path: root/externals/build
diff options
authorcarmen rocco <ix9@users.sourceforge.net>2004-04-01 03:03:19 +0000
committercarmen rocco <ix9@users.sourceforge.net>2004-04-01 03:03:19 +0000
commitfe5f24b2d09506be6fbcdb0d85f6046195482503 (patch)
tree5475cb490ba0d3df3e492efd1dd4c73692c832ab /externals/build
parentd59c56e65c3f70c670646eba95b8e17b59bde3af (diff)
revamped win32 build process...email forthcoming
svn path=/trunk/; revision=1531
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/build')
3 files changed, 20 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/externals/build/win/filelist.inc b/externals/build/win/filelist.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index cb118528..00000000
--- a/externals/build/win/filelist.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-#ENV.c \
-abs~.c \
-aenv~.c \
-allow.c \
-alternate.c \
-ann.c \
-ann_som.c \
-arbran.c \
-arraycopy.c \
-arraysize.c \
-ascseq.c \
-ascwave.c \
-atan2~.c \
-#attract1.c \
-average.c \
-bandpass.c \
-#base.c \
-#base3.c \
-#bdiag~.c \
-beat.c \
-#beatpipe.c \
-beta.c \
-#bfft~.c \
-bfilt.c \
-bfilt2.c \
-bilex.c \
-borax.c \
-button.c \
-#bwin~.c \
-catch13~.c \
-cauchy.c \
-#cdplayer.c \
-cheby~.c \
-#chord.c \
-#concat.c \
-counter.c \
-cxavgdev.c \
-cxmean.c \
-cxstddev.c \
-define_loudspeakers.c \
-#dejong.c \
-delta.c \
-delta~.c \
-deny.c \
-#diag~.c \
-dist.c \
-dist_normal.c \
-dist~.c \
-divide.c \
-divmod.c \
-#dwt~.c \
-dynwav~.c \
-#eadsr~.c \
-#ead~.c \
-#ear~.c \
-edge.c \
-envgen.c \
-equalizer.c \
-expo.c \
-#fdn~.c \
-ffpoly.c \
-fifo.c \
-filesize.c \
-ftos.c \
-#fwarp.c \
-gauss.c \
-gcanvas.c \
-gem_average.c \
-gem_change.c \
-gem_counter.c \
-gestalt.c \
-getenv.c \
-#gingerbreadman.c \
-#henon.c \
-hex2dec.c \
-highpass.c \
-highshelf.c \
-history.c \
-hlshelf.c \
-#hopalong.c \
-#ibfft~.c \
-#idwt~.c \
-#ifeel.c \
-ignore.c \
-#ikeda.c \
-image.c \
-inv.c \
-invert.c \
-iso.c \
-ixprint.c \
-#junction~.c \
-kalashnikov.c \
-#knob.c \
-#latoocarfian.c \
-#latoomutalpha.c \
-#latoomutbeta.c \
-#latoomutgamma.c \
-lattice~.c \
-lifo.c \
-limit.c \
-linear.c \
-#linuxevent.c \
-#linuxjoystick.c \
-#linuxmouse.c \
-listfifo.c \
-listfunnel.c \
-ln~.c \
-#logistic.c \
-#lorenz.c \
-#lotka_volterra.c \
-lowpass.c \
-lowshelf.c \
-mandelbrot.c \
-mandelbrot~.c \
-#martin.c \
-match.c \
-#matrix~.c \
-mean~.c \
-microtime.c \
-minus.c \
-mixer~.c \
-mlife.c \
-#mlogistic.c \
-moog~.c \
-multi.c \
-multiselect.c \
-nchange.c \
-netclient.c \
-netdist.c \
-netrec.c \
-netserver.c \
-notch.c \
-nroute.c \
-oggamp~.c \
-oggcast~.c \
-#oggread~.c \
-oggwrite~.c \
-oneshot.c \
-#openpatch.c \
-#ossmixer.c \
-pan_gogins~.c \
-pansig~.c \
-pan~.c \
-#permut~.c \
-#pickover.c \
-#piperead~.c \
-#pipewrite~.c \
-pitch.c \
-#plugin~.c \
-plus.c \
-poisson.c \
-pol2rec~.c \
-polygate~.c \
-pong.c \
-#popcorn.c \
-#popup.c \
-prepend.c \
-proc.c \
-#promiscous~.c \
-#proxy.c \
-pulse.c \
-qmult~.c \
-qnorm~.c \
-#qread.c \
-#quadruptwo.c \
-ramp~.c \
-random1.c \
-randomF.c \
-random_fl.c \
-random_icg.c \
-random_tw.c \
-#randomix.c \
-range.c \
-#ratio.c \
-#rec2pol~.c \
-receive13.c \
-receive13~.c \
-remote.c \
-reson.c \
-reson~.c \
-rewrap.c \
-rhythm.c \
-#rhythm_ioi_histogram.c \
-#rhythm_quantum.c \
-#rhythm_slave_metro.c \
-rl.c \
-#rossler.c \
-#rtin~.c \
-scale.c \
-score.c \
-scramble~.c \
-send13.c \
-send13~.c \
-serialize.c \
-#sfread~.c \
-#sfwrite13~.c \
-sfwrite~.c \
-#shell.c \
-shuffle.c \
-sinh.c \
-sl.c \
-slider.c \
-sliderh.c \
-speedlim.c \
-split.c \
-#sprinkler.c \
-#standardmap.c \
-state.c \
-statwav~.c \
-step.c \
-#strange1.c \
-strcat.c \
-streamin13~.c \
-streamin~.c \
-streamout13~.c \
-streamout~.c \
-stripdir.c \
-strippath.c \
-subst.c \
-susloop~.c \
-svf~.c \
-sync.c \
-system.c \
-#tabreadmix~.c \
-temperature.c \
-#tent.c \
-#three_d.c \
-#threeply.c \
-throw13~.c \
-ticker.c \
-tilt.c \
-timebang.c \
-#tinkerbell.c \
-triang.c \
-tripleLine.c \
-tripleRand.c \
-unity.c \
-unroute.c \
-unserialize.c \
-urn.c \
-utime.c \
-vbap.c \
-velocity.c \
-#wavinfo.c \
-weibull.c \
-#xfm~.c \
-zhzxh~.c \
diff --git a/externals/build/win/makefile b/externals/build/win/makefile
index bb880437..e6d3c706 100644
--- a/externals/build/win/makefile
+++ b/externals/build/win/makefile
@@ -1,61 +1,27 @@
-# ----------------------- NT -----------------------
+EXTERNALS = $(shell ls ../src)
-#!IF ![f exist filelist.inc del filelist.inc & for %i in (*.c) do @echo %i \>> filelist.inc]
-!INCLUDE filelist.inc
-all: filelist.inc link.stamp $(EXTERNALS:.c=.dll)
+all: $(EXTERNALS:.c=.dll)
-PDNTCFLAGS = /W3 /WX /DNT /DPD /nologo
-VC="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vc98"
-PDNTINCLUDE = /I. /I.. /I..\..\..\pd\src /I$(VC)\include \
- /I..\..\creb\include /I$(OGGPATH)/include
-PDNTLDIR = $(VC)\lib
-PDNTLIB = $(PDNTLDIR)\libc.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\oldnames.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\kernel32.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\uuid.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\ws2_32.lib \
- $(PDPATH)\bin\pthreadVC.lib \
- $(PDPATH)\bin\pd.lib \
- $(OGGPATH)\lib\vorbis.lib \
- $(OGGPATH)\lib\vorbisenc.lib \
- $(OGGPATH)\lib\vorbisfile.lib \
- $(OGGPATH)\lib\ogg.lib
- link /dll /export:$(*:~=_tilde)_setup $(*).obj $(PDNTLIB)
- del $*.obj $*.lib $*.exp
- if exist filelist.inc del filelist.inc
-# for %i in ($(SRCPATH)\*.c) do @echo %~ni%~xi \>> filelist.inc
- for %i in ($(SRCPATH)\*.c) do @echo %~ni%~xi \>> filelist.inc
- copy $(SRCPATH)\*.c .
-link.stamp: filelist.inc
- copy $(SRCPATH)\*.c .
- copy /y nul link.stamp
- nmake
+CFLAGS = -DPD -DWINDOWS -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes \
+ -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
+INCLUDE = -I. -I.. -I../include
+%.dll: ../src/%.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o "$*.o" -c "../src/$*.c"
+ gcc -shared -o "$*.dll" "$*.o" $(prefix)/bin/pd.dll \
+ `test -f $*.libs && cat $*.libs`
-# don't delete filelist.inc at the moment, as some externals can't be compiled
-# on win32
- -del link.stamp
- -del *.c
- -del *.obj
- -del *.lib
- -del *.exp
- -del *.dll
+ -rm *.a *.def *.dll *.o
+ @test -d $(prefix)/doc/5.reference || mkdir -p $(prefix)/doc/5.reference
+ cp -r ../doc/* $(prefix)/doc/5.reference
+install: install-doc
+ @test -d $(prefix)/extra || mkdir -p $(prefix)/extra
+ install *.dll $(prefix)/extra
diff --git a/externals/build/win/makefile.mingw b/externals/build/win/makefile.mingw
deleted file mode 100644
index ce887e02..00000000
--- a/externals/build/win/makefile.mingw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------- NT -----------------------
-#!IF ![f exist filelist.inc del filelist.inc & for %i in (*.c) do @echo %i \>> filelist.inc]
-!INCLUDE filelist.inc
-all: filelist.inc link.stamp $(EXTERNALS:.c=.dll)
-.SUFFIXES: .dll
-PDNTCFLAGS = /W3 /WX /DNT /DPD /nologo
-VC="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vc98"
-PDNTINCLUDE = /I. /I.. /I..\..\..\pd\src /I$(VC)\include /I..\..\creb\include
-PDNTLDIR = $(VC)\lib
-PDNTLIB = $(PDNTLDIR)\libc.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\oldnames.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\kernel32.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\uuid.lib \
- $(PDNTLDIR)\ws2_32.lib \
- $(PDPATH)\bin\pthreadVC.lib \
- $(PDPATH)\bin\pd.lib
- link /dll /export:$(*:~=_tilde)_setup $(*).obj $(PDNTLIB)
- del $*.obj $*.lib $*.exp
- if exist filelist.inc del filelist.inc
-# for %i in ($(SRCPATH)\*.c) do @echo %~ni%~xi \>> filelist.inc
- for %i in ($(SRCPATH)\*.c) do @echo %~ni%~xi \>> filelist.inc
- copy $(SRCPATH)\*.c .
-link.stamp: filelist.inc
- copy $(SRCPATH)\*.c .
- copy /y nul link.stamp
- nmake
-# don't delete filelist.inc at the moment, as some externals can't be compiled
-# on win32
- -del link.stamp
- -del *.c
- -del *.obj
- -del *.lib
- -del *.exp
- -del *.dll