCreateImage( cvSize(comp_xsize, comp_ysize), 8, 1 );
+// Destructor
+pix_opencv_motempl :: ~pix_opencv_motempl()
+ //Destroy cv_images to clean memory
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgb );
+ cvReleaseImage( &motion );
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgba );
+ cvReleaseImage( &grey );
+// processImage
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: processRGBAImage(imageStruct &image)
+ double timestamp = (double)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // get current time in seconds
+ CvSize size = cvSize(image.xsize,image.ysize); // get current frame size
+ int i, j, idx1 = last, idx2;
+ IplImage* silh;
+ CvSeq* seq;
+ CvRect comp_rect;
+ double count;
+ double angle;
+ CvPoint center;
+ double magnitude;
+ CvScalar color;
+ char tindex[10];
+ if ((this->comp_xsize!=image.xsize)&&(this->comp_ysize!=image.ysize)) {
+ this->comp_xsize = image.xsize;
+ this->comp_ysize = image.ysize;
+ //Destroy cv_images to clean memory
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgb );
+ cvReleaseImage( &motion );
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgba );
+ cvReleaseImage( &grey );
+ //Create cv_images
+ rgb = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+ motion = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rgb->width,rgb->height), 8, 3 );
+ cvZero( motion );
+ motion->origin = rgb->origin;
+ rgba = cvCreateImage( cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), 8, 4 );
+ grey = cvCreateImage( cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), 8, 1 );
+ }
+ memcpy( rgba->imageData, image.data, image.xsize*image.ysize*4 );
+ cvCvtColor( rgba, rgb, CV_RGBA2RGB);
+ // allocate images at the beginning or
+ // reallocate them if the frame size is changed
+ if( (!mhi) || (mhi->width != size.width) || (mhi->height != size.height) || (!buf)) {
+ if( buf == 0 ) {
+ buf = (IplImage**)malloc(frame_buffer_num*sizeof(buf[0]));
+ //memset( buf, 0, N*sizeof(buf[0]));
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < frame_buffer_num; i++ ) {
+ // TODO if ( buf[i] != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &buf[i] );
+ buf[i] = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
+ cvZero( buf[i] );
+ }
+ if ( mhi != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &mhi );
+ if ( orient != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &orient );
+ if ( segmask != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &segmask );
+ if ( mask != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &mask );
+ mhi = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ cvZero( mhi ); // clear MHI at the beginning
+ orient = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ segmask = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ mask = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
+ }
+ cvCvtColor( rgb, buf[last], CV_BGR2GRAY ); // convert frame to grayscale
+ idx2 = (last + 1) % frame_buffer_num; // index of (last - (N-1))th frame
+ last = idx2;
+ silh = buf[idx2];
+ cvAbsDiff( buf[idx1], buf[idx2], silh ); // get difference between frames
+ cvThreshold( silh, silh, diff_threshold, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY ); // and threshold it
+ cvUpdateMotionHistory( silh, mhi, timestamp, mhi_duration ); // update MHI
+ // convert MHI to red 8u image
+ cvCvtScale( mhi, mask, 255./mhi_duration,
+ (mhi_duration - timestamp)*255./mhi_duration );
+ cvZero( motion );
+ cvCvtPlaneToPix( mask, 0, 0, 0, motion );
+ // calculate motion gradient orientation and valid orientation mask
+ cvCalcMotionGradient( mhi, mask, orient, max_time_delta, min_time_delta, aperture );
+ if( !storage )
+ storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
+ else
+ cvClearMemStorage(storage);
+ // segment motion: get sequence of motion components
+ // segmask is marked motion components map. It is not used further
+ seq = cvSegmentMotion( mhi, segmask, storage, timestamp, max_time_delta );
+ // iterate through the motion components,
+ // One more iteration (i == -1) corresponds to the whole image (global motion)
+ j=0;
+ if (seq->total) for( i = -1; i < seq->total; i++ ) {
+ if( i < 0 ) { // case of the whole image
+ comp_rect = cvRect( 0, 0, size.width, size.height );
+ color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);
+ magnitude = 100;
+ }
+ else { // i-th motion component
+ comp_rect = ((CvConnectedComp*)cvGetSeqElem( seq, i ))->rect;
+ if(( comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height < min_size )||( comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height > max_size )) // reject very small/big components
+ continue;
+#ifdef _DARWIN_
+ color = CV_RGB(0,255,0);
+ color = CV_RGB(255,0,0);
+ magnitude = (comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height) /4;
+ }
+ // select component ROI
+ cvSetImageROI( silh, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( mhi, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( orient, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( mask, comp_rect );
+ // calculate orientation
+ angle = cvCalcGlobalOrientation( orient, mask, mhi, timestamp, mhi_duration);
+ angle = 360.0 - angle; // adjust for images with top-left origin
+ count = cvNorm( silh, 0, CV_L1, 0 ); // calculate number of points within silhouette ROI
+ cvResetImageROI( mhi );
+ cvResetImageROI( orient );
+ cvResetImageROI( mask );
+ cvResetImageROI( silh );
+ // draw a clock with arrow indicating the direction
+ center = cvPoint( (comp_rect.x + comp_rect.width/2),
+ (comp_rect.y + comp_rect.height/2) );
+ cvCircle( motion, center, cvRound(magnitude*1.2), color, 3, CV_AA, 0 );
+ cvLine( motion, center, cvPoint( cvRound( center.x + magnitude*cos(angle*CV_PI/180)),
+ cvRound( center.y - magnitude*sin(angle*CV_PI/180))), color, 3, CV_AA, 0 );
+ if( i < 0 ) // case of the whole image
+ {
+ sprintf( tindex, "%d", i );
+ cvPutText( motion, tindex, center, &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255));
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[0], i);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[1], center.x);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[2], center.y);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[3], comp_rect.width);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[4], comp_rect.height);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[5], angle);
+ outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 6, rlist );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf( tindex, "%d", ++j );
+ cvPutText( motion, tindex, center, &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255));
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[0], j);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[1], center.x);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[2], center.y);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[3], comp_rect.width);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[4], comp_rect.height);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[5], angle);
+ outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 6, rlist );
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _DARWIN_
+ cvCvtColor( motion, rgba, CV_RGB2BGRA);
+ cvCvtColor( motion, rgba, CV_RGB2RGBA);
+ memcpy( image.data, rgba->imageData, image.xsize*image.ysize*4 );
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: processRGBImage(imageStruct &image)
+ double timestamp = (double)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // get current time in seconds
+ CvSize size = cvSize(image.xsize,image.ysize); // get current frame size
+ int i, j, idx1 = last, idx2;
+ IplImage* silh;
+ CvSeq* seq;
+ CvRect comp_rect;
+ double count;
+ double angle;
+ CvPoint center;
+ double magnitude;
+ CvScalar color;
+ char tindex[10];
+ if ((this->comp_xsize!=image.xsize)&&(this->comp_ysize!=image.ysize)) {
+ this->comp_xsize = image.xsize;
+ this->comp_ysize = image.ysize;
+ //Destroy cv_images to clean memory
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgb );
+ cvReleaseImage( &motion );
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgba );
+ cvReleaseImage( &grey );
+ //Create cv_images
+ rgb = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+ motion = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rgb->width,rgb->height), 8, 3 );
+ cvZero( motion );
+ motion->origin = rgb->origin;
+ rgba = cvCreateImage( cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), 8, 4 );
+ grey = cvCreateImage( cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), 8, 1 );
+ }
+ // FEM UNA COPIA DEL PACKET A image->imageData ... http://www.cs.iit.edu/~agam/cs512/lect-notes/opencv-intro/opencv-intro.html aqui veiem la estructura de IplImage
+ memcpy( rgb->imageData, image.data, image.xsize*image.ysize*3 );
+ // allocate images at the beginning or
+ // reallocate them if the frame size is changed
+ if( (!mhi) || (mhi->width != size.width) || (mhi->height != size.height) || (!buf)) {
+ if( buf == 0 ) {
+ buf = (IplImage**)malloc(frame_buffer_num*sizeof(buf[0]));
+ //memset( buf, 0, N*sizeof(buf[0]));
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < frame_buffer_num; i++ ) {
+ // TODO if ( buf[i] != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &(buf[i]) );
+ buf[i] = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
+ cvZero( buf[i] );
+ }
+ if ( mhi != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &mhi );
+ if ( orient != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &orient );
+ if ( segmask != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &segmask );
+ if ( mask != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &mask );
+ mhi = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ cvZero( mhi ); // clear MHI at the beginning
+ orient = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ segmask = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ mask = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
+ }
+ cvCvtColor( rgb, buf[last], CV_BGR2GRAY ); // convert frame to grayscale
+ idx2 = (last + 1) % frame_buffer_num; // index of (last - (N-1))th frame
+ last = idx2;
+ silh = buf[idx2];
+ cvAbsDiff( buf[idx1], buf[idx2], silh ); // get difference between frames
+ cvThreshold( silh, silh, diff_threshold, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY ); // and threshold it
+ cvUpdateMotionHistory( silh, mhi, timestamp, mhi_duration ); // update MHI
+ // convert MHI to blue 8u image
+ cvCvtScale( mhi, mask, 255./mhi_duration,
+ (mhi_duration - timestamp)*255./mhi_duration );
+ cvZero( motion );
+ cvCvtPlaneToPix( mask, 0, 0, 0, motion );
+ // calculate motion gradient orientation and valid orientation mask
+ cvCalcMotionGradient( mhi, mask, orient, max_time_delta, min_time_delta, aperture );
+ if( !storage )
+ storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
+ else
+ cvClearMemStorage(storage);
+ // segment motion: get sequence of motion components
+ // segmask is marked motion components map. It is not used further
+ seq = cvSegmentMotion( mhi, segmask, storage, timestamp, max_time_delta );
+ // iterate through the motion components,
+ // One more iteration (i == -1) corresponds to the whole image (global motion)
+ j=0;
+ if (seq->total) for( i = -1; i < seq->total; i++ ) {
+ if( i < 0 ) { // case of the whole image
+ comp_rect = cvRect( 0, 0, size.width, size.height );
+ color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);
+ magnitude = 100;
+ }
+ else { // i-th motion component
+ comp_rect = ((CvConnectedComp*)cvGetSeqElem( seq, i ))->rect;
+ if(( comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height < min_size )||( comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height > max_size )) // reject very small/big components
+ continue;
+#ifdef _DARWIN_
+ color = CV_RGB(0,255,0);
+ color = CV_RGB(255,0,0);
+ magnitude = (comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height) / 4;
+ }
+ // select component ROI
+ cvSetImageROI( silh, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( mhi, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( orient, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( mask, comp_rect );
+ // calculate orientation
+ angle = cvCalcGlobalOrientation( orient, mask, mhi, timestamp, mhi_duration);
+ angle = 360.0 - angle; // adjust for images with top-left origin
+ count = cvNorm( silh, 0, CV_L1, 0 ); // calculate number of points within silhouette ROI
+ cvResetImageROI( mhi );
+ cvResetImageROI( orient );
+ cvResetImageROI( mask );
+ cvResetImageROI( silh );
+ // draw a clock with arrow indicating the direction
+ center = cvPoint( (comp_rect.x + comp_rect.width/2),
+ (comp_rect.y + comp_rect.height/2) );
+ cvCircle( motion, center, cvRound(magnitude*1.2), color, 3, CV_AA, 0 );
+ cvLine( motion, center, cvPoint( cvRound( center.x + magnitude*cos(angle*CV_PI/180)),
+ cvRound( center.y - magnitude*sin(angle*CV_PI/180))), color, 3, CV_AA, 0 );
+ if( i < 0 ) // case of the whole image
+ {
+ sprintf( tindex, "%d", i );
+ cvPutText( motion, tindex, center, &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255));
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[0], i);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[1], center.x);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[2], center.y);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[3], comp_rect.width);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[4], comp_rect.height);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[5], angle);
+ outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 6, rlist );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf( tindex, "%d", ++j );
+ cvPutText( motion, tindex, center, &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255));
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[0], j);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[1], center.x);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[2], center.y);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[3], comp_rect.width);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[4], comp_rect.height);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[5], angle);
+ outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 6, rlist );
+ }
+ }
+ //cvShowImage(wndname, cedge);
+ memcpy( image.data, motion->imageData, image.xsize*image.ysize*3 );
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: processYUVImage(imageStruct &image)
+ post( "pix_opencv_motempl : yuv format not supported" );
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: processGrayImage(imageStruct &image)
+ double timestamp = (double)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // get current time in seconds
+ CvSize size = cvSize(image.xsize,image.ysize); // get current frame size
+ int i, j, idx1 = last, idx2;
+ IplImage* silh;
+ CvSeq* seq;
+ CvRect comp_rect;
+ double count;
+ double angle;
+ CvPoint center;
+ double magnitude;
+ CvScalar color;
+ char tindex[10];
+ if ((this->comp_xsize!=image.xsize)&&(this->comp_ysize!=image.ysize)) {
+ this->comp_xsize = image.xsize;
+ this->comp_ysize = image.ysize;
+ //Destroy cv_images to clean memory
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgb );
+ cvReleaseImage( &motion );
+ cvReleaseImage( &rgba );
+ cvReleaseImage( &grey );
+ //Create cv_images
+ rgb = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+ motion = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rgb->width,rgb->height), 8, 3 );
+ cvZero( motion );
+ motion->origin = rgb->origin;
+ rgba = cvCreateImage( cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), 8, 4 );
+ grey = cvCreateImage( cvSize(image.xsize, image.ysize), 8, 1 );
+ }
+ // FEM UNA COPIA DEL PACKET A image->imageData ... http://www.cs.iit.edu/~agam/cs512/lect-notes/opencv-intro/opencv-intro.html aqui veiem la estructura de IplImage
+ memcpy( grey->imageData, image.data, image.xsize*image.ysize );
+ // Convert to RGB
+ cvCvtColor( grey, rgb, CV_GRAY2RGB);
+ // allocate images at the beginning or
+ // reallocate them if the frame size is changed
+ if( (!mhi) || (mhi->width != size.width) || (mhi->height != size.height) || (!buf)) {
+ if( buf == 0 ) {
+ buf = (IplImage**)malloc(frame_buffer_num*sizeof(buf[0]));
+ //memset( buf, 0, N*sizeof(buf[0]));
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < frame_buffer_num; i++ ) {
+ // TODO cvReleaseImage( &(buf[i]) );
+ buf[i] = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
+ cvZero( buf[i] );
+ }
+ if ( mhi != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &mhi );
+ if ( orient != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &orient );
+ if ( segmask != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &segmask );
+ if ( mask != NULL ) cvReleaseImage( &mask );
+ mhi = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ cvZero( mhi ); // clear MHI at the beginning
+ orient = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ segmask = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
+ mask = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
+ }
+ cvCvtColor( rgb, buf[last], CV_BGR2GRAY ); // convert frame to grayscale
+ idx2 = (last + 1) % frame_buffer_num; // index of (last - (N-1))th frame
+ last = idx2;
+ silh = buf[idx2];
+ cvAbsDiff( buf[idx1], buf[idx2], silh ); // get difference between frames
+ cvThreshold( silh, silh, diff_threshold, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY ); // and threshold it
+ cvUpdateMotionHistory( silh, mhi, timestamp, mhi_duration ); // update MHI
+ // convert MHI to blue 8u image
+ cvCvtScale( mhi, mask, 255./mhi_duration,
+ (mhi_duration - timestamp)*255./mhi_duration );
+ cvZero( motion );
+ cvCvtPlaneToPix( mask, 0, 0, 0, motion );
+ // calculate motion gradient orientation and valid orientation mask
+ cvCalcMotionGradient( mhi, mask, orient, max_time_delta, min_time_delta, aperture );
+ if( !storage )
+ storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
+ else
+ cvClearMemStorage(storage);
+ // segment motion: get sequence of motion components
+ // segmask is marked motion components map. It is not used further
+ seq = cvSegmentMotion( mhi, segmask, storage, timestamp, max_time_delta );
+ // iterate through the motion components,
+ // One more iteration (i == -1) corresponds to the whole image (global motion)
+ j=0;
+ if (seq->total) for( i = -1; i < seq->total; i++ ) {
+ if( i < 0 ) { // case of the whole image
+ comp_rect = cvRect( 0, 0, size.width, size.height );
+ color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);
+ magnitude = 100;
+ }
+ else { // i-th motion component
+ comp_rect = ((CvConnectedComp*)cvGetSeqElem( seq, i ))->rect;
+ if(( comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height < min_size )||( comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height > max_size )) // reject very small components
+ continue;
+#ifdef _DARWIN_
+ color = CV_RGB(0,255,0);
+ color = CV_RGB(255,0,0);
+ magnitude = (comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height) / 4;
+ }
+ // select component ROI
+ cvSetImageROI( silh, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( mhi, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( orient, comp_rect );
+ cvSetImageROI( mask, comp_rect );
+ // calculate orientation
+ angle = cvCalcGlobalOrientation( orient, mask, mhi, timestamp, mhi_duration);
+ angle = 360.0 - angle; // adjust for images with top-left origin
+ count = cvNorm( silh, 0, CV_L1, 0 ); // calculate number of points within silhouette ROI
+ cvResetImageROI( mhi );
+ cvResetImageROI( orient );
+ cvResetImageROI( mask );
+ cvResetImageROI( silh );
+ // draw a clock with arrow indicating the direction
+ center = cvPoint( (comp_rect.x + comp_rect.width/2),
+ (comp_rect.y + comp_rect.height/2) );
+ cvCircle( motion, center, cvRound(magnitude*1.2), color, 3, CV_AA, 0 );
+ cvLine( motion, center, cvPoint( cvRound( center.x + magnitude*cos(angle*CV_PI/180)),
+ cvRound( center.y - magnitude*sin(angle*CV_PI/180))), color, 3, CV_AA, 0 );
+ if( i < 0 ) // case of the whole image
+ {
+ sprintf( tindex, "%d", i );
+ cvPutText( motion, tindex, center, &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255));
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[0], i);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[1], center.x);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[2], center.y);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[3], comp_rect.width);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[4], comp_rect.height);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[5], angle);
+ outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 6, rlist );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf( tindex, "%d", ++j );
+ cvPutText( motion, tindex, center, &font, CV_RGB(255,255,255));
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[0], j);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[1], center.x);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[2], center.y);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[3], comp_rect.width);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[4], comp_rect.height);
+ SETFLOAT(&rlist[5], angle);
+ outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 6, rlist );
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert to grayscale
+ cvCvtColor( motion, grey, CV_RGB2GRAY);
+ //cvShowImage(wndname, cedge);
+ memcpy( image.data, grey->imageData, image.xsize*image.ysize );
+// static member function
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: obj_setupCallback(t_class *classPtr)
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::thresholdMessCallback,
+ gensym("ft1"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::mhi_durationMessCallback,
+ gensym("mhi_duration"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::max_time_deltaMessCallback, gensym("max_time_delta"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::min_time_deltaMessCallback, gensym("min_time_delta"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::frame_buffer_numMessCallback, gensym("frame_buffer_num"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::min_sizeMessCallback, gensym("min_size"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::max_sizeMessCallback, gensym("max_size"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+ class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_motempl::apertureMessCallback, gensym("aperture"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: thresholdMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg pos)
+ GetMyClass(data)->floatThreshMess((float)pos);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: mhi_durationMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg mhi_duration)
+ GetMyClass(data)->floatMhiDuration((float)mhi_duration);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: min_sizeMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg min_size)
+ GetMyClass(data)->floatmin_size((float)min_size);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: max_sizeMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg max_size)
+ GetMyClass(data)->floatmax_size((float)max_size);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: max_time_deltaMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg max_time_delta)
+ GetMyClass(data)->floatmax_time_delta((float)max_time_delta);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: min_time_deltaMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg min_time_delta)
+ GetMyClass(data)->floatmin_time_delta((float)min_time_delta);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: frame_buffer_numMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg frame_buffer_num)
+ GetMyClass(data)->floatframe_buffer_num((float)frame_buffer_num);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: apertureMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg aperture)
+ GetMyClass(data)->apertureMess((float)aperture);
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: floatThreshMess(float thresh)
+ if (thresh>=0) diff_threshold = (int)thresh;
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: floatMhiDuration(float duration)
+ if ( duration < 1.0 ) mhi_duration = duration;
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: apertureMess(float aperture)
+ if ( ( aperture == 3.0 ) || ( aperture == 5.0 ) || ( aperture == 7.0 ) )
+ {
+ aperture = (int)aperture;
+ }
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: floatmax_size(float max_size)
+ if (max_size>=0) this->max_size = (int)max_size;
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: floatmin_size(float min_size)
+ if (min_size>=0) this->min_size = (int)min_size;
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: floatframe_buffer_num(float frame_buffer_num)
+ if (frame_buffer_num>=3)
+ {
+ this->frame_buffer_num = (int)frame_buffer_num;
+ this->buf = NULL;
+ }
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: floatmax_time_delta(float max_time_delta)
+ if (max_time_delta>=0) this->max_time_delta = max_time_delta;
+void pix_opencv_motempl :: floatmin_time_delta(float min_time_delta)
+ if (min_time_delta>=0) this->min_time_delta = min_time_delta;