path: root/quickbindings-plugin.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'quickbindings-plugin.tcl')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quickbindings-plugin.tcl b/quickbindings-plugin.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f6081a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quickbindings-plugin.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# this is a rough attempt to bind keys to little snippets of patches.
+# Currently, there are only three keys bound: o r s
+package require pd_connect ;# for pdsend
+namespace eval ::patch_by_key:: {
+ variable patches
+ array set patches {}
+proc ::patch_by_key::init {} {
+ variable patches
+ # map keys to patch snippets
+ set patches(o) "#X obj 1 2 osc~;"
+ set patches(r) "#X obj 1 2 r test;"
+ set patches(s) "#X obj 1 2 s test;"
+proc ::patch_by_key::key {tkcanvas key x y} {
+ pdtk_post "::patch_by_key::key $tkcanvas $key $x $y"
+ variable patches
+ set mytoplevel [winfo toplevel $tkcanvas]
+ # make sure we have a mapping for the key before continuing
+ if {[lsearch -exact [array names patches] $key] == -1} {return}
+ # only do this for PatchWindows, not dialogs, pdwindow, etc.
+ if {[winfo class $mytoplevel] ne "PatchWindow"} {return}
+ # only do this if the canvas is in editmode
+ if {$::editmode($mytoplevel) != 1} {return}
+ # regexp magic to replace #X with the current canvas name, and the
+ # (x,y) with the current mouse location
+ set x [$tkcanvas canvasx $x]
+ set y [$tkcanvas canvasy $y]
+ pdsend [regsub -- {#X (\S+) [0-9]+ [0-9]+} $patches($key) "$mytoplevel \\1 $x $y"]
+bind all <Key> "+::patch_by_key::key %W %K %x %y"