diff options
authorN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2009-06-17 20:13:21 +0000
committerN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2009-06-17 20:13:21 +0000
commit5b52310fba3794bf631210684903b45def359eda (patch)
parent25ff6818d2c8b56248ca9f54bf01cbdabea98558 (diff)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=11794
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/desire.tk b/desiredata/src/desire.tk
index fbf77732..af64a0de 100644
--- a/desiredata/src/desire.tk
+++ b/desiredata/src/desire.tk
@@ -556,14 +556,10 @@ if {$tk} {
bind Toplevel <FocusIn> {set ::current_window %W}
proc tk_messageBox2 {args} {tk_messageBox -parent $::current_window {*}$args}
- # it's unfortunate but we seem to have to turn off global bindings
- # for Text objects to get control-s and control-t to do what we want for
- # "text" dialogs below. Also we have to get rid of tab's changing the focus.
+ # Also we have to get rid of tab's changing the focus.
bind all <Key-Tab> ""
#bind all <Key-Shift-Tab> ""
bind all <<PrevWindow>> ""
- bind Text <Control-t> {}
- bind Text <Control-s> {}
set mods {{} 0 Shift- 1 Control- 4 Shift-Control- 5 Alt- 8 Shift-Alt- 9 Control-Alt- 12 Shift-Control-Alt- 13}
foreach type {KeyPress KeyRelease} {
foreach {subtype mod} $mods {
@@ -582,7 +578,7 @@ proc modekey {k mode} {
if {$mode&1} {append s Shift-}
if {$mode&4} {append s Control-}
if {$mode&8} {append s Alt-}
- if {[regexp {[0-9]} $k]} {set k Key-$k}
+ if {[regexp {[0-9]} $k]} {set k Key-$k}
return $s$k
@@ -591,11 +587,10 @@ proc modeclick {k mode event} {
if {$mode&1} {append s Shift-}
if {$mode&4} {append s Control-}
if {$mode&8} {append s Alt-}
- if {[regexp {[0-9]} $k]} {set k $event-$k}
+ if {[regexp {[0-9]} $k]} {set k $event-$k}
return $s$k
# there are two palettes of 30 colours used in Pd
# when placed in a 3*10 grid, the difference is that
# the left corner of 3*3 (the greys) are transposed (matrixwise)
@@ -606,12 +601,6 @@ set preset_colors {
404040 202020 000000 8c0808 583000 782814 285014 004450 001488 580050
-set preset_colors2 {
- fcfcfc a0a0a0 404040 fce0e0 fce0c0 fcfcc8 d8fcd8 d8fcfc dce4fc f8d8fc
- e0e0e0 7c7c7c 202020 fc2828 fcac44 e8e828 14e814 28f4f4 3c50fc f430f0
- bcbcbc 606060 000000 8c0808 583000 782814 285014 004450 001488 580050
switch $::OS {
osx {set pd_tearoff 0}
default {set pd_tearoff 1}
@@ -5385,10 +5374,7 @@ proc parse_color {c} {
set g [expr round((($c>> 6)&63)*255/63)]
set b [expr round((($c>> 0)&63)*255/63)]
return [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b]
- } {
- global preset_colors2
- return #[lindex $preset_colors2 $c]
- }
+ } {return #[lindex $::preset_colours2 $c]}
proc unparse_color {c} {
@@ -5768,7 +5754,7 @@ def PropertiesDialogue init {of} {
bind $f <KeyPress> [list $self do_auto_apply]
bind $f <ButtonRelease> [list $self do_auto_apply]
set @auto_apply 0
- $self none_resizable
+ $self non_resizable
def PropertiesDialogue do_auto_apply {} {
@@ -7233,7 +7219,7 @@ def Dialogue add_color {f name label} {
set text_color [complement $v]
button $f.color -text $v -font {Courier 10} -width 10 -pady 2 -fg $text_color \
-command [list $self choose_col $f $name $v] -relief sunken -background $v \
- -highlightbackground "#ffffff" -activebackground [darker $v]
+ -highlightbackground [brighter $v] -activebackground [darker $v]
button $f.preset -text [say "preset"] -pady 2 -font {Helvetica 8} \
-command [list $self color_popup $f $name 10]
bind $f.preset <Return> "$self color_popup $f $name 10"
@@ -7308,10 +7294,9 @@ def Dialogue add_libraries {f name label} {
pack [scrollbar $f.a.xscroll -command "$f.a.list xview" -orient horizontal] -side bottom -fill x
pack $f.a -side left
- frame $f.b -borderwidth 0
- entry $f.b.entry -width 15 -borderwidth 5 -relief ridge
- bind $f.b.entry <Return> "$self lib_add $f.a.list"
- pack $f.b.entry -side top
+ frame $f.b -borderwidth 0
+ pack [entry $f.b.entry -width 15 -borderwidth 5 -relief ridge] -side top
+ bind $f.b.entry <Return> "$self lib_add $f.a.list"
foreach {cmd lab} {lib_add add listbox_remove remove listbox_up up listbox_down down} {
pack [button $f.b.$cmd -command "$self $cmd $f.a.list" -text [say $lab] -width 6] -side top
@@ -7492,23 +7477,25 @@ def FontDialogue init {class orig} {
set @bold [expr [lsearch $font bold ]>=0]
set @italic [expr [lsearch $font italic]>=0]
set @str $font
- logvar @family @size @bold @italic
pack [label $f.label -text [say font_family] -anchor w] -side top -fill x
frame $f.list -bd 2
- pack [listbox $f.list.box -relief sunken -yscrollcommand "$f.list.scroll set"] -side left
+ pack [listbox $f.list.box -relief sunken -yscrollcommand "$f.list.scroll set" -width 30] -side left -expand yes -fill both
pack [scrollbar $f.list.scroll -relief sunken -command "$f.list.box yview" -takefocus 0] -side right -fill y
bind $f.list.box <<ListboxSelect>> "$self font_update $f"
foreach name [lsort [font families]] {$f.list.box insert end $name}
set fontlist [$f.list.box get 0 end]
- set find [lsearch $fontlist $@family]
- if {$find < 0} {set find 0}
+ set find [max 0 [lsearch $fontlist $@family]]
$f.list.box selection set $find $find
$f.list.box activate $find
$f.list.box see $find
bind $f.list.box <ButtonRelease-1> "$self font_update $f"
bind $f.list.box <ButtonPress-1> "focus $f.list.box"
+ pack $f.list -side left -expand yes -fill both
+ #pack [ttk::separator $f.sep -orient vertical] -side left -fill y
+ #pack [ttk::sizegrip $f.sep] -side left -fill y
+ #ttk::panedwindow
frame $f.var
frame $f.var.size
@@ -7530,14 +7517,13 @@ def FontDialogue init {class orig} {
frame $f.preview
pack [label $f.preview.label -text [say font_preview]] -side left
- pack [canvas $f.preview.canvas -width 250 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x
+ pack [canvas $f.preview.canvas -width 250 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x
$f.preview.canvas create text 4 4 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor nw -text [say font_preview_2] -font $font
- pack $f.list -side left
pack $f.var -side top -fill x
pack $f.preview -side top -pady 10
focus $f.list.box
- $self none_resizable
+ #$self non_resizable
def FontDialogue font_update {f} {
global font
@@ -7656,7 +7642,7 @@ def Dialogue init {args} {
bind .$self <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward"
bind .$self <Control-Tab> "$self traversal %K %W back"
-def Dialogue none_resizable {} {wm resizable .$self 0 0}
+def Dialogue non_resizable {} {wm resizable .$self 0 0}
def Dialogue traversal {k w direction} {
switch $direction {
forward {focus [tk_focusNext $w]}
@@ -7685,13 +7671,12 @@ def Dialogue color_popup {frame var i} {
set w $frame.color.popup
if [winfo exists $w] {destroy $w}
menu $w -tearoff false
- global preset_colors
- for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $preset_colors]} {incr i} {
- set c [lindex $preset_colors $i]
+ for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $::preset_colors]} {incr i} {
+ set c [lindex $::preset_colors $i]
$w add command -label " " -background "#$c" -activebackground "#$c" \
-command [list $self color_popup_select $frame $var [expr 0x$c]]
- tk_popup $w [expr [winfo rootx $frame.color]] [expr [winfo rooty $frame.color]]
+ tk_popup $w [expr [winfo rootx $frame.preset]] [expr [winfo rooty $frame.preset]]
def Dialogue choose_col {frame var val} {
set c 0xFFFFFF
@@ -7708,7 +7693,7 @@ def PagedDialogue init {args} {
set @nb [ttk::notebook .$self.1]
set @nbs $@nb
pack $@nb -expand 1 -fill both
- $self none_resizable
+ $self non_resizable
# numbers in section are for the % of space taken by labels