path: root/tbext/makefile
diff options
authorTim Blechmann <timblech@users.sourceforge.net>2003-05-21 10:50:37 +0000
committerIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>2015-10-14 15:11:53 +0200
commit432472fe416edfb1f5548e7a4998e62869ff41e5 (patch)
tree60c7a6f2bf060376ac0034a235f6ffd193503b7e /tbext/makefile
parent17183cc3fbcb83724b82a5bfccb8351dda5ca27e (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r641,
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. svn path=/trunk/externals/tb/; revision=642
Diffstat (limited to 'tbext/makefile')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tbext/makefile b/tbext/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9577e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbext/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Makefile for icc @ linux adapted from Thomas Grill's xsample makefile
+# usage:
+# to build run "make"
+# to install (as root), do "make install"
+# your c++ compiler (if not g++)
+ CXX=icc
+# where does the PD installation reside?
+# where are the PD header files?
+# leave it blank if it is a system directory (like /usr/local/include),
+# since gcc 3.2 complains about it
+# where do the flext libraries reside?
+# where should the objects be built?
+# where should tbext be installed?
+# (leave blank to omit installation)
+# where should the tbext help be installed?
+# (leave blank to omit installation)
+# additional compiler flags
+# (check whether they fit to your system!)
+# UFLAGS=-mcpu=pentiumpro # gcc 2.95
+# UFLAGS=-mcpu=pentium4 -mmmx -msse2 -msse -mfpmath=sse # gcc 3.2
+UFLAGS= -O3 -xW -tpp7 -ip -ipo #icc
+# compiler stuff
+CFLAGS=${UFLAGS} -O6 -funroll-loops -fmove-all-movables -frerun-loop-opt -finline-functions -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
+# ----------------------------------------------
+# the rest can stay untouched
+# ----------------------------------------------
+include make-files.txt
+# default target
+all: $(TARGDIR) $(TARGET)
+$(patsubst %,$(SRCDIR)/%,$(SRCS)): $(patsubst %,$(SRCDIR)/%,$(HDRS)) $(MAKEFILE) $(CONFIG)
+ touch $(patsubst %,$(SRCDIR)/%,$(SRCS))
+ -mkdir $(TARGDIR)
+$(TARGDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp
+ $(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) $(FLAGS) $(patsubst %,-I%,$(INCLUDES) $(FLEXTPATH)) $< -o $@
+$(TARGET) : $(patsubst %.cpp,$(TARGDIR)/%.o,$(SRCS)) $(FLEXTLIB)
+ $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -shared $^ $(patsubst %,-l%,$(LIBS)) -o $@
+ strip --strip-unneeded $@
+ chmod 755 $@
+ -mkdir $(INSTDIR)
+install:: $(INSTDIR)
+install:: $(TARGET)
+ cp $^ $(INSTDIR)
+ chown root.root $(patsubst %,$(INSTDIR)/%,$(notdir $^))
+ -mkdir $(HELPDIR)
+install-help:: $(HELPDIR)
+install-help:: ./pd
+ chmod 644 $^/*.*
+ cp $^/*.* $(HELPDIR)
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -f $(TARGDIR)/*.o $(TARGDIR)/*.il $(TARGET)