path: root/desiredata/src
diff options
authorN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2009-06-03 23:18:51 +0000
committerN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2009-06-03 23:18:51 +0000
commit56f31027e0d83995cf6ce9225241f4041e85c7c3 (patch)
tree6637a1ee3f78ba5b84bc11e341fa0f6726f715be /desiredata/src
parent4f6a4cf91c817ffa2bf60241ca940544d0da7e54 (diff)
use ttk::notebook
svn path=/trunk/; revision=11667
Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/src')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/desire.tk b/desiredata/src/desire.tk
index 8aa6b0aa..7b0ae044 100644
--- a/desiredata/src/desire.tk
+++ b/desiredata/src/desire.tk
@@ -7307,7 +7307,7 @@ def Dialogue add_folders {f name label} {
def Dialogue add_libraries {f name label} {
$self add_stuff $f $name $label
- set v $_($self:$name) ;# bug in objtcl
+ set v $_($self:$name) ;# bug in poetcl. is it still there?
frame $f.a
listbox $f.a.list -width 32 -height 16 -yscrollcommand "$f.a.yscroll set" \
-activestyle none -xscrollcommand "$f.a.xscroll set"
@@ -7315,9 +7315,9 @@ def Dialogue add_libraries {f name label} {
foreach line $v {$f.a.list insert end $line}
# save the listbox path at @$name instead
set @$name $f.a.list
- pack [scrollbar $f.a.yscroll -command "$f.a.list yview"] -side bottom -fill x
- pack $f.a.list -side left -fill both -expand 1
- pack [scrollbar $f.a.xscroll -command "$f.a.list xview" -orient horizontal] -side left -fill y
+ pack [scrollbar $f.a.yscroll -command "$f.a.list yview"] -side right -fill y
+ pack $f.a.list -side top -fill both -expand 1
+ pack [scrollbar $f.a.xscroll -command "$f.a.list xview" -orient horizontal] -side bottom -fill x
pack $f.a -side left
frame $f.b -borderwidth 0
@@ -7327,7 +7327,7 @@ def Dialogue add_libraries {f name label} {
foreach {cmd lab} {lib_add add listbox_remove remove listbox_up up listbox_down down} {
pack [button $f.b.$cmd -command "$self $cmd $f.a.list" -text [say $lab] -width 6] -side top
- balloon $f.b.$cmd [say dir_$lab]
+ #balloon $f.b.$cmd [say dir_$lab]
pack $f.b -side top
@@ -7719,41 +7719,12 @@ def Dialogue choose_col {frame var val} {
class_new PagedDialogue {Dialogue}
def PagedDialogue init {args} {
eval [concat [list super] $args]
- set @nb [Notebook new_as $self.1]
+ set @nb [ttk::notebook .$self.1]
set @nbs $@nb
- pack .$@nb -expand 1 -fill both
+ pack $@nb -expand 1 -fill both
$self none_resizable
-class_new Notebook {Thing}
-def Notebook delete {} {super}
-def Notebook init {{width 590} {height 350}} {
- set f .$self
- frame $f
- pack [frame $f.bar] -fill x
- pack [frame $f.main -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -width $width -height $height] -fill both -expand yes
-def Notebook page_select {i} {
- set f .$self
- catch {
- $f.bar.$@section configure -relief raised
- place forget $f.main.$@section
- pack $f.bar.$@section -pady {4 4}
- }
- set @section $i
- place $f.main.$@section -x 0 -y 0 ;# -width [winfo width $f.main] -height [winfo height $f.main]
- $f.bar.$@section configure -relief sunken
- pack $f.bar.$@section -pady {8 0}
-def Notebook add_section {section text} {
- set f .$self
- frame $f.main.$section
- pack [button $f.bar.$section -text $text -command [list $self page_select $section]] -side left -pady {4 4}
- bind $f.bar.$section <Return> "$self page_select $section"
# numbers in section are for the % of space taken by labels
set pdrc_options {
section {section_audio 50}
@@ -7837,7 +7808,7 @@ def ServerPrefsDialogue audio_properties {indevlist indevs inchans outdevlist ou
mset [list @inchannels0 @inchannels1 @inchannels2 @inchannels3] $@inchannels
mset [list @outchannels0 @outchannels1 @outchannels2 @outchannels3] $@outchannels
set @audio_api_choice2 [say [lindex $::pd_apilist2 $@audio_api_choice]]
- if {![winfo exists .$self.1.main.1]} {
+ if {![winfo exists .$self.1.1]} {
$self init_content
} else {
$self update_content
@@ -7923,7 +7894,8 @@ def ServerPrefsDialogue init_content {} {
switch $type {
section {
set @label_width [expr 6*[lindex $names 1]] ;# % of 600 px
- $@nb add_section [incr section] [say $name]
+ frame .$self.1.[incr section]
+ $@nb add .$self.1.$section -text [say $name]
choice {
if {$name == "audio_api_choice"} {
@@ -7931,14 +7903,13 @@ def ServerPrefsDialogue init_content {} {
} else {
set ops [lrange $names 1 end]
- $self add $f.main.$section [list $name choice -choices $ops]
+ $self add $f.$section [list $name choice -choices $ops]
- devlist {$self add $f.main.$section [list $name devlist] }
- spins {$self add $f.main.$section [list $name spins [lindex $names 1]] }
- default {$self add $f.main.$section [list $name $type]}
+ devlist {$self add $f.$section [list $name devlist] }
+ spins {$self add $f.$section [list $name spins [lindex $names 1]] }
+ default {$self add $f.$section [list $name $type]}
- $@nb page_select 1
def ServerPrefsDialogue update_content {} {$self update_channels}
def ServerPrefsDialogue update_channels {} {
@@ -7946,14 +7917,14 @@ def ServerPrefsDialogue update_channels {} {
set outdev_len [llength $@audiooutdev]
set i 0
foreach chan $@inchannels {
- if {$i < $indev_len} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"}
- .$self.1.main.1.-inchannels.$i configure -state $s
+ if {$i< $indev_len} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"}
+ .$self.1.1.-inchannels.$i configure -state $s
incr i
set i 0
foreach chan $@outchannels {
- if {$i < $outdev_len} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"}
- .$self.1.main.1.-outchannels.$i configure -state $s
+ if {$i<$outdev_len} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"}
+ .$self.1.1.-outchannels.$i configure -state $s
incr i
@@ -8172,34 +8143,31 @@ def ClientPrefsDialogue revert {} {
# this should reload currently used settings ?
def ClientPrefsDialogue init {} {
- global ddrc_options look key
- #do we need to read .ddrc each time the pref editor is opened?
- #$self read
+ global look key
super cancel apply ok
#super cancel reset revert apply ok
set f .$self.1
set section 0
set subsection 0
set @label_width 200 ;# 24
- foreach {type class names} $ddrc_options {
+ foreach {type class names} $::ddrc_options {
set name [lindex [split $names |] 0]
switch $type { void { set type toggle }}
switch $type {
section {
$@nb add_section [incr section] [say $name]
- set which_section $f.main.$section
+ set which_section $f.$section
set which_self $self
set subsection 0
subsection {
- set subself $self.1.main.$section.subsections
+ set subself $self.1.$section.subsections
if {!$subsection} {
lappend @nbs [Notebook new_as $subself 590 300]
pack .$subself
$subself add_section [incr subsection] [say $name]
- $subself page_select 1
- set which_section .$subself.main.$subsection
+ set which_section .$subself.$subsection
set which_self $subself
language {
@@ -8236,7 +8204,6 @@ def ClientPrefsDialogue init {} {
- $@nb page_select 1
def ClientPrefsDialogue dropmenu_set {frame var part val} {
set @$var $part