path: root/vocoder~
diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2011-07-31 03:59:16 +0000
committerIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>2015-10-14 15:23:30 +0200
commitd145fa6f792d6c44da2feec90507adb94e40323e (patch)
treeae3aaf213dbb4273331745802ef1259dce8e2986 /vocoder~
parent67af8f6b3f179d5b4ba0747ab971abbeecbedd45 (diff)
got everything building using the template Makefile
svn path=/trunk/externals/unauthorized/; revision=15173
Diffstat (limited to 'vocoder~')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 858 deletions
diff --git a/vocoder~/INSTALL b/vocoder~/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index 37c9567..0000000
--- a/vocoder~/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-untar in /my/pd/dir/externs
-cd /my/pd/dir/externs/vocoder~
-make clean
-make install
-open help-vocoder~.pd
-Thanx for getting here.
-comments and bugs @ ydegoyon@free.fr
diff --git a/vocoder~/filters.c b/vocoder~/filters.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf9253..0000000
--- a/vocoder~/filters.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-vox - a musical real-time vocoder. version 1.0
-Copyright (C) 2000 Simon MORLAT (simon.morlat@free.fr)
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-void lpc_filter(double *buf_ppf, double *lpc_coef, double *buf_sy, int n)
- int i,j;
- double acc;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- acc=buf_ppf[i]*lpc_coef[0];
- for(j=1;j<11;j++)
- {
- acc=acc-lpc_coef[j]*buf_sy[i-j];
- };
- buf_sy[i]=acc;
- };
-void hp_filter(double *in,double cut,int n)
- int i;
- double prev_e,s_out;
- prev_e=s_out=0;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- s_out=in[i]-prev_e+cut*s_out;
- prev_e=in[i];
- in[i]=s_out;
- };
diff --git a/vocoder~/lpc.c b/vocoder~/lpc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 33159d4..0000000
--- a/vocoder~/lpc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-vox - a musical real-time vocoder. version 1.0
-Copyright (C) 2000 Simon MORLAT (simon.morlat@free.fr)
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "lpc.h"
-#define THRES 0.06
-#define Dmin 10.81e-3
-/* Levinson Durbin algorithm for computing LPC coefficients using
-autocorrelation fonction */
-void lev_durb(double *corr,double *lpc_coef)
- double k[11],tab[11];
- double err,acc;
- int i,j;
- double *a=tab;
- double *prev_a=lpc_coef;
- double *exch;
- /*init vectors*/
- for (i=0;i<11;i++)
- {
- prev_a[i]=0;
- a[i]=0;
- };
- err=corr[0];
- for(i=1;i<11;i++)
- {
- prev_a[0]=1;
- acc=0;
- for(j=0;j<i;j++)
- {
- acc=acc+prev_a[j]*corr[i-j];
- };
- a[i]=k[i]=-acc/err;
- for(j=1;j<i;j++)
- {
- a[j]=prev_a[j]+k[i]*prev_a[i-j];
- };
- err=(1-k[i]*k[i])*err;
- exch=prev_a;
- prev_a=a;
- a=exch;
- };
-void comp_lpc(double *buf_x,double *corr,double *lpc_coef,int n)
- double buffer[n*3];
- double acc,max=0;
- int i,j;
- /* computes LPC analysis for one subframe */
- /* hamming windowing*/
- acc=0;
- for(i=0;i<2*n;i++)
- {
- acc+=buf_x[i]*buf_x[i];
- };
- if (acc>THRES)
- {
- for(i=0;i<3*n;i++)
- {
- buffer[i]=buf_x[i-n]*HammingWindowTable[i];
- };
- /* autocorrelation computation*/
- for(i=0;i<11;i++)
- {
- acc=0;
- for(j=i;j<n*3;j++)
- {
- acc=acc+buffer[j]*buffer[j-i];
- };
- /* correction with binomial coeffs */
- corr[i]=acc;//*BinomialWindowTable[i];
- };
- corr[0]=corr[0]*(1.0+1.0/1024.0);
- lev_durb(corr,lpc_coef);
- }
- else
- {
- for(i=0;i<11;i++)
- {
- lpc_coef[i]=0;
- };
- }
-/* LPC to LSP coefficients conversion */
-/* evaluate function C(x) (whose roots are LSP coeffs)*/
-double evalc(double cw,double *fonc)
- double b[7];
- double x,res;
- int k;
- x=cw;
- b[5]=1;
- b[6]=0;
- for(k=4;k>0;k--)
- {
- b[k]=2*x*b[k+1]-b[k+2]+fonc[5-k];
- };
- res=x*b[1]-b[2]+fonc[5]/2;
- return(res);
-/* converts LPC vector into LSP frequency vector */
-/* all LSP frenquencies are in [0;PI] but are normalized to be in [0;1] */
-void lpc2lsp(double lpc_coef[],double *f1,double *f2,double lsp_coef[])
- int i,k=1;
- double *fonc,*prev_f,*f_exch;
- double prev_sign1,sign,prev_sign2;
- double *s, *prev_s,*s_exch;
- double lpc_exp[11];
- /* first computes an additional bandwidth expansion on LPC coeffs*/
- for(i=1;i<11;i++)
- {
- lpc_exp[i]=lpc_coef[i]*BandExpTable[i];
- };
- /* computes the F1 and F2 coeffs*/
- f1[0]=f2[0]=1;
- for(i=0;i<5;i++)
- {
- f1[i+1]=lpc_exp[i+1]+lpc_exp[10-i]-f1[i];
- f2[i+1]=lpc_exp[i+1]-lpc_exp[10-i]+f2[i];
- };
- /*find the roots of C(x) alternatively for F1 and F2*/
- fonc=f1;
- prev_f=f2;
- prev_sign1=evalc(1.0,f1);
- prev_sign2=evalc(1.0,f2);
- s=&prev_sign1;
- prev_s=&prev_sign2;
- for(i=1;i<256;i++)
- {
- sign=evalc(CosineTable[i],fonc);
- if ((sign)*(*s)<0)
- {
- /* interpolate to find root*/
- lsp_coef[k]=((double)i-(*s)/(sign-(*s)))/256.0;
- k++;
- /* chek if all roots are found */
- if (k==11) i=257;
- (*s)=sign;
- /* pointers exchange */
- s_exch=s;
- s=prev_s;
- prev_s=s_exch;
- f_exch=fonc;
- fonc=prev_f;
- prev_f=f_exch;
- }
- else (*s)=sign;
- }
- /* if here all roots are not found , use lspDC vector */
- if (k!=11)
- {
- for(i=1;i<11;i++)
- {
- lsp_coef[i]=LspDcTable[i];
- };
- };
-/* converts lsp frequencies to lpc coeffs */
-void lsp2lpc(double *lsp_coef,double *lpc_coef)
- int i,j=0,index,ok=1;
- double lspcos[11],delta,tmp,p_avg;
- double F1[12],F2[12]; /* begin at indice two*/
- F1[0]=0;F1[1]=1;
- F2[0]=0;F2[1]=1;
- /* stability check */
- while(ok && (j<11))
- {
- ok=0;
- for(i=1;i<10;i++)
- {
- if( (lsp_coef[i+1]-lsp_coef[i]) < Dmin)
- {
- ok=1;
- p_avg=(lsp_coef[i]+lsp_coef[i+1])/2.0;
- lsp_coef[i]=p_avg-Dmin/2.0;
- lsp_coef[i+1]=p_avg+Dmin/2.0;
- };
- };
- j++;
- }
- /* first converts lsp frequencies to lsp coefficients */
- for (i=1;i<11;i++)
- {
- /* interpolation */
- tmp=lsp_coef[i]*255.0;
- index=(int)tmp;
- delta=CosineTable[index+1]-CosineTable[index];
- lspcos[i]=CosineTable[index]+delta*(tmp-index);
- };
- for(i=2;i<7;i++)
- {
- F1[i]=-2*lspcos[2*i-3]*F1[i-1]+2*F1[i-2];
- F2[i]=-2*lspcos[2*i-2]*F2[i-1]+2*F2[i-2];
- for(j=i-1;j>1;j--)
- {
- F1[j]=F1[j]-2*lspcos[2*i-3]*F1[j-1]+F1[j-2];
- F2[j]=F2[j]-2*lspcos[2*i-2]*F2[j-1]+F2[j-2];
- };
- };
- for(i=6;i>1;i--)
- {
- F1[i]=F1[i]+F1[i-1];
- F2[i]=F2[i]-F2[i-1];
- };
- for(i=2;i<7;i++)
- {
- lpc_coef[i-1]=(F1[i]+F2[i])*0.5;
- lpc_coef[i+4]=(F1[8-i]-F2[8-i])*0.5;
- };
- lpc_coef[0]=1;
diff --git a/vocoder~/rs-vocoder~.pd b/vocoder~/rs-vocoder~.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index 65dfc0d..0000000
--- a/vocoder~/rs-vocoder~.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 0 0 450 300 10;
-#X obj 39 146 block~ 512;
-#X obj 89 36 inlet~;
-#X obj 151 34 inlet~;
-#X obj 129 77 vocoder~;
-#X obj 207 33 inlet;
-#X obj 261 33 inlet;
-#X obj 129 108 outlet~;
-#X connect 1 0 3 0;
-#X connect 2 0 3 1;
-#X connect 3 0 6 0;
-#X connect 4 0 3 2;
-#X connect 5 0 3 3;
diff --git a/vocoder~/tables.c b/vocoder~/tables.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 049a523..0000000
--- a/vocoder~/tables.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-vox - a musical real-time vocoder. version 1.0
-Copyright (C) 2000 Simon MORLAT (simon.morlat@free.fr)
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-double LspDcTable[11] = {
- 0,
- 0.0955505 ,
- 0.144073 ,
- 0.23468 ,
- 0.329773 ,
- 0.42334 ,
- 0.503387 ,
- 0.602783 ,
- 0.679321 ,
- 0.77771 ,
- 0.845886
-double CosineTable[257] = {
- 1 ,
- 0.999939 ,
- 0.999695 ,
- 0.999329 ,
- 0.998779 ,
- 0.998108 ,
- 0.997314 ,
- 0.996338 ,
- 0.995178 ,
- 0.993896 ,
- 0.992493 ,
- 0.990906 ,
- 0.989197 ,
- 0.987305 ,
- 0.985291 ,
- 0.983093 ,
- 0.980774 ,
- 0.978333 ,
- 0.975708 ,
- 0.972961 ,
- 0.970032 ,
- 0.96698 ,
- 0.963806 ,
- 0.960449 ,
- 0.95697 ,
- 0.953308 ,
- 0.949524 ,
- 0.945618 ,
- 0.941528 ,
- 0.937317 ,
- 0.932983 ,
- 0.928528 ,
- 0.923889 ,
- 0.919128 ,
- 0.914185 ,
- 0.90918 ,
- 0.903992 ,
- 0.898682 ,
- 0.89325 ,
- 0.887634 ,
- 0.881897 ,
- 0.876099 ,
- 0.870117 ,
- 0.863953 ,
- 0.857727 ,
- 0.851379 ,
- 0.844849 ,
- 0.838196 ,
- 0.831482 ,
- 0.824585 ,
- 0.817566 ,
- 0.810486 ,
- 0.803223 ,
- 0.795837 ,
- 0.78833 ,
- 0.780762 ,
- 0.77301 ,
- 0.765198 ,
- 0.757202 ,
- 0.749146 ,
- 0.740967 ,
- 0.732666 ,
- 0.724243 ,
- 0.715759 ,
- 0.707092 ,
- 0.698364 ,
- 0.689514 ,
- 0.680603 ,
- 0.67157 ,
- 0.662415 ,
- 0.653198 ,
- 0.64386 ,
- 0.634399 ,
- 0.624878 ,
- 0.615234 ,
- 0.60553 ,
- 0.595703 ,
- 0.585815 ,
- 0.575806 ,
- 0.565735 ,
- 0.555542 ,
- 0.545349 ,
- 0.534973 ,
- 0.524597 ,
- 0.514099 ,
- 0.50354 ,
- 0.49292 ,
- 0.482178 ,
- 0.471375 ,
- 0.46051 ,
- 0.449585 ,
- 0.438599 ,
- 0.427551 ,
- 0.416443 ,
- 0.405212 ,
- 0.393982 ,
- 0.38269 ,
- 0.371338 ,
- 0.359924 ,
- 0.348389 ,
- 0.336914 ,
- 0.325317 ,
- 0.31366 ,
- 0.302002 ,
- 0.290283 ,
- 0.278503 ,
- 0.266724 ,
- 0.254883 ,
- 0.242981 ,
- 0.231079 ,
- 0.219116 ,
- 0.207092 ,
- 0.195068 ,
- 0.183044 ,
- 0.170959 ,
- 0.158875 ,
- 0.146729 ,
- 0.134583 ,
- 0.122437 ,
- 0.110229 ,
- 0.0980225 ,
- 0.0858154 ,
- 0.0735474 ,
- 0.0613403 ,
- 0.0490723 ,
- 0.0368042 ,
- 0.0245361 ,
- 0.0122681 ,
- 0 ,
- -0.0122681 ,
- -0.0245361 ,
- -0.0368042 ,
- -0.0490723 ,
- -0.0613403 ,
- -0.0735474 ,
- -0.0858154 ,
- -0.0980225 ,
- -0.110229 ,
- -0.122437 ,
- -0.134583 ,
- -0.146729 ,
- -0.158875 ,
- -0.170959 ,
- -0.183044 ,
- -0.195068 ,
- -0.207092 ,
- -0.219116 ,
- -0.231079 ,
- -0.242981 ,
- -0.254883 ,
- -0.266724 ,
- -0.278503 ,
- -0.290283 ,
- -0.302002 ,
- -0.31366 ,
- -0.325317 ,
- -0.336914 ,
- -0.348389 ,
- -0.359924 ,
- -0.371338 ,
- -0.38269 ,
- -0.393982 ,
- -0.405212 ,
- -0.416443 ,
- -0.427551 ,
- -0.438599 ,
- -0.449585 ,
- -0.46051 ,
- -0.471375 ,
- -0.482178 ,
- -0.49292 ,
- -0.50354 ,
- -0.514099 ,
- -0.524597 ,
- -0.534973 ,
- -0.545349 ,
- -0.555542 ,
- -0.565735 ,
- -0.575806 ,
- -0.585815 ,
- -0.595703 ,
- -0.60553 ,
- -0.615234 ,
- -0.624878 ,
- -0.634399 ,
- -0.64386 ,
- -0.653198 ,
- -0.662415 ,
- -0.67157 ,
- -0.680603 ,
- -0.689514 ,
- -0.698364 ,
- -0.707092 ,
- -0.715759 ,
- -0.724243 ,
- -0.732666 ,
- -0.740967 ,
- -0.749146 ,
- -0.757202 ,
- -0.765198 ,
- -0.77301 ,
- -0.780762 ,
- -0.78833 ,
- -0.795837 ,
- -0.803223 ,
- -0.810486 ,
- -0.817566 ,
- -0.824585 ,
- -0.831482 ,
- -0.838196 ,
- -0.844849 ,
- -0.851379 ,
- -0.857727 ,
- -0.863953 ,
- -0.870117 ,
- -0.876099 ,
- -0.881897 ,
- -0.887634 ,
- -0.89325 ,
- -0.898682 ,
- -0.903992 ,
- -0.90918 ,
- -0.914185 ,
- -0.919128 ,
- -0.923889 ,
- -0.928528 ,
- -0.932983 ,
- -0.937317 ,
- -0.941528 ,
- -0.945618 ,
- -0.949524 ,
- -0.953308 ,
- -0.95697 ,
- -0.960449 ,
- -0.963806 ,
- -0.96698 ,
- -0.970032 ,
- -0.972961 ,
- -0.975708 ,
- -0.978333 ,
- -0.980774 ,
- -0.983093 ,
- -0.985291 ,
- -0.987305 ,
- -0.989197 ,
- -0.990906 ,
- -0.992493 ,
- -0.993896 ,
- -0.995178 ,
- -0.996338 ,
- -0.997314 ,
- -0.998108 ,
- -0.998779 ,
- -0.999329 ,
- -0.999695 ,
- -0.999939 ,
- -1
-double BandExpTable[11] = {
- 1,
- 0.993988 ,
- 0.988037 ,
- 0.982117 ,
- 0.976227 ,
- 0.970367 ,
- 0.964539 ,
- 0.95874 ,
- 0.953003 ,
- 0.947266 ,
- 0.941589
-double HammingWindowTable[128*3]={
-5.38469e-16, 6.69307e-05, 0.000267706, 0.000602271, 0.00107054, 0.00167238, 0.00240763, 0.00327611, 0.00427757, 0.00541174, 0.00667833, 0.00807699, 0.00960736, 0.011269, 0.0130615, 0.0149844, 0.0170371, 0.0192191, 0.0215298, 0.0239687, 0.0265349, 0.029228, 0.032047, 0.0349914, 0.0380602, 0.0412527, 0.0445681, 0.0480053, 0.0515636, 0.055242, 0.0590394, 0.0629548, 0.0669873, 0.0711357, 0.0753989, 0.0797758, 0.0842652, 0.0888659, 0.0935766, 0.0983962, 0.103323, 0.108357, 0.113495, 0.118736, 0.12408, 0.129524, 0.135068, 0.140709, 0.146447, 0.152279, 0.158204, 0.164221, 0.170327, 0.176522, 0.182803, 0.18917, 0.195619, 0.20215, 0.208761, 0.21545, 0.222215, 0.229054, 0.235966, 0.242949, 0.25, 0.257118, 0.264302, 0.271548, 0.278856, 0.286222, 0.293646, 0.301126, 0.308658, 0.316242, 0.323875, 0.331555, 0.33928, 0.347048, 0.354858, 0.362706, 0.37059, 0.37851, 0.386462, 0.394444, 0.402455, 0.410492, 0.418552, 0.426635, 0.434737, 0.442857, 0.450991, 0.459139, 0.467298, 0.475466, 0.48364, 0.491819, 0.5, 0.508181, 0.51636, 0.524534, 0.532702, 0.540861, 0.549009, 0.557143, 0.565263, 0.573365, 0.581448, 0.589508, 0.597545, 0.605556, 0.613538, 0.62149, 0.62941, 0.637294, 0.645142, 0.652952, 0.66072, 0.668445, 0.676125, 0.683758, 0.691342, 0.698874, 0.706354, 0.713778, 0.721144, 0.728452, 0.735698, 0.742882, 0.75, 0.757051, 0.764034, 0.770946, 0.777785, 0.78455, 0.791239, 0.79785, 0.804381, 0.81083, 0.817197, 0.823478, 0.829673, 0.835779, 0.841796, 0.847721, 0.853553, 0.859291, 0.864932, 0.870476, 0.87592, 0.881264, 0.886505, 0.891643, 0.896677, 0.901604, 0.906423, 0.911134, 0.915735, 0.920224, 0.924601, 0.928864, 0.933013, 0.937045, 0.940961, 0.944758, 0.948436, 0.951995, 0.955432, 0.958747, 0.96194, 0.965009, 0.967953, 0.970772, 0.973465, 0.976031, 0.97847, 0.980781, 0.982963, 0.985016, 0.986938, 0.988731, 0.990393, 0.991923, 0.993322, 0.994588, 0.995722, 0.996724, 0.997592, 0.998328, 0.998929, 0.999398, 0.999732, 0.999933, 1, 0.999933, 0.999732, 0.999398, 0.998929, 0.998328, 0.997592, 0.996724, 0.995722, 0.994588, 0.993322, 0.991923, 0.990393, 0.988731, 0.986938, 0.985016, 0.982963, 0.980781, 0.97847, 0.976031, 0.973465, 0.970772, 0.967953, 0.965009, 0.96194, 0.958747, 0.955432, 0.951995, 0.948436, 0.944758, 0.940961, 0.937045, 0.933013, 0.928864, 0.924601, 0.920224, 0.915735, 0.911134, 0.906423, 0.901604, 0.896677, 0.891643, 0.886505, 0.881264, 0.87592, 0.870476, 0.864932, 0.859291, 0.853553, 0.847721, 0.841796, 0.835779, 0.829673, 0.823478, 0.817197, 0.81083, 0.804381, 0.79785, 0.791239, 0.78455, 0.777785, 0.770946, 0.764034, 0.757051, 0.75, 0.742882, 0.735698, 0.728452, 0.721144, 0.713778, 0.706354, 0.698874, 0.691342, 0.683758, 0.676125, 0.668445, 0.66072, 0.652952, 0.645142, 0.637294, 0.62941, 0.62149, 0.613538, 0.605556, 0.597545, 0.589508, 0.581448, 0.573365, 0.565263, 0.557143, 0.549009, 0.540861, 0.532702, 0.524534, 0.51636, 0.508181, 0.5, 0.491819, 0.48364, 0.475466, 0.467298, 0.459139, 0.450991, 0.442857, 0.434737, 0.426635, 0.418552, 0.410492, 0.402455, 0.394444, 0.386462, 0.37851, 0.37059, 0.362706, 0.354858, 0.347048, 0.33928, 0.331555, 0.323875, 0.316242, 0.308658, 0.301126, 0.293646, 0.286222, 0.278856, 0.271548, 0.264302, 0.257118, 0.25, 0.242949, 0.235966, 0.229054, 0.222215, 0.21545, 0.208761, 0.20215, 0.195619, 0.18917, 0.182803, 0.176522, 0.170327, 0.164221, 0.158204, 0.152279, 0.146447, 0.140709, 0.135068, 0.129524, 0.12408, 0.118736, 0.113495, 0.108357, 0.103323, 0.0983962, 0.0935766, 0.0888659, 0.0842652, 0.0797758, 0.0753989, 0.0711357, 0.0669873, 0.0629548, 0.0590394, 0.055242, 0.0515636, 0.0480053, 0.0445681, 0.0412527, 0.0380602, 0.0349914, 0.032047, 0.029228, 0.0265349, 0.0239687, 0.0215298, 0.0192191, 0.0170371, 0.0149844, 0.0130615, 0.011269, 0.00960736, 0.00807699, 0.00667833, 0.00541174, 0.00427757, 0.00327611, 0.00240763, 0.00167238, 0.00107054, 0.000602271, 0.000267706, 6.69307e-05,
- };
diff --git a/vocoder~/vocoder~-help.pd b/vocoder~/vocoder~-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bbf3b2..0000000
--- a/vocoder~/vocoder~-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 123 129 764 525 10;
-#X obj 201 393 dac~;
-#X obj 153 330 adc~;
-#X obj 204 355 rs-vocoder~;
-#X text 356 457 vocoder~ : vocoder effect;
-#X text 356 469 inspired by xvox written by;
-#X text 357 483 Simon Morlat ( http://simon.morlat.free.fr );
-#X text 357 497 Part of unauthorized PD ( http://ydegoyon.free.fr )
-#X obj 125 406 env~;
-#X floatatom 124 435 5 0 0;
-#X obj 265 301 hsl 128 15 0 1000 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
--1 -1 11500 1;
-#X text 409 299 Cutoff Frequency;
-#X obj 295 327 hsl 128 15 0 100 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
--1 -1 10500 1;
-#X text 439 325 Voice Feedback [ 0 - 100 ];
-#X msg 49 39 bang;
-#X obj 48 61 openpanel;
-#X obj 48 81 t s b;
-#X obj 105 83 float \$0;
-#X text 56 16 Step 1 : Load a sound file;
-#X obj 48 104 route float;
-#X obj 49 196 soundfiler;
-#X text 106 32 ( maybe \, a guitar sound ? );
-#X obj 48 127 makefilename %d-sample;
-#X msg 49 174 read -resize \$1 \$2;
-#X obj 50 153 pack s s;
-#X msg 237 207 bang;
-#X text 282 207 Step 2 : Start playing;
-#X obj 237 254 tabplay~ \$0-sample;
-#X msg 308 230 stop;
-#X obj 237 230 metro 250;
-#X text 49 300 Step 3 : Grab the mike !!!;
-#X obj 333 90 table \$0-sample;
-#X connect 1 0 2 0;
-#X connect 2 0 0 0;
-#X connect 2 0 0 1;
-#X connect 2 0 7 0;
-#X connect 7 0 8 0;
-#X connect 9 0 2 2;
-#X connect 11 0 2 3;
-#X connect 13 0 14 0;
-#X connect 14 0 15 0;
-#X connect 15 0 23 0;
-#X connect 15 1 16 0;
-#X connect 16 0 18 0;
-#X connect 18 0 21 0;
-#X connect 21 0 23 1;
-#X connect 22 0 19 0;
-#X connect 23 0 22 0;
-#X connect 24 0 28 0;
-#X connect 26 0 2 1;
-#X connect 27 0 28 0;
-#X connect 28 0 26 0;
diff --git a/vocoder~/vocoder~.c b/vocoder~/vocoder~.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 08dbe3d..0000000
--- a/vocoder~/vocoder~.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-/* vocoder~ -- vocoder effect inspired by xvox
- * written by Simon Morlat ( http://simon.morlat.free.fr )
- *
- * Copyleft 2001 Yves Degoyon.
- * Permission is granted to use this software for any purpose provided you
- * keep this copyright notice intact.
- *
- *
- */
-#include "m_pd.h"
-#include "filters.h"
-#include "lpc.h"
-#define OUTPUT_DELAY 50
-typedef struct _vocoder
- t_object x_obj;
- t_float x_f;
- t_float x_cutoff;
- t_int x_vfeedback;
- double *x_in1buf;
- double *x_in2buf;
- double *x_outbuf;
- t_int x_blocksize;
- t_int x_process;
-} t_vocoder;
-static t_class *vocoder_class;
-static char *vocoder_version = "vocoder~: version 0.1, written by ydegoyon@free.fr, inspired by xvox (Simon Morlat)";
-static void vocoder_cutoff(t_vocoder *x, t_floatarg fcutoff )
- if ( fcutoff > 128.0 )
- {
- fcutoff = 128.0;
- }
- if ( fcutoff < 0.0 )
- {
- fcutoff = 0.0;
- }
- x->x_cutoff = fcutoff;
-static void vocoder_vfeedback(t_vocoder *x, t_floatarg fvfeedback )
- if ( fvfeedback > 100.0 )
- {
- fvfeedback = 100.0;
- }
- if ( fvfeedback < 0.0 )
- {
- fvfeedback = 0.0;
- }
- x->x_vfeedback = fvfeedback;
-static t_int *vocoder_perform(t_int *w)
- t_vocoder *x = (t_vocoder *)(w[1]);
- t_float *in1 = (t_float *)(w[2]);
- t_float *fin1 = (t_float *)(w[2]);
- t_float *in2 = (t_float *)(w[3]);
- t_float *out1 = (t_float *)(w[4]);
- double correls[12], lpc_coef[11], f1[12], f2[12], lsp_coef[11];
- int offset=0;
- int n = (int)(w[5]), i;
- if ( !x->x_process ) return (w+6);
- if ( x->x_blocksize != n )
- {
- if ( x->x_in1buf ) freebytes( x->x_in1buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) );
- if ( x->x_in2buf ) freebytes( x->x_in2buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) );
- if ( x->x_outbuf ) freebytes( x->x_outbuf, (x->x_blocksize+OUTPUT_DELAY)*sizeof( double ) );
- x->x_blocksize = n;
- x->x_in1buf = (double*) getbytes( 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) );
- x->x_in2buf = (double*) getbytes( 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) );
- x->x_outbuf = (double*) getbytes( (x->x_blocksize+OUTPUT_DELAY)*sizeof( double ) );
- if ( !x->x_in1buf || !x->x_in2buf || !x->x_outbuf )
- {
- post( "vocoder~ : allocations failed : stop processing" );
- x->x_process = 0;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<x->x_blocksize/2;i++)
- {
- x->x_in1buf[i]=x->x_in1buf[i+x->x_blocksize];
- };
- for(i=0;i<OUTPUT_DELAY;i++) x->x_outbuf[i]=x->x_outbuf[i+x->x_blocksize];
- for(i=0;i<x->x_blocksize;i++)
- {
- x->x_in1buf[x->x_blocksize/2+i]=(double)(*(in1++));
- x->x_in2buf[x->x_blocksize/2+i]=(double)(*(in2++));
- }
- hp_filter(x->x_in2buf,x->x_cutoff/128.,n);
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- comp_lpc(x->x_in1buf+offset,correls,lpc_coef,x->x_blocksize/4);
- if (lpc_coef[0]!=0)
- {
- lpc2lsp(lpc_coef,f1,f2,lsp_coef);
- lsp2lpc(lsp_coef,lpc_coef);
- };
- lpc_filter(x->x_in2buf+offset,lpc_coef,x->x_outbuf+OUTPUT_DELAY+offset,x->x_blocksize/4);
- offset+=x->x_blocksize/4;
- };
- for(i=0;i<x->x_blocksize;i++)
- {
- if ( x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i] > 1.0 ) x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i]=1.0;
- if ( x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i] < -1.0 ) x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i]=-1.0;
- *(out1++)=(t_float)(((100-x->x_vfeedback)*x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i]
- + x->x_vfeedback*(*fin1++))/100.0);
- };
- return (w+6);
-static void vocoder_dsp(t_vocoder *x, t_signal **sp)
- dsp_add(vocoder_perform, 5, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
-static void *vocoder_new(void)
- t_vocoder *x = (t_vocoder *)pd_new(vocoder_class);
- inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
- inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("cutoff"));
- inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("vfeedback"));
- outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal);
- x->x_cutoff = 60.;
- x->x_vfeedback = 50;
- x->x_blocksize=-1;
- x->x_in1buf = NULL;
- x->x_in2buf = NULL;
- x->x_outbuf = NULL;
- x->x_process = 1;
- return (x);
- /* clean up */
-static void vocoder_free(t_vocoder *x)
- if ( x->x_in1buf ) freebytes( x->x_in1buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) );
- if ( x->x_in2buf ) freebytes( x->x_in2buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) );
- if ( x->x_outbuf ) freebytes( x->x_outbuf, (x->x_blocksize+OUTPUT_DELAY)*sizeof( double ) );
-void vocoder_tilde_setup(void)
- post(vocoder_version);
- vocoder_class = class_new(gensym("vocoder~"), (t_newmethod)vocoder_new, (t_method)vocoder_free,
- sizeof(t_vocoder), 0, 0);
- CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN( vocoder_class, t_vocoder, x_f );
- class_addmethod(vocoder_class, (t_method)vocoder_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_addmethod(vocoder_class, (t_method)vocoder_cutoff, gensym("cutoff"), A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(vocoder_class, (t_method)vocoder_vfeedback, gensym("vfeedback"), A_FLOAT, 0);