path: root/extensions/gui/ix/toxy/mat.wid
diff options
authorcarmen rocco <ix9@users.sourceforge.net>2006-09-19 23:21:31 +0000
committercarmen rocco <ix9@users.sourceforge.net>2006-09-19 23:21:31 +0000
commit5689251b4df7456f43a0d3b357672bbd9fc3a40c (patch)
tree98e8bd772edf971e3cda5bff8dece0436105ddc4 /extensions/gui/ix/toxy/mat.wid
parent2ed8e5ab0516ba0a3d66fdc5612a4631fee5f6d5 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
svn path=/trunk/; revision=5973
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/gui/ix/toxy/mat.wid')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/gui/ix/toxy/mat.wid b/extensions/gui/ix/toxy/mat.wid
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..237bf772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/gui/ix/toxy/mat.wid
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+foreach package {snack tkdnd tkpath} {package require $package}
+namespace eval ::ix {
+ proc rc {} {return [format "\#%06x" [expr "int(floor(rand() * 16777216))"]]}
+ proc rgb {} {return [list [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"]]}
+ proc lighten {rgb r} {set l {}; foreach c $rgb {lappend l [expr {(256 - $c) * $r + $c}]}; return $l}
+ proc darken {rgb r} {set l {}; foreach c $rgb {lappend l [expr {$c - ($c * $r)}]}; return $l}
+ proc color {rgb} {return [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" [expr int([lindex $rgb 0])] [expr int([lindex $rgb 1])] [expr int([lindex $rgb 2])]]}
+ proc random_txt {n} {
+ set i 0
+ set text ""
+ while {$i < $n} {
+ set int [expr "int(floor(rand()*62))"]
+ if {$int < 10} {incr int 48} elseif {$int < 36} {incr int 55} else {incr int 61}
+ set text "$text[format %c $int]"
+ incr i
+ }
+ return $text
+ }
+ proc mat_sel {p t a x y} {
+ variable _
+ set _($t:sc) [rc]
+ switch $a {
+ first {
+ foreach xy {x y} {set _($t:c$xy) [set $xy];set _($t:f$xy) [set $xy]}
+ $p.m create path [::tkpath::coords rect $_($t:cx) $_($t:cy) 0 0 -rx 12 -ry 12] \
+ -tags sel -stroke $_($t:sc) -strokewidth 12 -strokeopacity 0.3}
+ release {$p.m delete sel}
+ motion {
+ mat_updatesel $p $t [mat_cleansel $p $t [$p.m find overlapping $_($t:fx) $_($t:fy) $x $y]]
+ if {$x >= $_($t:cx)} {set xa $_($t:fx);set xb $x} else {set xa $x;set xb $_($t:fx)}
+ if {$y >= $_($t:cy)} {set ya $_($t:fy);set yb $y} else {set ya $y;set yb $_($t:fy)}
+ set w [expr {abs($xb - $xa)}]
+ set h [expr {abs($yb - $ya)}]
+ $p.m coords sel [::tkpath::coords rect $xa $ya $w $h -rx 12 -ry 12]
+ $p.m itemconfigure sel -stroke $_($t:sc)}}}
+ proc mat_item_new {p t id d} {
+ variable _
+ if {$id eq "-"} {
+ if {[dict keys $_($t)] eq ""} {set id 0} else {
+ set id -1
+ while true {if {[lsearch -integer [dict keys $_($t)] [incr id]] == -1} {break}}
+ }
+ }
+ set _($t:ci) $id
+ mat_item_ua $p $t $id abs {x 0 xx 0 y 0 yy 0 g 0 v 1} 0
+ mat_item_ua $p $t $id abs $d 0
+ mat_item_draw $p $t $id
+ }
+ proc mat_item_draw {p t is} {
+ variable _
+ if {$is eq "all"} {set is [dict keys $_($t)]}
+ foreach id $is {
+ set tags [list item i$id $id]
+ set color [dict get $_($t:g) $_($t:cg) color]
+ switch [dict get $_($t) $id type] {
+ note {
+ $p.m create path [::tkpath::coords rect 0 0 0 0 -rx 3 -ry 3] -tags [concat $tags r] -stroke [color [lighten $color 0.4]] -strokeopacity 1.0 -fill [color $color] -fillopacity 0.08
+ $p.m create path [::tkpath::coords rect 0 0 0 0 -rx 3 -ry 3] -tags [concat $tags q] -fill [color $color] -strokewidth 0 -fillopacity 0.8
+ }
+ sound {
+ snack:::sound s$id
+ set filename [dict get $_($t) $id filename]
+ s$id read $filename
+ $p.m create path [::tkpath::coords rect 0 0 0 0 -rx 3 -ry 3] -tags [concat $tags r] -strokewidth 0 -fill [color $color] -fillopacity 0.08
+ $p.m create waveform 0 0 -tags [concat $tags w] -sound s$id -fill white
+ set length [expr [s$id length] / ($_($t:samplerate) + 0.0) * 1000]
+ mat_item_ua $p $t $id abs [dict create xx [expr [dict get $_($t) $id x] + $length]] 0
+ $p.m create text 0 0 -tags [concat $tags tl] -font {{bitstream vera sans} 8} -fill HotPink -anchor nw -justify left -text "[string range $length 0 10] s"
+ $p.m create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags tlr] -fill LightGreen -width 0
+ $p.m raise [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tl"]
+ $p.m create text 0 0 -tags [concat $tags tf] -font {{bitstream vera sans} 8} -fill NavyBlue -anchor ne -justify right -text $filename
+ $p.m create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags tfr] -fill gray90 -width 0
+ $p.m raise [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tf"]
+ }
+ }
+ mat_redraw $p $t $id
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_item_delete {p t} {
+ variable _
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {
+ foreach i [$p.m find withtag i$item] {
+ $p.m delete $i
+ }
+ dict unset _($t) $item
+ set _($t:sel) {}
+ mat_item_info $p $t ""
+ pd [concat $t.rp _cb delete $item \;]
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_quant {p t y v} {
+ variable _
+ if {$y eq "xx"} {set y x}; if {$y eq "yy"} {set y y}
+ if {$y eq "x" || $y eq "y"} {
+ set v [expr {int( ($v + $_($t:q$y) / 2.0 ) / ($_($t:q$y) + 0.0))*$_($t:q$y)}]
+ }
+ return $v
+ }
+ proc mat_item_pos {p t item r x y xx yy} {
+ mat_item_ua $p $t $item $r [dict create x $x y $y xx $xx yy $yy] 1}
+ proc mat_item_ua {p t item r u redraw} {
+ variable _
+ foreach a [dict keys $u] {
+ switch $r {abs {dict set _($t) $item $a [dict get $u $a]}
+ rel {dict set _($t) $item $a [expr {[dict get $_($t) $item $a] + [dict get $u $a]}]}}
+ pd [concat $t.rp _cb update $item $a [pdtk_enquote [dict get $_($t) $item $a]] \;]
+ }
+ if {$redraw == 1} {mat_redraw $p $t $item}
+ }
+ proc mat_draw {p t a x y} {
+ variable _
+ switch $a {
+ motion {
+ if {$_($t:af) == 1} {
+ mat_item_pos $p $t $_($t:ci) abs [mat_tr $p $t y i $y] [mat_tr $p $t x i $x] [mat_tr $p $t y i $_($t:fy)] [mat_tr $p $t x i $x]
+ } else {
+ mat_item_pos $p $t $_($t:ci) abs [mat_tr $p $t x i $x] [mat_tr $p $t y i $y] [mat_tr $p $t x i $_($t:fx)] [mat_tr $p $t y i $y]
+ }
+ }
+ first {mat_item_new $p $t - [dict create type note g $_($t:cg) x 0 y 0 xx 0 yy 0 v 1]}}}
+ proc mat_resize_canvas {p t a x y} {mat_viewpoint $p $t [dict create action resize x $x y $y]}
+ proc mat_redraw {p t items} {
+ variable _
+ if {$_($t:af) == 1} {
+ array set a {x y y x xx yy yy xx}
+ } else {
+ array set a {x x y y xx xx yy yy}
+ }
+ switch $items {
+ all {set items [dict keys $_($t)]}
+ default {}}
+ foreach id $items {
+ set x [mat_tr $p $t x t [dict get $_($t) $id $a(x)]]
+ set y [mat_tr $p $t y t [dict get $_($t) $id $a(y)]]
+ set qx [mat_tr $p $t x t [mat_quant $p $t x [dict get $_($t) $id $a(x)]]]
+ set qy [mat_tr $p $t y t [mat_quant $p $t y [dict get $_($t) $id $a(y)]]]
+ set wx [expr {[dict get $_($t) $id $a(xx)] - [dict get $_($t) $id $a(x)]}]
+ if {$wx == 0} {set wx 1}
+ set sx [expr abs([mat_tr $p $t x id $wx])]
+ set qsx [expr int(abs([mat_tr $p $t x id [expr {[mat_quant $p $t x [dict get $_($t) $id $a(xx)]] - [mat_quant $p $t x [dict get $_($t) $id $a(x)]]}]]))]
+ set wy [expr {[dict get $_($t) $id $a(yy)] - [dict get $_($t) $id $a(y)]}]
+ if {$wy == 0} {set wy 1}
+ set sy [expr abs([mat_tr $p $t y id $wy])]
+ set qsy [expr int(abs([mat_tr $p $t y id [expr {[mat_quant $p $t y [dict get $_($t) $id $a(yy)]] - [mat_quant $p $t y [dict get $_($t) $id $a(y)]]}]]))]
+ set ro [expr {int( [set s$a(y)] / 2.0 )}]
+ if {[lsearch -integer $_($t:sel) $id] >= 0} {
+ set color $_($t:sc)
+ } else {
+ set color [color [dict get $_($t:g) [dict get $_($t) $id g] color]]
+ }
+ switch [dict get $_($t) $id type] {
+ note {
+ set r [$p.m find withtag "i$id && r"]
+ set q [$p.m find withtag "i$id && q"]
+ $p.m coords $r [::tkpath::coords rect $x $y $sx $sy -rx $ro -ry $ro]
+ $p.m coords $q [::tkpath::coords rect $qx $qy $qsx $qsy -rx $ro -ry $ro]
+ $p.m itemconfigure $q -fillopacity [dict get $_($t) $id v] -fill $color
+ }
+ sound {
+ set waveform [$p.m find withtag "i$id && w"]
+ set r [$p.m find withtag "i$id && r"]
+# set ro [expr int($ro / 2.)]
+ set ro 6
+ $p.m coords $r [::tkpath::coords rect $x $y $sx $sy -rx $ro -ry $ro]
+ $p.m itemconfigure $r -fillopacity [dict get $_($t) $id v] -fill $color
+ $p.m coords $waveform $x $y
+ $p.m itemconfigure $waveform -width $sx -height [expr int($sy)]
+# $p.m itemconfigure $waveform -width $sx
+ $p.m coords [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tl"] [expr $x + 4] [expr $y + 4]
+ $p.m coords [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tlr"] [$p.m bbox [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tl"] ]
+ $p.m coords [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tf"] [expr $x + $sx] [expr $y + 4]
+ $p.m coords [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tfr"] [$p.m bbox [$p.m find withtag "i$id && tf"] ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_item_v {p t a x y} {
+ variable _
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {
+ mat_item_ua $p $t $item rel [dict create v [expr {($x - $_($t:cx)) / 100.0}]] 1
+ }
+ mat_item_info $p $t $_($t:sel)
+ }
+ proc mat_move_canvas {p t a x y} {mat_viewpoint $p $t [dict create action move x $x y $y]}
+ proc mat_move_object {p t a x y} {
+ variable _
+ set mx [mat_tr $p $t x d [expr {$x - $_($t:cx)}]]
+ set my [mat_tr $p $t y d [expr {$y - $_($t:cy)}]]
+ if {$_($t:af) == 1} {
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {mat_item_pos $p $t $item rel $my $mx $my $mx}
+ } else {
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {mat_item_pos $p $t $item rel $mx $my $mx $my}
+ }
+ mat_item_info $p $t $_($t:sel)
+ }
+ proc mat_resize_left {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t x $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_right {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t xx $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_top {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t y $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_bottom {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t yy $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_tl {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t x $x $y; mat_resize_object $p $t y $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_tr {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t x $x $y; mat_resize_object $p $t yy $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_bl {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t xx $x $y; mat_resize_object $p $t y $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_br {p t a x y} {mat_resize_object $p $t xx $x $y; mat_resize_object $p $t yy $x $y}
+ proc mat_resize_object {p t e x y} {
+ variable _
+ if {$_($t:af) == 1} {
+ array set ax {x y xx y y x yy x}
+ } else {
+ array set ax {x x xx x y y yy y}
+ }
+ set m [mat_tr $p $t $ax($e) d [expr $$ax($e) - $_($t:c$ax($e))]]
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {mat_item_ua $p $t $item rel [dict create $e $m] 1}
+ mat_item_info $p $t $_($t:sel)
+ }
+ proc mat_cleansel {p t sel} {
+ set clean {}
+ foreach item $sel {if {[lindex [$p.m itemcget $item -tags] 0] eq "item"} {lappend clean [lindex [$p.m itemcget $item -tags] 2]}}
+ set clean [lsort -integer -unique $clean]
+ return $clean
+ }
+ proc mat_loc {p t si x y} {
+ variable _
+ if {$si == 1} {
+ set sy $y
+ set sx $x
+ set x [mat_tr $p $t x i $x]
+ set y [mat_tr $p $t y i $y]
+ } else {
+ set sy [mat_tr $p $t y t $y]
+ set sx [mat_tr $p $t x t $x]
+ }
+ $p.m coords lY [concat M 0 $sy L [winfo width $p.m] $sy]
+ $p.m coords lX [concat M $sx 0 L $sx [winfo height $p.m]]
+ $p.m itemconfigure loc -text [list $x $y]
+ }
+ proc mat_hover {p t x y} {
+ variable _
+# mat_loc $p $t 1 $x $y
+ if {[$p.m find withtag sel] ne ""} {
+ mat_sel $p $t motion $x $y
+ } else {
+ set clicked [mat_cleansel $p $t [$p.m find overlapping [expr $x - 2] [expr $y - 2] [expr $x + 2] [expr $y + 2]]]
+ if {$clicked ne ""} {
+ mat_resize_modes $p $t $x $y [lindex $clicked end]
+ if {[llength $_($t:sel)] <= 1} {mat_updatesel $p $t [lindex $clicked end]}
+ } else {
+ mat_mode $p $t move_canvas
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_resize_modes {p t x y id} {
+ variable _
+ set d 3
+ set dx [expr {abs([mat_tr $p $t x t [dict get $_($t) $id x]] - $x)}]
+ set dxx [expr {abs([mat_tr $p $t x t [dict get $_($t) $id xx]] - $x)}]
+ set dy [expr {abs([mat_tr $p $t y t [dict get $_($t) $id y]] - $y)}]
+ set dyy [expr {abs([mat_tr $p $t y t [dict get $_($t) $id yy]] - $y)}]
+ if {$dx < $d && $dy < $d} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_tl
+ } elseif {$dxx < $d && $dy < $d} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_tr
+ } elseif {$dx < $d && $dyy < $d} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_bl
+ } elseif {$dxx < $d && $dyy < $d} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_br
+ } elseif {$dx < 5} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_left
+ } elseif {$dxx < 5} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_right
+ } elseif {$dy < 1} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_top
+ } elseif {$dyy < 1} {
+ mat_mode $p $t resize_bottom
+ } else {
+ mat_mode $p $t move_object
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_item_info {p t clicked} {
+ variable _
+ set n 0;$p.m delete hover
+ foreach item $clicked {
+ set info ""
+ set data [dict get $_($t) $item]
+ foreach d $data {lappend info [string range $d 0 7]}
+ $p.m create text [list [expr [winfo width $p.m] - 8.0] [expr [winfo height $p.m] - 8.0 - 11 * $n.0]] -fill $_($t:sc) -justify right -anchor se -font {{bitstream vera sans mono} 10} -tags hover -text $info
+ incr n
+ }}
+ proc mat_togglesel {p t d} {
+ variable _
+ if {[lsearch -integer $_($t:sel) $d] < 0} {
+ set _($t:sel) [concat $_($t:sel) $d]
+ } else {
+ set _($t:sel) [lsearch -inline -not -all -integer $_($t:sel) $d]
+ }
+ mat_redraw $p $t $d
+ }
+ proc mat_updatesel {p t ns} {
+ variable _
+ set os $_($t:sel)
+ set _($t:sel) $ns
+ mat_redraw $p $t [lsort -unique -integer [concat $os $ns]]
+ mat_item_info $p $t $ns
+ }
+ proc mat_click {m button action p t x y X Y} {
+ variable _
+ set clicked [mat_cleansel $p $t [$p.m find overlapping $x $y $x $y]]
+ set a [$p.m itemcget mode -text]
+ switch $action {
+ first {
+ foreach xy {x y} {set _($t:f$xy) [set $xy]}
+ switch $button {
+ 1 {if {$m eq "control"} {
+ mat_mode $p $t draw; mat_draw $p $t $action $x $y
+ } elseif {$m eq "double" || $m eq "shift"} {
+ if {[llength $clicked] > 0} {
+ mat_togglesel $p $t $clicked
+ } else {
+ mat_sel $p $t first $x $y
+ mat_mode $p $t sel
+ }
+ } elseif {[$p.m find withtag sel] ne ""} {
+ mat_sel $p $t release $x $y
+ } elseif {[llength $_($t:sel)] > 1 && [llength $clicked] > 0 && [lsearch $_($t:sel) $clicked] == -1} {
+ mat_updatesel $p $t $clicked}}
+ 2 {mat_mode $p $t resize_canvas}
+ 3 {if {$clicked ne ""} {
+ mat_mode $p $t item_v } else {mat_rmenu $p $t $X $Y}}}}
+ motion {eval mat_$a $p $t $action $x $y}
+ release {
+ switch $button {
+ 1 {if {$a eq "draw" || ($a eq "sel" && [expr {abs($_($t:fx) - $x)}] >13)} {eval mat_$a $p $t $action $x $y}}
+ 2 {mat_mode $p $t move_canvas}
+ 3 {mat_mode $p $t move_canvas}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach xy {x y} {set _($t:c$xy) [set $xy]}
+ }
+ proc mat_rmenu {p t x y} {
+ variable _
+ if {[winfo exists $p.rmenu] != 1} {
+ set m [menu $p.rmenu -tearoff no]
+ $m add command -label "zoom to fit" -command "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action fit}"
+ $m add command -label "reset zoom" -command "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action reset}"
+ $m add command -label "add group" -command "::ix::mat_group_new $p $t -"
+ $m add cascade -label "sel to group" -menu [menu $p.rmenu.seltogroup -tearoff no]
+ $m add command -label "flip axes" -command "::ix::mat_flipaxe $p $t"
+ } else {
+ # $p.rmenu entryconfigure 0 -label $x
+ }
+ $p.rmenu.seltogroup delete 0 end
+ foreach group [dict keys $_($t:g)] {
+ $p.rmenu.seltogroup add command -label [dict get $_($t:g) $group name] -command "::ix::mat_group_assign $p $t $group"
+ }
+ tk_popup $p.rmenu $x $y
+ }
+ proc mat_tr {p t d inv v} {
+ variable _
+ array set dm {x width y height}
+ switch $inv {
+ t {return [expr {($v - $_($t:${d}a)) / ($_($t:${d}b) - $_($t:${d}a) + 0.0) * [winfo $dm($d) $p.m]}]}
+ i {return [expr {($_($t:${d}b) - $_($t:${d}a)) * $v /([winfo $dm($d) $p.m] + 0.0) + $_($t:${d}a)}]}
+ d {return [expr {($_($t:${d}b) - $_($t:${d}a)) * $v /([winfo $dm($d) $p.m] + 0.0)}]}
+ id {return [expr {$v / ($_($t:${d}b) - $_($t:${d}a) + 0.0) * [winfo $dm($d) $p.m]}]}}}
+ proc mat_viewpoint {p t opts} {
+ variable _
+ switch [dict get $opts action] {
+ fit {
+ set i 0
+ dict for {s xy} $_($t) {
+ dict with xy {
+ if {$i == 0} {
+ set xa $x
+ set xb $x
+ set ya $y
+ set yb $y
+ }
+ if {$x > $xb} {set xb $x}
+ if {$x < $xa} {set xa $x}
+ if {$y > $yb} {set yb $y}
+ if {$y < $ya} {set ya $y}
+ if {$xx > $xb} {set xb $xx}
+ if {$xx < $xa} {set xa $xx}
+ if {$yy > $yb} {set yb $yy}
+ if {$yy < $ya} {set ya $yy}
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ set _($t:xa) $xa
+ set _($t:xb) $xb
+ set _($t:ya) $ya
+ set _($t:yb) $yb
+ }
+ reset {
+ set _($t:ya) $_($t:yao);set _($t:yb) $_($t:ybo);set _($t:xa) $_($t:xao);set _($t:xb) $_($t:xbo)
+ }
+ move {
+ foreach xy {x y} {
+ set mvt [mat_tr $p $t $xy d [expr {[dict get $opts $xy] - $_($t:c$xy)}]]
+ foreach ab {a b} {set _($t:${xy}$ab) [expr {$_($t:${xy}$ab) - $mvt}]}}
+ }
+ zoom {
+ array set dir {in 0.5 out 1.5}
+ foreach xy [dict get $opts axe] {
+ set radius [expr {($_($t:${xy}b) - $_($t:${xy}a)) / 2. * $dir([dict get $opts dir])}]
+ set center [mat_tr $p $t $xy i [dict get $opts $xy]]
+ set _($t:${xy}a) [expr {$center - $radius}]
+ set _($t:${xy}b) [expr {$center + $radius}]
+ }
+ }
+ resize {
+ foreach xy {x y} {
+ set mvt [mat_tr $p $t $xy d [expr {[dict get $opts $xy] - $_($t:c$xy)}]]
+ set _($t:${xy}a) [expr {$_($t:${xy}a) - $mvt}]
+ set _($t:${xy}b) [expr {$_($t:${xy}b) + $mvt}]}
+ }
+ scroll {
+ set xy [dict get $opts axis]
+ set mv [expr {($_($t:${xy}b) - $_($t:${xy}a)) / 4.0}]
+ foreach ab {a b} {set _($t:${xy}$ab) [expr {[dict get $opts units] > 0 ? $_($t:${xy}$ab) + $mv : $_($t:${xy}$ab) - $mv }]}
+ }
+ }
+ mat_redraw $p $t all
+ mat_gridlines $p $t
+ }
+ proc mat_flipaxe {p t} {
+ variable _
+ set _($t:af) [expr $_($t:af) == 1 ? 0 : 1]
+ set ya $_($t:ya)
+ set xa $_($t:xa)
+ set xb $_($t:xb)
+ set yb $_($t:yb)
+ set qx $_($t:qx)
+ set qy $_($t:qy)
+ set mx $_($t:mx)
+ set my $_($t:my)
+ set _($t:ya) $xa
+ set _($t:xa) $ya
+ set _($t:yb) $xb
+ set _($t:xb) $yb
+ set _($t:qx) $qy
+ set _($t:qy) $qx
+ set _($t:mx) $my
+ set _($t:my) $mx
+ mat_gridlines $p $t
+ mat_redraw $p $t all
+ }
+ proc mat_clip {p t action} {
+ variable _
+ switch $action {
+ selecta {
+ mat_updatesel $p $t [dict keys $_($t)]
+ }
+ cut {
+ set _($t:c) [dict create]
+ set i 0
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {
+ dict set _($t:c) $i [dict get $_($t) $item]
+ incr i
+ }
+ mat_item_delete $p $t
+ }
+ copy {
+ set _($t:c) [dict create]
+ set i 0
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {
+ dict set _($t:c) $i [dict get $_($t) $item]
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ paste {
+ set pasted {}
+ foreach item [dict keys $_($t:c)] {
+ mat_item_new $p $t - [dict get $_($t:c) $item]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_mode {p t m} {
+ array set cursor {draw pencil move_canvas fleur move_object dotbox item_v box_spiral resize_canvas bogosity sel cross_reverse resize_left left_side resize_right right_side resize_top top_side resize_bottom bottom_side resize_tl top_left_corner resize_tr top_right_corner resize_bl bottom_left_corner resize_br bottom_right_corner}
+ $p.m itemconfigure mode -text $m
+ $p.m configure -cursor $cursor($m)
+ }
+ proc mat_group_assign {p t group} {
+ variable _
+ foreach item $_($t:sel) {
+ mat_item_ua $p $t $item abs [dict create g $group] 0
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_group_new {p t grp} {
+ variable _
+ set exists 0
+ dict for {key val} $_($t:g) {if {[dict get $val name] eq $grp} {set exists 1}}
+ if {$exists == 0} {
+ if {$grp eq "-"} {set grp [random_txt [expr "int(floor(rand() * 10 + 2))"]]}
+ set n -1
+ while true { if {[lsearch -integer [dict keys $_($t:g)] [incr n]] == -1} {break}}
+ dict set _($t:g) $n name $grp
+ dict set _($t:g) $n color [rgb]
+ set _($t:cg) $n
+ mat_groups_view $p $t
+ mat_group_active $p $t $n
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_groups_view {p t} {
+ variable _
+ $p.m delete [$p.m find withtag group]
+ foreach i [dict keys $_($t:g)] {
+ set id [$p.m create text [concat 68.0 [expr {38.0 + 11 * $i}]] -fill [color [dict get $_($t:g) $i color]] -justify right -anchor e -font {{bitstream vera sans mono} 10} -tags [concat group $i lb] -text [dict get $_($t:g) $i name]]
+ $p.m bind $id <Enter> "::ix::mat_group_active $p $t $i"
+ $p.m bind $id <1> "::ix::mat_group_assign $p $t $i"
+ set bx [$p.m bbox $id]
+ $p.m lower [$p.m create path [::tkpath::coords rect [lindex $bx 0] [lindex $bx 1] [expr [lindex $bx 2] - [lindex $bx 0]] [expr [lindex $bx 3] - [lindex $bx 1]] -rx 6 -ry 6] -tags [concat group $i bg] -strokewidth 1 -stroke white -fill white -fillopacity 0.5]
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_group_active {p t g} {
+ variable _
+ set _($t:cg) $g
+ foreach n [dict keys $_($t:g)] {
+ if {$g == $n} {set cb black; set cl white; set tl 1} {set cb white; set cl [color [dict get $_($t:g) $n color]]; set tl 0.5}
+ set idb [$p.m find withtag "group && $n && bg"]
+ $p.m itemconfigure $idb -fill $cb -fillopacity $tl -stroke $cl
+ set idl [$p.m find withtag "group && $n && lb"]
+ $p.m itemconfigure $idl -fill $cl;
+ if {$g == $n} {$p.m raise $idb;$p.m raise $idl;}
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_key {p t k b} {
+ puts $k
+ switch $b {
+ 1 {
+ switch $k {
+ 22 {mat_item_delete $p $t}
+ 38 {mat_clip $p $t selecta}
+ 53 {mat_clip $p $t cut}
+ 54 {mat_clip $p $t copy}
+ 55 {mat_clip $p $t paste}
+ 97 {mat_viewpoint $p $t {action reset}}
+ 98 {mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units -1 axis y}}
+ 100 {mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units -1 axis x}}
+ 102 {mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units 1 axis x}}
+ 104 {mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units 1 axis y}}
+ 107 {mat_item_delete $p $t}
+ }
+ }
+# 0 {
+# switch $k {
+# }
+# }
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_drop {p t dropped x y} {
+# foreach d $dropped {
+ foreach d [split $dropped "\n"] {
+ set x [mat_tr $p $t x i $x]
+ set y [mat_tr $p $t y i $y]
+ mat_item_new $p $t - [dict create type sound g 1 v 1 x $x y $y xx $x yy $y filename [regsub -- {^file:[/]+} $d "/"]]
+ }
+ }
+ proc mat_new {p t w h bg ln xa xb ya yb qx qy mx my samplerate} {
+ variable _
+ set sc orange
+ foreach xy {x y} {foreach ab {a b} {set ${xy}${ab}o [set ${xy}${ab}]}}
+ foreach a {sc ln xa xb ya yb xao xbo yao ybo qx qy mx my samplerate} {set _($t:$a) [set $a]}
+ if {[winfo exists $p.m] != 1} {
+ canvas $p.m -bg $bg -width $w -height $h
+ pack $p.m -side left
+ bind $p.m <Key> "::ix::mat_key $p $t %k 1"
+ bind $p.m <KeyRelease> "::ix::mat_key $p $t %k 0"
+# dnd bindtarget $p.m text/uri-list <Drop> "::ix::mat_drop $p $t %D %x %y"
+ dnd bindtarget $p.m text/plain <Drop> "::ix::mat_drop $p $t %D %x %y"
+ bind $p.m <Motion> "::ix::mat_hover $p $t %x %y"
+ bind $p.m <4> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units 1 axis x}"
+ bind $p.m <5> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units -1 axis x}"
+ bind $p.m <Control-4> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action zoom dir in axe x x %x y %y}"
+ bind $p.m <Control-5> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action zoom dir out axe x x %x y %y}"
+ bind $p.m <Alt-4> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action zoom dir in axe {x y} x %x y %y}"
+ bind $p.m <Alt-5> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action zoom dir out axe {x y} x %x y %y}"
+ bind $p.m <Control-Shift-4> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action zoom dir in axe y x %x y %y}"
+ bind $p.m <Control-Shift-5> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action zoom dir out axe y x %x y %y}"
+ bind $p.m <Shift-4> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units -1 axis y}"
+ bind $p.m <Shift-5> "::ix::mat_viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units 1 axis y}"
+ foreach m {"Control-" "" "Shift-" "Double-"} {
+ foreach bn {1 2 3} {
+ set b [list [concat $bn first] [concat B${bn}-Motion motion] [concat ButtonRelease-$bn release]]
+ foreach ba {0 1 2} {
+ bind $p.m <$m[lindex [lindex $b $ba] 0]> "::ix::mat_click [list [string tolower [string trimright $m -1]]] $bn [lindex [lindex $b $ba] 1] $p $t %x %y %X %Y"}}}
+ set bd [expr {[$p cget -bd] * 2}]
+# update
+ $p configure -bg gray -width [expr {[winfo width $p.m] + $bd}] -height [expr {[winfo height $p.m] + $bd}]
+ $p.m create text {20 20} -fill blue -justify left -anchor w -font {{bitstream vera sans} 18} -tags mode -text move_canvas
+ $p.m create text [list [expr {$w / 2.}] 5] -fill red -justify center -anchor n -font {{bitstream vera sans} 14} -tags q -text q
+ $p.m create path "M 0 0" -tags lX -stroke black -strokeopacity 0.5
+ $p.m create path "M 0 0" -tags lY -stroke black -strokeopacity 0.5
+ $p.m create text "10 $h" -fill red -justify left -anchor sw -font {{bitstream vera sans} 12 bold} -fill purple -tags loc -text ""
+ if {[info exists _($t)] != 1} {
+ set _($t) {}
+ set _($t:g) {}
+ set af 0; set i -1; set sel {}
+ foreach a {af i sel} {set _($t:$a) [set $a]}
+ mat_group_new $p $t default
+ mat_group_new $p $t wavs
+ }
+ }
+ mat_gridlines $p $t
+ mat_item_draw $p $t all
+ mat_groups_view $p $t
+ }
+ proc mat_gridlines {p t} {
+ variable _
+ set w $p.m
+ $w delete gridlines
+ set gh [winfo height $w]
+ set gw [winfo width $w]
+ foreach item [$w find withtag gridline] {$w delete $item}
+ foreach xy {x y} {
+ array set ta {x n y w}
+ array set tj {x center y left}
+ array set igx {y width x height}
+ set range [expr {abs($_($t:${xy}b) - $_($t:${xy}a))}]
+ set numshits [expr {$range / $_($t:q$xy)}]
+ if {$numshits > $_($t:m${xy})} {set factor [expr {int($numshits / ($_($t:m${xy}) + 0.0) + 1)}]} else {
+ set factor [expr {1. / (int(1./($numshits / ($_($t:m${xy}) + 0.0) + 0.0)) + 0.0)}]
+ }
+ set increment [expr {$_($t:q${xy}) * $factor}]
+ for {set x [expr {int($_($t:${xy}a) / ($increment + 0.0) + 1)*($increment + 0.0)}]} {[expr {$_($t:${xy}a) > $_($t:${xy}b) ? $x >= $_($t:${xy}b) : $x <= $_($t:${xy}b)}]} {set x [expr {$_($t:${xy}a) > $_($t:${xy}b) ? $x - $increment : $x + $increment}]} {
+ set og [mat_tr $p $t $xy t $x]
+ set invgeo [winfo $igx($xy) $w]
+ switch $xy {
+ y {set coords [concat M [expr {int(rand()*23)}] $og L $invgeo $og]}
+ x {set coords [concat M $og [expr {int(rand()*16)}] L $og $invgeo]}}
+# y {set coords [concat M 0 $og L $invgeo $og]}
+# x {set coords [concat M $og 0 L $og $invgeo]}}
+ $w lower [$w create text [lrange $coords 1 2] -font {{Bitstream Vera Sans} 8} -fill [rc] -anchor $ta($xy) -text [string range $x 0 7] -justify $tj($xy) -tags gridline]
+ $w lower [$w create path $coords -stroke $_($t:ln) -strokedasharray [expr {int(rand()*42 + 1)}] -tags gridline -strokewidth 1]
+ }}}}
+#> mat frame
+#. -bd 3 #w 384 #h 144 #bg gray86 #ln white
+#. #samplerate 44100
+#. #Xa 123 #Xb 2000 #Ya 127 #Yb 0 #qx 50 #qy 1 #mx 12 #my 64
+#. @add ::ix::mat_item_new .- .| .#1 {type .#2}
+#. @update ::ix::mat_item_ua .- .| .#1 abs {.#2 .#3} 1
+#. @updaterel ::ix::mat_item_ua .- .| .#1 rel {.#2 .#3} 1
+#. @up ::ix::mat_item_ua .- .| .#1 abs {.#2 .#3} 0
+#. @uprel ::ix::mat_item_ua .- .| .#1 rel {.#2 .#3} 0
+puts "mat .- .|"
+::ix::mat_new .- .| .#w .#h .#bg .#ln .#Xa .#Xb .#Ya .#Yb .#qx .#qy .#mx .#my .#samplerate
+#bind .-.m <Enter> {focus .-.m}
+bind .-.m <Leave> {focus .^.c}