path: root/slider2.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'slider2.tcl')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slider2.tcl b/slider2.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a09c9ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slider2.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+package require Tclpd 0.2.1
+source pdlib.tcl
+set ::script_path [file dirname [info script]]
+pd::guiproc slider2_draw_new {self c x y config state} {
+ # import variables from dicts:
+ foreach v {headsz width height fgcolor bgcolor orient} \
+ {set $v [dict get $config -$v]}
+ set x2 [expr {$x+$width+1}]
+ set y2 [expr {$y+$height+1}]
+ $c create rectangle $x $y $x2 $y2 \
+ -outline $fgcolor -fill $bgcolor -tags [list $self border$self]
+ switch $orient {
+ horizontal {set y1 $y; set x3 [expr {$x+$headsz}]}
+ vertical {set y1 [expr {$y2-$headsz}]; set x3 $x2}
+ }
+ $c create rectangle $x $y1 $x3 $y2 -outline {} -fill $fgcolor \
+ -tags [list $self head$self]
+ slider2_update $self $c $x $y $config $state
+pd::guiproc slider2_update {self c x y config state} {
+ # import variables from dicts:
+ foreach v {initvalue headsz width height label labelpos lblcolor orient} \
+ {set $v [dict get $config -$v]}
+ foreach v {min max rev} {set $v [dict get $state _$v]}
+ set realvalue [expr {1.0*($initvalue-$min)/($max-$min)}]
+ if {$realvalue < 0.0} {set realvalue 0}
+ if {$realvalue > 1.0} {set realvalue 1}
+ if {$rev} {set realvalue [expr {1.0-$realvalue}]}
+ if {$orient == "vertical"} {set realvalue [expr {1.0-$realvalue}]}
+ switch $orient {
+ horizontal {
+ set hr [expr {$width-$headsz}]
+ $c coords head$self [expr {$x+$hr*$realvalue}] $y \
+ [expr {$x+$hr*$realvalue+$headsz}] [expr {$y+$height+1}]
+ }
+ vertical {
+ set vr [expr {$height-$headsz}]
+ $c coords head$self $x [expr {$y+$vr*$realvalue}] \
+ [expr {$x+$width+1}] [expr {$y+$vr*$realvalue+$headsz}]
+ }
+ }
+ $c delete label$self
+ if {$label != {}} {
+ switch $labelpos {
+ top
+ {set lx [expr {$x+$width/2}]; set ly [expr {$y}]; set a "s"}
+ bottom
+ {set lx [expr {$x+$width/2}]; set ly [expr {$y+$height+2}]; set a "n"}
+ left
+ {set lx [expr {$x}]; set ly [expr {$y+$height/2}]; set a "e"}
+ right
+ {set lx [expr {$x+$width+2}]; set ly [expr {$y+$height/2}]; set a "w"}
+ }
+ $c create text $lx $ly -anchor $a -text $label -fill $lblcolor \
+ -tags [list $self label$self]
+ }
+pd::guiclass slider2 {
+ constructor {
+ pd::add_outlet $self float
+ sys_gui "source {[file join $::script_path properties.tcl]}\n"
+ # set defaults:
+ set @config {
+ -width 15 -height 130 -headsz 3 -rangebottom 0 -rangetop 127
+ -init 0 -initvalue 0 -jumponclick 0 -label "" -labelpos "top"
+ -orient "vertical" -sendsymbol "" -receivesymbol ""
+ -fgcolor "#000000" -bgcolor "#ffffff" -lblcolor "#000000"
+ }
+ set @state {_min 0 _max 127 _rev 0}
+ # expanded ($n) send/recv symbols:
+ set @send {}
+ set @recv {}
+ ::$self 0 config {*}$args
+ }
+ destructor {
+ if {[dict get $@config -receivesymbol] != {}} {
+ pd_unbind [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self] $@recv
+ }
+ }
+ 0_loadbang {
+ if {[dict get $@config -init]} {$self 0 bang}
+ }
+ 0_config {
+ set newconf [list]
+ set optlist [pd::strip_selectors $args]
+ set optlist [pd::strip_empty $optlist]
+ set int_opts {-width -height -cellsize}
+ set bool_opts {-init -jumponclick}
+ set ui_opts {-fgcolor -bgcolor -lblcolor -orient -width -height}
+ set upd_opts {-rangebottom -rangetop -label -labelpos}
+ set conn_opts {-sendsymbol -receivesymbol}
+ set ui 0
+ set upd 0
+ foreach {k v} $optlist {
+ if {![dict exists $@config $k]} {
+ return -code error "unknown option '$k'"
+ }
+ if {[dict get $@config $k] == $v} {continue}
+ if {[lsearch -exact $int_opts $k] != -1} {set v [expr {int($v)}]}
+ if {[lsearch -exact $bool_opts $k] != -1} {set v [expr {int($v)!=0}]}
+ if {[lsearch -exact $ui_opts $k] != -1} {set ui 1}
+ if {[lsearch -exact $upd_opts $k] != -1} {set upd 1}
+ dict set newconf $k $v
+ }
+ # process -{send,receive}symbol
+ if {[dict exists $newconf -receivesymbol]} {
+ set new_recv [dict get $newconf -receivesymbol]
+ set selfpd [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self]
+ if {[dict get $@config -receivesymbol] != {}} {
+ pd_unbind $selfpd $@recv
+ }
+ if {$new_recv != {}} {
+ set @recv [canvas_realizedollar \
+ [tclpd_get_glist $self] [gensym $new_recv]]
+ pd_bind $selfpd $@recv
+ } else {set @recv {}}
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $newconf -sendsymbol]} {
+ set new_send [dict get $newconf -sendsymbol]
+ if {$new_send != {}} {
+ set @send [canvas_realizedollar \
+ [tclpd_get_glist $self] [gensym $new_send]]
+ } else {set @send {}}
+ }
+ # changing orient -> swap sizes
+ if {[dict exists $newconf -orient] && ![dict exists $newconf -width]
+ && ![dict exists $newconf -height]} {
+ dict set newconf -width [dict get $@config -height]
+ dict set newconf -height [dict get $@config -width]
+ }
+ # no errors up to this point. we can safely merge options
+ set @config [dict merge $@config $newconf]
+ # adjust reverse range
+ set a [dict get $@config -rangebottom]
+ set b [dict get $@config -rangetop]
+ dict set @state _min [expr {$a>$b?$b:$a}]
+ dict set @state _max [expr {$a>$b?$a:$b}]
+ dict set @state _rev [expr {$a>$b}]
+ # recompute pix2units conversion
+ switch [dict get $@config -orient] {
+ horizontal {set dim [dict get $@config -width]; set mul 1}
+ vertical {set dim [dict get $@config -height]; set mul -1}
+ }
+ set @pix2units [expr {(2.0 * [dict get $@state _rev] - 1.0) *
+ ( [dict get $@state _max] - [dict get $@state _min] ) *
+ $mul / ( $dim - [dict get $@config -headsz])}]
+ # if ui changed, update it
+ if {$ui && [info exists @c]} {
+ sys_gui [list $@c delete $self]\n
+ sys_gui [list slider2_draw_new $self $@c $@x $@y $@config $@state]\n
+ } elseif {$upd && [info exists @c]} {
+ sys_gui [list slider2_update $self $@c $@x $@y $@config $@state]\n
+ }
+ }
+ 0_set {
+ foreach v {min max} {set $v [dict get $@state _$v]}
+ set f [pd::arg 0 float]
+ if {$f < $min} {set f $min}
+ if {$f > $max} {set f $max}
+ dict set @config -initvalue $f
+ if {[info exists @c]} {
+ # update ui:
+ sys_gui [list slider2_update $self $@c $@x $@y $@config $@state]\n
+ }
+ }
+ 0_bang {
+ foreach v {initvalue} {set $v [dict get $@config -$v]}
+ pd::outlet $self 0 float $initvalue
+ if {$@send != {}} {
+ set s_thing [$@send cget -s_thing]
+ if {$s_thing != {NULL}} {pd_float $s_thing $initvalue}
+ }
+ }
+ 0_float {
+ $self 0 set {*}$args
+ $self 0 bang
+ }
+ object_save {
+ return [list #X obj $@x $@y slider2 {*}[pd::add_empty $@config] \;]
+ }
+ object_properties {
+ gfxstub_new [tclpd_get_object_pd $self] [tclpd_get_instance $self] \
+ [list propertieswindow %s $@config "\[slider2\] properties"]\n
+ }
+ widgetbehavior_getrect {
+ lassign $args x1 y1
+ set x2 [expr {1+$x1+[dict get $@config -width]}]
+ set y2 [expr {1+$y1+[dict get $@config -height]}]
+ return [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
+ }
+ widgetbehavior_displace {
+ lassign $args dx dy
+ if {$dx != 0 || $dy != 0} {
+ incr @x $dx; incr @y $dy
+ sys_gui [list $@c move $self $dx $dy]\n
+ }
+ return [list $@x $@y]
+ }
+ widgetbehavior_select {
+ lassign $args sel
+ sys_gui [list $@c itemconfigure $self&&!label$self -outline [lindex \
+ [list [dict get $@config -fgcolor] {blue}] $sel]]\n
+ }
+ widgetbehavior_vis {
+ lassign $args @c @x @y vis
+ if {$vis} {
+ sys_gui [list slider2_draw_new $self $@c $@x $@y $@config $@state]\n
+ } else {
+ sys_gui [list $@c delete $self]\n
+ }
+ }
+ widgetbehavior_click {
+ lassign $args x y shift alt dbl doit
+ set h [dict get $@config -height]
+ set ypix [expr {[lindex $args 1]-$@y-1}]
+ if {$ypix < 0 || $ypix >= $h} {return}
+ if {$doit} {
+ switch [dict get $@config -orient] {
+ horizontal {
+ set @motion_start_x $x
+ set @motion_curr_x $x
+ }
+ vertical {
+ set @motion_start_y $y
+ set @motion_curr_y $y
+ }
+ }
+ set @motion_start_v [dict get $@config -initvalue]
+ tclpd_guiclass_grab [tclpd_get_instance $self] \
+ [tclpd_get_glist $self] $x $y
+ }
+ }
+ widgetbehavior_motion {
+ lassign $args dx dy
+ switch [dict get $@config -orient] {
+ horizontal {
+ set @motion_curr_x [expr {$dx+$@motion_curr_x}]
+ set pixdelta [expr {-1*($@motion_curr_x-$@motion_start_x)}]
+ }
+ vertical {
+ set @motion_curr_y [expr {$dy+$@motion_curr_y}]
+ set pixdelta [expr {-1*($@motion_curr_y-$@motion_start_y)}]
+ }
+ }
+ set f [expr {$@motion_start_v+$pixdelta*$@pix2units}]
+ $self 0 float {*}[pd::add_selectors [list $f]]
+ }