path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r--src/zexyconf.h (renamed from src/zexyconf.h.in)14
8 files changed, 247 insertions, 596 deletions
diff --git a/src/Make.config.in b/src/Make.config.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 0664f89..0000000
--- a/src/Make.config.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# when build as a library this holds a pre-processor define
-# (e.g. "-DZEXY_LIBRARY")
-# when build as single externals this is empty
-EXT = @EXT@
-CC = @CC@
-LD = @LD@
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e778906..0000000
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-default: all
-.PHONEY: default all everything dist \
- clean realclean distclean \
- install install-bin install-doc install-abs \
- tests
-HELPERSOURCES=z_zexy.c zexy.c winNT_portio.c
-OBJECTSOURCES=$(sort $(filter-out $(HELPERSOURCES), $(filter %.c, $(wildcard *.c))))
-zexyconf.h: zexyconf.h.in configure
- ./configure $(CONFIGUREFLAGS)
-configure: configure.ac aclocal.m4
- autoconf
-aclocal.m4: acinclude.m4
- aclocal
--include $(SOURCES:.c=.d)
-Make.config: Make.config.in configure
- ./configure $(CONFIGUREFLAGS)
-z_zexy.c z_zexy.h:
- ./makesource.sh
--include Make.config
-## 2nd only generate depend-files when we have Make.config included
-## and thus MAKEDEP_FLAGS defined
-## dependencies: as proposed by the GNU-make documentation
-## see http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/make_47.html#SEC51
-%.d: %.c
- @set -e; rm -f $@; \
- $(CPP) $(MAKEDEP_FLAGS) $(Z_CPPFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \
- sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \
- rm -f $@.$$$$
-## if $(BUILDLIBRARY) is defined, we build everything as a single library
-## else we build separate externals
-ifneq "$(BUILDLIBRARY)" ""
-all: $(LIBNAME)
- cp $(LIBNAME).$(EXT) ..
-all: $(OBJECTS)
-$(OBJECTS): %.$(EXT) : %.o
- $(LD) $(LFLAGS) $(ARCH_FLAG) -o $@ $*.o $(LIBS)
-$(LIBNAME): $(TARGETS) z_zexy.c z_zexy.h
- $(LD) $(LFLAGS) $(ARCH_FLAG) -o $@.$(EXT) *.o $(LIBS)
-$(TARGETS): %.o : %.c
- $(CC) $(Z_CFLAGS) $(ARCH_FLAG) -c -o $@ $*.c
-externals: $(OBJECTS)
- -rm -f *.$(EXT) *.o
-realclean: clean alias-clean
- -rm -f *~ _* config.*
- -rm -f *.d *.d.*
-distclean: realclean
- -rm -f Make.config zexyconf.h ../*.$(EXT)
- -rm -f zexy.exp zexy.lib zexy.ncb \
- zexy.opt zexy.plg
- -rm -rf autom4te.cache/
-tests: all
- make -C $(TESTDIR)
-alias: alias-bin alias-abs
-alias-bin: all
- ./makealias.sh ../src/alias ../src ../reference
- ./makealias.sh ../abs/alias ../abs
-alias-clean: alias-clean-bin alias-clean-abs
- ./makealias.sh -clean ../src/alias ../src ../reference
- ./makealias.sh -clean ../abs/alias ../abs
-install: all alias install-abs install-bin install-doc
- -install -d $(INSTALL_BIN)
- -install -m 644 *.$(EXT) $(INSTALL_BIN)
- -install -d $(INSTALL_DOC)
- -install -m 644 ../reference/*.pd $(INSTALL_DOC)
- -install -d $(INSTALL_BIN)
- -install -m 644 ../abs/*.pd $(INSTALL_BIN)
- -install -d $(INSTALL_BIN)
- -install -m 644 $(LIBNAME).$(EXT) $(INSTALL_BIN)
- -install -d $(INSTALL_DOC)
- -install -m 644 ../reference/*.pd $(INSTALL_DOC)
- -install -d $(INSTALL_BIN)
- -install -m 644 ../abs/*.pd $(INSTALL_BIN)
-dist: all realclean
- (cd ../..;tar czvf $(TARNAME) $(LIBNAME))
-everything: clean all install distclean
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08cc5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+AM_LDFLAGS= -module -avoid-version -shared -shrext .@EXTENSION@
+# RTE
+pkglib_LTLIBRARIES+= \
+ 0x260x260x7e.la \
+ 0x2e.la \
+ 0x3c0x7e.la \
+ 0x3d0x3d0x7e.la \
+ 0x3e0x7e.la \
+ 0x7c0x7c0x7e.la \
+ a2l.la \
+ abs~.la \
+ absgn~.la \
+ atoi.la \
+ avg~.la \
+ blockmirror~.la \
+ blockshuffle~.la \
+ blockswap~.la \
+ date.la \
+ demultiplex~.la \
+ demultiplex.la \
+ dfreq~.la \
+ dirac~.la \
+ drip.la \
+ envrms~.la \
+ fifop.la \
+ freadln.la \
+ fwriteln.la \
+ glue.la \
+ index.la \
+ length.la \
+ lifop.la \
+ limiter~.la \
+ list2int.la \
+ list2lists.la \
+ list2symbol.la \
+ lister.la \
+ listfind.la \
+ liststorage.la \
+ lpt.la \
+ makesymbol.la \
+ matchbox.la \
+ mavg.la \
+ minmax.la \
+ msgfile.la \
+ multiline~.la \
+ multiplex~.la \
+ multiplex.la \
+ multireceive.la \
+ niagara.la \
+ noish~.la \
+ noisi~.la \
+ operating_system.la \
+ pack~.la \
+ pack.la \
+ packel.la \
+ pdf~.la \
+ prime.la \
+ quantize~.la \
+ rawprint.la \
+ regex.la \
+ relay.la \
+ repack.la \
+ repeat.la \
+ route~.la \
+ sfplay.la \
+ sfrecord.la \
+ sgn~.la \
+ sigzero~.la \
+ sleepgrain.la \
+ sort.la \
+ step~.la \
+ strcmp.la \
+ sum.la \
+ swap~.la \
+ symbol2list.la \
+ tabdump.la \
+ tabminmax.la \
+ tabread4~~.la \
+ tabset.la \
+ tavg~.la \
+ time.la \
+ unpack~.la \
+ unpack.la \
+ urn.la \
+ wrap.la \
+ z~.la
+0x260x260x7e_la_SOURCES = 0x260x260x7e.c
+0x2e_la_SOURCES = 0x2e.c
+0x3c0x7e_la_SOURCES = 0x3c0x7e.c
+0x3d0x3d0x7e_la_SOURCES = 0x3d0x3d0x7e.c
+0x3e0x7e_la_SOURCES = 0x3e0x7e.c
+0x7c0x7c0x7e_la_SOURCES = 0x7c0x7c0x7e.c
+a2l_la_SOURCES = a2l.c
+abs__la_SOURCES = abs~.c
+absgn__la_SOURCES = absgn~.c
+atoi_la_SOURCES = atoi.c
+avg__la_SOURCES = avg~.c
+blockmirror__la_SOURCES = blockmirror~.c
+blockshuffle__la_SOURCES= blockshuffle~.c
+blockswap__la_SOURCES = blockswap~.c
+date_la_SOURCES = date.c
+demultiplex__la_SOURCES = demultiplex~.c
+demultiplex_la_SOURCES = demultiplex.c
+dfreq__la_SOURCES = dfreq~.c
+dirac__la_SOURCES = dirac~.c
+drip_la_SOURCES = drip.c
+envrms__la_SOURCES = envrms~.c
+fifop_la_SOURCES = fifop.c
+freadln_la_SOURCES = freadln.c
+fwriteln_la_SOURCES = fwriteln.c
+glue_la_SOURCES = glue.c
+index_la_SOURCES = index.c
+length_la_SOURCES = length.c
+lifop_la_SOURCES = lifop.c
+limiter__la_SOURCES = limiter~.c
+list2int_la_SOURCES = list2int.c
+list2lists_la_SOURCES = list2lists.c
+list2symbol_la_SOURCES = list2symbol.c
+lister_la_SOURCES = lister.c
+listfind_la_SOURCES = listfind.c
+liststorage_la_SOURCES = liststorage.c
+if LPT
+lpt_la_SOURCES = lpt.c
+lpt_la_SOURCES += winNT_portio.c
+makesymbol_la_SOURCES = makesymbol.c
+matchbox_la_SOURCES = matchbox.c
+mavg_la_SOURCES = mavg.c
+minmax_la_SOURCES = minmax.c
+msgfile_la_SOURCES = msgfile.c
+multiline__la_SOURCES = multiline~.c
+multiplex__la_SOURCES = multiplex~.c
+multiplex_la_SOURCES = multiplex.c
+multireceive_la_SOURCES = multireceive.c
+niagara_la_SOURCES = niagara.c
+noish__la_SOURCES = noish~.c
+noisi__la_SOURCES = noisi~.c
+operating_system_la_SOURCES = operating_system.c
+pack__la_SOURCES = pack~.c
+pack_la_SOURCES = pack.c
+packel_la_SOURCES = packel.c
+pdf__la_SOURCES = pdf~.c
+prime_la_SOURCES = prime.c
+quantize__la_SOURCES = quantize~.c
+rawprint_la_SOURCES = rawprint.c
+regex_la_SOURCES = regex.c
+relay_la_SOURCES = relay.c
+repack_la_SOURCES = repack.c
+repeat_la_SOURCES = repeat.c
+route__la_SOURCES = route~.c
+sfplay_la_SOURCES = sfplay.c
+sfrecord_la_SOURCES = sfrecord.c
+sgn__la_SOURCES = sgn~.c
+sigzero__la_SOURCES = sigzero~.c
+sleepgrain_la_SOURCES = sleepgrain.c
+sort_la_SOURCES = sort.c
+step__la_SOURCES = step~.c
+strcmp_la_SOURCES = strcmp.c
+sum_la_SOURCES = sum.c
+swap__la_SOURCES = swap~.c
+symbol2list_la_SOURCES = symbol2list.c
+tabdump_la_SOURCES = tabdump.c
+tabminmax_la_SOURCES = tabminmax.c
+tabread4___la_SOURCES = tabread4~~.c
+tabset_la_SOURCES = tabset.c
+tavg__la_SOURCES = tavg~.c
+time_la_SOURCES = time.c
+unpack__la_SOURCES = unpack~.c
+unpack_la_SOURCES = unpack.c
+urn_la_SOURCES = urn.c
+wrap_la_SOURCES = wrap.c
+z__la_SOURCES = z~.c
+zexy_la_SOURCES = zexy.c z_zexy.c \
+ zexy.h zexySIMD.h z_zexy.h zexyconf.h \
+ 0x260x260x7e.c 0x2e.c 0x3c0x7e.c 0x3d0x3d0x7e.c 0x3e0x7e.c 0x7c0x7c0x7e.c \
+ a2l.c abs~.c absgn~.c atoi.c avg~.c \
+ blockmirror~.c blockshuffle~.c blockswap~.c \
+ date.c demultiplex~.c demultiplex.c dfreq~.c dirac~.c drip.c envrms~.c \
+ fifop.c freadln.c fwriteln.c glue.c index.c length.c lifop.c limiter~.c \
+ list2int.c list2lists.c list2symbol.c lister.c listfind.c liststorage.c lpt.c \
+ makesymbol.c matchbox.c mavg.c minmax.c msgfile.c multiline~.c multiplex~.c \
+ multiplex.c multireceive.c niagara.c noish~.c noisi~.c operating_system.c pack~.c \
+ pack.c packel.c pdf~.c prime.c quantize~.c rawprint.c regex.c relay.c repack.c \
+ repeat.c route~.c sfplay.c sfrecord.c sgn~.c sigzero~.c sleepgrain.c sort.c \
+ step~.c strcmp.c sum.c swap~.c symbol2list.c tabdump.c tabminmax.c tabread4~~.c \
+ tabset.c tavg~.c time.c unpack~.c unpack.c urn.c wrap.c z~.c
+zexy_la_SOURCES += winNT_portio.c
diff --git a/src/bootstrap.sh b/src/bootstrap.sh
index 66fdf74..06878ba 100755
--- a/src/bootstrap.sh
+++ b/src/bootstrap.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-aclocal && \
-autoconf && \
+cd .. && ./autogen.sh
echo "now run './configure'
for help on args run './configure --help'"
diff --git a/src/configure b/src/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5fe2052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+echo "dummy configure... starting at top: ${TOPDIR}/"
+cd ${TOPDIR}/
+./configure $@
diff --git a/src/configure.ac b/src/configure.ac
deleted file mode 100644
index f015216..0000000
--- a/src/configure.ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-ARCH=$(uname -m)
-KERN=$(uname -s)
-dnl Checks for programs.
-## store the flags passed to us
-## is there no way to get the flags without quotes?
-## and is this solution portable? time will show....
-CONFIGUREFLAGS=$(echo ${ac_configure_args} | sed "s/'//g")
-AC_ARG_WITH(pdversion,[ --with-pdversion=<ver> enforce a certain pd-version (e.g. 0.37)])
-AC_ARG_WITH(version, [ --with-version=<ver> enforce a certain zexy-version (e.g. 2.0)])
-AC_ARG_WITH(extension,[ --with-extension=<ext> enforce a certain extension for the dynamic library (e.g. dll)])
-AC_ARG_WITH(pd, [ --with-pd=</path/to/pd> where to look for pd-headers and and -libs])
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(PIC, [ --disable-PIC disable compilation with PIC-flag])
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(lpt, [ --enable-lpt enable parallelport-support])
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(library,[ --disable-library split the library into single externals])
-if test "x" = "x${enable_PIC}" ; then
- enable_PIC="${with_PIC}"
-if test "x" = "x${enable_lpt}" ; then
- enable_lpt="${with_lpt}"
-if test "xno" != "x${enable_library}" ; then
-dnl LATER: find a more generic way to generate the .._LIBRARY define
-if test $(uname | sed -e 's/^MINGW.*/NT/') = NT ;
- LD=${CC}
- EXT=dll
-if test "x$with_pd" != "x"; then
- if test -d "${with_pd}"; then
- PDPATH=${with_pd}
- fi
- if test -d "${PDPATH}/src"; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([adding ${PDPATH}/src to INCLUDES])
- AC_MSG_RESULT([adding ${PDPATH}/src to LDFLAGS])
- else
- if test -d "${PDPATH}"; then
- fi
- fi
- if test -d "${PDPATH}/bin"; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([adding ${PDPATH}/bin to LDFLAGS])
- else
- if test -d "${PDPATH}"; then
- fi
- fi
-if test $includedir
- for id in $includedir
- do
- if test -d $id; then INCLUDES="-I$id $INCLUDES"; fi
- done
-if test $libdir
- for id in $libdir
- do
- if test -d $id; then LDFLAGS="-L$id $LDFLAGS"; fi
- done
-dnl Checks for libraries.
-dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lc:
-AC_CHECK_LIB(c, main)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(crtdll, fclose)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(coldname, lseek)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(kernel32, main)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(user32, main)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(gdi32, main)
-dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lm:
-AC_CHECK_LIB(m, main)
-dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lpthread:
-dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, main)
-dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lstk:
-dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(stk, main, STK=yes)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(pd, nullfn)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(regex, regcomp)
-dnl Checks for header files.
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdlib.h stdio.h string.h math.h time.h sys/time.h regex.h alloca.h)
-dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
-### make-depend flags
-if test "x$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "xyes"; then
-dnl Checks for library functions.
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(select socket strerror)
-dnl check for "-mms-bitfields" cflag
-dnl why is there no generic compiler-check for a given flag ?
-dnl it would make things so easy: AC_CHECK_FLAG([-mms-bitfields],,)
-if test "x$enable_PIC" != "xno"; then
-dnl if we don't have $LD set, we set it to $(CC)
-dnl LD=${LD:=$CC}
-if test "x$LD" = "x"
- if test "x$host" != "x"
- then
- LD=${host}-ld
- if $(which ${LD} > /dev/null)
- then
- :
- else
- LD=""
- fi
- fi
-dnl if we don't have $STRIP set, we set it to ${host}-strip or strip
-if test "x$STRIP" = "x"
- if test "x$host" != "x"
- then
- STRIP=${host}-strip
- if $(which ${host}-strip > /dev/null)
- then
- :
- else
- STRIP="echo fake strip"
- fi
- else
- STRIP=strip
- fi
-dnl STRIP=${STRIP:=strip}
-dnl Checks for pd-version, to set the correct help-path
-if test "$with_pdversion" != ""
- echo -n "($with_pdversion)... "
- PD_VERSION="$with_pdversion"
- if test "x$cross_compiling" = "xno"
- then
-cat > conftest.c << EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "m_pd.h"
-int main(){
- printf("%d.%d\n", PD_MAJOR_VERSION, PD_MINOR_VERSION);
- return 0;
- if $CC $CFLAGS -o conftest.o conftest.c > /dev/null 2>&1
- then
- PD_VERSION=$(./conftest.o)
- else
- fi
- else
- dnl we are cross-compiling...
- echo -n "(X)..."
- PD_VERSION="0.38"
- fi
-let PD_MAJORVERSION=$(echo $PD_VERSION | cut -d"." -f1)+0
-let PD_MINORVERSION=$(echo $PD_VERSION | cut -d"." -f2)+0
-if test "$PD_MAJORVERSION" -gt 0 || test "$PD_MINORVERSION" -ge 37
- echo "yes"
- REFERENCEPATH=doc/5.reference/
- echo "no"
-dnl check for zexy-version (but why...)
-if test "$with_version" != ""
- echo -n "($with_version)...forced "
- LIBRARY_VERSION="$with_version"
- if test "x$cross_compiling" = "xno"
- then
-cat > conftest.c << EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "zexy.h"
-int main(){
- printf("%s\n", VERSION);
- return 0;
- if $CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o conftest.o conftest.c > /dev/null 2>&1
- then
- LIBRARY_VERSION=$(./conftest.o)
- else
- echo "(unknown)"
- fi
- else
- echo "(X)"
- fi
-dnl OK, checks which machines are here now
-dnl this needs some rethinking when cross-compiling (?)
-if test x${KERN} = xLinux;
- EXT=pd_linux
- STRIPFLAGS="--strip-unneeded"
-dnl This should use '-bundle_loader /path/to/pd/bin/pd' instead of'-undefined suppress'
-dnl then strip might do something
-if test x${KERN} = xDarwin;
- LD=${CC}
- EXT=pd_darwin
- STRIP="echo faking strip"
- if test "$enable_lpt" = "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR("lpt not supported on this platform");
- fi
- if test "$enable_lpt" = ""; then
- AC_MSG_WARN("lpt not supported on this platform - disabling");
- enable_lpt="no";
- fi
-# linux
-AC_CHECK_LDFLAGS([-shared -Wl,--export-dynamic])
-AC_CHECK_LDFLAGS([-bundle -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 -undefined dynamic_lookup],
- ,
- AC_CHECK_LDFLAGS([-dynamiclib -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 -undefined dynamic_lookup],
- ,
- AC_CHECK_LDFLAGS([-bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace])
- )
- )
-if test x${KERN} = xIRIX64; then
- LDFLAGS="-n32 -DUNIX -DIRIX -DN32 -woff 1080,1064,1185 \
- -OPT:roundoff=3 -OPT:IEEE_arithmetic=3 -OPT:cray_ivdep=true \
- -shared -rdata_shared"
- EXT=pd_irix6
- dnl DEFS+="-DUNIX -DIRIX6"
- STRIPFLAGS="--strip-unneeded"
- if test "$enable_lpt" = "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR("lpt not supported on this platform");
- fi
- if test "$enable_lpt" = ""; then
- AC_MSG_WARN("lpt not supported on this platform - disabling");
- enable_lpt="no";
- fi
-if test x${KERN} = xIRIX32;
- -shared -rdata_shared"
- EXT=pd_irix5
- dnl DEFS+="-DUNIX -DIRIX5"
- STRIPFLAGS="--strip-unneeded"
- if test "$enable_lpt" = "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR("lpt not supported on this platform");
- fi
- if test "$enable_lpt" = ""; then
- AC_MSG_WARN("lpt not supported on this platform - disabling");
- enable_lpt="no";
- fi
-if test "x$with_extension" != "x"
- EXT=$with_extension
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/ppdev.h, [ have_ppdev="yes" ], [ have_ppdev="no" ])
-dnl check for LPT
-if test "$enable_lpt" != "no"
- if test "$enable_lpt" = "yes"
- then
- echo "yes (forced)"
- else
-cat > conftest.c << EOF
-# include <sys/io.h>
-int main(){
- ioperm(0x3bc, 8, 1);
- outb(0, 0x3bc);
- ioperm(0x3bc, 8, 0);
- return 0;
- if $CC $CFLAGS -o conftest.o conftest.c > /dev/null 2>&1
- then
- if test "x$have_ppdev" = "xyes"
- then
- echo "yes (with device-support)"
- else
- echo "yes"
- fi
- else
- echo "no"
- fi
- fi
- echo "no (ignored)"
- AC_ERROR([m_pd.h is desperately needed!
- install pd and/or use
- "--with-pd=</path/to/pd/>" or
- "--includedir=</path/to/pd/src/>"]))
-## hmm, some dependencies seem to be wrong, resulting in running configure everytime if we don't touch zexyconf.h here
-touch zexyconf.h
-#rm -f conftest.*
diff --git a/src/zexy.h b/src/zexy.h
index 979619a..2cd6ff3 100644
--- a/src/zexy.h
+++ b/src/zexy.h
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
* usually this is done in Make.config by configure
+# include "config.h"
# include "zexyconf.h"
#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
-#include "m_pd.h"
-#define VERSION "2.2.4"
/* these pragmas are only used for MSVC, not MinGW or Cygwin */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
@@ -60,6 +60,15 @@
# pragma warning( disable : 4996) /* deprecated functions */
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#ifndef VERSION
+# define VERSION "(unknown version)"
# define HEARTSYMBOL 64
diff --git a/src/zexyconf.h.in b/src/zexyconf.h
index 160668c..2fca57b 100644
--- a/src/zexyconf.h.in
+++ b/src/zexyconf.h
@@ -1,20 +1,32 @@
#ifndef _ZEXYCONF_H_
#define _ZEXYCONF_H_
+/* zexyconf.h: configuration for zexy:
+ * this is only included if no config.h is created
+ * adapt this to your own needs
+ */
/* Define if you have the <regex.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_REGEX_H
+#undef HAVE_REGEX_H
/* Define if you have the <alloca.h> header file. */
/* define if you want parallelport-support (direct access to the port address) */
#undef Z_WANT_LPT
/* define if you have the <linux/ppdev.h> header file.
* (for parport _device_ support)
* you need Z_WANT_LPT for this to have an effect !
#endif /* _ZEXYCONF_H_ */