path: root/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
diff options
authorThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2009-04-01 21:13:09 +0000
committerThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2009-04-01 21:13:09 +0000
commit0ed7a8b68dd73e2b0473b8127aeca99f3bac9061 (patch)
tree5c67818b38a5cc2f9caa5ca7f8640ca356adf02b /externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
parentbb4c7f6a245394d09dac9adfb2efb093d3d98452 (diff)
cleaned up grill externals - replaced with svn:externals to svn.grrrr.org/ext/trunk/
svn path=/trunk/; revision=10951
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 872 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp b/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 115dad13..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,872 +0,0 @@
-flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals
-Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-/*! \file flattr_ed.cpp
- \brief Attribute editor (property dialog) for PD
-#include "flext.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning( disable : 4091 )
-// we need non-public headers!
-#pragma message("Attention: non-public headers used - binary is bound to a specific version")
-#include <g_canvas.h>
-#include <m_imp.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-static t_visfn ori_vis = NULL;
-static t_selectfn ori_select = NULL;
-#define ST_DISABLED ""
-#define ST_DISABLED " -state disabled"
-//! generate the script for the property dialog
-static void tclscript()
- static bool havecode = false;
- if(havecode) return;
- else havecode = true;
- sys_vgui(
- "proc flext_escatoms {lst} {\n"
- "set tmp {}\n"
- "foreach a $lst {\n"
-// "set a [regsub {\\\\} $a \\\\\\\\]\n" // replace \ with \\ ... must be first
- "set a [regsub {\\$} $a \\\\$]\n" // replace $ with \$
-// "set a [regsub {\\{} $a \\\\\\{]\n" // replace { with \{
-// "set a [regsub {\\}} $a \\\\\\}]\n" // replace } with \}
-// "set a [regsub {\\ } $a \\\\\\ ]\n" // replace space with \space
- "set a [regsub {,} $a \\\\,]\n" // replace , with \,
- "set a [regsub {;} $a \\\\\\;]\n" // replace ; with \;
- "lappend tmp $a\n"
- "}\n"
- "return $tmp\n"
- "}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "proc flext_makevalue {id ix} {\n"
- // strip "." from the TK id to make a variable name suffix
- "set vid [string trimleft $id .]\n"
- "set var_attr_name [concat [concat var_name_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "set var_attr_init [concat [concat var_init_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "set var_attr_val [concat [concat var_val_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "set var_attr_save [concat [concat var_save_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "set var_attr_type [concat [concat var_type_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "global $var_attr_name $var_attr_init $var_attr_val $var_attr_save $var_attr_type\n"
- "set lst {}\n"
- "if { [expr $$var_attr_type] != 0 } {\n"
- // attribute is puttable
- "lappend lst [eval concat $$var_attr_name]\n"
- // process current value
- "set tmp [flext_escatoms [eval concat $$var_attr_val]]\n"
- "set lst [concat $lst [llength $tmp] $tmp]\n"
- // process init value
- "set tmp [flext_escatoms [eval concat $$var_attr_init]]\n"
- "set lst [concat $lst [llength $tmp] $tmp]\n"
- "lappend lst [eval concat $$var_attr_save]\n"
- "}\n"
- // return list
- "return $lst\n"
- "}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "proc flext_apply {id ix} {\n"
- "set lst [flext_makevalue $id $ix]\n"
- "set lst [eval concat $lst]\n" // remove curly braces from character escaping
- "pd [concat $id attributedialog $lst \\;]\n"
- "}\n"
- "proc flext_applyall {id alen} {\n"
- // make a list of the attribute values (including save flags)
- "set lst {}\n"
- "for {set ix 1} {$ix <= $alen} {incr ix} {\n"
- "set lst [concat $lst [flext_makevalue $id $ix]]\n"
- "}\n"
- "set lst [eval concat $lst]\n" // remove curly braces from character escaping
- "pd [concat $id attributedialog $lst \\;]\n"
- "}\n"
- "proc flext_cancel {id} {\n"
- "pd [concat $id cancel \\;]\n"
- "}\n"
- "proc flext_ok {id alen} {\n"
- "flext_applyall $id $alen\n"
- "flext_cancel $id\n"
- "}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "proc flext_help {id} {\n"
- "toplevel $id.hw\n"
- "wm title $id.hw \"Flext attribute editor help\"\n"
- "frame $id.hw.buttons\n"
- "pack $id.hw.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m\n"
- "text $id.hw.text -relief sunken -bd 2 -yscrollcommand \"$id.hw.scroll set\" -setgrid 1 -width 80 -height 10 -wrap word\n"
- "scrollbar $id.hw.scroll -command \"$id.hw.text yview\"\n"
- "pack $id.hw.scroll -side right -fill y\n"
- "pack $id.hw.text -expand yes -fill both\n"
- "button $id.hw.buttons.ok -text OK -command \"destroy $id.hw\"\n"
- "pack $id.hw.buttons.ok -side left -expand 1\n"
- "bind $id.hw {<KeyPress-Escape>} \"destroy $id.hw\"\n"
- "$id.hw.text tag configure big -font {Arial 10 bold}\n"
- "$id.hw.text configure -font {Arial 8 bold}\n"
- "$id.hw.text insert end \""
- "The flext attribute editor lets you query or change attribute values exposed by an external object. \" big \"\n\n"
- "Local variable names ($-values) will only be saved as such for init values. "
- "Alternatively, # can be used instead of $.\n"
- "Ctrl-Button on a text field will open an editor window where text can be entered more comfortably.\n"
- "\"\n"
- "$id.hw.text configure -state disabled\n"
- "}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "proc flext_copyval {dst src} {\n"
- "global $src $dst\n"
- "set $dst [expr $$src]\n"
- "}\n"
- "proc flext_textcopy {id idtxt var} {\n"
- "global $var\n"
- "set txt [eval $idtxt get 0.0 end]\n"
- // strip newline characters
- "set tmp {}\n"
- "foreach t $txt { lappend tmp [string trim $t] }\n"
- "set $var $tmp\n"
- "destroy $id\n"
- "}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "proc flext_textzoom {id var title attr edit} {\n"
- "global $var\n"
- "toplevel $id.w\n"
- "wm title $id.w [concat $title \" @\" $attr]\n"
-// "wm iconname $w \"text\"\n"
-// "positionWindow $id.w\n"
- "frame $id.w.buttons\n"
- "pack $id.w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m\n"
- "text $id.w.text -relief sunken -bd 2 -yscrollcommand \"$id.w.scroll set\" -setgrid 1 -width 80 -height 20\n"
- "scrollbar $id.w.scroll -command \"$id.w.text yview\"\n"
- "pack $id.w.scroll -side right -fill y\n"
- "pack $id.w.text -expand yes -fill both\n"
- // insert text with newlines
- "set txt [split [expr $$var] ,]\n"
- "set lines [llength $txt]\n"
- "for {set ix 0} {$ix < ($lines-1)} {incr ix} {\n"
- "$id.w.text insert end [string trim [lindex $txt $ix] ]\n"
- "$id.w.text insert end \" ,\\n\"\n"
- "}\n"
- "$id.w.text insert end [string trim [lindex $txt end] ]\n"
- "$id.w.text mark set insert 0.0\n"
- "if { $edit != 0 } then {\n"
- "button $id.w.buttons.ok -text OK -command \"flext_textcopy $id.w $id.w.text $var\"\n"
- "pack $id.w.buttons.ok -side left -expand 1\n"
-// "bind $id.w {<Shift-KeyPress-Return>} \"flext_textcopy $id.w $id.w.text $var\"\n"
- "} "
- "else { $id.w.text configure -state disabled }\n"
- "button $id.w.buttons.cancel -text Cancel -command \"destroy $id.w\"\n"
- "pack $id.w.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1\n"
- "bind $id.w {<KeyPress-Escape>} \"destroy $id.w\"\n"
- "}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "proc pdtk_flext_dialog {id title attrlist} {\n"
- "set vid [string trimleft $id .]\n"
- "set alen [expr [llength $attrlist] / 6 ]\n"
- "toplevel $id\n"
- "wm title $id $title\n"
- "wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat flext_cancel $id]\n"
- "frame $id.frame\n"
- "set row 0\n"
- // set grow parameters
- "grid columnconfigure $id.frame 0 -weight 1\n" // label
- "grid columnconfigure $id.frame {1 4} -weight 3\n" // value entry
- "grid columnconfigure $id.frame {2 3} -weight 0\n" // copy buttons
- "grid columnconfigure $id.frame 5 -weight 1\n" // apply button
- "grid columnconfigure $id.frame {6 7 8} -weight 0\n" // radio buttons
- "grid rowconfigure $id.frame {0 1} -weight 0\n"
- // set column labels
- "label $id.frame.label -text {attribute} -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
- "label $id.frame.init -text {initial value} -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
- "label $id.frame.copy -text {copy} -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
- "label $id.frame.val -text {current value} -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
- "label $id.frame.apply -text {} -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n" // why must this be empty?
- "foreach {i txt} {0 {don't\rsave} 1 {do\rinit} 2 {always\rsave} } {\n"
- "label $id.frame.b$i -text $txt -font {Helvetica 7 bold}\n"
- "}\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.label -column 0 -row $row \n"
- "grid config $id.frame.init -column 1 -row $row \n"
- "grid config $id.frame.copy -column 2 -columnspan 2 -row $row \n"
- "grid config $id.frame.val -column 4 -row $row \n"
- "grid config $id.frame.apply -column 5 -row $row \n"
- "foreach i {0 1 2} { grid config $id.frame.b$i -column [expr $i + 6] -row $row }\n"
- "incr row\n"
- // Separator
- "frame $id.frame.sep -relief ridge -bd 1 -height 2\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.sep -column 0 -columnspan 9 -row $row -pady 2 -sticky {snew}\n"
- "incr row\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "set ix 1\n"
- "foreach {an av ai atp asv afl} $attrlist {\n"
- "grid rowconfigure $id.frame $row -weight 1\n"
- // get attribute name
- "set var_attr_name [concat [concat var_name_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "global $var_attr_name\n"
- "set $var_attr_name $an\n"
- // get attribute init value (list)
- "set var_attr_init [concat [concat var_init_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "global $var_attr_init\n"
- "set $var_attr_init $ai\n"
- // get attribute value (list)
- "set var_attr_val [concat [concat var_val_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "global $var_attr_val\n"
- "set $var_attr_val $av\n"
- // get save flag
- "set var_attr_save [concat [concat var_save_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "global $var_attr_save\n"
- "set $var_attr_save $asv\n"
- // get type flag
- "set var_attr_type [concat [concat var_type_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
- "global $var_attr_type\n"
- "set $var_attr_type $afl\n"
- // add dialog elements to window
- // attribute label
- "label $id.frame.label-$ix -text \"$an :\" -font {Helvetica 8 bold}\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.label-$ix -column 0 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {e}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "if { $afl != 0 } {\n"
- // attribute is puttable
- // entry field for initial value
- // entry field for current value
- // choose entry field type
- "switch $atp {\n"
- "0 - 1 {\n" // int or float
- "entry $id.frame.init-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_init" ST_DISABLED "\n"
- "entry $id.frame.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val\n"
- "}\n"
- "2 {\n" // boolean
- "checkbutton $id.frame.init-$ix -variable $var_attr_init" ST_DISABLED "\n"
- "checkbutton $id.frame.val-$ix -variable $var_attr_val\n"
- "}\n"
- "3 {\n" // symbol
- "entry $id.frame.init-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_init" ST_DISABLED "\n"
- "entry $id.frame.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val\n"
- "}\n"
- "4 - 5 {\n" // list or unknown
- "entry $id.frame.init-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_init" ST_DISABLED "\n"
- "bind $id.frame.init-$ix {<Control-Button-1>} \" flext_textzoom $id.frame.init-$ix $var_attr_init { $title } $an 1\"\n"
- "entry $id.frame.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val\n"
- "bind $id.frame.val-$ix {<Control-Button-1>} \" flext_textzoom $id.frame.val-$ix $var_attr_val { $title } $an 1\"\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.init-$ix -column 1 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {ew}\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.val-$ix -column 4 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {ew}\n"
- // copy buttons
- "button $id.frame.b2i-$ix -text {<-} -height 1 -command \" flext_copyval $var_attr_init $var_attr_val \"" ST_DISABLED "\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.b2i-$ix -column 2 -row $row -sticky {ew}\n"
- "button $id.frame.b2c-$ix -text {->} -height 1 -command \" flext_copyval $var_attr_val $var_attr_init \"\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.b2c-$ix -column 3 -row $row -sticky {ew}\n"
- // apply button
- "button $id.frame.apply-$ix -text {Apply} -height 1 -command \" flext_apply $id $ix \"\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.apply-$ix -column 5 -row $row -sticky {ew}\n"
- // radiobuttons
- "foreach {i c} {0 black 1 blue 2 red} {\n"
- "radiobutton $id.frame.b$i-$ix -value $i -foreground $c -variable $var_attr_save" ST_DISABLED "\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.b$i-$ix -column [expr $i + 6] -row $row\n"
- "}\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- "} else {\n"
- // attribute is gettable only
- // entry field for current value (read-only)
- // choose display field type
- "switch $atp {\n"
- "0 - 1 {\n" // int or float
- "entry $id.frame.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val -state disabled\n"
- "}\n"
- "2 {\n" // boolean
- "checkbutton $id.frame.val-$ix -variable $var_attr_val -state disabled\n"
- "}\n"
- "3 {\n" // symbol
- "entry $id.frame.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val -state disabled\n"
- "}\n"
- "4 - 5 {\n" // list or unknown
- "entry $id.frame.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val -state disabled\n"
- "bind $id.frame.val-$ix {<Control-Button-1>} \" flext_textzoom $id.frame.val-$ix $var_attr_val { $title } $an 0\"\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
-// "entry $id.fval.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val -state disabled\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.val-$ix -column 4 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {ew}\n"
- "label $id.frame.readonly-$ix -text \"read-only\"\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.readonly-$ix -column 6 -columnspan 3 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {ew}\n"
- "}\n"
- // increase counter
- "incr ix\n"
- "incr row\n"
- "}\n"
- // empty space
- "grid rowconfigure $id.frame $row -weight 1\n"
- "frame $id.frame.dummy\n"
- "grid config $id.frame.dummy -column 0 -columnspan 9 -row $row\n"
- "incr row\n"
- );
- sys_vgui(
- // Separator
- "frame $id.sep2 -relief ridge -bd 1 -height 2\n"
- // Buttons
- "frame $id.buttonframe\n"
- "button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Leave} -width 20 -command \" flext_cancel $id \"\n"
- "button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply all} -width 20 -command \" flext_applyall $id $alen \"\n"
- "button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {Apply & Leave} -width 20 -command \" flext_ok $id $alen \"\n"
- "button $id.buttonframe.help -text {Help} -width 10 -command \" flext_help $id \"\n"
- "grid columnconfigure $id.buttonframe {0 1 2 3} -weight 1\n"
- "grid config $id.buttonframe.cancel $id.buttonframe.apply $id.buttonframe.ok $id.buttonframe.help -padx 2 -sticky {snew}\n"
-// "scrollbar $id.scroll -command \"$id.frame yview\"\n"
- "pack $id.buttonframe $id.sep2 -pady 2 -expand 0 -side bottom -fill x\n"
-// "pack $id.scroll -side right -fill y\n"
- "pack $id.frame -expand 1 -side top -fill both\n"
- // Key bindings
- "bind $id {<KeyPress-Escape>} \" flext_cancel $id \"\n"
- "bind $id {<KeyPress-Return>} \" flext_ok $id $alen \"\n"
- "bind $id {<Shift-KeyPress-Return>} \" flext_applyall $id $alen \"\n"
- "}\n"
- );
-static t_widgetbehavior widgetbehavior;
-void flext_base::SetGfx(t_classid c)
- t_class *cl = getClass(c);
- // widgetbehavior struct MUST be resident... (static is just ok here)
- widgetbehavior.w_visfn = cl->c_wb->w_visfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_selectfn = cl->c_wb->w_selectfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_getrectfn = cl->c_wb->w_getrectfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_displacefn = cl->c_wb->w_displacefn;
- widgetbehavior.w_activatefn = cl->c_wb->w_activatefn;
- widgetbehavior.w_deletefn = cl->c_wb->w_deletefn;
- widgetbehavior.w_selectfn = cl->c_wb->w_selectfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_clickfn = cl->c_wb->w_clickfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_visfn = text_widgetbehavior.w_visfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_selectfn = text_widgetbehavior.w_selectfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_getrectfn = text_widgetbehavior.w_getrectfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_displacefn = text_widgetbehavior.w_displacefn;
- widgetbehavior.w_activatefn = text_widgetbehavior.w_activatefn;
- widgetbehavior.w_deletefn = text_widgetbehavior.w_deletefn;
- widgetbehavior.w_selectfn = text_widgetbehavior.w_selectfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_clickfn = text_widgetbehavior.w_clickfn;
- ori_vis = widgetbehavior.w_visfn;
- ori_select = widgetbehavior.w_selectfn;
- widgetbehavior.w_visfn = (t_visfn)cb_GfxVis;
- widgetbehavior.w_selectfn = (t_selectfn)cb_GfxSelect;
- class_setsavefn(cl,(t_savefn)cb_GfxSave);
- widgetbehavior.w_savefn = (t_savefn)cb_GfxSave;
- class_setpropertiesfn(cl,(t_propertiesfn)cb_GfxProperties);
- widgetbehavior.w_propertiesfn = (t_propertiesfn)cb_GfxProperties;
- tclscript();
- class_setwidget(cl, &widgetbehavior);
-static size_t escapeit(char *dst,size_t maxlen,const char *src)
- char *d;
- for(d = dst; *src && (d-dst) < (int)maxlen; ++src) {
- if(*src == '%')
- *(d++) = '%',*(d++) = '%';
- else
- *(d++) = *src;
- }
- *d = 0;
- return d-dst;
-void flext_base::cb_GfxProperties(flext_hdr *c, t_glist *)
- flext_base *th = thisObject(c);
- char buf[1000];
- // beginning of proc
- sys_vgui("proc pdtk_flext_dialog_%p {title} {\n",th);
- sys_vgui("pdtk_flext_dialog $title {\n");
- // add title
- t_text *x = (t_text *)c;
- FLEXT_ASSERT(x->te_binbuf);
- int argc = binbuf_getnatom(x->te_binbuf);
- t_atom *argv = binbuf_getvec(x->te_binbuf);
- PrintList(argc,argv,buf,sizeof(buf));
- sys_vgui("%s } {\n",buf);
- AtomListStatic<32> la;
- th->ListAttrib(la);
- int cnt = la.Count();
- for(int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
- const t_symbol *sym = GetSymbol(la[i]);
- // get attribute
- AttrItem *gattr = th->FindAttrib(sym,true);
- // get puttable attribute
- AttrItem *pattr = gattr?gattr->Counterpart():th->FindAttrib(sym,false);
- // get flags
- int sv;
- const AtomList *initdata;
- const AttrData *a = th->attrdata->find(sym);
-// AttrDataCont::iterator it = th->attrdata->find(sym);
-// if(it == th->attrdata->end())
- if(!a)
- sv = 0,initdata = NULL;
- else {
-// const AttrData &a = *it.data();
- if(a->IsSaved())
- sv = 2;
- else if(a->IsInit())
- sv = 1;
- else
- sv = 0;
- initdata = a->IsInitValue()?&a->GetInitValue():NULL;
- }
- // get attribute type
- int tp;
- bool list;
- switch((gattr?gattr:pattr)->argtp) {
- case a_int: tp = 0; list = false; break;
- case a_float: tp = 1; list = false; break;
- case a_bool: tp = 2; list = false; break;
- case a_symbol: tp = 3; list = true; break;
- case a_list:
- case a_LIST: tp = 4; list = true; break;
- default:
- tp = 5; list = true;
- FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
- }
- sys_vgui(const_cast<char *>(list?"%s {":"%s "),GetString(sym));
- AtomListStatic<32> lv;
- if(gattr) { // gettable attribute is present
- // Retrieve attribute value
- th->GetAttrib(sym,gattr,lv);
- char *b = buf; *b = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < lv.Count(); ++i) {
- char tmp[100];
- PrintAtom(lv[i],tmp,sizeof tmp);
- b += escapeit(b,sizeof(buf)+buf-b,tmp);
- if(i < lv.Count()-1) { *(b++) = ' '; *b = 0; }
- }
- sys_vgui("%s",buf);
- }
- else
- sys_vgui("{}");
- sys_vgui(const_cast<char *>(list?"} {":" "));
- if(pattr) {
- // if there is initialization data take this, otherwise take the current data
- const AtomList &lp = initdata?*initdata:static_cast<const AtomList &>(lv);
- char *b = buf; *b = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < lp.Count(); ++i) {
- char tmp[256];
- PrintAtom(lp[i],tmp,sizeof(tmp));
- b += escapeit(b,sizeof(buf)+buf-b,tmp);
- if(i < lp.Count()-1) { *(b++) = ' '; *b = 0; }
- }
- sys_vgui("%s",buf);
- }
- else
- sys_vgui("{}");
- sys_vgui(const_cast<char *>(list?"} %i %i %i \n":" %i %i %i \n"),tp,sv,pattr?(pattr->BothExist()?2:1):0);
- }
- sys_vgui(" } }\n"); // end of proc
- STD::sprintf(buf,"pdtk_flext_dialog_%p %%s\n",th);
- gfxstub_new((t_pd *)th->thisHdr(), th->thisHdr(),buf);
- //! \todo delete proc in TCL space
-bool flext_base::cb_AttrDialog(flext_base *th,int argc,const t_atom *argv)
- for(int i = 0; i < argc; ) {
- FLEXT_ASSERT(IsSymbol(argv[i]));
- // get name
- const t_symbol *aname = GetSymbol(argv[i]);
- i++;
- // get current value
- FLEXT_ASSERT(CanbeInt(argv[i]));
- int ccnt,coffs;
- ccnt = GetAInt(argv[i]);
- coffs = ++i;
- i += ccnt;
- // get init value
- FLEXT_ASSERT(CanbeInt(argv[i]));
- int icnt,ioffs;
- icnt = GetAInt(argv[i]);
- ioffs = ++i;
- i += icnt;
- FLEXT_ASSERT(i < argc);
- int sv = GetAInt(argv[i]);
- ++i;
- // find puttable attribute
- AttrItem *attr = th->FindAttrib(aname,false);
- if(attr) {
- bool ret = th->SetAttrib(aname,attr,ccnt,argv+coffs);
- AttrData *a = th->attrdata->find(aname);
- if(sv >= 1) {
- // if data not present create it
- if(!a) {
- AttrData *old = th->attrdata->insert(aname,a = new AttrData);
- }
- a->SetSave(sv == 2);
- a->SetInit(true);
- a->SetInitValue(icnt,argv+ioffs);
- }
- else {
- if(a) {
- // if data is present reset flags
- a->SetSave(false);
- a->SetInit(false);
- // let init data as is
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- post("%s - Attribute %s can't be set",th->thisName(),GetString(aname));
- }
- }
- return true;
-static void BinbufAdd(t_binbuf *b,const t_atom &at,bool transdoll)
- if(transdoll && at.a_type == A_DOLLAR) {
- char tbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
- sprintf(tbuf, "$%d", at.a_w.w_index);
- binbuf_addv(b,"s",flext::MakeSymbol(tbuf));
- }
- else if(transdoll && at.a_type == A_DOLLSYM) {
- char tbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
- sprintf(tbuf, "$%s", at.a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
- binbuf_addv(b,"s",flext::MakeSymbol(tbuf));
- }
- else
- binbuf_add(b,1,const_cast<t_atom *>(&at));
-void flext_base::BinbufArgs(t_binbuf *b,t_binbuf *args,bool withname,bool transdoll)
- int argc = binbuf_getnatom(args);
- t_atom *argv = binbuf_getvec(args);
- int i,cnt = CheckAttrib(argc,argv);
- // process the creation arguments
- for(i = withname?0:1; i < cnt; ++i) BinbufAdd(b,argv[i],transdoll);
-void flext_base::BinbufAttr(t_binbuf *b,bool transdoll)
- // process the attributes
- AtomListStatic<32> la,lv;
- ListAttrib(la);
- int i,cnt = la.Count();
- for(i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
- const t_symbol *sym = GetSymbol(la[i]);
- const AtomList *lref = NULL;
- AttrData *a = attrdata->find(sym);
- if(a) {
- if(a->IsInit() && a->IsInitValue()) {
- lref = &a->GetInitValue();
-#if 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // check for $-parameters
- lv = lref->Count();
- for(int j = 0; j < lref->Count(); ++j) {
- const char *s = IsSymbol((*lref)[j])?GetString((*lref)[j]):NULL;
- if(s && s[0] == '$') { // TODO: More refined checking?
- // prepend a "\"
- char tmp[256]; *tmp = '\\';
- strcpy(tmp+1,s);
- SetString(lv[j],tmp);
- }
- else
- lv[i] = (*lref)[j];
- }
- lref = &lv;
-#endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- }
-// else if(a.IsSaved()) {
- else if(a->IsSaved()) {
- AttrItem *attr = FindAttrib(sym,true);
- // attribute must be gettable (so that the data can be retrieved) and puttable (so that the data can be inited)
- if(attr && attr->BothExist()) {
- GetAttrib(sym,attr,lv);
- lref = &lv;
- }
- }
- }
- if(lref) {
- char attrname[256]; *attrname= '@';
- // store name
- strcpy(attrname+1,GetString(sym));
- binbuf_addv(b,"s",MakeSymbol(attrname));
- // store value
- for(int j = 0; j < lref->Count(); ++j) BinbufAdd(b,(*lref)[j],transdoll);
- }
- }
-//! Strip the attributes off the object command line
-void flext_base::cb_GfxVis(flext_hdr *c, t_glist *gl, int vis)
- if(!gl->gl_isgraph || gl->gl_havewindow) {
- // show object if it's not inside a GOP
- flext_base *th = thisObject(c);
- t_text *x = (t_text *)c;
- FLEXT_ASSERT(x->te_binbuf);
- t_binbuf *b = binbuf_new();
- th->BinbufArgs(b,x->te_binbuf,true,false);
- // delete old object box text
- binbuf_free(x->te_binbuf);
- // set new one
- x->te_binbuf = b;
- t_rtext *rt = glist_findrtext(gl,x);
- rtext_retext(rt);
- // now display the changed text with the normal drawing function
- text_widgetbehavior.w_visfn((t_gobj *)c,gl,vis);
- #else
- ori_vis((t_gobj *)c,gl,vis);
- #endif
- }
- // else don't show
-void flext_base::cb_GfxSelect(flext_hdr *c,t_glist *gl,int state)
- t_text *x = (t_text *)c;
- flext_base *th = thisObject(c);
- if(!gl->gl_isgraph || gl->gl_havewindow) {
- if(state || !gl->gl_editor->e_textdirty) {
- // change text only on selection
- // OR if text has _not_ been changed
- // -> since object will not be recreated we have to get rid
- // of the attribute text
- FLEXT_ASSERT(x->te_binbuf);
- t_binbuf *b = binbuf_new();
- th->BinbufArgs(b,x->te_binbuf,true,false);
- if(state) th->BinbufAttr(b,false);
- // delete old object box text
- binbuf_free(x->te_binbuf);
- // set new one
- x->te_binbuf = b;
- t_rtext *rt = glist_findrtext(gl,x);
- rtext_retext(rt);
- // fix lines
- canvas_fixlinesfor(gl,x);
- }
- // call original function
- text_widgetbehavior.w_selectfn((t_gobj *)c,gl,state);
- #else
- ori_select((t_gobj *)c,gl,state);
- #endif
- }
-void flext_base::cb_GfxSave(flext_hdr *c, t_binbuf *b)
- flext_base *th = thisObject(c);
- t_text *t = (t_text *)c;
- binbuf_addv(b, "ssiis", gensym("#X"),gensym("obj"), t->te_xpix, t->te_ypix,MakeSymbol(th->thisName()));
- // process the object arguments
- th->BinbufArgs(b,t->te_binbuf,false,true);
- // process the attributes
- th->BinbufAttr(b,true);
- // add end sign
- binbuf_addv(b, ";");
-#endif // FLEXT_SYS_PD