path: root/examples
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
2 files changed, 22 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/examples/requirer-help.pd b/examples/requirer-help.pd
index 85b3989..55fe144 100644
--- a/examples/requirer-help.pd
+++ b/examples/requirer-help.pd
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-#N canvas 0 0 450 300 10;
-#X obj 144 88 requirer complex;
+#N canvas 592 156 450 300 10;
+#X obj 144 118 requirer complex;
#X obj 146 173 requirer sqlite3;
#X text 57 27 This should find the package next to the .pd_lua?;
-#X text 55 54 Or should it look next to the containing .pd patch?;
+#X text 57 54 Or should it look next to the containing .pd patch?;
#X text 56 142 This only "works" because of a dirty dirty hack...;
-#X text 52 222 TODO: some kind of "my location" necessary for .pd_lua
+#X text 52 242 TODO: some kind of "my location" necessary for .pd_lua
scripts to access?;
+#X text 45 90 If it fails a list of paths searched will appear in the
+Pd console.;
+#X obj 56 220 requirer string;
+#X text 155 220 built-in modules are found OK;
+#X obj 57 200 requirer math;
diff --git a/examples/requirer.pd_lua b/examples/requirer.pd_lua
index 4b6c4e9..b9fadce 100644
--- a/examples/requirer.pd_lua
+++ b/examples/requirer.pd_lua
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
-complex = require("complex")
-sqlite3 = require("luasql.sqlite3") -- evil hack, below is lame
local R = pd.Class:new():register("requirer")
function R:initialize(sel, atoms)
- if type(atoms[1]) ~= "string" then return false end
- -- require(atoms[1]) -- will this ever work?
- for k,v in pairs(_G[atoms[1]]) do
- pd.post(atoms[1].. "." .. tostring(k) .. " = " .. tostring(v))
+ if type(atoms[1]) ~= "string" then
+ pd.post(self._name .. ": Missing module name")
+ return false
+ end
+ pd.post (self._name .. ": Looking for " .. atoms[1])
+ require(atoms[1]) -- load the module
+ if _G[atoms[1]] == nil then
+ pd.post (self._name .. ": No such module (" .. atoms[1] .. ")")
+ else -- print out module contents
+ for k,v in pairs(_G[atoms[1]]) do
+ pd.post(atoms[1].. "." .. tostring(k) .. " = " .. tostring(v))
+ end
self.inlets = 0
self.outlets = 0
return true