diff options
3 files changed, 110 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/reference/pack-help.pd b/reference/pack-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d767a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/pack-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#N canvas 60 24 894 518 10;
+#X text 511 26 part of zexy;
+#X obj 48 34 pack;
+#X text 93 33 - combine several atoms into one message;
+#X obj 121 248 zexy/pack;
+#X obj 121 277 print pack;
+#X floatatom 121 190 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 184 207 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X symbolatom 141 170 10 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X symbolatom 189 225 10 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X text 66 68 this object is quite the same as pd's built-in [pack]
+\, but it does not have fixed types;
+#X text 68 98 an atom can be intialized as a number \, then become
+a symbol \, later become a number again \, ....;
+#X floatatom 409 191 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 472 208 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X symbolatom 429 171 10 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X symbolatom 477 226 10 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 409 249 zexy/pack 1 2 3;
+#X obj 409 278 print pack1;
+#X obj 638 283 print pack1;
+#X msg 638 226 bang;
+#X msg 367 215 bang;
+#X msg 85 214 bang;
+#X obj 638 254 zexy/pack s f another symbol;
+#X text 85 150 default;
+#X text 368 152 initialization;
+#X text 632 149 initialization with symbols;
+#X text 77 400 a note on symbol-initialization:;
+#X text 120 419 pd's built-in [pack] does not allow you to initialize
+symbols in a list \; instead things like 's' and 'f' are used for specifying
+the _type_ of the atoms.;
+#X text 123 466 therefore [pack f] will output the number "0" \, while
+[zexy/pack f] will output a symbol "f";
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 5 0 3 0;
+#X connect 6 0 3 1;
+#X connect 7 0 3 0;
+#X connect 8 0 3 1;
+#X connect 11 0 15 0;
+#X connect 12 0 15 1;
+#X connect 13 0 15 0;
+#X connect 14 0 15 1;
+#X connect 15 0 16 0;
+#X connect 18 0 21 0;
+#X connect 19 0 15 0;
+#X connect 20 0 3 0;
+#X connect 21 0 17 0;
diff --git a/reference/packel-help.pd b/reference/packel-help.pd
index 049be17..bc53ace 100644
--- a/reference/packel-help.pd
+++ b/reference/packel-help.pd
@@ -1,21 +1,33 @@
-#N canvas 431 458 720 387 10;
+#N canvas 60 24 894 515 10;
#X obj 48 34 packel;
#X text 112 33 get the nth element of a package;
-#X msg 62 161 uno dva drei quattre five;
-#X floatatom 105 219 0 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 105 219 0 0 0 0 n - -;
#X obj 62 239 packel 3;
#X obj 62 268 print ELEMENT;
-#X msg 62 307 uno dva drei quattre five;
-#X obj 62 327 packel -2;
-#X obj 62 351 print REVERSE_ELEMENT;
-#X text 275 210 creation: packel [<n>];
-#X text 140 220 n;
-#X text 314 227 n indicates the index of the element to be output;
-#X text 314 245 n==0 ouputs the whole package;
-#X text 314 262 n<0 ouputs the nth-last element;
+#X obj 62 377 packel -2;
+#X obj 62 401 print REVERSE_ELEMENT;
+#X text 146 75 creation: packel [<n>];
+#X text 185 92 n indicates the index of the element to be output;
+#X text 185 110 n==0 ouputs the whole package;
+#X text 185 127 n<0 ouputs the nth-last element;
#X text 511 26 part of zexy;
-#X connect 2 0 4 0;
-#X connect 3 0 4 1;
-#X connect 4 0 5 0;
-#X connect 6 0 7 0;
-#X connect 7 0 8 0;
+#X msg 62 191 list uno dva drei quattre five;
+#X msg 62 357 list uno dva drei quattre five;
+#X obj 480 302 print E1;
+#X obj 541 302 print E2;
+#X floatatom 510 249 4 -5 5 0 n1 - -;
+#X obj 480 273 packel 3 -1;
+#X floatatom 541 250 4 -5 5 1 n2 - -;
+#X text 480 199 you can also query several elements at once;
+#X msg 480 225 list uno dva drei quattre five;
+#X text 63 336 reading from the end of the list;
+#X connect 2 0 3 1;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 5 0 6 0;
+#X connect 12 0 3 0;
+#X connect 13 0 5 0;
+#X connect 16 0 17 1;
+#X connect 17 0 14 0;
+#X connect 17 1 15 0;
+#X connect 18 0 17 2;
+#X connect 20 0 17 0;
diff --git a/reference/unpack-help.pd b/reference/unpack-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd45347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/unpack-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#N canvas 231 116 894 384 10;
+#X text 511 26 part of zexy;
+#X text 68 98 an atom can be intialized as a number \, then become
+a symbol \, later become a number again \, ....;
+#X obj 121 268 zexy/unpack;
+#X msg 121 192 1 2;
+#X msg 158 243 bang;
+#X obj 48 34 unpack;
+#X text 102 38 - split a message to atoms;
+#X text 66 68 this object is quite the same as pd's built-in [unpack]
+\, but it does not have fixed types;
+#X obj 409 249 zexy/unpack 1 2 3;
+#X msg 140 215 list a list is a list;
+#X msg 409 175 1 2;
+#X msg 446 226 bang;
+#X msg 428 198 list a list is a list;
+#X text 129 144 creation arguments specify the _number_ of atoms expected
+(default 2);
+#X obj 141 297 print unpack2;
+#X obj 121 317 print unpack1;
+#X obj 409 268 print upack1;
+#X obj 506 268 print upack3;
+#X obj 457 289 print upack2;
+#X connect 2 0 15 0;
+#X connect 2 1 14 0;
+#X connect 3 0 2 0;
+#X connect 4 0 2 0;
+#X connect 8 0 16 0;
+#X connect 8 1 18 0;
+#X connect 8 2 17 0;
+#X connect 9 0 2 0;
+#X connect 10 0 8 0;
+#X connect 11 0 8 0;
+#X connect 12 0 8 0;